I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 978


pS: That's it, I'm going to exercise~! Also, thank you for your understanding~! Wow~!

Chapter 89 One hit four!

The endless wooden stakes turned into torrential rain, like huge palms covering the sky and the sun, bombarding Shirou and the others overwhelmingly.


The successive piercing sounds were like heavy rain pouring down.

Seeing the attack from the wooden stake that covered the sky and the sun, Shirou moved forward, opened the [Infinity Sword System], took out dozens of legendary shields from it, and formed a shield wall to meet him.

Overwhelming wooden stakes were shot on it.

"Clang clang—"

There was an endless stream of metal agitation sounds.

Vlad III frowned, thinking, how many treasures does this guy have?


Hercules let out a battle roar that shook the ground. His feet shook the ground, and he rushed forward like a tank. He raised the huge stone ax high in his hand, and slammed it down toward the shield wall——

With a sound of "Boom", Hercules smashed out a big hole in the shield formed by the Legendary Shield in an instant.

Hercules roared, exuding a frenzied aura, with red eyes, and rushed towards Shirou.

That look—

too frightening!

Like Shura God of War coming from the depths of hell.

Mash gritted her teeth, overcame her psychological fear, and was about to raise her big shield to resist Hercules, but Shirou reached out and grabbed Mash by the back collar, dragging her behind her, speaking hastily Said: "Don't go head-to-head with Berserker, you can't handle it."

While talking, Shirou waved his hand, and countless [evil] mud turned into a thick mud wall and blocked Hercules.

With a bang, the thick mud wall shattered like a spider web under Hercules' berserk attack.

Shirou grabbed Mash's back collar, and used [Evil] to form ten magic propellers behind his back.

With a sound of "boom", magic power sprayed, and Shirou wanted to distance himself from Hercules.


Danger! Shirou screamed in his heart, and quickly lowered his head, only to see a flash of red light, and the arrow with strong Vulcan aura shot straight towards Shirou's head, but the moment it approached Shirou's head, the arrow As if being interfered by some force majeure, the direction suddenly changed and shot straight into the sky.

Shirou turned his head abruptly, only to see Arjuna staring at him coldly, and asked, "Do you have protection to avoid arrows?"

What responded to him was the sword rain projected by Shirou.

"Don't let him go to heaven!"

Vlad III on the horse shouted.


Saber held up the invisible holy sword in her hand, which exuded a faint brilliance, pointed the tip of the sword at Shirou, and shouted: "—the sword of victory!"

The invisible barrier that restrained the holy sword was opened, and the endless light reflected human fantasies, venting towards Shirou.

Looking at the light cannon coming directly, Mash panicked, but Shirou waved his hand calmly, and took out six swords in the stone from [Unlimited Sword System], injected magic power, and the faint brilliance flickered. The sword in the stone radiated light, then gathered into a group, and bombarded the past.

The light cannon of the Sword of Promised Victory collided with the converging light cannon of Sword in the Stone, and for an instant, even the space was slightly silent.



A thunderous sound resounded like thunder, and the intersection of the two energies formed a terrifying storm, causing the surrounding turf to be thrown up three feet high.

Afterwards, there were several clicks, and the convergent light cannon pushed back the light cannon of the Sword of Promised Victory.

The light was dazzling, reflecting Saber's surprised expression.

Naturally, Vlad III would not let Shirou succeed, he stared at Shirou with a flash of light in his eyes.

Hearing a "puchi", Shirou spat out a mouthful of blood, and a sharp wooden stake grew out of his body.

As a result of this change, the succession of the converged light cannon was powerless, and the light cannon that swore the sword of victory returned to ruins.

[Evil] surged from Shirou's body.

The powerful curse power of [Evil] was applied to the broken wooden post, and there was a "sizzling" corrosion sound immediately, which completely corroded and degraded the wooden post, and repaired Shirou's wound.

Shirou rubbed his chest, turned his head slightly, looked at Vlad III, and said, "I even forgot, your [Execution King] can be used in this way! But after that, you will never succeed!"

Shirou's body surged with [Evil], forming a pitch-black armor of [Evil] covering his whole body, and then with a wave of his hand, he took out dozens of sharp swords from the [Unlimited Sword System] and pointed towards Vlad III bombarded the past.

Vlad III looked calm, but Hercules roared and blocked Vlad III with his body as a shield.

Shirou's sword rain landed on his body, as if it had landed on the strongest steel, sending out an endless stream of "clang clang" metal surges.

Shirou frowned. The [Twelve Trials] possessed by Hercules can be immune to all attacks of level B and below, and his [Unlimited Sword System] contains replicas, although there are many types, but The quality is not high enough to break through Hercules' defenses.

At this time, Vlad III repeated his old trick and activated the "King of Death" again, in an attempt to conceptually grow a wooden stake from Shirou's body.



As soon as Vlad III activated, he was corroded by the [evil] mud in Shirou's body.

Vlad III looked surprised.

【Flower of Evil Leading to Freedom】, with its powerful curse power, can almost defend against most of the Noble Phantasms, similar to the effect of Hercules' 【Twelve Trials】.

Although along the way, the defense of the Noble Phantasm [Flower of Evil Leading to Freedom] has been pierced by many powerful beings, but it is obvious that Vlad III's [King of Executioner] is not enough.

"Repay you a gift!"

Shirou took out the death scythe and swiped it at the space in front of him.

With a "swish", the sharp sickle pierced through the space and stabbed at Vlad III.

Vlad III didn't expect Shirou to have this kind of anti-causality treasure, although he subconsciously avoided it, but he didn't notice it for a while, and was finally pierced into his right arm.

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