Coming out of the Devil's Cave, Li Yongjin wanted to head towards the cave's eye again.

He immediately ordered to go, like a knight about to go out.


The knight rides not a horse, but a turtle.

However, Ding Cangtian was at a loss for this order.

It gave him a blank look: "After you come out from there, don't think about finding it again."

Turtle said.

The position of the cave eyes is not fixed and may change anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, it is possible to appear in any position.

According to legend, only the son of fortune who is protected by Heavenly Dao can find it.

Otherwise, why is it difficult for one to appear in tens of thousands of years?

Li Yongjin nodded, believing it.

But he really needs to find the hole, and also needs to go to the Minor World below to practice.

Only through the polishing and experience of his state of mind can he make a change.

Then, actually find your own way.

Only by using Taoism to the extreme can one leave a name on the stele.

Teenagers are always like this.

The heart will not die until the Yellow River.

Li Yongjin wanted to try it out, but Ding Cangtian let him.

Anyway, this boy is already the incarnation of Tao in his heart.

There must be a reason for everything he does.

It is estimated that it is very simple to realize the Tao again.


Jukuzhou, the eye of ascension.

Before the Great Sea Seal Restrictions, Li Yongjin and Xuan Gui stared at each other.

"Say yes, don't try to find it again?"

"You're a fool, I knew you were unreliable."

His fist was hardened, and he was about to hit.

The black turtle retracted its head and limbs immediately, and a tortoise with its head retracted came to defend Dafa.

Hey, I like to see you want to hit me.

But it can't hit me.

Facts have proved that the quasi-immortal method is true and it is a heifer standing on his head-the cow has gone to heaven.

What's more, it's such an incomparably precious technique of luck!

It is not an exaggeration to call it a fairy method.

Under his use of "The Art of Ethereal Luck", combined with his piercing observation of Qi.

The originally illusory cave eyes are as obvious as torches in the dark night.

It's easy to find.

Such a behavior of opening and hanging is equivalent to Li Yongjin opening the navigation.

Go as you want, go as you want.

Coming here again, Ding Cangtian's seductive voice sounded like a magic voice.

"Boss, to be honest..."

"If I were you, I would seize the opportunity to ascend directly."

"Why do you think so much about things in the lower realm?"


It is said that seeking immortality to prove the Tao, cultivating immortality to seek longevity.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, it doesn't understand why Li Yongjin doesn't seem to like it very much.

in its view.

All the troublesome things in the lower realm, after ascension, will all disappear in smoke.

Because since ancient times, immortals and mortals have been separated, and mortals can't disturb the upper part no matter what.

Ascension is equivalent to cutting off all worries.

From then on, like a fairy, free and easy.

Isn't it bad?

However, Li Yongjin shook his head:

"Actually, I'm a very lazy person."

"But you don't understand, there are some things you have to do..."

He looked at the hole in front of him, and suddenly said softly: "Because you bear the expectations and attention of many people."

Some people, whose life is bleak, completely illuminate another person;

For some people, her years passed away, but another person was completely awakened.

The light on their bodies has not disappeared.

Instead, stay in someone else's body.

These things are the biggest reasons why Li Yongjin gradually overcomes laziness and poor performance, and starts to change!

He himself felt that he should have made progress.

And it's all thanks to them.

Thank you to those who... in the life of own, strive to leave a strong and colorful person.


Misty Continent, Juku Island.

The selection of candidates for the Jingcai stele brought together the originally small Jukuzhou.

Shengru Academy, Zhulu Daozong, Bodhi Buddhism, Cangtian Jianzong, Xiaoyao Xianzong...

for a while.

Almost the top forces in Misty Continent all focused their attention on this place.

Because, there is a surprise to be born!

All the bosses couldn't help asking questions:

Which family's old monster is this, releasing the own baby disciple?

After all, each faction will only have one or two of these amazing talents in tens of thousands of years.

Every family is regarded as the darling, the jewel in the palm.

If there are no special circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to let them run around.

Not to mention, going to Jukuzhou to do things.

After all, once one is folded, it is very likely that the entire Sect will never recover.

So, in those days when Wang Mo shocked the talent list.

