In the end, Yuta returned home alone, but Rikka hadn't come back yet, and Rikka's mother hadn't come back either, even though it was already so late.......

Yuta stood alone on the balcony, stretched his hand outside, and carefully examined the little finger that he had touched with Rikka before.......And Rikka's numb expression......

Is this really right?

Time flies and it is the next day. This day is the day when Rikka will go to visit the grave. Rikka's mother is already there, so Rikka needs to go alone, so Rikka brings Yuta with her. Rikka sits there in a daze. Yuta goes to buy a drink and hands one of the bottles to Rikka.


"I feel like you've been saying thank you a lot lately."

Rikka has learned to be polite and how to get along with others. Yuta should be happy, but when he saw Rikka's face, his mood also became bad.

Although Rikka is becoming more and more polite and knows how to get along with others,......

Rikka is unhappy, and he is also unhappy, but he can't make her happy.

He can't tell what is best for Rikka, is it to indulge in the second year of life? That will certainly be happy for a short time, but what about the future? What will Rikka do when she steps into society in the future? Will it be like now? Rikka is unhappy, reality is too cruel, Rikka may not have adapted yet, and psychologically needs to adjust again......

The two of them sat there in silence until Yuta spoke up and broke the silence.


Yuta's sudden words brought a glimmer of hope to Rikka's face. She looked at Yuta expectantly, hoping that he would say what she wanted to hear.

"you......I will come back, right? After sweeping the graves, I will come back here."

Lihua's expectations were dashed again, her face shrank, and she returned to numbness.

This was not what she wanted to hear.

"Um......I still have to go to school......."

"yes......That's it......."

Just as the two of them fell silent again and the dead silence was about to appear again, an unexpected person appeared.

"Wait a minute, death! I told you, death! I will never give up!"

"Convex Guard......"

Toumori still couldn't accept Rikka's sudden change. Even Nibutani couldn't cure her. He was running over and trying to keep Rikka.

"Since I have become the Master's Servant, even if the Master falls into the end of darkness, I will die with her!"

Touma accused Rikka of abandoning him in tears, but......She would never abandon Rikka, even if her master had been corrupted by the so-called reality.

Unfortunately, it would be useless if she said this.......

"Explode, reality! Break, nerves! Exile this world!!!"

This will be the most tragic battle in Touma's career, because her opponent is a master in another dimension.

In her fantasy, a huge hammer condensed in her hand, tightly grasped, ran towards Rikka, and began her countless attacks.


But the reality is that Touma grabbed two braids and used the sandbags at the end of the braids to hit Rikka again and again, feeling weak and powerless.

Even if she used her strongest skill [Destiny Thunder Hammer Charge], in her fantasy, this blow had already scrapped the entire station, but in reality, it was powerless to hit Rikka, and she didn't even feel much pain.

Touma's physical strength was not very good.

Even if Rikka didn't resist, Touma was already exhausted.

She stroked her knees and gasped for breath, but it was just a short rest.

He grabbed the two braids again and swept, hitting Rikka only made a sound.......

Rika endured it silently, without taking any action, dodging or fighting back.

Tears were already in her eyes.

Yuta couldn't stand it anymore, so he just stretched out his hand to stop Toshou a little bit, and Toshou fell to the ground because of exhaustion.

Seeing Toshou kneeling on the ground, Rika wanted to show some concern, but was sternly shouted back by Toshou.......

The train had already arrived at the station, and Rikka was still silently watching Toshou until Yuta gently woke her up, then she could only silently carry her luggage and leave.

Rikka entered the train, took a last look at Toshou who was kneeling on the ground with his head down, and then raised her head to look at Yuta's face that she loved deeply


Yuta spoke to her, which gave her a last hope. She wanted to hear the three words"Don't go" from Yuta, so that she would have the motivation to keep going even if the road ahead was scary and dangerous.

But it didn't happen. Yuta just gave her a silent smile in response.

Rikka finally left. The train door gradually closed. Rikka stared at Yuta's feet. As the train moved forward, she could no longer see anything...................

"Why......Why don't you talk about death?......

Why don't you just say 'don't leave'? Death! You should know how much the Master wants you to say it to her!

Just say 'I'll help you find the invisible boundary, so don't leave me'! Is it that difficult?"


Rikka should accept the reality, but Touma doesn't care. She only knows that if the Master is unhappy, she may not be able to come back.

"Master, she said so! It was because of meeting the Dark Flame Master that she was able to keep the Evil King's True Eyes until now death! You are her inner pillar!

So, when the Dark Flame Master said that the invisible boundary line does exist, she specially called me to tell me! And when she signed a lover's contract with you, she also called me! She cried! Master, she cried! That invincible Master! She cried to me! She obviously!

Trusts you so much!"

Touma's words were like arrows, completely piercing Yuta's heart, and the critical hit was not enough. He understood what Touma said, and he also hoped that Rikka could stay. He even knew what Rikka was expecting.

But he couldn't, because constantly affirming her like this would only bring her closer to the abyss. It was she who made Rikka give up her second year. It was not easy to get to this point, and it was not easy to make Rikka accept the reality. He could never.........

Toushou's sandbag attack began to fall on his chest, beating him unwillingly.

"Why! Why don't you just say to her, 'The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest'! Why don't you say to her, 'Be swallowed by the flames of darkness'! If you had said that, the Master would not have left! The Master has always been waiting for you to keep her!" With his heart already broken, Yuta reached out and grabbed Touma's hand that was constantly attacking, and began his counterattack......

"Said it, then what?......What can I do? Saying that to make her happy, what good will that do! Tell me!

Let her stay, then what? Can she escape from reality forever?!

There is no such thing as an invisible line! Her father is lying in the grave, what can I do for her! No matter how much she hopes......Things that don't exist, just don't exist!!"

Tomoshou's heart began to waver, and the cruelty of reality began to hit her. She began to struggle to escape, but Yuta's power was stronger than Tanbuya's. How could she, who couldn't even defeat Tanbuya, shake Yuta? With his hands tightly grasped, Yuta continued his attack.

"No matter how many settings you create, how many abilities you compile, no matter how much you believe you have special powers......"

Yuta let go and Touma fell to the ground......

"Things that don't exist just don't exist!! This is reality!!"

Toumo knelt on the ground, ignoring the pain from falling on his buttocks, and just wanted to deny Yuta's cruel remarks.

"Did your attack have any effect?"

"I'm so tired of death......Although it is ineffective against humans, it is effective against demons......."

"Do demons exist? Have you ever seen one?"

Yuta walked closer, representing the cruel reality, pushing back Touma's fantasy step by step.......

"Have you ever actually summoned a weapon?"


"No, no matter how much you think, no matter how much you believe......Things that don't exist don't exist!"

Tears welled up in the corners of Yuta's eyes.

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