I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 797

Although this consumption is nothing under the huge recovery power of [Flower of Evil], it will be reduced after all.

In order to reduce his burden, Shirou came up with a way.

He used [the evil of this world] to pollute his spiritual base.

Reverse transform itself, thereby sealing away the Noble Phantasm and most of its abilities, leaving only the [Flower of Evil] running, so as to achieve a state of rapid recovery of magic power.

And when he needs to fight, he removes the [Evil of This World] that pollutes the spirit base, and then reverses the spirit base.

And this is the way he came up with to quickly restore magic power and accumulate karma.

As for the impact...

That doesn't exist.

The so-called spiritual base pollution, the reversal of the servant, may be fatal to other servants, but to him, it has no effect at all.

Because he is the one who accepts the blessing of [Evil], and is the container of [Evil].

A man who can swim in the mud of [Evil].

[Evil] Can't pollute him.

And the alternation of the spirit foundation reversal is called the state of returning to magic by him.

As for the normal state of the spirit foundation, he called it the combat state.

After being summoned by the Holy Grail and appearing as a Servant, Shirou found his own unique way of fighting.

And this kind of fighting method, I am afraid that only he can do it in the entire Seat of Heroes.

Turn the Alter into the blue-returning form, and use the normal spirit base as the combat state... May I ask, who else can do this except him?

The so-called blackening is three times stronger, and whitewashing is three times weaker.

But this theorem is reversed for Shirou.

Alteration may be a strengthening for other servants, but for Shirou, it is an out-and-out weakening.

Normal is the peak, this is Shirou.

Shirou, who used [The Evil of This World] to reverse his spirit foundation, his silver armor turned into a jet-black armor exuding an ominous aura, even his complexion became a bit dull, and the fire in his eyes was still bright, but it gave people a kind of Cold feeling.

But in fact, Shirou is still Shirou, his temperament has not changed, and he still maintains a normal temperament, but the pollution of "the evil of this world" does give people a very bad feeling.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

To participate in the Holy Grail War, the first thing is to obtain the necessary money.

And it's not difficult.

Among Shirou's inherent abilities——[Mortal Hero], there is the [Golden Rule] copied from Gilgamesh.

As soon as he opened the [Golden Rule], he found a large mafia stronghold after walking around the street for a few laps. After taking it away, he directly bought 200 million yen from the black boss who begged for mercy.

That is about 12 million soft sister coins.

Shirou only left 100,000 soft sister coins as funds for the Holy Grail War, and the rest was distributed and sent to the family of the blood sacrificer, and paid for the medical expenses of the woman who was still alive.

He is a man with a sense of responsibility. Since he was summoned by the blood sacrifice, he somehow wants to compensate some relatives of those who were sacrificed by the blood.

In addition, he left a note to the woman, took the toy of Ultraman Seven, boarded the plane to Romania, and embarked on the journey of the Holy Grail War.



The sixth guide, Lingxia, is a prostitute

When she was young, she was a very well-bred young lady, but because her parents died in an accident, her life began to decline due to various factors, and she finally became a prostitute and was taken care of by men.

And that man is the master who summoned Shirou earlier, a magician belonging to the Thousand Realm Tree Clan——Sagara Leopard Horse.

She didn't inject any love emotion into Sagara Leopard Horse, and chose to be taken care of, but simply wanted to get money, and continued numbly in this indifferent society until the end of her life.

She always thought that she had long been numb and desperate for life, and had no motivation to live.

However, at the moment of being sacrificed by blood, disembowelled, and about to die.

Only then did she realize that she didn't want to die yet.

He was rescued and revived from the local emergency department.

While rejoicing that he is still alive, he is worried about medical expenses.

However, the doctor told her that someone had already paid for her medical expenses and left her a note.

Sixth Director Lingxia took the note and read it, the words on it made her cry.

There is only a short line of words on it.

— Strangers, may you live happily ever after.

An insignificant blessing from a stranger who had saved her.

It turns out that there is still warmth in this world.




pS: That’s it for today. good night~!

Chapter 4 Hero Calling

Boarding the plane to Bucharest, the capital of Romania, Shirou closed his eyes and meditated on the plane.

Due to appearing in the form of a Servant, the Holy Grail has endowed it with a lot of knowledge.

Most of the modern knowledge is outdated for him, but there is also some information about the Holy Grail War.

The red and black camp.

The battle between Qiqi and Qiqi.

As for him, he appeared as an Assassin of the black camp.

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