I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 981

With a "click", the ground cracked, Hercules was like a nail, and Shirou was like a hammer, smashing him directly into the ground.

Heracles has just been dealt with here, and Vlad III has merged more than 20,000 wooden stakes into a line. This time, he did not directly project towards the mud giant, but directly from the concept, let Wooden stakes grow from the mud giant's body.

With a sound of "Boom", countless wooden stakes exploded from the huge body of the mud giant in all directions, making the mud giant look like a hedgehog.

Moreover, these wooden stakes continued to grow in the body of the mud giant, like parasites, piercing towards Shirou who was in the brain.

Shirou separated out a large mass of [evil] mud, wrapped these stakes like macrophages, and threw them out of the body.

Vlad III frowned, isn't that okay?

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to grow a wooden stake directly from the head of the mud giant, but that's where [Evil] is most concentrated, and the concept of [King of Executioner] is completely disturbed and cannot grow.

And at this moment, Hercules roared, parted the ground with his hands, and walked out.

"It's not good..."

Jeanne watched, frowning.

She could see that the situation was extremely bad for Shirou.

Taking advantage of the privileges of the Ruler class, Joan of Arc can see at a glance that the ability parameters of Vlad III and Hercules are quite difficult heroic spirits. exists.

But at this moment, they are attacking Shirou!

And not only that, there is also Saber beside him, and the even more troublesome Arjuna is watching.

This lineup...

It's really luxurious!

It was so luxurious that she didn't even dare to think about it!

Even with the privilege of the Command Seal, she dare not imagine being an enemy of these four people!

If she was an enemy of these four people, she might be killed by one of them before even releasing Ruler's command spell privileges?

Even if it is her banner that can withstand all attacks... how many times can it withstand it?

Joan's scalp tingled.

Of course, Shirou also knew his situation.

The current him can temporarily suppress Hercules and Vlad III, but there is still Arjuna watching over him.

Fortunately, Saber was not releasing water. After firing a light cannon at the beginning to show his existence, he kept paddling.

In fact, Shirou had figured this out.

Shirou is not very familiar with Saber, but he is very familiar with Arturia.

After releasing the connection point and giving up the ultimate move of the Holy Grail, the probability of Saber attacking Shirou is very small. Especially in the case of friendship.

And Arjuna was just watching from the sidelines, not to let the water go, but because Shirou, who had already turned into a mud giant, was not easy to attack, and was waiting for Shirou's opening.

In fact, Shirou's move was still too big.

Among the four in the field, Shirou would surely win a one-on-one fight against anyone, but a one-on-four... To be honest, he really couldn't beat him.

He is like Lu Bu in front of Hulao Pass. He can win against Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, but he really can't beat Liu Guanzhang when he is attacked by Liu Guanzhang.

If he insists on playing four, he has to change to the trumpet Eternal King.

Turning his head slightly, Shirou looked at the nervous Mash holding a large shield, and took a deep breath.

In fact, he would come up with this battle this time, in addition to subduing Vlad III and others, and crusade against the red side. In addition, it is to force out Mash's Noble Phantasm!

No one knows King Galahad better than him, except King Galahad himself.

He could see that King Galahad had no restrictions on his own spiritual foundation at all, and the treasure can be used normally. However, Mash seems to be unable to release the treasure for some reason.

Shirou originally wanted to let Mash untie it by himself, but there may be beasts in this connection point, so King Galahad's super powerful treasure shield is indispensable.

Shirou has used the records of King Galahad, so he knows how buggy King Galahad's shield is!

If Avalon is the golden hourglass guarded by invincibility, then the shield of King Galahad is an anti-armor that rebounds both magic and physics! And the rebound rate is 100%!

In the original world line, Galahad's Noble Phantasm is a city wall, which can withstand as strong an attack as the heart is strong, that is, the ideal shield. And King Galahad's treasure is the ideal shield plus shield counter!

Theoretically, as long as King Galahad can withstand the blow of Demon King Getia, he can directly bounce back the attack of Demon King Getia!

That's why he set up a plan to force out Mash's potential and release the treasure.

Of course, the most important thing is that if Matthew can't use the treasure, he can't beat the siege of B-rank Hercules, Vlad III in Romania, and Arjuna.

In fact, facing the siege of these three people, in the huge Heroic Seat, who would dare to pat their chests and say that they can win?

Of course, Shirou in the state of the Eternal King should be filmed!

But Shirou, who is only in the state of "Fujimaru Shirou" now, is indeed not an opponent.

It's up to you, Master!

Shirou thought.

Shirou had calculated everything correctly, but at this time, an accident occurred.

Shirou had figured it out, Saber, who was supposed to be paddling, charged forward with the invisible holy sword.

She directly blasted through the chest of the mud giant with a light cannon, and stepped forward.

Shirou was stunned for a moment, then slapped his head, Saber is not her Arturia after all.

Using Altria to calculate Saber, you will suffer a loss after all!

Saber stepped onto the body of the clay giant.

The body of the Mud Giant is mud, but Saber has the protection of the Maiden of the Lake, and walks on it like flat ground.

Although compared with Arjuna, she was indeed inferior, but she was by no means mediocre, and the black hands of [evil] along the road were cut off one by one by her, and went straight to the head of the mud giant.

Just as Shirou was about to move, Mash gritted his teeth and rushed out.

Saber rushed to the shoulder of the mud giant, and Mash rushed out from the head, and smashed the shield in his hand towards Saber fiercely!

Seeing this, Saber swung his sword horizontally.

The shield and the holy sword collided, and there was a "clang" sound of metal stirring.

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