Familiar streets, familiar sky, familiar slightly turbid air......

When Ikeuchi Maki walked out of Fang Wuwei's house and walked down the street in a kimono, she looked at the countless street scenes that she missed, and her expression was dazed. She was wearing a set of clothes that did not fit the times, and although it was a little strange, it was not very eye-catching. Only occasionally some idle people cast their eyes at her. Ikeuchi Maki had long been accustomed to these strange looks. She just wanted to go home quickly.......

She was just here and saw a missing person notice for her.................................................

On the other side, Fang Wuwei, who had cured Maki Ikeuchi's injuries and then sent her away, began to count the gains from his business trip: first, the system was upgraded again, gaining higher intelligence and authority, and the function of [slowing down the flow of time] was enabled: with the help of the system, the flow rates of the two worlds could be temporarily changed to be different.

They stayed in the Demon Slayer world for about twelve days this time, but only less than three days passed here.

This was the most surprising and desired function for Fang Wuwei.

My goodness, he has been thinking about this function since he came out of the battle royale after spending a month there last time. Although the flow rate of roughly four to one made him feel very lame, it is said that with the evolution of certain things, the function of slowing down the flow of time will become more powerful.

This mission earned him a total of nearly seven thousand points and six free draws. Adding to his daily check-in income and the points he had saved before, his current points have reached about fifty thousand.......

Fifty thousand points, what a concept, one draw is 500.

One hundred consecutive draws!!! How could Fang Wuwei not be excited?! But the draw will be discussed later, he has other things to do now......

He was going to go to Ikeuchi Maki's house first. When he looked outside, he saw a few missing person notices posted on the roadside, looking for Ikeuchi Maki.

After all, who wouldn't be anxious if a girl disappeared for three days without any reason?

So Fang Wuwei put on his sunglasses and walked out of the house, quietly following behind Ikeuchi Maki.................................................

For the first time, Ikeuchi Maki felt that the way home was so long. At this moment, she was sitting in the tram, quietly waiting for the tram to arrive at the destination, but she was a little restless, her hands and feet were clenched into a ball. She missed home too much. At this moment, she had a lot of grievances and wanted to tell her parents.

Fang Wuwei, at this moment, had just taken a taxi and followed the tram leisurely. He had a lot of money and was willful.

Until Ikeuchi Maki got off the tram and continued to run hard towards home, he also got off the car, handed 10,000 yen to the driver, and quietly followed Ikeuchi Maki behind him.......He didn't know where her home was, and he didn't plan to go with her, at least he couldn't let Ikeuchi Maki know that he was there - he had already seen Ikeuchi Maki's glittering golden spirit, but now he wanted to see her attitude before deciding whether to really regard her as his last disciple.

On the other side, at Ikeuchi's home, her parents were anxious because of their daughter's inexplicable disappearance. They knew that their daughter was a little bit immature, and perhaps it was partly because of them.......Although she had no friends, she was very happy, so the two did not stop her.

But one day during the summer vacation a month and a half ago, their daughter woke up earlier than them and went out mysteriously every day. When asked, she just said something stupid like"learning from a master and pursuing true power". The two who were used to Maki's nonsense also found something wrong.

However, after tracking her several times, they found that she was just doing her daily second-year activities, and it seemed that she had made new friends.......You know, Maki didn't have any friends. It was a good thing for her to make friends actively now. So the two of them let her do whatever she wanted. Until three days ago, she didn't go home.......

After waiting for a whole day and night, the old couple decided to go out and look for him. They called the police, but the police said there were no clues at all and could only send more police to search.......Surveillance was not well developed at that time.

After three days of agony, they had already decided that if they couldn't find the missing daughter, they would have to use their trump card. But the old couple finally got good news, although the good news was delivered by their missing daughter herself.

"Mom and Dad!!!"

The old couple, who had no intention of going to work, were sitting in the living room. They had done everything they could and had found all the connections they could. Now the only thing they could do was to pray for Maki to come back, and now, the prayer seemed to have worked.


The old couple heard Maki Ikeuchi's call and immediately got up from the sofa and rushed to the door. They opened the door with hope and saw their daughter standing there in a kimono, intact.

Three days of fear and despair disappeared in an instant. The Ikeuchi couple cried, and Maki Ikeuchi also cried. The three of them hugged each other and squatted on the ground crying loudly.......

Fang Wuwei, who was not far away, was speechless, but he felt a little envious in his heart.............

————This is the last dividing line (later used......To replace the dividing line, you can't exceed it)————

After recovering from the shock, Ikeuchi Maki took a good bath, changed back into her normal clothes, and sat in the living room with her parents, talking about what she had experienced in the past few days.......

To another world......Adventure......Goblins......Maki Ikeuchi told her a series of things that made her jump on the brink of life and death.

The ancients said: Heaven is the beginning of man; parents are the root of man. When people are poor, they return to their roots. Therefore, when they are exhausted from hard work, they always call on heaven; when they are sick and in pain, they always call on their parents. When a child is wronged, he will naturally return to the arms of his parents for comfort. However

, the development of things seems to have exceeded Maki Ikeuchi's expectations.

Her parents looked at each other solemnly after listening to Maki Ikeuchi's story.......

"Maki, let me ask you again, what about the other world?......Is what you said true?"


At this moment, Ikeuchi Maki was lying in her mother's arms, feeling somewhat puzzled. Originally, her parents would have just laughed it off like they usually did in the past, but this time, why did they do that?......

"Tell me more about it! What does it look like over there?"

Ignoring Maki Ikeuchi's surprise, her father spoke again, his tone revealing nervousness.

"there......It looks like the Taisho era, with people wearing kimonos, demons that die when exposed to sunlight, and a team called the Demon Slayer Corps that specializes in hunting demons.......Well, other......"


"It seems to be gone......"

Ikeuchi Maki's parents breathed a sigh of relief. This unusual situation made her even more surprised.

However, what her parents said next surprised her even more.

"Maki......We have something to tell you......"

"Well, I think it's time, Maki......We used to be a family of magicians, coming from another world."



Ikeuchi Maki was shocked, but what was even more shocked was Fang Wuwei who was eavesdropping on a balcony not far away. He almost fell off the balcony.

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