"This is Ikeuchi Maki, my apprentice"

"Yes! Dear seniors! I am Brilliant Swift Wind, and Ikeuchi Maki is just our secular name! Now I follow the footsteps of my master and come here!"

At this moment, Ikeuchi Maki and Fang Wuwei are sitting on the ground, facing the other people in the club, introducing themselves.

"Starting tomorrow, I will also be a member of this school! Please take care of me, seniors!!"

"Oh~ Brilliant Wind! What a powerful help!"

"Choosing to join us is the best decision you have ever made, death!"

Looking at Ikeuchi Maki being dragged away by Rikka and Touma, Yuta walked over silently. At this moment, he was speechless - this B, how come his condition got worse?

"Hello......Kong Hong, why is your illness getting worse?......"

"......Do you believe me when I say she pestered me to become my disciple?"

"What are you doing?......There's another Chuunibyou in the club......"

Even Nibutani started to complain. She didn't want to deal with any more Chuunibyou, even though she soon got mixed up with Rikka Touma, who also had Chuunibyou.

"Empty Macro.....I ask you"


"What to do with camphor leaves?"

"Um..........Huh?!! What the hell are you thinking to ask this question? She is your sister!!"...................................

The next day, Maki Ikeuchi came to school wearing a school uniform. At this moment, she was already a transfer student of the school, and happened to be transferred to the class where Fang Wuwei was.

The Ikeuchi family really had some wealth.

Maki Ikeuchi perfectly inherited her style in her original school and maintained a perfect middle school second year, which caused everyone in the class to instantly realize that this girl was the same style as Rikka and was not easy to get along with.

In fact, no one hated her, and no one hated Rikka, it was just that they had always lived in their own world, and if they didn't take the initiative to come out, they couldn't come in.

Originally, the classmates thought that she was just a loner, and at most made friends with Rikka, but Maki Ikeuchi did something that none of them expected......


As soon as lunchtime came, Ikeuchi Maki ran over to Fang Wuwei, and her shout of"Master" shook the earth, attracting everyone's attention.

Of course she was excited, Fang Wuwei had promised her that he would formally teach her the Gale Swordsmanship after she transferred to the school. How could she not be excited? She took out two lunch boxes from her pocket, handed them to Fang Wuwei's desk, and spoke respectfully.

"Master, this is a gift from my elders, please don't refuse it.

Fang Wuwei, who had just taken out two loaves of bread from his bag, was silent for a moment......

So special.....Awkward.....

After clearing his throat to ease his toes, Fang Wuwei knocked Ikeuchi Maki on the head with a knife, asking her to leave quickly, but he didn't shirk his responsibility. As soon as he saw Ikeuchi Maki leave, Xiao Liu, who had been sitting in the front row of Fang Wuwei for about forty chapters and I had almost forgotten about her, turned around immediately, staring at Ikeuchi Maki's receding back with a serious face, and spoke in a trembling voice.....

"East.....Dongfang, that is....."

"My apprentice"

"That.....this is....."

Xiao Liu pointed at the lunch box Fang Wuwei was eating.

"My apprentice gave it to me as a gift. It tastes pretty good."

"...............Can I also take you as my teacher?"


Time flies. Fang Wuwei and Ikeuchi Maki left school as soon as they were done. They didn't even go to the club and went straight home.

Behind them, a large group of little followers followed.

"Hello, Togashi.....What do you think is going on?"

"How would I know?.....How come Kong Hong suddenly has an apprentice around him? And looking at this route.....Did they go to Kong Hong's house together?!"


Not far from them, a large group of people including Yuta were following them stealthily. Everyone was there, even Rikka, who didn't want to see Yuta......Except for Isshiki, that guy was still waiting for Senior Anise to come back in the club.

There was no way, too curious, Dongfang, who had never liked to make close friends with others, suddenly had a girl they didn't know at all, claiming to be his apprentice......Isn't this the reason why he keeps rejecting other people's love?

Not far away, Xiao Liu and her group of girlfriends were also following Fang Wuwei......

"Mimiko.....Do you think that Dongfang has been ignoring you because of the new student?"

Xiao Liu's full name is Xiao Liu Miyako, and Mimiko is the nickname her friends give her.

"I do not know.....That's why I followed you!!"

Xiao Liu was anxious. She never expected that the two of them would leave right after school and go to.....Go on a date alone!

Wow, it's so uncomfortable.....

The two teams marched forward in unison, and Fang Wuwei in front was speechless. Ikeuchi Maki beside him was still chattering excitedly, but in the eyes of others, it was just"sweet whispers".

Get on the train together, get off the train together, direction.....Until

Fang Wuwei returned home, opened the door and brought Ikeuchi Maki in, Xiao Liu's heart instantly became gloomy......

On the other side, Yuta and the others were staring with their eyes wide open.

Oh my goodness, how dare you?!

A man and a woman alone in a room, what else could happen except that?!

Damn it!.....If Togashi had half the skill of that guy, Rikka would have been with him by now!

Nibutani on the side was full of resentment. This bitch, Higashikaru Touhou, said that they would work together to bring Togashi and Rikka together, but he went out on a date!!

"Let's go.....Stop snooping on other people's privacy."

"wrong.....Nibutani, take a look......"

Hearing Yuta's somewhat puzzled voice, Nibutani turned his gaze again.

He saw that Fang Wuwei and Ikeuchi Maki did not stay in the room all the time, but soon appeared in the backyard and stood facing each other. On the other side, Fang Wuwei was teaching Ikeuchi Maki the basic use of swords.

"First learn swordsmanship, then practice wind"


Although she knew she couldn't rush for success, Ikeuchi Maki still felt a little disappointed.

"Master, can you show me how to do it? I want to see the strong wind I saw earlier again! It was the most romantic scene I have ever seen in my life!"

"No, not now, there are people watching outside. How is your wave ripple training going?"

He glanced at Yuta and the others who were staring at this place not far away without leaving a trace, and decided to help them clear up the misunderstanding.

It didn't matter if other people had misunderstandings, he didn't care, the point was Yuta, he was from Zhangye.....Well, I can't be misunderstood anyway.

"Report! I can break a big rock!"

"Very good, take this knife and attack me!"

Fang Wuwei took out a long knife from the system space and threw it into the hands of Ikeuchi Maki. Ikeuchi Maki, whose physical fitness had improved by leaps and bounds due to the dual assistance of the ripples and Fang Wuwei's special training method, easily picked up the knife. The light red blade and the black wooden handle engraved with mysterious and complex patterns caught Ikeuchi Maki's attention in an instant.

This knife is the Fuchen Knife, and now it is given to Ikeuchi Maki by Fang Wuwei.

"Okay, let me get a feel for you first, then I'll take a closer look at how to train you......"

Another knife appeared in his hand. It was a plain straight knife. The pale white blade was full of metallic feeling and gleamed with cold light. The handle was wrapped in black and white cloth.

This was a shallow strike, a shallow strike that had not yet been released, a shallow strike extracted from the system.

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