After the conversation, Ningning waved her hand, and a golden space door fell from the sky.

She pushed open the door and said: "The qualification potential test is completed. If you have any combat power, it is like a mirror, which can reflect all your abilities and maintain the same combat power as you. As time goes by, its combat power will increase by one tenth, and it can simulate up to twice the combat power."

"As the saying goes, defeating the enemy is not really strong, but defeating yourself is strong. If you can defeat yourself who is stronger than yourself, you are invincible!"

"After the battle begins, the strength of the mirror beast will increase by 10% every three minutes, which is 11 times your own combat power, until 30 minutes later, its strength will break through to twice yours. The standard of the test depends on how long you can persist in the battle. According to my expectation, if you can persist for fifteen minutes, it will be considered a successful completion of the test."

"It is worth mentioning that this mirror beast is a rare species captured by the Holy Ancient Emperor in an ancient starry sky. Its ability to imitate the opponent's strength can reach the perfect level. No matter how many cards you hide, it can perfectly imitate them and always maintain a combat power that is not inferior to yours. "

"When the Holy Ancient Emperor conducted the combat power assessment for the first time, he only scored 18 points. He only achieved a perfect score of 20 after more than a thousand battles. "

"Most people on the Emperor's Divine Ship can't even get a score of 10. They lose to themselves within three minutes. Very few can last for more than three minutes. "

"So, don't underestimate the 15-point goal I set for you. Since the establishment of the Emperor's Divine Ship, the number of people who can achieve this result can be counted on one hand. Those people are all top-level strongmen in the universe without exception. At the very least, they are Piaomiao Immortals, and most of them have the combat power of the Immortal King level. "

After listening to Ningning Rabbit's introduction, Zhao Mu was numb.

This test is a bit difficult.

Even the Holy Ancient Emperor couldn't pass it perfectly at once, and even the Immortal King could only get 15 points.

It's really difficult for Zhao Mu to persist for fifteen minutes.

Could it be that the pink rabbit wanted to see him embarrassed on purpose?

"Why are you standing there? Come in quickly." The pink rabbit urged impatiently.

Forget it, come on, Zhao Mu actually wanted to test what level his combat potential could reach.

He calmed down, stepped through the space door with a resolute step, and came to a wide room.

The room was empty, with only a smooth and bright mirror suspended in the center.

As Zhao Mu walked in, Zhao Mu's figure was reflected on the mirror.

The volume of the mirror gradually changed to the same size as Zhao Mu.

It did not directly imitate Zhao Mu, but always reflected Zhao Mu's figure, but it still maintained the mirror form.

Zhao Mu clasped his hands together and bowed first, then the power of the law surged, first imprisoned it with the law of space, and slowed it down with the law of time.

At the same time, purple thunders roared and fell, and hundreds of them were struck at the same time, and each one fell on the mirror accurately.

This set of attacks was smooth and unexpected. Although it was just a tentative attack, Zhao Mu still showed 100% sincerity.

Unexpectedly, the expected equal counterattack did not come. The mirror beast just disappeared suddenly, coughed lightly and appeared behind Zhao Mu, raising a purple thunder, and attacked Zhao Mu's weak defense position.

Zhao Mu was shocked and dodged quickly.

He saw that this mirror beast was not simply imitating his attack moves. It even had the same actual combat experience as Zhao Mu and would adopt different attack methods according to local conditions.

This is an opponent who has all his combat moves, combat experience, combat skills, and is absolutely rational and calm!

No wonder most people can't last more than three minutes in front of the mirror beast.

An opponent who is as strong as oneself, fully understands oneself, and is calmer and more rational than oneself is simply a nightmare for many people.

Zhao Mu did not dare to be careless anymore, and forced himself to calm down and take countermeasures.

In the first minute, Zhao Mu and Mirror tested each other and fought back and forth.

In the second minute, Mirror's attack became fierce, and he actually used the power of ten thousand bulls to hit Zhao Mu by surprise.

Mirror's fighting routine was even deeper than Zhao Mu's.

But Zhao Mu was not fooled. He continued to defend, relying on the law of life to recover his injuries and look for suitable offensive opportunities.

Outside the door.

"Three minutes have passed, and it seems easy, but this is just the beginning. What he will face next is his own all-round improvement in strength. Without absolute fighting will, he will not be able to survive."

Pink Rabbit commented.

Zi Fei on the side was much more nervous. She also took the battle test here with the Mirror Beast and got a score of 12 with difficulty, so she knew how difficult it would be later. Although she believed in Zhao Mu, he was only at the peak of the tribulation after all, and he did not even touch the threshold of becoming an immortal.

In the fairy world, this level of cultivation is just a small fish among small fish, not even qualified to serve tea and water to the immortals, and it is too inefficient to capture it for mining.

Inside the gate, the battle is still in full swing.

Once the three-minute threshold passed, Zhao Mu suddenly felt a great pressure.

The mirror beast's strength, speed, and all aspects of ability were slightly improved in an instant.

Although the improvement is not big, this small gap is enough for him to suppress Zhao Mu in all aspects.

After several confrontations, Zhao Mu had several more wounds on his body, but he only successfully attacked the mirror beast once.

The gap has begun to become obvious.

Zhao Mu's mentality began to change a little, and it was difficult to remain calm. Several attacks were full of flaws. The mirror found the right opportunity to attack fiercely, and Zhao Mu's blood surged and retreated repeatedly.

"He is still too young."

The pink rabbit shook his head: "His fighting talent is actually not bad, but after all, he is only twenty years old and has experienced too few battles. A truly strong fighting will cannot be cultivated without thousands of bloody battles. It seems that I need to change my expectations of him. Zhao Mu's current limit should be 13 points."

That is, persist for nine minutes.

Zi Fei said confidently: "I believe in the master, he can definitely reach 15 points, or even higher!"

Pink Rabbit asked doubtfully: "Are you attracted by his masculinity, so you become his loyal licker?"

Zi Fei blushed: "What are you talking about, envoy... I just think that since the master is a person with great luck, he can't be viewed with ordinary eyes. People with great luck are often better at creating miracles and breaking through the impossible."

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