Many spies from the top forces arrived as quickly as possible.

Recently, they locked another disciple who entered and exited the forbidden area.

Strange to say, the recent Green Mountain Sect seems to be open.

It's just that Xuan Jiuzhou is a mid-level sect with little reputation.

Since there was such a little light in ancient times, there has been no sound for a long time.

But recently.

They unexpectedly produced two geniuses who could shock the talent list.

This shows that there is a large amount of luck gathered in Xuan Jiuzhou.

There Power speculates, quite possibly.

The key to the opening of the next golden world lies in the Qingshan Sect!

Regarding this great world dispute, one step at a time is one step at a time.

And not long after Li Yongjin set off, there were quite a few little tails behind him.

Everyone wants to know, what is this kid going to do next?

These big forces will own their traces and hide them extremely deeply.

Dingcangtian's perception alone cannot sense their existence.

In this way, they followed all the way.

Unexpectedly, by mistake, he also broke into the hole.

When they found the hole, everyone was numb.

The legendary Eye of Ascension, just displayed in front of their eyes?

At this moment, everyone went crazy.

The entire Misty Continent is completely boiling.

The opportunity for ascension is right in front of you!

Let me ask, who wouldn't be moved by this?

Soon, the true pride of heaven moved.

They received orders from their Sect ancestors, and rushed to the Eye of Ascension as quickly as possible.

Before the cave's eyes are touched by others, try to get as much chance as possible to ascend.

So far, Jukuzhou has become extremely lively.

Countless sects in the continent sensed this situation, and one by one told their disciples not to go out if they had nothing to do.

What should be done, should be done.

If you don't have good eyesight, you will offend a certain big brother disciple who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

That is really a disaster!

beyond the sea.

A group of peerless geniuses gathered together.

When they saw each other, they both nodded and greeted lightly.

They're all old acquaintances, and it's not like they haven't met each other before.

No one will be surprised by their arrival.

However, there are so many people at the scene.

There is only one opportunity to ascend!

Who can really have the last laugh?

Suddenly, I don't know who exclaimed.

"By the way, what about the guys from the Green Mountain Sect?"

"Yeah, where did he go?"

"He can't be...has he already gone in?"

"Damn it, it is said that the Eye of Ascension is extremely picky, is he really the only protagonist of destiny?"

"This is impossible. Even the chosen ones have to break through the ninety-nine Restrictions formations before they can ascend to the Dao."

"Yeah, every Restriction takes a lot of effort, how could he be so fast?"

"It's over, we're still late."

"Don't worry, I'll see the situation first."


They talked a lot, and they were no different from ordinary people in the secular world.

It's all chattering and noisy.

The cave eye is three thousand miles away.

Small heavy mountain top.

A young man with a dusty temperament is lying leisurely in a rocking chair.

Like a grandfather who went downstairs to enjoy the shade, he was extremely peaceful.

Between his brows, a small golden sword was engraved.

Under the sunlight, the golden sword shone with a breathtaking cold light.

He embraced the endless golden light above Nine Heavens, illuminating his face as noble as a banished fairy in the sky.

"My lord, they're all here."

A child put away the binoculars, and held the sword on his back respectfully in the palm of his hand again.

In the palm of his hand, there are endless Sword Qi cutting continuously, eroding every inch of the child's immature skin.

This is the young man's sword servant, an old monster who has been rejuvenated.

The old monster was willing to use himself as a scabbard to help the young man raise his sword.

The noble status of young people can be seen.

"Okay Uncle Huang, I'm sorry to trouble you."

The young man smiled faintly and stood up slowly: "Look at the snow scene here, how wonderful it is."

"Do you have the feeling that you will be Ling Jue?"

The child lowered his head, not daring to speak.

in youth.

He could clearly feel the Sword intent of destruction enough to open the sky with a single sword.

"My lord, it's time to go!"

After the young man admired it for a long time, the child dared to gently remind him.

"No hurry, no hurry."

The young man waved his hand and said with a smile: "Let's appreciate it a little longer, I'm afraid I won't have the chance in the future."



After a while.

The child urged: "My lord, if it's too late, this fight will really end."


The young man laughed and said, "Why do I feel that... it's just the beginning?"

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