I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 46 Yuanhui And Centennial

When Li Yongjin woke up again, he was already outside Minor World.

This time, he knew everything about the process.

It is completely already, and I am familiar with the road.

After returning, he fell into a long silence.

Last time, he was in the mood to communicate with himself a little bit.

But this time, affected by the loss of his soul, he didn't want to talk anymore.

In short, it is eo.

No wonder Ding Cangtian said before that mind training in Minor World must not be too frequent.

To prevent those who practice Taoism from being completely trapped in the world of mortals will be detrimental to Dao heart.

Because once you are expelled from the Minor World, it is generally impossible to go back.

There are countless Minor Worlds in Jue Hai, who can find the same one here?

Like a shell in the deep sea, a grain of sand in the beach.

Once you throw it in the ocean, it's almost impossible to get it back.

After all, all shells in the ocean look alike.

Minor World is more similar than shells,

If you don't enter it, no one will know what is going on inside.

"Hoo hoo..."

After taking a long breath, Li Yongjin frowned.


He finally noticed the movement outside.

"Good guy, who is decorating outside?"

He didn't expect that he would hide here.

Still can't escape the noise?

But when he came back to his senses, he understood.


Dozens of Restrictions in the Eye of Ascension are breaking apart at a slow speed.

And beyond the sea, there was a Sword intent that made his hairs stand on end, and it was still condensing.

Inside the body, Li Yongjin's natural force was stirring.

It turned out that they wanted to forcibly mobilize this side's Juehai Xiaotiandi to suppress the offender who didn't know what to say outside!

Fortunately, in the end, his reason prevailed.

Li Yongjin closed his eyes again without any movement.

Forget it, let's wait until that guy comes in.

Whether the other party can come in is not certain.

Now his lifespan has broken through a million years, and he was directly synthesized into a unitary society by the system.

Facing all the powerful players in Realm, he has the confidence to fight to the death!

[Host remaining lifespan: 1 Yuanhui (million years)]

[Yuanhui life reward is being activated, the current progress is 3%]

[Please note that this reward is a special reward, and it is estimated that it will take a hundred years to activate successfully. 】


In Minor World, Li Yongjin did not notice the rewards distributed by the system.

He didn't notice this until he came out.

However, this time the reward is rather special.

It actually takes a hundred years to activate, and it is only 3% activated at present.

According to previous experience.

The reward of one yuan this time will definitely be unprecedentedly rich.

After all, it has already been distributed to [Quasi-Immortal Method] and [Tao Method].

Anyway, it's a brand new unit of measurement, so the rewards can't be worse than this, right?

"However, the concept of Yuanhui is really outrageous."

Li Yongjin looked at the Yiyuanhui in the template and wondered if he was not considered a human anymore?

Yuanhui, that is the chronological unit in myths and legends.

Only the immortals in the legends have the longevity of such units.

And the legendary Supreme Power, Closed Door Training time is calculated in yuan.

In short, the unit is ridiculously old.

In the previous life, the entire human history was only a few million years old, right?

Calculated, it is estimated that it will only look like a few yuan.

According to this data, he can almost live from the early stage of human civilization to the middle stage of civilization.

"Boss, are you awake?"

Feeling the movement on his back, Ding Cangtian slowly twisted his neck.

Li Yongjin nodded: "Well, I'm awake, what's going on outside? It's so noisy!"

"I don't know either, I've been screamed to death a long time ago."

"Hiding here and not letting you sleep, just tear it down like a dead dog!"

Ding Cangtian immediately cursed: "Damn it, don't let the labor management catch that kid. When the labor management catches him, the labor management will give him a set of A to pick him up..."

With that said, it started dancing.

Juehai suddenly boiled, the barnacles on his back and the garden were shaking.

Li Yongjin patted it on the back, and said softly:

"Forget it, Brother Turtle."

"Oh no, what the hell are you pulling up?"

Li Yongjin felt a little familiar for no reason.

Is there something messed in?

Ding Cangtian laughed awkwardly when he heard the words:

"I don't know what it means, I just saw it in your Shouhai last time..."

"I felt some of your memories [imprints], and inexplicably learned some novel vocabulary without a teacher."

Turtle, do you still have such supernatural powers?

Mind reading, right?

Li Yongjin was stunned.

It seems that besides eating and sleeping, the tortoise still has some uses.

"Very well, it seems that you are playing something very new."

Li Yongjin smiled half-smile, no longer grasping at this point.


"I have a sword, which can prove ascension!"

"I have a sword, which can prove ascension!"

"I have a sword."


At this moment, Ye Jianshen's handsome shout finally came in.

With a sound of the sword, he directly shuttled through the many restrictions, allowing his pretended words to penetrate into the hearts of the people.

"Boss, I can't take it anymore!"

Ding Cangtian let out a low growl, and his body immediately swelled up: "You let him in, let me kill him!"

Too much to drink, really too much to drink!

As a dignified tortoise, Dingcangtian does not allow anyone to play wild on its chassis like this.

That's right, it's been here for tens of thousands of years.

Dingcangtian has already regarded Juehai as his own.

Moreover, the sea is absolutely forbidden to the sky, and the center can even seal off most of the cultivator's Magic power.

Such a Jedi, let alone a cultivator who has not yet ascended from the lower realms.

Even if it is an immortal from the upper realm who comes and shouts that the gods have come down to earth.

Under the suppression of the will and rules of this world, Ding Cangtian dared to challenge the opponent!

After all, it's been here for so long.

Already adapted, most of the rules here.

On the turtle shell, the imprint of birth makes it able to withstand most of the suppression of the extreme sea.

in other words.

Dingcangtian is in the center of Juehai, almost invincible!

Li Yongjin is supporting the forehead.

Now, he didn't want to stop Guigui anymore.

Because to be honest, he also wanted to beat the cup boy outside to death!

You have a sword, can you prove to ascend?

Why are you pretending like this.

If you are really that capable, then you have the power not to rely on the Eye of Ascension.

On the one hand, we need to borrow strength, and on the other hand, we must pretend.

Good guy, you've already finished pretending, right?

For this kind of honest guy, Li Yongjin is 10,000 contemptuous.

Anyway, for this kind of soaring opportunity picked up, he doesn't want to give it away for nothing.

Not at all challenging.

"Forget it, it's giving me a headache."

Li Yongjin waved his hand, and a surge of awe-inspiring power surged up.

Instantly cut off all sounds from the outside world.

Now, the world is quiet.

He sat down cross-legged: "I feel that I still have a little room for improvement, and I am almost able to master the Taoism naturally!"

Now Taoism can control the power of heaven and earth.

Then Dacheng Realm's Taoism is natural, wouldn't it take off directly?

He is looking forward to it.

"Tuigui, I agree."

"When he comes in, you'll beat him to death!"

After confessing, Li Yongjin fell into nature again.


Ding Cangtian smiled and directly entered the battle mode!

It began to have black spikes all over its body, and its body began to be covered with scales one after another.

I, Ding Cangtian,

Born to fight!

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