"Boy, the strength has improved well, and in just a few days, he has developed a new ninjutsu. "

"It's really good, I can have a fight with my art. "

"It seems that you haven't been lazy lately, and when the war is over, please drink. "


Shui Yue rubbed her nose, enjoying the praise of the members of the Xiao Organization.

Even his head was raised in the air, and a proud smile bloomed.

Mizuki and Jun Malu had just rounded up with Xiao Nan and the others, and were rushing in the direction of the battlefield.

With Shui Yue's temperament, of course, he couldn't help but show off his newly developed secret technique: Cloud and Mist.

It is comparable to a huge cloud monster like a tailed beast, and its strength is even much stronger than that of some tailed beasts.

Let the ghost shark Deidara and others praise it.

After all, it was only a few days before they were separated.

It's been less than a day since the Great Ninja War began.

In such a short period of time, it is already extremely difficult to improve the strength so much.

Compared with Shuiyue's high profile, Jun Malu's temperament is still as boring as before.

The reincarnation eyes in both eyes are as if they are inlaid with two purple gemstones.

It looks like a kind of bewitching beauty.

In terms of strength, he is much more advanced than Shui Yue.

However, he just nodded at Xiao Nan and didn't speak to anyone.

Just dull and follow the crowd to hurry.

"Suiyue, what is the leader doing now, and it's our turn to play this war, right?"

Deidara asked anxiously.

If you want more people to witness your art, the battlefield is the best choice.

He had been impatient for a long time.

This group of militants, after hearing about the ninja war, none of them were worried.

Even Xiao Nan wants to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy to plant this war.

One counts as one, and they are all masters who are full of bloody killing.

Shui Yue smiled, revealing a mouth full of fangs.

"Lord Ye Qing said, we can go directly to the battlefield now, and he will arrive later. "

As soon as he said this, everyone was excited.

That's what they want.

Fei Duan carried his scythe and skimmed the three hundred evil god cults that followed behind him.

These people have all been controlled by Itachi with the Sharingan.

has become three hundred warriors who are not afraid of life and death, and on the battlefield, they belong to the cannon fodder that cannot be killed.

However, when I saw the flying section of this scene, I felt a sense of urgency in my heart.

Of the three hundred people behind him, any one of them could replace him in this dress.

Even Mizuki, a little kid, has developed a new ninjutsu.

If you stay where you are, you may become a burden to everyone.

"Cut, what's the big deal. "

At that moment, Itachi seemed to sense something.

An eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes, looking in one direction in the darkness.

Where.... It seems to have a familiar atmosphere.

"Mr. Itachi. "

Seeing the weasel in a daze, the ghost shark shouted inexplicably.

The others also stopped to look at him inexplicably, and no one knew what was so much in the distant darkness that could attract his attention.

The scarlet writing wheel eyes bloomed with a strange light under the dark night.

What everyone can't see, but it is reflected clearly in his eyes.

"This chakra, is it Sasuke?"

Although Sasuke's chakra has changed a lot now.

However, the weasel still felt a familiar aura in it.

"You go to the battlefield first, and I'll be there. "

After the weasel left a sentence, the whole person was instantly torn into several pitch-black crows.

Between the winged caves, they melt into the night and disappear in the blink of an eye.


At this time, the valley was already a mess.

The power of the two complete bodies is simply devastating.

The canyons on both sides have been razed to the ground.

As far as the eye could see, there was a pitch-black fire burning everywhere.

Make your surroundings look even darker.

Ye Qing was half-lying on the head of the outer Dao golem, holding his forehead with his hand to watch the play.

The aftermath of the attack was absorbed by the black mist.

It didn't affect him in the slightest.

At this time, Madara Uchiha gradually became excited in the battle with Sasuke.

The eye of reincarnation coupled with the strength of the eternal kaleidoscope, in time, he also felt a bit of trickiness.

Sasuke's current strength has faintly surpassed him.

It's just that he hasn't fully adapted to the reincarnation eye of his right eye, and he can't exert his due strength.

It looks a little worse than Madara.

Above Sasuke's Susanen, there are powerful chakra fluctuations around it.

A quick spot on the shoulder received a hint of damage.

The purple chakra instantly repaired Susa.

It looks the same as before.

In addition, the reincarnation eye in the right eye, the pupil power is still strengthening.

Just like the Writing Wheel, you have to adapt faster in battle.

Now that he is out of the 'Heavenly Hand Power', he has also adapted to the power of the six realms in his right eye.

The pupil power contained in it is a few points stronger than Madara's pair of 'pirated' reincarnation eyes.

Madara Uchiha clasped his hands to his chest and glanced at Sasuke with appreciation.

"That eye is good, but you don't really have the strength to show it. "

Madara Uchiha has been a legendary ninja in the world of ninjas since the Warring States period.

The eyes are very old-fashioned, and Sasuke's weaknesses can be seen at a glance.

Young, too little experience.

Moreover, the time to obtain the reincarnation eye is too short, and it is impossible to exert real strength at all.

After Madara obtained the eye of reincarnation, it took a long time to adapt to it before he fully mastered the power of the six realms.

Nagato had these eyes transplanted since he was a child, and after paying a considerable price, he barely exerted some of his strength.

Sasuke's reincarnation eye has only been obtained for a few days, although he has awakened the power of the heavenly hand.

However, the proficiency of the overall ability is far inferior to Madara Uchiha.

However, there is also a difference between the two, and Sasuke's strength is increasing every moment.

Madara is a reincarnated body of filthy soil, and his strength will be fixed forever.

After a little time, it is not difficult to surpass Madara.

At this moment, a figure flashed in an instant.

The red cloud trench coat slowly fell, and he looked up to reveal his face with deep nasolabial folds.

Sasuke's figure froze instantly, his eyes widened to the limit, and even his pupils trembled violently.

There was an expression of horror and disbelief on his face.

The chakra dissipated in an instant, falling back to the ground.


Itachi smiled softly, narrowing his eyes into two slits.

"Sasuke, you've gotten stronger. "

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