The sun slowly sets, and Yuta, Nibutani, and Fang Wuwei come to the club activity room together and start the final finishing work.

A new club has reserved this activity room, so they must clean it up within today. Isshiki Makoto went to find senior sister Anise to persuade her, and Touma was nowhere to be seen. Maki Ikeuchi......It is said that her master assigned her many training tasks, and she just left with a sad face.

After a long time of cleaning up, Yuta felt a little emotional when he saw the neat and empty activity room.......It's gone just like that.

Empty shelves, empty rooms, and his empty heart

"never mind......Come to think of it, we haven't actually done any club activities."

"Yeah, apart from the flash mob, this is just a fan club......."

Looking at the setting sun, Yuta and Nibutani were quite emotional. Although the reason for establishing this club was so absurd, and even Nibutani joined without knowing why, it was undeniable that there were too many beautiful memories here that were worth cherishing.

Fang Wuwei leaned against the window, looking at the afterglow of the setting sun spreading over the earth, and asked Yuta:

"Yuta, are you planning on joining any more clubs?"

", yes......What about you? Kendo club?"

"It's so funny, those guys have to avoid me now......Besides, I plan to set up another club of my own......."

"Oh, come on."

Yuta lost interest instantly and turned the conversation to Nibutani

"How about you, how's the drama department doing?"

"Uh-huh......I took a look at it anyway.......The president over there is a very passionate senior.

He keeps saying things like"Let's create something that only we can create" or"This is the possibility of a new era!" It's a headache."

"ah......There are people like this."

Yuta thought Nibutani hated people like this, so he echoed the complaints.

"No, I don’t hate hot-blooded people, but even though I don’t hate them, when I hear this kind of talk, I still think,"Wow, this is a Chuunibyou."

This sentence caught the attention of Yuta now.......

"Is this considered a chuunibyou?"

When Nibutani heard this, he looked out the window. Some people were hiding outside reading books alone, some were walking normally but suddenly turned around to look behind them, and some were just chatting normally, but no one knew what they were talking about.

"Although......Maybe it’s different from Chuunibyou. How should I put it? It’s like I’m tightly bound by the idea that"I’m different from others, but I’m the only one who realizes it, so I’m special."......

Do you think, Togashi, that you and I both graduated from chuunibyou, and then thought about being a normal high school student in high school and became what we are now?"

"That being said......"

"But, isn't it just that we live up to our own imagination of"ordinary high school students" and are tightly bound by this idea?"

Yongtai understood, and this was what Dongfang Konghong had just said to him a few days ago. It was very similar.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"......No, nothing, I just think that, in the end, people are always suffering from a disease"..................

"Yuta......I ask you again, what is Chuunibyou?"

When everyone was silent, Fang Wuwei, who had been leaning against the window, asked Yongtai. Yongtai was still too confused.

"I have asked you this question before, don't you understand it yet?"

Yongtai was silent and shook his head.......

"Yuta, everyone is saying things like"Chuunibyou, it's so shameful", and they hope that they will never recall that past again in their lives.

But even if you block this memory, will the weird self at that time disappear? The self who always fantasizes that he is being watched, the self who has set a role for himself and completely immersed himself in it, will it really cease to exist?......"

Fang Wuwei shook his head, and Yongtai also shook his head

"Sometimes people always talk big, dreaming of a world that suddenly changes, dreaming of becoming the only powerful person in the world, and even go to great lengths to look for these works everywhere, fantasize about them everywhere, and substitute them into their own reality, imagining the distant future in their minds, imagining that the story that could never exist would happen to them.......

It never stops. No matter how mature and secular a person is, he will always have this kind of thought, right? Yuta, just tell the truth. You keep saying that you have graduated from the second year of high school, but are you really no longer a second year of high school? Do you no longer recognize yourself?"

Yuta couldn't refute this, and neither could Nibutani.......

Now, when they watch movies or TV shows, or read magazines, or even see cool things in real life, they will imagine that it would be great if they had these abilities or things.

In other words, they will imagine that they are the only one in the world, and the world will not turn without them, and they are so important and powerful.......

But they are just ordinary high school students, just ordinary people.

Without them, the earth will still turn.............

Although the earth would not turn without them, they don’t know it.

This is a process of self-recognition.

"......Yuta, do you understand? This is a disease called"excessive self-awareness" that keeps bursting out and growing in people's hearts from birth to death. It will recur even if it is broken countless times. It can never be completely cured. It is a little sad, a little shy, but very cute.

Having this so-called disease means that you recognize yourself, you understand how important you are, and you understand your own value.......This is a life called [self] that no one can avoid......"

Fang Wuwei's voice was so infectious that it made Yongtai's heart beat fast.

"Yuta......People, they are always suffering from chuunibyou all their lives, Yuta.

Fang Wuwei looked at Yuta and shook his head, while Nibutani beside him also sighed slightly.

"This is not a profound question, but Togashi-san you are too naive.......I go first"

"I'm leaving too, you can think about it slowly."

Nibutani and Fang Wuwei left together, leaving Yongtai alone standing in the empty activity room, staring at the sunset outside, and suddenly closed his eyes, and saw a huge black spot......................................................

"I said, I suddenly told Togashi-san so much, can he accept it?"

"Don't worry, Yuta is not someone who is so easily defeated, otherwise he wouldn't be so second-rate. I guess he would go thousands of miles to chase his wife tonight."

"Wow, still chasing after his wife......"

The two were walking side by side in the school, and suddenly passed by a beautiful girl with long blond hair that Nibutani had never seen before, which made her take a second look.

After passing by her, Nibutani thought that she looked a little familiar.......

When Tu Shuze saw Dan Shenggu and Fang Wuwei together, they looked quite sweet. Suddenly, she felt a sense of suffocation and discomfort in her heart, which made her chest feel stuffy.......

Toumoshi was not a person who was good at forbearance. He was so angry that he punched Nibutani in the back of the head.

"! Junior high school kid!!"

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