I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 102 Everyone has their own agenda

After setting the goal, Chen Chen worked non-stop to formulate a specific implementation plan.

The first thing he did was to take advantage of the night to go to the battlefield near Nayong Village again and find a way to deal with the last traces.

Later, he tried to retrieve the M24 he had thrown away - after all, he had already decided to fall out, so what the hell did he care about the evidence?

This gun is not easy to get in northern Myanmar. Even if you don't use it, you can still make a lot of money by selling it.

But it's a pity that he really didn't find the gun. It was probably taken away by a passing farmer.

After dealing with all this, Chen Chenxin went straight to sleep. After waking up, he pretended to have "considered it for a long time" and was "very embarrassed" and refused the "investigation mission" from Chen Yimin that Jackal acted as an intermediary.

On the phone, Jackal said earnestly:

"Wreck, you must understand your situation. If you have to do something clean, you must do it neatly and don't give others a reason to attack you."

"You know, I warned you a long time ago that these people in the 7th Brigade are not as simple as you think."

"This time they want you to investigate. They don't really trust you. It can even be said to be a test. Although I don't know what happened between you, I can tell you responsibly that Chen Yimin is very interested in you." He has murderous intentions."

"In short, since you have refused, you must be prepared to bear the consequences. Do your own thing and try to think of a way to reassure them."

There was a mystery hidden in his words. In just a few words, he actually hinted at his own speculation.

There was no need to explain the words clearly. Chen Chen did not refute or bother to explain. Instead, he asked an equally obscure question:

"I will pay attention to this, don't worry - but having said that, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

"It means that your business in Mengka is not going well, right? You have a lot of controls, and the source of the control requirements is actually not the head office, but Thailand?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Jackal fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, he replied:


Without saying anything, Chen Chen immediately confirmed Chaisili's attitude.

He had been wondering before why an arms dealer would have so many restrictions on the sale of some equipment.

Many things without American elements are not subject to the long-arm jurisdiction principle of the United States. Although those things that are truly controlled cannot be sold to Myanmar, if they are sold to northern Myanmar, the United States should be happy to see the results.

Therefore, the key to the problem lies with the Myanmar government

It is they who do not allow certain equipment to flow into northern Myanmar, and Thailand must consider their requests.

But what if the situation in northern Myanmar changes?

What if those diehards who fight to the end really die?

By then we will all be our own people, so it won’t be a big deal to buy some gadgets.

Therefore, Chaisri will not refuse change.

The final risk has been eliminated.

Chen Chen didn't chat much with Jackal. After hanging up the phone, he immediately started preparations.

The injured Shi Dakai and Bao Qi could not move. It was much safer for them to stay in Mengbin than to return to Mengka.

And Gang Li and Lin He were the helpers he had to take away. In this way, how to ensure the safety of these two people became a problem.

Chen Chen's only choice was to hire a mercenary team in Mengbin City, but he was not familiar with the mercenaries in Mengbin, so he had to use Chai Sili's limited connections here to send an open message. Mission bounty.

His original intention was to find a mercenary group that could fight against the Lion Corps to prevent possible retaliation from the other side.

But he didn't expect that things would develop completely beyond his expectation.


Because, the Lion Corps came directly to apply.

Looking at the thin but muscular man in front of him, Chen Chen cautiously held the handle of the pistol and asked:

"Are you really here to apply?"

The latter nodded calmly and replied:

"Of course. Do you look like I'm here for revenge?"

"The matter is over. The pension you paid is very generous and your sincerity is very high. Is it possible that our mercenary group is still struggling with the money?"

"Honestly, it's a huge bargain."

"In Mengbin City, you actually hire people to protect your team members. Isn't it just to guard against us?"

"I saw the mission and thought about it carefully. Rather than letting others earn the money, it would be better for us to earn it ourselves."

“It’s better for you and me to have no middlemen making the difference, isn’t it?”

Chen Chen was speechless for a moment. The reason given by the other party was so sufficient that he could not refute it.

But of course, he won't let down his guard so easily.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Your captain is dead and I killed him. This makes me unable to trust you."

After hearing his words, the man spread his hands indifferently and replied:

"Whatever you want, I'm just standing here to see if I can pick up a quick buck."

"But before you make your decision, I have two things to say."

"The first thing is that mercenaries cannot kill their employers. This is the most basic principle. The consequences of breaking this principle are far more serious than the death of the regiment leader."

"The second thing is that our previous battles were purely profit-driven. Now that the mission is over, all the costs we paid are sunk costs and will not be considered in subsequent missions."

"If you say that, can you understand it?"

"I understand."

Chen Chen nodded slightly, and the expression of the man opposite him really made his eyes light up.

They are indeed a first-class mercenary group. They are not only professional in combat, but also professional in conduct.

In two simple paragraphs, Chen Chen's current situation was clearly analyzed.

Of course, they also glossed over their motives for "protection money" in a high-sounding way——

But it's really a good idea.

So, Chen Chen opened his mouth and asked:

"Can you accept the price? $50,000, two weeks."

"Okay, otherwise why would I come?"

"My request is that you have to actually protect them and not just take the money and leave."

Chen Chen emphasized.

"That's another price - to be honest, 50,000 US dollars is only 2,500 US dollars for each of our team members. It will delay our time for two weeks. This is a bit too disrespectful to us."

"Although we have been defeated by you in half, this situation has happened many times in our past experiences. Our combat effectiveness will not diminish because of this, but will only get stronger and stronger."

The man's words were very crazy, but Chen Chen saw the "core" hidden in it that he wanted to pursue.

No fear of casualties, as long as the establishment remains, the flag will remain.

