I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 76 The Threshold Of Human Lifespan, Yuanhui Is The Limit

Spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers, it took two and a half days.

Li Yongjin finally came here.

Look for traces of Wang Xiaoyao's resurrection.

This is the Shengxuan Continent, a place of pilgrimage for people all over the world.

Originally, the time could have been shorter.

But on the way, the six-eyed flying fish suddenly pulled its hip.

Suddenly forced to land on the sea, forced to rest for most of the day.

This prolongs the traveling time greatly.

As for why the flying fish pulled.

Li Yongjin felt that he must have been disturbed by some villain.

After all, this is Sacred Land's stuff.

It is also very normal to have some secret Sacred Land means.

Once he got here, however, he hadn't landed yet.

I saw a large group of people densely lined up on the coastline.

What should I do?

Waiting online, very urgent.

Seeing that the other party was so hospitable, they directly set up a dragon gate formation below.

On the contrary, Li Yongjin was a little embarrassed.

He became shy.

Just sitting on top of the flying fish, silently looking down.

"Hey, kid, aren't you going to explain something?"

Among the crowd, the three Elders finally couldn't sit still.

He was directly slapped in the face just now, if he doesn't say something now.

Where can I put my old face?

This time, all the elders and elite disciples came to Fuyao Sacred Land.

Below, it can be said that it is the Elder group and the relatives and friends group.

This girl, Yun Ling, may not be the most powerful arrogance in Sect.

But it must be Sect, the most favored one.

Once conferred by their Sacred Land's three generations of bosses, they are called Holy Maiden.

Ever since I was a child, I have never suffered any grievances.

But now, she cried out that she was bullied.

Now, Fuyao Sacred Land will explode.

They are all very curious.

What kind of daring brat dared to do such a thing.

You know, in this cultivation world.

There are too many hidden Powers, and too many supernatural powers are hidden.

It's easy to ask for death, but what's even more frightening is to make your life worse than death!

Doesn't he know that there are so many weird tricks in this world.

Aren't you afraid of your own soul, and being tortured by inhumans forever?

In this regard, everyone can only sigh with emotion.

Maybe, this is the fearlessness of those who don't know.

Do you really think that you are the peerless arrogance who has reached the top of the talent list, so you can stand out from the crowd?


Invincible is a fart.

On their Sacred Land mountain, there are at least nine old monsters who claim to be invincible in their generation!

No, it's the ancestors.

Every single one of them has suppressed the dark turmoil of a certain period.

Even if it is a god descending to earth, he still has to call himself a junior in front of them.

Under the suppression of this heaven and earth avenue, immortals can't please them in front of them.

Don't say that this kid is only half step eclosion in the legend.

Even if he ascended from the ground, he might not be able to defeat an invincible ancestor.

What's more, a dick like the invincible ancestor.

On their holy mountain, there are eight more!

In front of such a behemoth like them, there are still guys in this world who dare to speak nonsense?

Well, today they are here.

Instead, I want to see if such an arrogant little guy looks three-headed and six-armed.

Look at your horse prince, don't you have three eyes?

The other party opened his mouth, and Li Yongjin asked:

"It doesn't look like you are the leader, can you speak on behalf of your Sacred Land?"

As soon as this remark came out, the three Elders almost fainted with anger.

So annoying, so fucking annoying.

How to say it myself, is also the dignified Sacred Land three Elder.

If it is replaced by the same amount, it is equivalent to being the Sect Leader of other Sects in this continent.

If you change it again, it is equivalent to the retired elder level of Sect in other continents.

In the game of Li Yongjin's previous life, it was probably the strength of a crab in the first district to kill a diamond in the suburbs alone.

In the face of such an ancestor character, this kid is so contemptuous.

At this time, the big Elder, the leader of the group, finally stood up.

"Friend Li Dao, please come down and talk."

This person is wearing a black python robe and has flame-like red eyebrows.

Slightly thin, with dry description, carrying a giant sword.

Standing there, there is an aura of vicissitudes through the ages.

"Well, you are a good guy, who are you?"

Li Yongjin is still condescending.

In his eyes, the old man's luck and Karma line are very good.

Only Shouyuan is a pity, it is estimated that there will not be tens of thousands of years left.

