I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 55 Falling Brocade And Falling Flowers

Li Yongjin took a mouse and a tortoise for a long trip.

In order to find out, a bold guess in his heart.

He decided to go on this trip.

On the Sect side, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Then don't go back for now.

Ding Cangtian is very excited about traveling.

As a fighting turtle, Ding Cangtian believes that his mission should be to fight.

Instead of being lethargic all day, or being someone's mount.

But how to fight?

It is natural to go out for a walk more, of course to travel thousands of worlds.

When you meet a lot of people, there will always be one or two people who don't have a good eye.

This time, Li Yongjin has no direction.

He walked forward aimlessly and asked, "Xiaobai, do you still remember the Great God of Canaan?"

In order to ascertain some information, Li Yongjin finally asked the key.

Back then in Canaan City, the statue of the Great God was still fresh in his memory.

But the current little white gave him a feeling of familiarity and strangeness.

It seemed that it was Xiaobai he knew.

But it was not the stage he was familiar with.


Hearing the words engraved deep in his heart, Chinchilla suddenly raised his head.

It froze for a moment, then nodded like a pounding garlic: "Zhi Zhi Zhi (of course I remember)!"

Canaan City is its home, and it is also the place it is most familiar with.

The Canaan Statue is the most famous landmark in Canaan City.

According to legend, many legends of the Great God of Canaan came from there.

How could it forget?

"Sure enough, I remember, then take me to find Canaan..."

Li Yongjin said, touching the center of its brow with his hand.

Then, he realized something was wrong.

If I remember correctly.

Back then, Xiaobai's brows seemed to be slightly raised.

But now, it's gone.

Moreover, it seemed to have a variegated color on its forehead back then, unlike the pure white it is now.

As for the color, Li Yongjin couldn't remember it.

As a salted fish and lazy dog, he has never been in control of details.

He forgets all the unimportant information in his brain.

In fact, this is also very good, it does not take up brain memory.

In the endless time in the future, he can live more freely.


In Li Yongjin's view, since even Xiaobai has appeared.

The Great God of Canaan might also exist in this world.

He always felt that there should be some special connection between Canaan and Yuexiu.

Perhaps, if you find Canaan, you can find Yuexiu.

And under Yuexiu, I can bury a thought.

After determining the target.

Xiao Bai gave full play to his role as a treasure hunting mouse.

Where there is a goal, there is room for it to play.

And this kind of behavior of looking for clues of Minor World in this world.

Destined to be an interesting treasure hunt.

Three years passed.

They get nothing.

In the past three years, Li Yongjin has worked a little harder.

Ding Cangtian was no longer lazy, and his speed on the road became much faster.

They traveled all over the continent, and found no traces of the Great God of Canaan on every inch of land.

Ever since, Li Yongjin had to admit it.

On Misty Continent, there is no Canaan at all, and there is no Yuexiu.

Just when he wanted to give up and prepare to return by boat.

On a cruise ship, the words of an old fisherman awakened him.

The two chatted, and Ding Cangtian followed silently while hiding under the water.

"The old man has never heard of sun repair and moon repair, and there is no Southeast Canaan."

"But I still remember going to the market when I was young, and the old people there believed in an old fairy named [Luo Jin]."

"At that time, the gods' temples kept burning incense, but unfortunately, for some reason, almost no one believes in Luojin God."

"I vaguely remember that somewhere in Shiwan Dashan, the old people used to go on pilgrimage. It was a grand event at that time."

"Perhaps, you can try your luck over there."


Li Yongjin thanked the old fisherman for pointing the way.

Before leaving, he left a piece of precious jade on the cabin.

Baoyu is the best dragon blood jade, which was found by Xiaobai somewhere in the cave, so it should be priceless.

Unfortunately, after all, it is a mundane thing.

It should be returned to this secular world.


Jinshenzhou, a hundred thousand mountains.

Search thousands of Baidu, from sunrise to dusk.

Travel through the sun and the moon, organize the spring and autumn.

After searching for more than half a year, they finally found a ruined temple: "Luojin Temple".

The ruined temple is a temple, and there are two old couplets with red and faded ink pasted on the left and right sides.

Li Yongjin stood at the door for a long time before he finally saw the point.

Letter to:

If the heart is evil and remote, it will be of no benefit to let you burn incense;

Hold yourself upright, what's the problem if you don't worship me?

The ruined temple was extremely dilapidated and almost collapsed.

There are cobwebs and dust everywhere, which shows that this place has long been deserted.

After Li Yongjin made a bow, he stepped into this place.

The golden mouse behind him also followed suit.

On the contrary, Ding Cangtian was too big, so he had to wait outside.

Entering it, you can only see a square tripod placed in the yard.

Before Fang Ding, there was a small sculpture one person tall.

Most of the sculpture has been obliterated by the wind and sand, and only a human figure can be seen vaguely.

This should be the so-called God of Luojin.

In addition, the ruined temple also has a backyard.

In the backyard, there is a lush peach tree blooming with peach blossoms, the fragrance is overflowing and no one picks them.

Seeing this scene, Li Yongjin was in a trance for a while.

In the haze, he felt that this scene seemed familiar.

It seems that I have been here before.

But he was extremely sure that this was indeed the first time he had come here.


A sudden cracking sound startled Li Yongjin.

He turned his head and found that the statue's arm was broken at the root.

With a snap, it fell to the ground, leaving a field of lime powder.

huh huh huh.

At this time, there was another strong wind, which scared Xiaobai to jump on Li Yongjin, and tightly grasped the skirt of his clothes.

Under the action of the strong wind, the peach tree kept swaying.

Blossoming flowers float in the air, like passing by in the wind that gathers and disperses involuntarily.

Li Yongjin stood where he was,

I always feel that there seems to be something guiding me in the dark.

Judging from this illusory feature, that kind of thing seems to be called...


Li Yongjin never believed in luck.

Now in the temple, I don't know why.

He is a little bit convinced.

"So, Sun Siruo's bag should be right here, right?"

"But it's so big here, how can I find it?"

"If luck is really guiding me, why don't you just hand that thing over to me..."

He smiled wryly.

Ka Ka Ka ~!

As a result, before he finished speaking, the ground continued to shake.

He stared wide-eyed, watching helplessly as the ground of the entire ruined temple cracked in two.

One hundred thousand mountains, an earthquake!

The endless cracks are like spider silk, extending to both sides continuously.

In the cracked floor.

A brocade bag glowing with a faint golden light was continuously squeezed out by the earth.

Immediately, there was another muffled bang.

A stone slab exploded, and the force of the explosion flew over with the kit.

It just so happened that Li Yongjin caught it in his palm.

Li Yongjin lowered his head, looked at the golden lotus engraved on the kit, and began to doubt his life.

"Daddy's stepping on the horse is..."

"Are you really awakened and you can't follow your words?"

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