"You, you, you... you have committed a serious crime. You dare to fight even the Immortal of the Immortal Fate Sect. This is asking for your own death!"

"Zhao Mu, you are really tired of life. If you don't stay in your Demon Sect and become the king of the mountain, what can you do in the Immortal Fate Sect?"

"Damn it, if we are implicated, we will never be done with your Demon Sect!"

The tribulation monks were full of righteous indignation and criticized Zhao Mu, as if he had done something evil.

Even Gong Bailian couldn't stand it: "Xianyuan Sect is your reborn parent. How much benefit has it given you, so that you, a group of human monks, are fighting to be dogs, are you very proud?"

"The broken-backed dogs are howling and barking. Don't pay attention to them."

Zhao Mu waved his hand and looked into the Zhenbao Pavilion.

There is another banished immortal there, and his aura is obviously stronger.


A young man in white shirt clapped his hands and walked out of the Treasure Pavilion.

"Demon Lord Zhao Mu, you have good tactics. I have long heard that you are very powerful and you are the number one master in the Xianwu Continent. Today it seems that your reputation is not in vain."

He was flattering at first, then his expression changed, and he said with half power and half anger: "But no matter who you are, if you act wildly on the head of the Xianyuan Sect, you are destined to die."

Before he finished speaking, the boy in white shirt held out a strange-looking long sword.

This long sword is as smooth as a mirror, and the silhouette of Zhao Mu is reflected on the sword body.

The next second, Zhao Mu felt that the world was spinning around him, and countless mirror reflections of himself were flickering, which gave him an instinctive feeling of nausea, as if he had been dragged into an illusion, and his mind was turbulent for a moment.

"Be careful!" Gong Bailian shouted.

Zhao Mu suddenly sensed the approaching danger, but saw countless sword lights coming from all directions, and it was impossible to tell which one was real and which one was fake.


The sword light flickered, fell on Zhao Mu, and hit Zhao Mu in the chest.

The corners of the white-robed immortal's mouth raised slightly.

The natives are the natives and they are vulnerable.

But the next second, the white-robed immortal looked shocked.

His mirror sword clearly hit Zhao Mu, but no matter how hard he exerted force, the sharp blade could not penetrate Zhao Mu's defense and cause substantial damage to Zhao Mu.


Zhao Mu suddenly raised his right hand and placed it on the sword blade.

He raised his head and said expressionlessly: "This sword is not bad. It is the celestial weapon you brought from the fairy world. Now it belongs to me."

After saying that, Zhao Mu suddenly exerted force. The violent force was so violent that the white-robed immortal couldn't bear it at all, and the hilt of the sword fell directly from his hand.

Zhao Mu grabbed the fairy sword and threw it directly into the storage ring. Then he took a step forward and hit the white-robed immortal on the jaw with an uppercut. He was blown away and turned into a meteor that flew backwards, chasing his companions. .


The Tribulation-Dubbing monks on the side all turned pale with fear. They dared not stay any longer and scattered in a hurry to escape for their lives.

Only then did Zhao Mu walk into the Treasure Pavilion openly.

Ning Qingying, who was standing inside, rushed over and threw herself into Zhao Mu's arms.

"Husband, are you not injured?"

She touched Zhao Mu's chest with concern, but she didn't see any scars.

This surprised her.

Although the strength of the banished immortal is not as good as that of the real immortal family, on the Xianwu Continent, he is still a master who can overpower the heroes.

What's more, the man was driven by his natal fairy sword, but even the amazingly powerful fairy sword actually broke a small hole in Zhao Mu's skin. How outrageous is his husband's physical defense ability.

Gong Bailian was also full of curiosity, and together with Ning Qingying, she began to touch Zhao Mu's chest. She even opened Zhao Mu's collar and put her hand in, making Zhao Mu roll his eyes.

"I want to change my touch to a different place so that you can touch it as much as you can, but I don't have to do it now."

After hearing Zhao Mu's words, the two realized that there were many people around them, and then they hurriedly stopped.

Zhao Mu found a place to sit down.

"You can leave first. Remember to evacuate everyone and everything. Don't leave anyone behind. Gong Bailian, you escort them back to the Demon Sect." Zhao Mu said.

Ning Qingying was stunned after hearing this: "What about you, husband?"

"The Immortal Sect will not let it go. Those two Immortals will definitely go back to bring reinforcements. I will wait here for their arrival." Zhao Mu crossed his legs and said casually.


Zhao Mu waved his hand: "Hurry up, it's not safe here, and your life will be in danger if you stay for a second longer."

Gong Bailian knew that what Zhao Mu said was not a lie. It was not easy to escape unscathed after offending the Xian family on the territory of the Xianyuan Sect. Even if they stayed, they would only hinder Zhao Mu.

She didn't waste any words, took Ning Qingying and went to summon other people from Zhenbao Pavilion, and quickly packed up and left the city.

Seeing the group of people leaving through the teleportation array, Zhao Mu felt relieved.

Since he is here today, he wants to give a little shock to the natives of the Immortal Fate Sect, and to dampen the spirits of this group of Immortal Clan who have high eyesight.

Zhao Mu made himself a pot of tea and waited quietly.

In just a short while, Zhao Mu's quantum sensing talent noticed that there were a lot of high-energy fluctuations coming quickly from the direction of Xianyuan Sect.

In a few breaths, they arrived above the Zhenbao Pavilion and formed a blockade on the Zhenbao Pavilion.

"Zhao Mu, why don't you come out and plead guilty!"

A majestic and rich voice came.

This voice seems to have a soul-shocking effect. Most people's souls are fragile and cannot resist it.

Even a cultivator in the Heavenly Realm might be shaken by this shout to the point where his soul trembles.

But Zhao Mu was completely indifferent.


He formed a few drops of water from his fingertips, and with a flick of his finger, the water drops made a sharp explosion, penetrated the roof of the Treasure Pavilion, and repelled the loud-mouthed exiled immortal.

What power could this drop of water have, but it showed Zhao Mu's attitude.

I, Zhao Mu, am not afraid of you exiled immortals!

"Brother, look, this Zhao Mu is too arrogant. If we don't get rid of him, the world will think that our Xianyuan Sect is strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and is a paper tiger!" The white-shirted boy who was previously knocked away by Zhao Mu said with gritted teeth.

A dignified exiled immortal was knocked away by a native of the lower world with a punch. This is really a big loss of face.

"No hurry, the Southern Emperor is still on his way. When we gather enough fighting force, we will deal with the native Zhao Mu."

"It's just dealing with Zhao Mu, but we have to mobilize so many immortals. It's a bit of an exaggeration." Another exiled immortal said puzzledly.

"Lions fight rabbits with all their strength, not to mention that Zhao Mu is definitely not a weak person who can be bullied. It's better to be cautious."

As he spoke, several more immortal lights roared from the sky.

In addition to the Southern Emperor, there were two other exiled immortals, one male and one female. They were both hidden. The other exiled immortals bowed and saluted when they saw them.

The man was silent, but the most ferocious. As soon as he arrived, he made a move without asking any questions. He sent down a crimson lightning and struck directly into the treasure pavilion.

The graceful female fairy at the side, dressed in colorful feathered clothes, giggled: "Brother Chongxu is really generous. To deal with a small native, you even used the world-destroying divine thunder. Aren't you afraid of killing all the natives in the city?"

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