Just a short-lived ghost.

Strange to say.

So far, he has never seen a guy with a lifespan exceeding one yuan.

The longevity here refers to the limit longevity of the life level, not the actual age.

Because in this world, there are many ways to continue to survive.

Sometimes, when your birthday arrives...

But it may not die!

The lifespan of this group of people is no more than one Yuanhui.

In other words, none of these people pose a threat to him.

As long as the longevity is not up to the standard, he will not be Toput in one's eyes.

So this group of people, no!

Not qualified enough to talk to him on an equal footing.

I don't know when,

When negotiating, Li Yongjin always regards longevity as the first criterion.

Perhaps, this is the influence of Shou Yuan on him.

The big Elder was not annoyed, but narrowed his eyes and nodded:

"I am the acting Elder of Fuyao Sacred Land, and my name is Mo Frivolous. Friends Li Dao, our Holy Lord invites you to go to Sect for a talk."

These words are beautiful.

Although, I ask you to go and talk about it.

But everyone knows that this is the Hongmen Banquet.

After going to someone else's territory, it's up to you to stay or go.

Li Yongjin didn't care, anyway, he was going to help Sacred Land during his trip.

Since the other party came to the door, it saved him the time to search.

But just in case, Li Yongjin asked: "It's okay to go to your place, but I have a question, can Elder answer it?"

"Fellow daoist, please speak."

Mo frivolous is very polite.

As a big Elder, he has always been good at dealing with people and things.

The only thing that matters is one, and no one can offend.

After all, Lord Shengzhu is still very interested in this young Tianjiao.

Maybe when they get there, they will become their own people.

As for the bullying in Holy Maiden's mouth, as far as he knows, it's just that the mount was robbed.

This matter can be big or small, it depends on how the big shots handle it.

After all, it's two surprises that get together, and it's normal to have a little friction with each other.

I am stronger than you, then I can beat you.

When you catch up later, you can hit me too.

have nothing to say.

"I've heard about your Holy Master's name for a long time, may I take the liberty to inquire about how long your Holy Master's lifespan has reached?"

Li Yongjin was afraid that they might misunderstand, and explained: "You don't need to think too much, the main reason is that I have some problems with longevity, and I want to ask your Holy Master for advice."

As a result, as soon as this remark came out, the Elder group below immediately burst into laughter.

They, unabashedly own ridicule.

"A few dollars back, do you think you are Celestial Immortals?"

"Hahaha, daddy is dying of laughter, what an ignorant fool."

"I'm afraid this kid thinks Yuanhui is a hundred years, right? No way, no way..."

Mo Qingkuang couldn't help but laugh at this time, he was a little confused about this kid.

From the looks of it, this kid doesn't look like a country bumpkin either.

Why, would you ask such unreasonable questions?

But he remembered the entrustment of the Holy Lord before his departure, and explained with cupped hands:

"Fellow daoist, all the thresholds of longevity in this world are limited by Yuanhui. In other words, as long as they are creatures between heaven and earth, they cannot truly reach the longevity of Yuanhui."

"If you want to let own Shouyuan break through Yiyuanhui, you can only do it by ascension."

"Even though the Lord is powerful, his longevity is still within the rules of heaven and earth."

"I don't know if I explained clearly?"

Li Yongjin also laughed when he heard this.

So, your lifespan can only be less than a million years?

It seems that the old vine has lived for so long, which is still a special case.

It cannot be explained according to common sense.

okay then.

He nodded and stood up.

Then, he slowly put his hands behind his back.

Immediately afterwards.

He looked at the front forcefully, and said a word that shocked the ages:

"Since that's the case, then I can confirm one thing..."

"Under the immortals, I am invincible!"

One thing he was more certain of was.

Spicy chicken that doesn't even have a one-dollar club,

You don't deserve to talk to me on an equal footing!


ps: Because my update time is in the underworld, my reminder update data is more hip, blah blah.

Please look at Xiao Guangzi and support Xiao Jin, the income has been too bad recently.

Let's make a preview again, the recent plot has really almost paved the way.

Then, the real big knife will be issued in the next few days.

This wave can be regarded as a vaccination. Please prepare a lot of tissues, don't say that you are not predicting.

In the last few days, it should be updated.

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