Without Touma, Rikka is alone, and it's hard for her to get close to Yuta at school. Nibutani also has her friends and things to do, and Ikeuchi......Unfamiliar......She needs new friends.

This is what Nibutani taught her, and this is what she wants to do. Rikka has never been a lonely child, she is just lonely.

Rikka, who is determined to live a good life, decides to start by making friends.......

He stood up and walked towards the small group of people sitting two tables behind him. This action made the small group quiet down, and they were still a little confused.

"Classmate Xiao Niaoyou?"

"What happened?"

In the eyes of everyone who was puzzled, Liuhua's face was slightly red, and she bowed to them.......

"Please be my friend......."

The class fell silent instantly.

Actually, they had seen all of Rikka's performance over the past three weeks. They had seen her sudden change, her sudden loss of her second-year status, her sudden maturity.

However,......It seemed too mature, but they didn't mind.

The small group headed by Wubu Fengling looked at each other and smiled slightly, agreeing to Liuhua's request, which didn't need to be so solemn.

"I am very happy~"

The whole class began to applaud Liuhua. They had seen how Liuhua looked before, and now she has become like this.......I feel so relieved.

Everyone is so kind.

Looking around, Rikka was a little confused. She didn't expect it to turn out like this. Her classmates would be so enthusiastic.

"It feels like a confession scene, and it makes my heart beat faster.~"

"Yes, yes, me too."

Lihua was surrounded by Wubu Fengling and others. Lihua, who was not good at interacting with others, was a little overwhelmed. She smiled and accepted their kindness, but her eyes frequently glanced at Yuta not far away.

See, I can do it.

Yuta was even more pleased to see that Lihua could learn to communicate with others. Lihua could come out of the second year of middle school.......He was very happy.

On the contrary, Nibutani found something wrong. She felt that something was wrong with Rikka, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.......She just felt that Rikka didn't seem like Rikka anymore. She no longer had that innocent cuteness, nor that vigor and vitality.

This matter might have something to do with both her and Yuta, so she decided to talk to Yuta about it.

So, while the two of them were assigned to take care of the books in the library at noon, Nibutani glanced at Yuta, who seemed to have no reaction, and finally spoke.

"Don’t you regret it?"

"What are you regretting?"

Yuta understood what Nibutani was saying, but sometimes it's better to be a little stunned.

"Bird's Eye Tour"

"Why regret?"

"......No, it's nothing!"

Seeing that Yuta, her boyfriend, didn't feel anything, Nibutani felt that she was worrying too much. She didn't think that graduating from Chuunibyou was a bad thing. Maybe Rikka just needed time to get used to it.

Yuta was also very happy. Although he loved Rikka, he also hoped that Rikka could become better, so that the two of them could last longer.

"Rikka is no longer suffering from chuunibyou, and Touka doesn't have to worry about her anymore. She can get along well with her mother. It's a win-win situation with no harm. Why should she regret it?"




In fact, both of them knew that this was wrong, but they had no way to change her because this was reality.......

After finishing everything, Yuta stood in the classroom and saw Rikka, who was already familiar with her new friends. At this moment, she was sitting at a table with Wubu Fuling and others and chatting happily.......

Why, even though Rikka has become a better person, he feels so empty inside?

Did I do the right thing?......

There are more and more people around Liuhua, but her heart is already deserted.......................................................

In the club, Tu Shou, who was full of sadness, leaned against the window, letting the two whips dance in the wind outside the window, looking adorable.

"The wind is blowing, the guard is shaking......To the right, to the left, thinking of the Master......"

Tuo Shou, who was wailing by the window, did not notice Fang Wuwei, Isshiki Makoto and Ikeuchi Maki coming in from behind until the three of them took the initiative to greet her. Tuo

Shou did not care about these, she only cared about one thing......


Looking at Rikka who came in behind Nibutani, Touma's eyes lit up.

"Master! I've been waiting for you for a long time, death!"

Rikka was a little hesitant when she saw Touma. She didn't come here to play with Touma this time.


"I have made a great discovery today, and I came here to report it to you,"Death!"

Touma no longer cared about Rikka calling her Sanae, and came over with a skipping look. She believed that she could definitely help the Master return to her peak and get rid of the demon that controlled her.

Kneeling on the ground, Touma poured out dozens of colored stones of various shapes from the small purse she carried with her and placed them in the center of the LED magic carpet. These stones were natural in shape, transparent in color, and a little shiny.......This is Rikka's favorite magic stone. It is also the result of Toshou's hard work last night.

Seeing these beautiful little stones, Rikka couldn't hide her excitement. She sat on the ground, picked up a small stone and held it high in front of her eyes, looking at it carefully with excitement on her face.

This is the first time that Rikka has seen light in her eyes in the past few days.

Seeing Rikka's interest, Toshou is even more excited than Rikka. God knows how much effort she put into collecting this bag! But......It's all worth it to be able to wake up the Master!!

"Master! Which one do you want to choose? Which one do you want to choose?"

Tsumori's expression was full of excitement. Only at this moment did she feel the familiar feeling from Rikka.......

But the light in Liuhua's eyes quickly disappeared. She had decided to be an ordinary person and could no longer be immersed in these things.......Something unusual happened, the magic stone......It's just not normal.

Rikka has been living in a box of rules and regulations.

As Toshou's (former) master, she certainly knows how hard it is to find these things. She was very touched and subconsciously said Toshou's last name instead of calling her Sanae.

This made Toshou misunderstand even more. She really thought that her master was back. In her excitement, she was ready to let Rikka understand how much magic power was contained in these magic stones she collected. With excitement on her face, she crawled over and turned on the switch. The blue light lit up from the lamp tube on the carpet, illuminating the pile of shiny little stones, and these little stones were refracted again in the light of the carpet, appearing even more beautiful.

Rikka was inevitably a little excited, but she soon suppressed this excitement.

""Master! These are magic stones with first-level magic power! If you like them, take them all! This is what a Servant should do!"

Looking at the still excited Toumo, Fang Wuwei and Isshiki Makoto felt a little distressed, and Nibutani felt even more depressed.......What happens next is probably going to be a bit cruel.

"Convex Guard......I have something to tell you.......Very important things......"

"Master! Could it be that the Administration......"


Touma was very excited. The Master had already called her Touma, which meant that the Master had definitely gotten rid of the devil's control, which meant that she had succeeded. So, the Master......Will come back to me!

But the next sentence sent Touma back to hell.

"This association......No, this community......Disbanded today......"

The blue light of the magic circle was still shining beneath him, but Tu Shou's mind suddenly became dark.

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