The re-evolution of the reincarnated eye has brought more power to Otsuki Qishan.

Five Shadows was no match at all in front of him.

Now he will be a nightmare for the entire ninja alliance.

Seeing this scene, Beidou also bloomed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In the middle of the shot, he once again retained a bit of strength.

Concentrate on maneuvering with the soil.


At this time, the war has temporarily subsided.

All the forces on the battlefield are gathering in the direction of the Five Shadows.

Even, after learning the origin of the big barrel wood.

The troops left behind by the Five Shadows were all summoned to the battlefield.

If you look at the entire ninja world from the sky, you will find it.

Countless ninjas, like a hundred birds and phoenixes, rushed in the direction of the battlefield.

It constitutes a magnificent strategic map.

Where, it has almost become the center of the entire ninja world.

This war will be the life and death of everyone in the ninja world!

At the same time, a figure was running in the opposite direction in the dense forest.

The armor around the body rattled between tumbling and jumping.

In the blink of an eye, it was far away.

"It's closer, and I can already clearly feel the chakra of the reincarnation eye. "

Madara Uchiha's footsteps stopped in an instant in a canyon.

His eyes were fixed on the dark valley floor.

In it, he clearly felt the breath of the reincarnation eye.

"Ye Qing, I'll see where you can escape this time. "

The Outer Dao Golem and the Reincarnation Eye were all captured by Ye Qing, and this matter was clearly known.

The original purpose of this war was to force the Five Hidden Villages to hand over the Eight Tails.

and forced Ye Qing to appear,

Take back the Outer Path Golem and the Reincarnation Eye.

Resurrect the Ten Tails and become a human pillar force.

And now, the appearance of a new enemy has completely disrupted Madara's deployment.

The strength of the Otsuki clan is far beyond that of ordinary ninjas.

Even Madara was not sure that he would be able to defeat this family with the body of the reincarnation of the soil.

Therefore, he asked Obito to unite with the Five Shadows to deal with the big barrel wood.

At the same time, it secretly perceives the movements of the reincarnation eye.

When the entire battlefield is disrupted, regain control of the reincarnation eye.

After that, as long as the Eight Tails are found, the Ten Tails will be resurrected and become a human pillar force.

But that's it, he's going to be the strongest in the entire ninja world.

No enemy poses any threat to him.

"Hmph, I'm not going to give you any chance this time. "

Madara Uchiha's eyes suddenly bloomed with a scarlet light.

Under the darkness of the night, anomalous.

With a bend of his legs, he jumped straight from the top of the canyon.

The moon had been shattered, but there were not enough stars in the sky to illuminate the earth in the night.

It makes the deep canyon even darker.

In both ears, only the sound of rapidity could be heard.

After a few moments, his feet finally touched the ground.


On the ground, a thick cloud of dust splashed.

It's as if no one has set foot here in a long time.

However, Madara clearly sensed that the eye of reincarnation was not far ahead.

Moreover, the huge, furious chakras of the tailed beasts are also nearby.

In Madara's opinion, after Ye Qing got the reincarnation eye, he definitely wanted to change his eyes.

However, he neither has the blood of a thousand hands, nor is he a member of the Uchiha clan.

There is not a trace of the power of the big barrel wood in the body.

It will take quite a while to get used to the power of the eye of reincarnation.

At this moment, he must be hiding in the canyon to adapt to the power of the reincarnation eye.

Between Madara's hands, a fire escape handprint instantly formed.

He took a deep breath, and a large amount of chakra instantly condensed in his mouth.

"Fire escape, good fire extinguished!"


Fierce flames erupted in an instant.

A huge wave of flames was formed, sweeping everything around it.

The vine branches, dead branches and rotten leaves in front of him were ignited by the flames in an instant.

The entire valley was filled with flames in the blink of an eye.

The air around them was twisted and distorted by the scorching flames.

It took a while for the fire to dissipate.

The obstacles in front of him had been swept away, leaving only a Martian road to reveal in front of Madara.

The flames that were still burning on both sides brought a long-lost light.

Let the environment in the whole valley be seen clearly.

The huge Outer Dao Golem stood silently not far away.

A figure can be seen lying on top of a boulder at the golem's feet.

There was a simple long knife hanging from his waist, and his hands were pillowed behind his head, looking like he was sleeping soundly.

Madara Uchiha's eyes were firmly fixed on Ye Qing's body.

He knew how difficult this person was, and at the same time, a flash of excitement flashed in his heart.

Step out with one foot and explode the sparks on the ground.

The pupils in his eyes dilated instantly, rippling in his eye sockets.

A misty purple light emerges from it.

The kaleidoscope writes the wheel eye, and it instantly becomes the appearance of the reincarnation eye.

Although it is a pirated eye created by the reincarnation of the filthy earth.

However, the power exerted is not much worse.

At least, it won't be worse than Ye Qing, who has just had an eye transplanted.

As the footsteps approached, the Dao Mars rose from the ground.

Hovering in the air around it.

At this time, Ye Qing seemed to have just sensed that something was wrong.

Open your hazy eyes and look at Madara Uchiha as she approaches.

Raising his hand and rubbing his somewhat sour eyes, he said with some uncertainty: "Dazzling?"

Madara Uchiha's eyes instantly focused on Ye Qing's eyes.

The brows were furrowed tightly in an instant, and his face became cloudy.

"You didn't transplant my reincarnation eye?"

Ye Qing's eyes were black and white, and there was a stunned expression reflected in them.

Hearing Madara's inquiry, he sat up from the stone as if he hadn't woken up, shaking his dizzy head.

"Why am I transplanting that?"

Ye Qing really couldn't look down on his pair of reincarnation eyes, not even hook jade.

It's too weak.

Madara's face instantly turned gloomy, and a strong killing intent was revealed from his body.

"Then leave it to me. "

Ye Qing scratched his head and said a little helplessly: "The eye of reincarnation is really not here, I only have this, do you want it?"

As he spoke, he picked up a purple ball of light from the side and tossed it up and down in his hand.

In the ball of light, there are clearly fluctuations of the reincarnation eye.

However, it is only a part of the chakra extracted in the eyes of reincarnation.

That's what Madara sensed.

Look at Madara's distorted expression that gradually turns out of anger.

The corners of Ye Qing's mouth also showed a hint of a smile.

The drowsiness on his face was swept away, and the ball of light in his hand was shattered into a point of light in the sky.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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