I Wish Mo All the Best

Chapter 806 Is there any?

Tang Xin felt very ugly at the time. She even thought it was the ugliest rabbit among all the toys. She still had some luck left. According to Murphy's law, if Chen Haoxuan was asked to draw the rabbit, he would definitely not get the ugliest rabbit.

And then, um, I got it.

Chen Haoxuan's slumped face at that time still feels very cute when she thinks about it now.

His woman is a very contradictory combination.

He is very capable externally. Having been with him for so many years, he has absolutely no problem with administrative work and his emotional intelligence is also very high.

If it weren't for his secretary, there would be many wealthy businessmen pursuing her because of his influence.

He can also show extremely high coordination skills when dealing with official duties, but he is always a bit silly in private.

I like some weird things, especially those furry and silly toys.

This little rabbit, who was disliked by Tang Xin in every possible way, hung on her key for several years.

Several times, he accidentally caught her holding a fur rabbit to express her emotions.

The hair was almost pulled out, but he still couldn't bear to change it.

Now she doesn't want the rabbit anymore.

Chen Haoxuan's heart felt like being poked by a very thin needle. At first it only stung a little and there was no bleeding, but the pain radiated from one point to the whole body. He suddenly couldn't breathe, and a terrible realization clamped down on him.

She doesn't want the rabbit anymore.

She also doesn't want the person who brought her this rabbit.

She likes it because he gave it to her personally.

No, because she doesn't like the person who gave the rabbit.


These three words hit his heart, Chen Haoxuan tightened his grip on the rabbit, and his mood at the moment was even grayer than the rabbit.

The high-end clubhouse is filled with the aroma of citrus essential oil.

Qianmo held the fruit plate and looked at Tang Xin searching around the room.

"Sister-in-law Mo, have you seen my rabbit?"

"The one who's so ugly that he loses his hair?"


Tang Xin has been looking for it all morning.

She asked Qianmo to give the car keys and house keys to Chen Haoxuan, but the rabbit that had been with her for several years disappeared.

"I threw it away."

"How could you throw away my things - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. I'll find it wherever you threw it." Tang Xin felt as if he had lost his soul without the rabbit.

When he left home, he never imagined that he would become what he is now. His hurtful performance in the hospital contributed to the current situation.

The breakup was hasty and she took nothing with her when she left home. She planned to go back and pack her things when Chen Haoxuan was not at home.

She didn't plan to take any of the gifts he gave her, but she wanted to keep the rabbit.

"Can't you let go of the rabbit, or can't you let go of the person who gave you the rabbit?"

"...Forget it. No more." Tang Xin was decadent.

Since there is no fate, why bother with that obsession.

"It's been a few days since you came out. Are you feeling better?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad." Tang Xin felt that she was completely blank now.

It's like a very important part of your life has been stripped away. It seems like you can't see the future, there's no way to turn back, and you don't know what to do next.

Her symptoms seemed completely normal to Qianmo.

There was something wrong with the most important link in the relationship that Chen Laosan thought was perfect, and Qianmo had to correct it now.

"Our industry is very interesting. There are many experiments that are prohibited. My predecessors are half devil and half angel. They have many crazy ideas."

Tang Xin looked at Qianmo blankly. She didn't quite understand why Qianmo would say this to her.

"You and your man - oh, ex-man, you two have been conducting an experiment that is forbidden in our industry for the past few years."

"Us? How is it possible? We are businessmen and we do experiments."

Qianmo just smiled and said nothing.

Tang Xin came to life after just mentioning a topic related to Chen Laosan.

"Milgrim had an experiment. The original intention was to study whether ordinary people would carry out instructions that violated moral principles. Let dozens of people who participated in the experiment be together with two fake expert authorities. The person who acted as the authority would issue some Excessive instructions, like, shock innocent people, guess what?"

"Why do people with normal IQs have to obey others?"

Qianmo shrugged, "Unfortunately, two-thirds of the people did as they were told. Even if innocent people wailed, they still resolutely carried out the so-called authoritative instructions."

Once a psychological ladder system is formed, the human nature of those at the bottom will be suppressed and they will carry out the other party's orders without principle.

Just like Tang Xin and Chen Haoxuan.

"You mean, I've always been at the bottom of the food chain?!"

It was difficult for Tang Xin to accept it.

Qianmo nodded.

"Many people think that marriage and love relationships are equal, but in fact they are not."

The ideal situation would be for her and Xiao Hei to be equally matched and equal.

Although Xiao Hei shows tolerance and pampering to her most of the time, the two of them have an equal attitude when facing all major issues that require choices. There is no one who is superior and who is inferior.

"We have always preached about equality in marriage, but we are in an environment where it is difficult to achieve this."

The slogan of liberating women has been chanted for many years, but the concepts left behind for thousands of years are still deeply rooted. To challenge this concept is equivalent to challenging the tradition and the vast majority of people who believe in it.

"There is an elder in my family who I don't know very well. Every time she comes over these days, she always asks me why I didn't give birth to a baby quickly and catch Xiao Hei. In her eyes, the meaning of me going to school is far less than having a baby. Marriage is important."

"In a narrow environment, cognition is limited. I think you should go to school. Aunt Chen said that you are particularly savvy and suitable for this direction -" Tang Xin originally wanted to echo a few words.

But her eyes fell on Qianmo's belly. Thinking of her previous doubts, she changed her words.

"But fate is wonderful. If you and Brother Mo create a little Mo, I think it will be an unknown surprise."

The genes of parents are so incredible that the children they have will not be much different.

"Sister-in-law Mo, if...you accidentally find out that you have it, will you keep it?"

Qianmo was seriously analyzing the values ​​of marriage and love when the topic suddenly turned to her baby.

Following Tang Xin's gaze and looking at her belly, "Yes? Of course I'll keep it."

I've been taking unpalatable Chinese medicine for several years just to have a baby.

She had been pregnant with a baby in her previous life, but she lost her fetus in the second trimester. It was already obvious that it was a boy. That incident was a huge blow to Qianmo.

Fortunately, I met my great-grandma after I came back. After several years of careful care, the tragedy in my previous life will probably not happen again.

"That's good...Actually, I suspect you may have it. Didn't you find that you have been eating fruit a lot lately? And you are very sensitive to smells."

Qianmo laughed loudly, "It's impossible, we have measures in place."

Although she considered having a baby after graduation, Xiao Hei disagreed.

After she gets married, she will go to study abroad. A doctorate is very hard work. If she has a child, she will be distracted. It would be better for her to think about it after graduation.

"How can it be 100% accurate? I think it would be better for you to test it."

Today is the Ghost Festival, so there are a lot of things going on at home. If I update, I will update twice for the time being. I will see if I have time to update again in the evening.

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