I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 803 Good Virtues

Besides the second master, the person who knows Chen Meng best in the family is Qianmo.

Having followed Chen Meng for several years, she could guess some of her master's thoughts. It could be said that Chen Meng was responsible for half of the breakup drama.

What's the intention...

Chen Haoxuan's cynical face appeared in Qianmo's mind, and she suddenly felt that what the master was doing was right.

A small tree will not grow straight if it is not repaired, and it will be scratched if a person does not repair it.

Tang Xin thought of his resistant expression when he mentioned children, and his surprised expression when he mentioned marriage, and felt that this guy must want to be with that white-hoofed woman.

Qianmo comforted Tang Xin not to break down from crying, and called Xiao Hei while Tang Xin was washing up.

"Tie up that heartless man, lock him up in a small dark room, and kill him."

"...Daughter-in-law, I think you've been a little too angry lately." Xiao Hei glanced at his brother at the table across from him.

The two brothers were drinking wine at his house, with a stack of peanuts and two bottles of Erguotou. How could one of them be so melancholy? His brother was drinking cup after cup, as if Mr. Huo was even more worried. His wife wanted him to beat him up. This was too unreasonable. Let's break up the brotherhood.

"If you don't take this Chen Shimei away from me, I'll beat you up too."


"You can't escape the blame for educating your brother in such a deformed view on marriage and love!"

Xiao Hei said with a bit of injustice, "Then why don't you go and beat up our parents? Those two have children."

Qianmo said in a gentle yet threatening voice, "The signal is not good, I didn't hear clearly, please say it again~"

As a pure and straight man, Xiao Hei was resolute and slightly timid, and replied seriously, "I said my wife is right, and I will implement it now. Where are you now?"

"Don't ask me where I am, sister is your unattainable expectation! Discipline your scumbag brother well and tell him that he and Tang Xin had an affair, and 'we' Tang Xin will have nothing to do with him in the future. Also, then If you dare to threaten Tang Xin with a contract, tell him."

Qianmo's anger was deep in his Dantian, and every word was rooted in his words, "If you have the ability, let him sue me, and I will pay for the liquidated damages!"

"Sister-in-law Mo, I'm rich..." Tang Xin happened to hear this sentence when she came out, and was so moved.

"No! I have money too!"

When Yu Changmo heard this, his head was pounding. He risked his wife's anger and asked, "It seems that the contract she signed with the third child is not an ordinary labor contract."

For a corporate executive like Tang Xin who earns an annual salary, the liquidated damages are already very high. In addition, the shady Lao San was afraid that she would run away, which made it even worse.

"No matter what it is, can you still not afford to pay? Tell me, is the 11-digit deposit in our account enough to compensate?"

"Who...compensates?" Xiao Hei thought he heard wrongly.

Qianmo was very angry, "It's you! Do you have any objections?"

Xiao Hei sighed, "No, Madam is right."

Chen Haoxuan listened to the whole process, and his face was full of depression when he saw that his brother, who once walked the world with a sword without fear, turned from a tiger to a big cat.

"What does your guy mean?"

Xiao Hei looked at his younger brother. He smelled of alcohol and looked decadent, but he still wanted to hit the fat man in the face and clicked his tongue.

"It's not interesting. It's just that the woman she likes is sent to her territory to protect her."

Chen Haoxuan knocked his wine glass on the table, angry.

"Just let her run wild! That's my woman, there's no need for her to fan the flames."

Ouch, the young man is very brave to say it. Xiao Hei originally wanted to punch him twice, but then he thought about it and a gloating smile appeared on his lips.

"Being able to be incited shows that your foundation is not stable. Also, Tang Xin has nothing to do with you now. She is not your woman."

Chen Haoxuan was so angry that his brother was about to smoke, and glared at him,

"You know the truth of the matter, but you are still making noise? Yu Changmo, have you been brainwashed by a woman?"

Xiao Hei turned a blind eye and took a sip from the wine glass, drinking Erguotou and feeling like Lafite.

This is the difference between a man with a family and a man seeking death.

"You are holding on to the truth and not telling Tang Xin. You have to tell things that can be solved with one sentence. Now you have been dumped——"

"I asked you to come here to help those two women do this nonsense? What does it mean to be dumped? Can you believe the nonsense that old ladies say when they are angry?"

His backyard was on fire, and his brother didn't help put out the fire, but instead came over with a bucket of oil?

"Taking it as a matter of fact, I think you deserve it." Xiao Hei remained neutral.

Chen Haoxuan has never seen his brother look so hateful.

"Listen to my brother's advice. It's still too late to go over and take the person back."

"Yes? Doesn't that encourage the arrogance of these women? She is willing to come back on her own. If she admits her mistake, I can still forgive her!"

Xiao Hei looked at his brother sympathetically.

It's hard to persuade a damn ghost with good words.

Quarrel is a very hurtful and sad thing. Even though we know that both of us are unhappy, it is still unavoidable.

Qianmo coaxed Tang Xin to sleep. It was already early in the morning and the suite had several rooms. She yawned and went upstairs. When she opened her room, she found the brother of the scumbag Chen Shimei walking out wearing a bath towel.

? ? ?

She was just downstairs, why didn't she hear the door?

"Who runs this hotel? Why do the service staff have no awareness of confidentiality?" Qianmo walked over and picked up a towel to wipe his hair.

"Well, I'll ask them to deduct their wages later." The instigator had no consciousness and was a bit shameless.

Qianmo moved her nose. She smelled so much of alcohol.

"How much did you drink?"

"In total, it's 1 pound per person, not much."

Xiao Hei wanted to hug his beautiful beauty, but Qianmo pushed her away in disgust.

"No, why am I so upset when I smell wine? It's really strange. It was the same when I went to the hospital today. I was disgusted by the smell of disinfectant."

Xiao Hei sat up straight, "Have you caught a cold too? Why didn't you follow the blood test to check the blood items?"

"I've been a little tired for the past two days and want to sleep. Maybe I caught a cold due to the air conditioner blowing too much." Qianmo waved her hand carelessly, "You haven't counted my physical fitness yet. I'm an absolutely healthy baby. Even this small amount of cold medicine is enough." No need to eat, just stay up for a few days and it will be over.”

This is true. Qianmo's past four years have not been in vain. Even though he is thin, he has muscles.

"Go to the doctor tomorrow and get some medicine."

Xiao Hei, who was surrounded by the smell of alcohol, was even more bewitched. His black eyes narrowed mischievously, "Perhaps, I can give you an injection in advance."

He took out the small box he had prepared a long time ago from his pocket and compared it to her. Opportunities always come to those who are prepared.

"You... brought this thing from home?" Qianmo could tell at a glance. Isn't this the good stuff in the drawer at her house?

"Being diligent and thrifty makes our family tradition good."

Qianmo hehe.

Is this guy used to using a certain brand of custom-made products? He has developed a habit and is unwilling to use outside products, right?

"Excuse me, this 'thrifty' gentleman, did you wear a condom yourself to join the team, or did you invite your brother Chen Shimei to join him?" Qianmo asked the most crucial sentence.

Xiao Hei held up his arms and replied with a righteous expression, "I came here because I forced him to lie down."

A knife for the brothers.

He stabbed his brother twice for his wife.

Qianmo still recognized this kind of good character.

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