I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 18 The Sea Of ​​Stunning Scenery, The Giant Turtle

In ancient taboo legends, there has always been the shadow of the cave eye of Jukuzhou.

Although Li Yongjin, came to this world for a short time.

But he had, too.

in the legend.

The cave eyes of Jukuzhou are the most representative of Misty Continent.

Its characteristic is just two words: Misty!

Very erratic and extremely hard to find.

Only the legendary Son of Destiny can correctly locate the hole.

Because every time you find the cultivator in the cave eye, you have successfully ascended to the upper realm.

Therefore, the eye of the cave is also known as the eye of ascension.

And in history, through this eye of ascension, one can successfully ascend to the legendary mysterious heaven.

Without exception.

All were recorded in the annals of history and became a grain of sand in the long river of time.

However, even if it is just a dust of the times.

Once enlarged to the individual, it is an insurmountable mountain!

And the strong man who once suppressed an era,

Even if they didn't do well in the upper realm, when they come down, they are all Devas that mortal cultivators can't imagine!

But now, he just stumbled in by mistake.

For a while, Li Yongjin was a little helpless.

Or, he pretended nothing happened and just walked out?


Soaring directly in the daytime, it is really tempting to change the dungeon.

I'm a little impulsive.

Then, with great excitement.

Li Yongjin decisively chose "No"!

He is a principled person, he doesn't want things that are too easy!

What others don't want, he doesn't want either!

We are going to get the more difficult and more challenging ones.

Moreover, the mere soaring is really not too attractive to him.

In his eyes, ascension is as long as it has hands.

Just wait until the life span is almost enough.

Just find one of the strongest half-ascensioners in the world and just fight.

He's immortal anyway.

this one?

Of course, more importantly, he still has a lot of things to do.

Naturally, the promise just made cannot be broken.

Everything the Master wants, I, as an apprentice, will naturally get it back.

the most important is,

He is lazy!

have to say.

And when Li Yongjin, recovered and was alone.

His innate lazy and sloppy temperament suddenly came up again.


Just when Li Yongjin was going to cover his own eyes, when he didn't know anything.

In the depths of the cave ahead, there was the sound of rushing water.

Hey, is there water?

Now, Li Yongjin is not in a hurry to go out.

He wants to see, what is the name of this place?

Anyway, it's all here, and I'm not in a hurry for this moment.

And if you can thoroughly understand the secrets here, it will also be of great help to leveling the Devil's Cave.

After arriving here, the Black Tortoise pattern on his chest let out a faint roar.

And the Cultivation Base, the peak of the Gold Core period, which has not been moved for a long time, has also begun to loosen slightly.

If he stays here for three to five years, Li Yongjin is 90% sure that he can break through.

If this speed of cultivation is spread, it is estimated that a large number of people will be scared to death.

After all, this is Gold Core after all.

Not Qi Refining, nor Foundation Establishment.

In order to breakthrough to Nascent Soul, in addition to a lot of effort, talent and perception are indispensable.

But what about Li Yongjin?

Put salted fish all day long, and experience the life of the world from time to time.

Completely disregarding cultivation.

But maybe this is life.

The more you don't want to do something, the easier it is to achieve it.

The next moment, Li Yongjin went through the endless Restrictions entrance and came to the inside of the formation.

Originally thought that the Restrictions formation outside was so magical that it must take a lot of work.

Not so.

He just felt a little resistance, like walking on a piece of water.

I saw a wave of ripples on the surface of the magic circle, and then he entered it.

After entering, there is a world of wonder.

In front of him was actually a sea.

A piece of... Forbidden Sea.

In front of you is a gray-black sand beach and a dead black sea.

The boundless sea was surging.

The eternal and endless dead air rushed towards his face, giving Li Yongjin a kind of peerless loneliness and dead silence.

It is extremely quiet here, without any trace of living things.

at the same time.

There was also an inexplicable smell that made him almost nauseous.

Here is an absolute place of death!

After entering it.

Then there was an exaggeratedly powerful Restriction force pressing down, sealing off the entire sky.


The golden light under Li Yongjin's feet shattered.

He fell from mid-air immediately, and there was no pain in his body.

Grinning his teeth in pain.

"Damn, forbidden space?"

"In this place where Spiritual Qi is extremely strong, how can there be such a Jedi?"

Li Yongjin has very little experience, and he can't understand the scene in front of him.

Although he clearly ignored the seal, he was still affected by Restrictions.

As the center of the Eye of Ascension, this place is completely different from the paradise he imagined.

Moreover, the sea water in front of him gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Even just looking at it gave him a little fear of the deep sea.

What is there in the sea?

Before coming here, Li Yongjin didn't know much about the dangers of the practice world.

He didn't understand until today.

In this world, there are indeed many things that he cannot understand!

Just when Li Yongjin was hesitating, the sea surged up in an uproar.

Brought up a burst of black waves.

In the center of the sea surface, a black vortex was created.

Come like a thunderbolt, stop the wrath, stop like Jiang Hai condenses the light.

The monstrous waves in front of me came in an instant and left in an instant.


Li Yongjin saw it, the most surprising scene in his life!

A giant black tortoise as huge as a small island came riding the waves!

"The predestined person..."

"I knew you would definitely come... You, finally came!"

"I've been here, waiting for you for a long, long time!"

The giant tortoise slapped the surface of the sea, even uttering words.

It spread its claws, blocking the entire sea level.

"Come on, let's go!"

The giant tortoise was so excited that it was spinning on the sea surface...

Start dancing.

"Don't hesitate, don't you want to know the truth of all this?"

"Let's go, let's go, I'll take you to find the truth."

At the same time, it keeps showing off and flaunting its head.

He tried his best to get Li Yongjin up, onto its back.

Seeing such a weird scene, Li Yongjin just felt like own...

The san value is crazy!

An indescribable coolness rushed directly from the heel to the Tianling Gai.

I drop a tortoise.

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