I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 991

Shirou assigned each of the Heroic Spirits their own missions.

Among them, Karna's crusade mission was naturally taken away by Arjuna unceremoniously.

On this point, neither Shirou, Vlad III, nor anyone else has any objections.

Because Astolfo, who just said something casually, was shot three times in the ass by Arjuna, and he is still crying.

Arjuna won the task of crusade against Karna, he was both excited and excited, and the rest was full of fighting spirit.

Winning the duel with Karna was actually his long-cherished wish.

If Karna is the "hero of charity", Arjuna is the "hero bestowed by God".

Born as the son of King Julu, he is the third of the five brothers of Pandava, and he is also the biological son of Indra, the god of thunder. He is an impeccable hero in all aspects of his talent, personality, but was exiled by the kingdom because his elder brother lost in gambling. Since then, he had a premonition that his confrontation with Karna was inevitable.

In fact, when Arjuna saw Karna for the first time, he shuddered like seeing himself in a mirror, and was extremely afraid of his tone of voice that seemed to see through everything.

Arjuna's thinking is very mature, and he is a very stable hero.

He loved his brother and was loved by his brother. Love your parents, and be loved by your parents. Love the people, and be loved by the people.

However, he is very clear that there is a self in his heart who is watching all this coldly.

And that "he" is almost exactly the same as Karna.

When did the determination "Karna must be killed" be made?

Arjuna knew in his heart, maybe, that was the time when we first met.

This is not the fate finalized by the gods, but Arjuna's pure hostility. Because he rejected the self in his heart who was exactly the same as Karna.

It is precisely because of this that Arjuna and Karna had a fateful confrontation.

Arjuna won that battle, but it was a disgraceful victory.

His father Indra, the god of thunder, tricked Karna into taking away the golden armor he was born with, and the gods also cursed Karna so that he would not be able to remember the true name of the weapon.

Even so, he still participated in the fateful decisive battle with Arjuna.

Karna's natural armor was stripped, and he was already extremely weak, but because of the curse, Karna's chariot sank into the ground, and because of the curse, Karna couldn't remember the real name of the weapon.

Even though the battle had stipulated [do not attack people who are unable to fight] before the battle started, that battle was not a fair duel.

Arjuna shouldn't have shot the arrow at Karna who was stuck in the mud, but under the guidance of Hetian, who had turned into a coachman, he shot the arrow, killed Karna, and won the duel.

But it wasn't a duel, it was just a murder.

And the gods would have murdered Karna in such a way, I am afraid that they have long believed that he——Arjuna is not Karna's opponent.

Afraid that he would die at the hands of Karna.

For soldiers, this is really a supreme insult!

An insult to tear all his pride off and throw it on the ground!

So, no matter what, Arjuna will have a real fight with Karna!

And this is Arjuna's long-cherished wish to respond to the Holy Grail.

As the critical moment approached, Arjuna took his divine bow and adjusted it on the plain outside the castle of Thousand Boundary Tree.

This is a weapon made by God, a divine weapon bestowed by Shiva, the god of destruction and creation. It didn't need to be adjusted like a normal soldier, but facing Karna, Arjuna wanted to show his full power.

What needs to be adjusted is not only the divine bow, but also his own state and mentality!

When Shirou walked up to him, Arjuna was sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, as if practicing yoga.

"Are you nervous?" Shirou asked incredulously.

Arjuna didn't open his eyes, but said calmly: "No. Apart from a peaceful state of mind, I only have fighting spirit in my heart."

Shirou said with a smile: "You can see the fighting spirit and peace, but I can't see it."

Arjuna opened his eyes and looked at him with a frown, his eyes were sharp, and he seemed a little annoyed.

Shirou looked at him with a smile, and gradually, Arjuna's gaze became less sharp, and he said, "Indeed, I'm a little nervous."

Shirou smiled and said, "Finally, you're being honest, Arjuna. Facing an enemy like Karna, I'm afraid no one will be nervous, right? What's more, he is your old enemy."

Arjuna said: "I will defeat him with my own hands! Not because he is my old enemy, but because he is my opponent, and I am a fighter!"

Shirou nodded.

"What about you, Assassin? How is your condition? If [the beast] really exists, you are the real main force." Arjuna said.

"Me..." Shirou glanced at [The Awakening of Mortal Nature], and said with a smile, "The condition is excellent."

Arjuna said, "That Mordred came after you, Assassin?"

Hearing this, Shirou nodded with a wry smile.

"Let's do it for ourselves."

After Arjuna finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, as if he didn't want to communicate more with Shirou.

Shirou shrugged, stood up straight, turned around, and was about to leave, but at the moment he stepped forward, he suddenly turned his head to look at Arjuna, and said, "Actually, I have been wanting to say that before that crusade against falsehood During the battle on the Seat of Gods, you cooperated well with Karna. How do you think about Karna in your heart?"

Shirou left a question, but left without getting an answer.

It seems that he just wants to leave questions, but he doesn't want answers.

However, Arjuna already had the answer in his heart.

What exactly did he think of Karna?

Needless to say, his determination to kill Karna is not the fate drawn by the gods, but his own hostility.

Because seeing Karna, he saw another self.

He and Karna are half-brothers who are destined to be mortal enemies.


It's just... maybe there was such a short thought in my heart.

One day, it would be nice to be able to use other words to describe him.

Arjuna closed his eyes tightly, trying to calm down the turmoil caused by Shirou in his heart.

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