I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 50 After This Sword, There Is No More Sword God

At this moment, in a deep pit.

The embarrassed Ye Jianlai's eyes were about to burst, and he was furious.

This is the most embarrassing time in his Samsara history, bar none!

It never occurred to him that he was invincible and undefeated in his life.

In the end, before he was about to soar, he was slapped into the dirt by a fledgling kid?

This is a great shame, and something he can't accept no matter what!

Rage, unearthly rage consumed him.

He doesn't care how Li Yongjin did it, but today...

This kid must die!

Everyone present will die.

Only the dead can keep secrets.

Otherwise, even if he ascends, he will be laughed to death by everyone in the lower realm.

Then, be crucified forever on the pillar of shame of the most miserable ascender!

Feeling Ye Jianlai's condensed killing intent, as well as his ever-increasing aura.

Everyone's complexion changed one after another, and they all thought it was bad.

According to Ye Jianlai's paranoid character,

Except for Mr. Zhang and those Jue Dian, the people present may not be able to please them!

"Damn, he wants to kill, run!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Stop talking, let's go."


Everyone was flustered, and their hearts were numb.

Mr. Zhang sighed and waved to the little beggar in the sky.

A portal appeared, and the little beggar returned to the ground in an instant.

"Hmph, want to go?"

Ye Jianlai roared angrily: "It's too late, everyone must die!"

At this moment, his eyes instantly became scarlet, blood and tears even leaked from the eye sockets.

The whole person stepped forward with the sword, soaring into the sky again, wanting to cast the Golden Sword of Eternal Times.

As a result, it rushed into the air, and was suddenly suppressed by a mighty force from heaven and earth.

This time, the force was even greater and the pressure was even harder!

Countless bloodshot marks appeared on Ye Jianlai's body.

There was no pain anywhere in his body, and he grinned his teeth immediately, and his breathing became heavy.

"Hey, spit!"

He spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, and laughed out loud: "Daddy really can't believe it, your Realm is absolutely fake!"

As he said that, he burned the Blood Essence all over his body.

The golden sword between the eyebrows began to glow brilliantly.

this moment.

He actually wanted to forcibly mobilize all the Magic power of the half step feather, breaking through the Taoist Restrictions laid down by Li Yongjin.

Unfortunately, everything is in vain.

Under the suppression of Li Yongjin's Daoism, the emphasis is on one sentence:

He is strong and he is strong, and the breeze blows the hills.

The power of heaven and earth, as long as it is still between heaven and earth.

With the help of Taoism, it is endless.

Yes, not nearly endless.

Rather, true hentai!

Don't say that Ye Jianlai's Cultivation Base Realm was borrowed.

Even if it is not borrowed, this world can be ruthlessly suppressed!

This is it.

Heavenly Dao is ruthless!

Later, Ye Jianlai found out in despair.

Originally, he was invincible and invincible with his sword power, but he also admitted his intimidation.

As for a swordsman, if he even takes his own sword.

Then he is completely defeated.

Yes, he lost.

Ye Jianlai was sitting slumped on the ground at this moment, lowering his head and grinning grinningly.

It is no longer the previous Transcendent and refined, but disheveled and extremely embarrassing.

He lost because he was too arrogant.

Too defiant.

But who can't think of such a little guy who only has the Nascent Soul realm.

It was able to become a feather in half step, reaching the sky in one step!

Throughout the ages, this has never happened.

"Sword God."

After a long time, Li Yongjin turned around leisurely: "The power that does not belong to you is not yours after all."

"Let's go away..."

He waved his sleeves, and suddenly there was an awe-inspiring and unreasonable force.

He even began to deprive Ye Jianlai of the Cultivation Base that did not belong to him.

"Oh no……"

Ye Jianlai danced and danced, screaming: "What kind of monster are you? Daddy just wants to soar, who's in the way?"

No matter how he shouted, the Cultivation Base Realm was still falling.



Integrated Union...

In the end, returning to his original Realm, he stabilized completely.

Seeing this, Ye Jianlai finally calmed down.

The dream is broken, and it's time to return to reality.

He sat slumped on the ground, staring blankly at the dazzling young man in the sky, taking away the light that originally belonged to him!

"You keep talking big, but it sounds high-sounding."

He disdainfully said, "You said that my power doesn't belong to me, what about you?"

"The strength of your breath is exactly the same as mine. Do you dare to say that your power really belongs to you?"

Even if I lose, I will disgust you to death!

This is Ye Jianlai's personality.

Every penny must be compared, and every grudge must be avenged!

He is not a gentleman, but a real villain with his own principles.

Even if you can't beat you, you have to have a mouthful.

"Yes, you are right!"

Li Yongjin nodded and sighed: "I will also return it, this power does not belong to me. But before that, I have a sword, and I want to ask the sword god to inspect it!"

His words stunned everyone below.

The development of the plot is more and more beyond their expectations.

According to common sense, Li Yongjin, as the winner,

Shouldn't it completely devour all the Blazing Sea Spiritual Qi, and then fly away with three laughs?

Why does it look like he doesn't want to ascend?

Could it be that there is no turning point in the development of the story?

Without waiting for Ye Jianlai to take over, Li Yongjin continued:

"Look, I only have one sword. After this sword, please don't ask any more questions about whether you deserve a sword or not. I'm really tired!"

After finishing speaking, he turned back to the direction of the Green Mountain Sect.

This sword.

It originated from Qingshan sect, passed on from Wang Mo of Deadwood Peak, and from senior sister Zhou Suzhen.

After this sword, he decided not to use the sword again.

So this sword is for them to see.

After this sword, there will be no sword in the world!

"Sword...——╋════════════?——————— Come!"


After this sound, there was no abnormal phenomenon.

He was not as domineering as Ye Jianlai, who commanded Wan Jian with a single sound of the sword.

There is no momentum or coercion.

Even, nothing happened.

Li Yongjin just closed his eyes, and started to pull out the ordinary fist from his waist...

Mahogany sword?

In the quagmire, Ye Jianlai's eyes widened and he held his own breath.

For some reason, he looked forward to this sword very much, and was also very afraid of this sword.

Because from Li Yongjin's back, he felt the real Taoist atmosphere.

he knows.

After this sword passes, I am afraid that there will be no more sword gods in the world!

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