I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 971

Matthew nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Then, Mr. Fujimaru, you said before that Ms. Saseiin is the Master of the Crimson Caster. Is that true?"

"It's just very possible." Shirou replied with a smile, but didn't tell Mash his previous inferences and guesses.

Hearing this, Matthew nodded with a smile, and said, "I'll help Miss Killing Academy clear up the misunderstanding."

She stepped forward, reasoned with those believers, and explained to Kiara Saseiin in an attempt to clear up the misunderstanding.

It's just a pity that explaining clearly to these fanatical believers is tantamount to explaining to the fanatics in the Cthulhu mythology, and it is useless.

Shirou shook his head and stepped forward.

As Shirou stepped forward, those fanatical believers who had been dispersed by Shirou subconsciously shuddered and took a step back. Only the newcomers were still chattering with fanaticism.

Shirou walked forward with a smile, Mash and Seshouin Kiara closed their eyes.

The next moment, Shirou punched a fanatic believer in the abdomen, causing him to take a few steps back in pain. The fanatic spirit became sober because of the pain, and asked repeatedly: "What are you doing?"

Shirou pointed to Kiara at Seshoin, and said with a gentle smile, "She's not your leader."

"She is!" said the priest.

Shirou punched him again. Seeing that Shirou was bullying their compatriots, the newcomers came forward one by one, and were knocked down one by one by Shirou, howling continuously.

Shirou turned his head to look at the believers who had come before, those believers shrank their heads, not daring to step forward or speak. Because that's how they were dispersed by Shirou before.

Shirou clapped his hands.

Matthew asked hesitantly: "Mr. Fujimaru, is this not good? They are not heroic spirits, but ordinary people."

"Then what do you think should be done?" Shirou asked with great interest.

Matthew said seriously: "Of course I explained it! It must make sense!"

Shirou patted her slender shoulder with a smile.

"What's wrong, Mr. Fujimaru?" Matthew asked.

"Being a person and doing things requires paying attention to methods. The right method is effective, and the wrong method may not be useful at all. If you explain it to fanatical believers, it is no different from playing the piano with a cow." Shirou said with a smile: "You still have a lot to learn Well, Master."

Matthew was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, and said, "I'm sorry...I'm just an immature Master..."

"Don't fall into low self-esteem so quickly. I don't hate your youthfulness." Shirou said with a smile.

At this time, a believer raised his head, stared at Kiara Sesseiin frantically, and said with grief and indignation: "Master, if you wait to die, our sect will be finished! Our world will return to darkness again. Already!"

Saiseiin Kiara said with a troubled face: "I've said it all, I'm not your leader. Don't mistake anyone again."

It's a pity that these believers didn't listen at all.

They identified Seshoin Kiara as their leader, and they all cried out sadly: "Master, if you don't take action, our sect will be wiped out!"

Another cultist cried, "A goddamn demon is destroying our holy sect! Take action!"

Saseiin Kiara was very embarrassed, but Shirou frowned.

He is quite sensitive about Seshoin Kiara's matter, not because of Seshouin Kiara, but because of the deeds of the third beast.

Shirou was concerned about this matter, and asked Kiara to go with the disciples. And he followed.

Shirou originally thought who the god-killing demon these believers were talking about, but he followed them to a village on the border of Tolifas City, and he couldn't help shaking his head when he saw that familiar person gather the believers together to preach.

It turned out that this person was Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc, who was trying to get the believers back on track, turned her head, looked at Shirou with a surprised expression, and said, "Huh? Black Assassin, why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you. Didn't you say you want to stay in Vasha City? Why did you come to Tolifas City?" Shirou asked.

"Huh? Is this the city of Tollyfas?" Joan of Arc said with a strange expression, "I thought it was in the city of Vasha."

It turns out that since Shirou and others separated from her, Joan of Arc has been catching the cult members to preach along the way, trying to get rid of them from the cult's ideological control and bathe in the light of the Lord again.

And just like that, she ran here.

Shirou really didn't know what expression to put on.

At this time, a believer pointed to Joan of Arc and said: "Don't be complacent, you demon who is trying to destroy our heaven! Our leader has arrived! Your doomsday has come!"


Joan of Arc repeated these two words, her originally very gentle eyes tightened in an instant, appearing cold, exuding a terrifying aura all over her body, completely turning into a saint warrior.

She asked, "Who?"

The believer turned his head and pointed at the killing courtyard Qihuang.

Seshoin Kiara looked confused, and then Joan looked at Seshoin Kiara with a murderous look, and asked, "You are the one who founded this cult, the Master of the black magician?"

"I'm not," Kiara Shaseiin hurriedly shook her head, she didn't understand what happened, but the murderous Joan of Arc made her frightened for a while.

"Master! How can you deny it?" A believer said in grief: "This sect, but you have worked so hard to pull it up bit by bit! No matter the wind or rain, you always pull us to praise the beautiful The world. Ah...beautiful world!"

Joan of Arc stared at Kiara Seshoin with a murderous look.

Religious Wars, No Forgiveness!

Kiara of Seshoin was about to cry, and said in a panic, "You guys are really mistaken, I am not, let alone created any sect. This is the first time I go out, my father has locked me at home before , I really haven’t created any sects.”

"Impossible!" Some believers said: "You are our leader, I will not admit my mistake!"

Jeanne turned her head to look at Kiara Saseiin again.

Saseiin Kiara was anxious in his heart, but he didn't know how to clarify.

At this time, a believer whose brains had been washed back by Joan of Arc said, "Look carefully, it really doesn't look like the leader."

"What joke are you watching? Have your eyes been stained by demons? Can't you even tell the true face of the believers?" Some believers asked.

The man sighed and said: "I have found my soul, so I remember clearly. Although this woman looks exactly like the leader, don't forget that there are a pair of big bull horns on the leader's head." Decorate!"

Hearing this, Shirou's eyes narrowed sharply, he turned his head to look at this person, and asked, "Say it again!"




pS: That's all for now, good night~!

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