I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 96 Only Seeing The Cold Moon And Warm Sun, Come To Fry Life

At this moment, Cheng Jinshu really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

I want to cry, but also want to laugh.

Stop acting, really stop acting.

The inconceivably powerful Mr. Li seemed to have conquered himself.

He had to say that he was the person he didn't even know.

It doesn't look like a joke at all.

It made him a little suspicious.

Is there a problem with me, or is there a problem with you?

Could it be that I have another identity, what kind of boss Feng?

At this moment, Cheng Jinshu was silent.

Seeing him silent, Li Yongjin was particularly proud, thinking that he had the upper hand.

Immediately afterwards, something happened that Li Yongjin did not expect.

Cheng Jinshu read the letter with tears in his eyes.

He reached out and stroked the sheepskin above, and began to fall into memories:

"I come from the northern border of Dongzhou, an extremely dilapidated and barren place."

"I still remember that there are icebergs all around, and the most beautiful time of day is the sunrise."

"The sun shines on the glacier, and the glacier reflects the sun. The mirror light is majestic, and the floating light flows. In the sky, it seems that there are countless suns at once."


I have to say, it's really visually appealing.

Listening to Cheng Jinshu's narration, Li Yongjin felt as if the whole world slowed down.

In the emptiness of the Minor World, it seems that the concept of time suddenly appeared.

He still wanted to say something, but in the end he chose to remain silent.

He could only nod his head slightly, signaling the other party to continue.

"But after evening, this beauty disappears."

"The cold wind is biting, and the mountain wind is like a knife like a sword. When walking on the mountain, if you don't protect yourself from the cold and keep warm, you will freeze into an ice sculpture in half a day."

"That's really not an exaggeration at all. It's a doomsday scenario."

"Those who haven't experienced it will not know how there is such a temperature limit in the world."

"Therefore, our village also has an iron law of not going out after dusk, so far no one has dared to challenge Tianwei."

"My father refused to sit still and died of the wind and cold in a vain attempt to move mountains. The ancestors of the family have also done it, but unfortunately they all failed."

"Our Cheng family has nine ice sculptures in one family, displaying the ancestral hall and ancestral land, which can be used as an exhibition ice museum."

"I once said that you can't conquer the world by brute force, but my family doesn't think so."

"After I left, they still thought I was a rebellious son, an unfilial person who violated my ancestors."

"Sir, but I just want to ask..."

With tears in his eyes, he asked emotionally: "Dare to ask, is there anything in this world that can melt ice and snow, and melt the eternal glacier?"

This time, Li Yongjin was completely moved.

There was a long silence, as if there were only two people left in the whole world.

Finally, Li Yongjin sighed: "I see, you are indeed not him!"

It is definitely not Feng Ruyi Scepter who can tell this kind of story and understand it with true feelings.

Feng Ruyi Scepter's life, Li Yongjin still understands.

There is no such fantasy experience at all, and it will not be so sincere.

That kind of pure and extremely eager eyes cannot be faked.

Li Yongjin still has this confidence.

If it is pretending, there is no way to escape his fiery eyes.

In other words, he is really not the wind boss.

So, Boss Feng should still be in Misty Continent?

But, not necessarily, who can say for sure?

At this moment, Li Yongjin still had a strong premonition.

In Misty Continent, something must have happened, and it was a major event.

Otherwise, there will not be two wind Ruyi Scepters in this world!

For myself, I have to go back and have a look!

If you don't go back and have a look, Li Yongjin won't feel relieved.

"This question is entrusted to you. You need to find the final answer by yourself."

Li Yongjin stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Then, nice to meet you..."

"Student Cheng Jinshu!"


Cheng Jinshu took over.

Became a very young second-generation dean of Shangshuyuan.

Among the disciples, a large number of people are not convinced.

But Li Yongjin didn't care.

As the successor of the letter, if Cheng Jinshu can't hold back even this little guy.

Then he is not eligible to have the letter.

The problem, let him solve it by himself.

"Sir, are you leaving?"

That night.

The starry night is beautiful, the moonlight is like water.

Gu Beihan packed Li Yongjin's luggage, his eyes were red.

In fact, she has always known that the husband is not from this world.

He is just an exiled immortal who happened to wander in the mortal world, and he will not stay here for long.

Sooner or later, Mr. will leave this small place completely.

But she didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"Well, it's time to go."

Li Yongjin didn't want to lie to her again.

The little girl's heart is exquisite and clear, her heart is like a mirror.

Anyway, he didn't know if he would come back again.

Since you can't make a promise, then don't give hope at all!

Just let Gu Beihan feel that he won't come back, which is actually not bad.

Hearing this, Gu Beihan choked up: "Sir, it's a pity that you will never see me succeed in studying again."

In fact, she has always wanted to prove herself in front of her husband.

Unfortunately, no chance.


As a result, Li Yongjin shook his head.

