I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 93 I Will Leave The Title Of This Chapter To You

[Following the call of the masses, this book has come here, I want to tell everyone...]

[Hahaha, okay, seriously, the first volume: "It's Green Mountain" is over. (The name of the volume was chosen randomly, so it will not be changed in the directory. I believe that everyone who sees here has a volume name for the first volume in their minds)]

[Volume 1: It's Qingshan]

[Preface: The green hills remain unchanged, and the green waters flow forever. At the end of Tianya, there is a green mountain! 】

[Let’s start the second volume here. I didn’t think about the title of the volume. It’s tentatively decided to be: "It’s an old friend" is almost finished. You can choose one yourself, I will choose a good one. 】

[Volume 2: It's an old friend (tentative)]

[Preface: The past has passed through thousands of years, and looking back is like seeing it for the first time. You know, I'm waiting for you! 】

[Just sauce, sprinkle flowers. 】




[Volume 2: It's an old friend]

【Grand opening! 】

[The first opening ceremony, opening the screen for a critical strike, you will get a big knife if you come, what are you waiting for? ! 】



Shengxuan Continent, go to the academy.

"No, I was forcibly teleported back?"

"Anyway, let me say goodbye to them."

"However, I don't know what's going on with them. The matter should be resolved, right?"


In the classroom, Li Yongjin slumped in front of the podium with a dazed expression.

The desks below are empty, and there is no student in the entire classroom.

Only that classmate Gu Beihan, who has grown into a graceful figure, seems to have become the head of the academy.

Even if the academy is closed now, the students are suspended.

She still voluntarily stayed in the academy and was cleaning other rooms at this time.

According to her, she must learn real university knowledge before she is willing to go back.

Because my husband once said that reading can also read a Saint.

In order to become the first female Saint in history, Gu Beihan decided to become a qualified female scholar first.

Li Yongjin sensed all this, and silently added a few points to her in his heart.

Well, this month's performance appraisal.

Give her high marks.

Suddenly, he felt that own's mind was empty, and he only felt that there was chaos in front of him.

All kinds of wobbling discomfort came like a tide.

This feeling made Li Yongjin suffocate.

After a while, Li Yongjin recovered from the chaos just now.

He wiped his forehead and wiped a lot of cold sweat.

This is the many karma and Karma that Samsara has to endure after forcibly traveling through time and space.

With the power of one person, he forcibly changed the course of the world.

It almost caused this side of the world to collapse, and was finally forcibly expelled by the will of Tiandi Dao.

In other words, he has reached his limit and cannot interfere any more.

This feeling is no different from being forced to go offline.

"So, is the matter settled?"

"The existence that threatened the junior brother has disappeared."

"Should he be back to normal?"

Li Yongjin was puzzled, and came to Wang Xiaoyao's room in the next moment.

At this time, Wang Xiaoyao looked at the wall in front of him with dull eyes and empty eyes.

It was as if there was something on the white wall that attracted him.

Li Yongjin stood behind him for a long time, and Wang Xiaoyao didn't even move.

Seeing this, Li Yongjin let out a long sigh.

Could it be that it still failed?

Damn, this is too difficult.

What should be done to change all this?

He has already solved the problem from the root.

But in this world, it seems that Wang Xiaoyao's tragic solution still cannot be changed.

No, it has changed a little.

From Death, to the present dementia.

In any case, at least his life was recovered.

Just say, have you been rescued?

At this time, Li Yongjin, who had read all kinds of medical books, showed Wang Xiaoyao a look.


The spirit is basically lax, and most of the self-awareness has been lost.

Falling into own world, also lost and sunk in his world.

In the words of cultivator, it is probably...

Qi Deviation.

Canggu disappeared and took his junior brother with him.

As a result, Wang Xiaoyao was like a walking corpse at this time.

Wrong, all wrong.

The direction is wrong!

Unfortunately, it cannot be changed.

Wang Xiaoyao's spirit is quite special, and he will adapt to the past and make changes.

In other words, his current state of mind and soul is unable to bear Samsara again.

Li Yongjin can only be anxious about this, and can't go back again.

But at any rate, his life was saved.

As long as you don't die, there is hope for everything.

Just treat it as a junior brother who has a serious illness.

It is a disease, and it can be cured.

This is what his confidant, Dr. Sun, once said.

"Forget it, let's go back first!"

Sensing the direction of Misty Continent, Li Yongjin suddenly felt a sore nose and felt a little homesick.

Perhaps taking the junior brother back can find a remedy.


Gu Beihan pushed open the door and came in.

When she saw Li Yongjin, she was startled.

Good guy, sir, isn't he out?

These days, Mr. is absent.

Only Wang Xiaoyao is crazy.

It made her busy, taking care of Wang Xiaoyao's daily life.

As Mr. Little Brother, but also as a well-known supernatural power.

Wang Xiaoyao's popularity in the academy is very high, and he feels humble and polite, which is very good.

Gu Beihan is secretly fond of this, but always feels that her own age is much older than Wang Xiaoyao.

I feel a bit difficult to start with, so I can only pretend to be my sister.

Today, that care is broken.

It was embarrassing to the extreme.

"First... sir, are you back?"

Gu Beihan was a little flustered, and immediately hid the things in his hands behind his back.

Li Yongjin saw it clearly, and only felt amused by this behavior of trying to hide it.

Today's young people.

Hey, this is youth.

He intentionally teased Gu Beihan: "Little girl, what are you holding in your hand?"

In fact, there is no need to ask, it is a delicate sachet.

Looking at the rough workmanship, it can be seen that Gu Beihan did it himself.

"No, nothing."

Gu Beihan scratched his head in embarrassment: "There is nothing."

"Okay, you go down. I'm here."

Li Yongjin will not poke it, so as not to embarrass the three of them.

After all, he has experienced this kind of thing before.

Now everything is bearish, that's all.

"Good sir."

Gu Beihan let out a long breath, turned around like a thief, and was about to close the door and escape from this place.

In front of the teacher, no matter how old she is, she is just a child.

This little trick is naturally seen through at a glance.

However, at this moment, the little junior brother, who was originally staring blankly, suddenly turned his head.

Facing Gu Beihan's back, he shouted:

"Big... big sister, big sister, don't go!"

At this moment, Li Yongjin was stunned.

He looked at the two in disbelief.

In a trance, I also found that

Gu Beihan, who was dressed in plain clothes, looked cold and flawless in white jade.

It is indeed somewhat similar to that senior sister's temperament at the beginning.


ps: I'm posting early today, let's see which brat has been spreading rumors below that I'm going to end tj, isn't it just that I'm a bit slow in updating?

Why isn't it once or twice, and you can still slander me every day, hey little blackie.

Finally, I would like to ask for some free gifts. I haven't asked for it for several days. Thank you for your gifts.

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