I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 758

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Rounded up, a total of 10 chapters are owed.

It will probably be finished soon, hhhhhh

Chapter 117 She is my woman!

it's over.

Everything about Zhu Yue is over.

The moment Alquite chose to become the Moon King, everything about Zhu Yue came to an end.

The throne changes, and everything left by the former king will be buried, and a new era will be reopened.

From the outside world, the dead disciples in military uniforms mixed with the human army began to recede like a tide.

But Shirou no longer gave these aliens a chance to survive.

On the one hand, he mobilized the soldiers of Camelot to kill the disciples, and on the other hand, he mobilized the authority of the Moon Emperor, [with display] countless monsters, biting the dead disciples.

The Dead Apostles were defeated like a mountain, most of them died in this sudden battle, only a few escaped.

But it is a pity that among the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, not a few were present, and the most important figure—the white-winged public Tevem Ottenrocher was not among them.

But it doesn't matter, after this battle, the power of the white-winged public Tevem Ottenroche was greatly reduced, Barthamelo Lorelei, who targeted him as a hunting target, would not let him go, and Elt Lu Qi will also take this opportunity to seize his power and advance to the position of Queen of the Dead Apostles.

White Wing Lord Tephm Otenroche assisted Zhu Yue, and it seemed that everything was lost.

But, only one thing, he achieved his goal.

He had launched the hunt for the last true ancestor plan, which led to Nero Kaos, the tenth ancestor of the Dead Apostles, being killed by Shirou in London.

And now, from a certain point of view, his plan to hunt the last true ancestor has succeeded.

It's just that he didn't hunt Alquite, but Alquite hunted Zhu Yue, and Ben Yue became the king of the moon.

However, his so-called plan to hunt the Last True Ancestor was probably just a cover at first, to send some message to Zhu Yue who was hiding in Alquite's body at that time.

Standing on the ground, Shirou looked at the full moon that was close at hand but far away in the sky.

He knew that there was one of his best and best friends on it.

It is also the most active, the most caring for others, and the easiest to make everyone happy, pistachio.

Shirou clutched his chest, showing a dazed look.

My heart hurts a little.

More than 1,500 years ago, when he left Britain, his heart convulsions were extremely painful, but he had long been mentally prepared.

But Alquette's departure, he was never prepared.

he knows……

He lost another person he cared about.

What eternal king, what emperor of the moon...

What perseverance, what strength, what strength...

It turned out that he was still the weak, that weak Fujimaru Shiro.

That, Shiro Fujimaru, who is powerless in the face of difficulties!

The palms gradually clenched...

The fire in his eyes was burning fiercely.

The magic power was no longer enough to support the form of the Moon Emperor, and he withdrew from the form of the Moon Emperor and returned to the state of the Eternal King.

And the shard of Zhu Yue finally disappeared with the shattering of Zhu Yue.

The Emperor of the Moon no longer exists. If one wants to manifest the Emperor of the Moon again, the next time, one must obtain the right to become the King of the Moon, Alquite.

Artoria stood beside Gray, silently watching Shirou, but had no face to speak.

Her love for Shirou is pure, but it was completely destroyed by Zhu Yue.

Although she used Morgan's unfinished potion on Shirou, it was an out-and-out fact that she chose to use the potion.

She was an unfaithful knight, and she was stripped of her status as a knight, and she had no face to stand by the king's side. This was an indisputable fact.

What she didn't know was that Shirou didn't have the face to look at her either.

He learned all the truth from Zhu Yue.

Zhu Yue drilled into his heart, took advantage of his evil thoughts, and did that kind of thing to Artoria.

The most important thing is that he punished her like that before, insulted her like that, and treated her like that.

It is really……

No face.

Why can't the all-knowing and omnipotent star and the myriad phenomena see the truth?

Isn't this a matter of course? Because Zhu Yue is an alien!

Whether it is an omniscient and omnipotent star or a myriad of phenomena, it is useless to aliens.

How should I face the king? Artoria felt dejected.

How should I face Al?

Shirou was at a loss.

At this time, a phenomenon occurred in the sky.

The vermilion moon has completely disappeared.

Instead, it is mild, soft moonlight.

But the black mist of the False God Seat has begun to completely cover the sky around the world.

The main body, which was repelled by the correction force in the gap between the world and the world, was in turmoil, and part of the seat of false gods, which was cut off by Gilgamesh, was held in the Temple of Time, where it took place with all the heroic spirits. fight.

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