Stretching out his finger, he gently scratched the bridge of her nose: "I will see it, no matter what!"

"Little girl, you must study hard, I'm waiting for you to become the world's first female scholar!"

Gu Beihan smiled with tears in his eyes.

She knew that what the husband said was to comfort her.

Little did she know, Li Yongjin also came from the heart.

He can really see!


Choose a different day and hit the same day.

Li Yongjin chose a good day to bring his big, demented son.

No, the good junior brother is on his way.

Along the way, around the neck of the junior brother, there was a rough and delicate sachet.

Rough is to describe the appearance, and delicate is to describe small.

Riding the wind, the sachet dances in the wind.

It made a faint sound, just like the longevity lock that hung around his neck back then.

For some reason, smelling the faint fragrance of the sachet, the younger brother was very quiet all the way.

No crying or fussing, changed from the occasional anomaly before.

In this way, Li Yongjin led Wang Xiaoyao to walk in the sky, just like walking on the earth.

Soon, they came to the border of Misty Continent.


Xuanhai Town.

"Hahaha, Guigui, Taoyao, Xiaobai..."

"Lin Bei is back!"

Around Xuanhai, everything is still familiar.

Li Yongjin watched all this, and his hanging heart finally let go.

It seems that nothing has changed in the nearly hundred years since he left.


The station is gone!

He looked at the place where there should have been a resident, and it turned into a brick house inhabited by mortals.

An ominous premonition enveloped his heart.

At this moment, Li Yongjin didn't dare to push him any further.

He finally found out that something was wrong!

Changed the idle attitude, directly opened the Heavenly Dao mode, and searched the entire continent with the help of Heavenly Dao.

Under the search of Heavenly Dao's power, everything that happened in this world was backtracked before his eyes like a slideshow.

Moments later.

Li Yongjin felt that the world was spinning, and he almost fell from the sky to the ground.

Nothing, nothing.

This huge world was suddenly empty.

The tortoise is gone, as if it never appeared;

Taoyao is gone, there is no fresh fruit in the world;

Xiaobai is missing, as if lost in Minor World.

Wind Ruyi Scepter...

It seems that there is no wind in this world Ruyi Scepter.

Only Cheng Jinshu.

What is going on with all this?

Cheng Jinshu obviously didn't join Samsara, but he just showed up, just so abruptly.

It seems that the trajectory has been rewritten by someone.

Rewrite, track?

At this moment, Li Yongjin clearly understood the cause and effect.

He gets it.

Wind Ruyi Scepter's timeline seems to have been rewritten.

As for the Green Mountain Sect...

Li Yongjin was desperate.

No, the Green Mountain Sect is still there!

Qingshanzong is still the familiar Qingshanzong, it is still in Xuanjiuzhou!

The first generation Patriarch is also Qingshan Patriarch!

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin was ecstatic.

He didn't know what was going on, but he carried the last glimmer of hope.

Yes, the Green Mountain Sect is still there.

Does that mean that everything is not so bad yet?

That's right, as long as Qingshan is still there, there is still hope for everything!

"Let's go, little brother."

"Let's go home!"

With a wave of Li Yongjin's sleeve, the world changed color.

Moments later, two figures appeared in the green mountains and green waters.

Ahead, it is the gate of the Qingshan Sect.

Li Yongjin looked at the familiar disciple of the mountain gate and was about to enter the mountain with a smile on his face.

Although at this time, no fellow disciples came to greet him.

But Li Yongjin still feels inexplicably at ease.

He didn't care about that lively scene, but would feel uncomfortable instead.

It's fine like this, go back quietly, and surprise everyone!

The next moment,

Two swords stand in front of him.

"Fellow daoist, the front is the important place of Qingshan sect."

"If there is no notification, please stop!"

Afterwards, the third gatekeeper smiled and said, "You look so naive, may I ask where did the fellow daoist come from?"

"Liu Fengshuo, you don't know me?"

Li Yongjin's eyes widened.

Suddenly, I realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Then do you know him?"

He pulled the little junior brother, and the little junior brother stuck out his tongue and laughed when he saw the person.

"do not know."

The three shook their heads in unison.

That Liu Fengshuo said: "Who is Liu Fengshuo? None of us are named Liu!"

"Where is the lunatic?" One of them whispered.


Li Yongjin gasped.

He looked up at the sky and saw the sun hundreds of millions of miles away.

Today's sun was so dazzling that he couldn't help but raise his hand to cover it.

It also made his eyes irritated to tears.

scorching sun,

But bone-piercing and cold.

At this moment, the little junior brother didn't know what he saw, and shouted like crazy.


After shouting, the little junior kept turning his head around.

It seemed that something was chasing him from behind.


Li Yongjin let out an exclamation, and followed his gaze...suddenly turning his head.

look up,

I saw the huge statue of the stone steps of the mountain gate, the place where the tortoise often sleeps on its stomach.

I don't know when,

Already empty!

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