I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 951

Just a purely religious battle.

Shirou shook his head at this and ignored her.

Instead, he discussed with a few people and prepared to go to Black Fang's camp.

The leader of the black side-Lancer Vlad III is a wise monarch, but also an enlightened spirit, if you state your interests to him. With the character of Vlad III, he must be very cooperative with Chaldea and others to check the situation of the Great Holy Grail.


Adam took Spartacus to revolt first, preparing to fight against Vlad III...

I hope that Vlad III can still maintain his rationality.

Shirou sighed heavily.



It's a sunset.

Red sunset.

As if about to fall, lost life.

A city is besieged by the imperial army.

However, not even a single soldier dared to invade the city.

Everyone was terrified.

Everyone in the Ottoman Empire was terrified.

The 20,000 soldiers of the captured Ottoman Empire were stripped naked for public display, and were impaled alive on wooden stakes as long as one kilometer around the city, with sticks pierced from the mouth or buttocks everywhere.

The setting sun was slowly setting, and the sky and the earth were dark. The crows and vultures kept pecking at the dead bodies, making the surroundings filled with a strong rotten smell.

The imperial army that was still moving forward, seeing this horrific scene, was heartbroken for it, and had no will to fight and had to retreat.

The empire sent envoys to the city, and the king who wanted to defend the city surrendered.

Ottoman emissaries wore fine felt hats, a status symbol. But the guarding king wanted him to take it off.

But the messenger is not willing.

Facing the imperial envoy who was unwilling to take off his hat, the king ordered: "Since he does not want to take off his hat, let him never take it off."

So the envoy was driven into iron nails from the top of the hat on his head, and a wooden stake was pierced through his buttocks, piercing his body, and became another pillar standing outside the city.

Wang looked down at the scene.

This scene of hell.

That piece, the red-hot sunset.



pS: That’s it for today~!

Chapter 75 The King

From the fifteenth century.

Wallachia, affected by the long-term war between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, the Wallachia nobles who were caught between the two powers also split into two factions, fighting each other endlessly. The people of Wallachia lived in fear all day long, and they were in dire straits.

Vlad II, who is known as the Grand Duke of the Dragon, was deeply intervened by Hungary and Ottoman in his rule. Although Vlad II became Grand Duke with the support of the Hungarians, Hungary weakened shortly after taking power. In order to maintain his rule, Vlad II had to surrender to the Ottoman Empire and sent his two young sons to the Ottoman court as hostages.

And this, the first memory of Vlad Tepesh Dracula.

His father was forced to send him and his younger brother to the Ottoman Empire due to the oppression of power.

Vlad Tepes Dracula clearly remembered that it was a sunset. The blood-like sunlight reflected on his father's indifferent but unwilling face.

Under Vlad II's formality, he fell to the Ottomans and became a vassal state of the Ottomans.

Subsequently, the Hungarian regent Hunyadi used military pressure to force Vlad II to fall to Hungary again.

Vlad II also sent 4,000 cavalry to participate in the Battle of Varna against the Ottomans. After the defeat in the Battle of Varna, Vlad II decided to make peace with the Ottoman Sultan, but this move completely intensified his conflict with Hunyadi.

Soon, Hunyadi led an army into Wallachia, ending the rule of Vlad II. Both Vlad II and his eldest son Mircha died in the rebellion.

After the death of his father and elder brother, Vlad Tepesh Dracula, who was only 17 years old, returned to Wallachia with the help of the Ottomans and began his first rule, called Vlad III.

But the good times didn't last long. A few months later, the Hungarians made a comeback and expelled Vlad III, who was still young, from Wallachia.

After that, Vlad III fled to the Ottoman Empire and neighboring Moldavia to seek asylum and spent eight years in exile. The misfortunes of relatives and the pain of being displaced have witnessed Wallachia being invaded by two major powers, and the people are in dire straits.

Moreover, it has successively become the power of the suzerain of Wallachia, and did not treat the Wallachians as adults, and recruited people to die at will.

All these made Vlad III more painful, and also bred a strong hatred for Ottoman and Hungary, and he had an ambition.

One, the ambition to let Wallachia break free from the constraints of the two great powers and truly stand up.

After eight years of exile and the death of the mighty Hunyadi, Vlad III began his second reign in Wallachia.

However, Wallachia has been invaded by the two great powers, and even the nobles in the country have been willing to degenerate and become the ideological slaves of the two great powers.

And this has become a huge obstacle to his governance.

For this reason, Vlad III punished hundreds of local nobles who disobeyed the rule at the beginning of his reign. And began to formulate laws and strengthen the centralization of power, ending the situation of noble separatism in Wallachia.

Vlad III remembered the scene of his execution of those nobles.

A dim red sunset, sowing the light of blood.

Afterwards, he began his magnificent life.

Taking advantage of the outbreak of civil war in Hungary, he captured Moldavia and invaded Transylvania, teaching the local German immigrants a lesson.

Then he defeated Dan III, the ruler of Wallachia supported by the new Hungarian king Matthias I. He was subsequently beheaded, consolidating his authority. For a time, the 29-year-old Vlad III seemed to be the hottest ruler in Southeast Europe.

After stabilizing his authority, Vlad III began planning to get rid of the Ottoman Empire and put Wallachia on its feet. He began refusing to pay tribute to the Ottoman Empire, preparing to free Wallachia from its status as a vassal state.

And this called the vigilance of Mehmed II, the great conqueror of the Ottoman Empire.

In order to deal with Vlad III, Mehmet II sent envoys to ask Vlad III for 10,000 ducats as a tribute and asked him to send 500 Wallachian soldiers to serve in the Ottoman army. But Vlad III rejected the request and executed the Ottoman envoy.

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