The Canglong Supreme's attitude suddenly changed. Not only the human race supremes could not understand, but also the demon race supremes were dumbfounded.


Does this little girl, who is dressed in strange clothes and is responsible for serving tea and water to the leader of the Demon Sect, have some special identity?

Otherwise, how could the Canglong Supreme, the strongest man in the Xianwu Continent, greet him with a pleasant expression.

Zhao Mu smiled secretly in his heart.

Tiana suddenly ran over, it must have been his arrangement.

Zhao Mu knew Tiana's identity, and he wanted to take this opportunity to test Canglong Supreme's background and see what his attitude was.

I didn't expect him to be so low-key.

Last time it was in private, but today there are many heavenly beings and supreme beings present. It can be said to be the highest-level summit meeting in the Xianwu Continent.

Under this situation, the Canglong Supreme, who was the strongest person in the Xianwu Continent, did not hide it at all and gave Tiana enough face.

This means that Tiana's identity as Holy Spirit Dragonborn is too tempting to the Azure Dragon Supreme.

Tiana's strength is definitely far inferior to Azure Dragon Supreme, but her bloodline can crush Azure Dragon Supreme.

In the world of monsters where one is judged by bloodline, the Azure Dragon Supreme had to bow his head when facing Tiana.

But it’s never more than that.

No matter how Zhao Mu looked at it, he felt that Canglong Supreme was not a good person.

The reason why he lowered his profile so low must have some agenda.

And what he is plotting may be in Tiana's body.

To be honest, this is not a good thing. The Canglong Supreme is too strong. He can obviously speak with his strength, but he still lowers his profile. This is actually a very scary thing. It means that once he takes action, he must be perfect. grasp.

The old guy is very cunning, so you must be careful.

"Of course I'm fine, but you spoke too loudly and disturbed my master's peace. How about you keep the story short and finish it quickly so that my master can go back and rest." Tiana smiled sweetly and spoke in a casual tone. .

But after hearing this, Canglong Supreme nodded repeatedly.

"All lobbyists do as they please. It is not an option for us to argue endlessly on the territory of the Demon Sect. In my opinion, it is better to let Sect Master Zhao make the final decision."

This old guy actually put the blame on himself.

Let me make the decision?

Let me be the supreme master of a group of heavenly beings here?

Praise, definitely praise!

But since you handed me the microphone, it doesn't make sense if I don't show my support.

"There are far more than three dangerous places, and they will appear one after another in the future. If we don't make arrangements in advance, there will inevitably be disputes in the future. I have an idea, all of you, the Supreme Beings, can listen to it."

Zhao Mu stood up and said: "The biggest danger in the Fierce Jedi Land is the demon spirits. We can use the demon spirits as the standard. Whoever kills the most demon spirits in a single Fierce Jedi Land will gain the right to dominate this Fierce Jedi Land. All the treasures in the Fierce Jedi Land are collected into the bag. Although the others cannot gain control of the Fierce Jedi Land, they can accumulate points by hunting demon spirits. When the points are accumulated to a certain level, they can choose a Fierce Jedi Land to pocket, or Use points to exchange for certain treasures in the Fierce Jedi Land. This will ensure that everyone has the motivation to hunt demon spirits, and no one will suffer. All benefits will be judged based on points, which is the most fair. "

"Excellent, what Sect Master Zhao said is exactly what I want." Venerable Moen clasped his hands together.

Although the Human Race has fewer Supremes than the Monster Race and is definitely not as efficient as the Monster Race in earning points, at least they won't be working in vain.

Although the Monster Clan has objections, they can't find anything wrong with this method of distribution according to work.

Finally, he looked at the Azure Dragon Supreme, ready to obey his arrangements.

Canglong Supreme thought for a moment and said: "Then, according to what the sect master said, everything will be judged according to points."

Zhao Mu nodded and continued: "As for the specific evaluation criteria for points, specific arrangements will be made after the evil Jedi appears. At this critical moment in the Xianwu Continent, I have one more thing to say."

Zhao Mu looked at everyone and said forcefully: "All of you Supremes must have had contact with outside forces. What I want to say is that we are all practitioners born and raised in Xianwu Continent, and Xianwu Continent is the only one for us. Our hometown, at any time, we should shoulder the responsibility of protecting the Xianwu Continent, instead of allowing outsiders to destroy our homeland wantonly. Although there were many barriers between the human race and the demon race in the past, in the current troubled times, it will only continue to cause internal friction. You will give up the opportunity to others. You are all seniors with rich experience and extraordinary intelligence. You should understand this truth better than a young man like me. "

Zhao Mu's words really came from the bottom of his heart.

Nowadays, the forces of heaven and evil have invaded the Xianwu Continent. They have no sense of belonging to this land. If the human and demon tribes continue to fight internally and allow outsiders to seize the opportunity to turn against the guests, then the good days of the human race and the demon race will be over.

"Sect Master Zhao is so young but has such a vision, which is really admirable." Venerable Moen's eyes were filled with compassion and he nodded kindly.

Canglong Supreme laughed loudly: "Little friend Zhao, I really like you more and more. If you become the leader of the human race in the future, I will definitely put aside my prejudices and join hands with your human race to advance and retreat together!"


Zhao Mu felt a chill.

Could it be that this old dragon has some special hobbies?

No, no, you must stay away from him in the future.

Next, the two supreme leaders had another detailed discussion. About an hour later, this summit meeting came to a successful conclusion.

Streams of light pierced the sky and left the Demon Sect one after another.

In the end, only Empress Xuanji was left.

Zhao Mu sighed.

"Dealing with you supremes is really exhausting and tiring. I am exhausted."

Luo Xuanji chuckled and said, "What are you afraid of? Whoever dares to make a move, I will definitely protect you. Even if I can't stop him, Lord Moon God will not let you be imprisoned."

Zhao Mu was ashamed.

That's right. Zhao Mu did sense the Moon God's breath approaching just now. With his support behind him, Zhao Mu is indeed qualified to do whatever he wants.

But dealing with so many top powerhouses at once is still quite stressful.

What Zhao Mu fears most is not that he will be in danger, but that the contradiction between the human race and the demon race will intensify, resulting in all previous efforts being wasted, which will be difficult to deal with.

"I have to say that Venerable Moen is a smart man. He chose Shengyuan Demon Sect as the venue for the talks. The only place in the entire Xianwu Continent where humans and demons can coexist peacefully is your Demon Sect. Only here can both sides sit down and talk calmly. If it were somewhere else, I'm afraid they would fight before they could even say a few words." Luo Xuanji praised.

Zhao Mu nodded: "Venerable Moen is indeed a wise man. The Buddhist sect is weak now, but he can lead Tianluo Temple to the position of the five holy places of the human race. His ability is evident."

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