On the other side, Liuhua seemed to have sensed something.......She seemed to sense Yuta approaching.......How could it be possible?

She was in her room, wearing a white dress, looking so bright, but sitting quietly by the bed alone. At this time, her family was asleep, but she was tossing and turning. The silvery moonlight outside the window filled Liuhua's room. With such a beautiful view, if she were in the past, she would probably meditate under the moon.......

She wanted to do the same thing now, but unfortunately she couldn't. She was a normal child, and normal children wouldn't do such things.

Liuhua stood up and walked to the window quietly. She didn't want to disturb her family's sleep, so she walked to the window quietly and looked at the street scene outside through the thin yet thick window.

There was nothing outside, not even many street lights were on.

Some white light had begun to appear on the horizon.......Rikka just sat here for almost the entire night.

Turning back in an instant, she saw that the potted plants she raised were a little wilted, and she realized that she should water them.

Rikka's luggage that was piled up in her original home had been delivered. There was no way that all the cartons could be stored at home. After Rikka's grandfather checked them one by one, he threw away most of the things - most of the abnormal things, which contained countless things that Rikka once loved and cherished the most.

Rikka agreed to this with a smile, but we don't know what she was thinking in her heart.

From the few remaining cartons, Rikka took out an inflatable spray bottle, which she had always used, but she used it as a weapon before.

Weapon......No, it's just a watering can.

Liuhua pointed the watering can at the wilted potted plant and pressed the button, but no water came out - there was no water in it, and Liuhua didn't put air in it.

Looking at the familiar watering can, it was now pointed at something strange.......Liuhua recalled the time at Yuta's house.

At that time, she pointed the spray bottle at Yuta and sprayed him. Although Yuta was annoyed, he didn't do anything to her.......


There is also the sentence"The magic chamber generates high pressure, releasing the sacred water", which seems abnormal now, but it is extremely worrying.......


Liuhua saw that the watering can did not spray water, and the potted plant was still wilting, but tears could not resist falling from the corners of her eyes.

The potted plant was dead.

Liuhua covered her eyes and tried her best to suppress her crying, but she couldn't suppress it at all.......Even though she had clenched her teeth and her body couldn't stop shaking, her crying was still like a flood, with tears pouring out.

She missed Yuta so much, she wanted to see Yuta, even if it was just for a moment, even if it was just to hear Yuta's voice.......How she wished that Yuta would be like he was before, standing by her side no matter what happened.......


There was a suppressed shouting voice beside her ear, and Lihua just thought she was hallucinating.......This is not the first time, and every time it makes her feel more uncomfortable

"......I've already told you I'll just throw you up there......"

"......No, wait a minute!......"

Accompanied by a slight vibration, a loud noise, and a familiar cry of pain, Liuhua suddenly raised her head.


Rika ran to the window sill. She saw the man she had been thinking about day and night was lying on the roof in front of her window. At the same time, she saw the east not far away. He was no longer wearing an eye mask. When she looked at him, his scarlet eyes seemed to devour her. She was dazed for a moment.

But it was only a moment. Her attention quickly turned to Yuta, the lover she missed so much. She hurriedly opened the window. Rika never thought that Yuta would appear here. It was like a dream, so unrealistic.......

Rubbing her eyes, Rikka once again stared at Yuta in his school uniform. Only then did she see him clearly and felt more at ease.......

With tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, Rikka looked at Yuta, expecting him to say what she wanted to hear.

This time, Yuta did not disappoint her.


"I'm not Yuta! I'm......Dark Flame Master!"

Yuta finally A-ed it.

"Rikka Takanashi......No, Evil King's True Eye! I have something to show you......"


Liuhua was already crying, and looking at Yuta, she finally felt her heart was full again, and she finally saw that the world in front of her was no longer black and white.

Yuta stood up straight, facing Liuhua, and said the confession that touched her heart the most.

"Make a contract with me!!"

The barrier that Rikka used to hide the reality in her heart finally broke, revealing her broken, lonely and helpless pure heart.......

""Who is it? A thief?!"

The noise from Yuta's side was so loud that it attracted Rikka's grandfather. The grandfather, who was a little presbyopic, could only vaguely see a figure standing on his roof, and the white streak by the window should be Rikka.

Someone was trying to steal something and climbed onto the roof.......Rikka! Rikka is in danger!

"Liuhua!! Go back quickly!! Old woman, gun! Hurry up and bring me my shotgun!!"

Looking at Grandpa Liuhua who was staring at him, Yuta felt something was wrong. Let's not talk about the shotgun for now. He came here to steal someone and was caught by the family. This is a big problem.

"Oops......"Lihua! Come here!"

Lihua, who was on the other side, looked at Yuta but was a little hesitant.......If I die like this, my mother, grandparents and......

"Do you want to go back to that boring reality?! Or do you want to change reality with me?!"

Lihua's defense was broken. Yuta's words affirmed her evil king's true eyes, her settings, her invisible boundary line, everything about her, and accepted everything about her. This is what she has been waiting for, this is what she has been hoping for!!!


It's so thorough that even Grandpa Kotori knows who the figure is.......Well, it's not a thief, it's a flower thief who came to steal people, which made him even more anxious, but Xiao Niaoyou's grandmother didn't come out for a long time, which made him even more anxious, but he didn't dare to leave.......He was afraid that if someone left like this, Rikka would disappear.

Rikka had already climbed up to the window, jumped high at Yuta's call, and finally fell into Yuta's arms.

She was dressed in white, like the bright moon finally setting over the mountain, buried in the darkness, and like an angel in white, finally surrounded by the one she loved.

The moment she threw herself into Yuta's arms, Rikka's pure, innocent, and helpless heart seemed to be tightly wrapped by an indescribable tenderness. An inexplicable warm current burst out from her heart, completely wrapping her up in it, making it difficult for her to extricate herself.......

Finally, there was light in Liuhua's eyes.

"Yuta......Yuta......Yuta Yuta......"

Yuta felt the warm embrace that was so familiar and yet so much he missed it, and finally he couldn't hold back his tears.

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