This is indeed the quality that a mercenary group with a long history and super combat power should have.

However, being able to bargain like this really shows that this guy is really here to collect protection money.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Chen said:

"Increase it to 100,000, but I have one condition."

"You have to give me a priority. That is to say, after this mission, if I have the next mission, you have to take mine first."

"If the benefits are the same, you will be picked first, regardless of difficulty."

The man answered without hesitation. It was obvious that he was extremely familiar with this process.

"Reasonable, deal."

Chen Chen stretched out his hand to the man, and the man immediately reached out to hold it.

"Just call me White Dog, Mr. Wreck. It's a pleasure to work with you."

“A pleasure to work with.”

After settling Bao Qi and Shi Dakai, Chen Chen began his next step of preparations.

Compared with the previous assassination of Chen Shenhe, he had more time this time, so he had more options to choose from.

In fact, to kill a person, it is definitely not just the so-called "standard assassination methods" such as sniping, wiping the neck with a knife, and poisoning.

If the guns can't kill them, use cannons. If the cannons can't kill them, use roadside bombs. If the roadside bombs can't kill them, hit them with dump trucks. If they can't be hit by the dump trucks, use full insurance semitrailers.

In short, doing everything possible is the true style of a combat force.

How did the United States kill those key targets back then?

They didn't arrange for the snipers to squat for three days and three nights and then shoot into the soul with one shot. Instead, they directly used thermobaric bullets and ground-penetrating bullets.

In this regard, Chen Chen feels that their style is worth learning.

But of course, what should be used specifically depends on the actual situation and analysis.

Now Chen Yimin and Chen Jiashu are both frightened. They will most likely hide in the military camp and not show up. It is impossible to use "close-range means" to complete the assassination. The best way is to choose those who can output firepower from a long distance. Equipment that can also guarantee a kill rate.

Therefore, after considering various factors, Chen Chen finally selected several available options.

The first is the individual cloud bomb bombing.

This thing can be said to be a powerful weapon for attacking difficult situations. It has strong ability to break and overcome obstacles. It has an amazing killing effect on indoor targets especially.

Because its principle is to spray fuel near the target and then ignite it to form a big explosion.

The radius of this kind of explosion can reach more than 20 meters, and its power is equivalent to dozens of times that of explosives of the same volume. It will produce a powerful shock wave that spreads around in a short period of time, and will also generate high temperatures of up to 2,500 degrees.

You will die if you touch it, and you will melt if you touch it. No living target can withstand such damage, so it is perfect for carrying out this mission.

The only problem is that this thing is a little difficult to get. If you buy it through a wooden ghost, it will be easily exposed. If you buy it through a jackal, you may not be able to bypass the control.

Therefore, Chen Chen also formulated a backup plan, which was to drop napalm.

The launcher can be refined and modified using the previous gas tank cannon, which can be regarded as making the best use of it.

The disadvantage of this plan is that, after all, it is homemade equipment, and its stability is open to question. If an attack fails, it will be even more difficult to find opportunities.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to launch multiple missiles at once to improve the fault tolerance rate.

But in that case, the risk of exposure will increase, and it is not perfect.

But of course, "perfect" and "available" are two different things, and what Chen Chen pursues is only usable.

In addition to these two relatively "normal" options, Chen Chen also considered relatively less reliable options such as paraglider air strikes, M82A1 snipers, remote-controlled self-destructing truck assaults, etc. as backup.

Generally speaking, he has almost exhausted all the slightly reliable plans. In the end, which table Chen Yimin will take depends on himself.

With all plans in place, Chen Chen rented a new car and headed to Mengka.

But before entering Mengka, he had to go to Wan Pang Sang Mountain to recycle the Warrior cars that had not been recycled before.

At the same time, in the military camp of the 7th Brigade.

Chen Yimin and Chen Jiashu sat opposite each other, their serious expressions revealing obvious murderous intent, and the content they discussed was officially Chen Chen's latest reply.

". Sunken Ship refused the mission this time, which is actually quite suspicious."

"His reason is that the Dongfeng Corps has lost too many members and now lacks capabilities. But the problem is that we just want them to participate in tracking and have no intention of asking them to assume the main combat mission."

"His refusal made me think he was trying to avoid it - or was he deliberately trying to stay out of it?"

"This is very abnormal. Brother, do you have a feeling that Sunken Ship may have guessed the relationship between the person he killed and the He family of the 756th Brigade?"


Hearing Chen Jiashu's words, Chen Yimin nodded slowly, and then continued:

"Wreck is a very smart, very cautious man, and he also has a very strong sense of danger in certain matters."

"The 756th Brigade's delay in not participating in the battle is very abnormal. It cannot be explained by the previous reason of 'picking fruits'."

"He will definitely think about why, and will definitely shift the focus of suspicion to Shen He, because in this mission, Shen He is the only character capable of leveraging such a contradiction."

"So, his motive for killing Shenhe was actually very strong - he could not allow anyone to threaten his life in this way."

"Actually, I thought about Sunken Ship's revenge from the beginning. Do you remember, I said I would use other reasons to kill him."

"But I didn't expect that before we took action, someone else would take action first."

Having said this, Chen Yimin couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, he suddenly understood his brother better.

I always say that I need to think more and be cautious, but in fact, some things really cannot be done slowly.

Looking at his expression, Chen Jiashu couldn't help but feel sad.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, he asked:

"But how he did it, I really can't figure it out - was he not the only one who attacked the Lion Corps? It doesn't make sense. Why wasn't that person caught?"

"Time difference, he is playing time difference."

"There were two attackers. He rushed back after killing Shen He. His teammates held him back for two hours, and finally he went to show his face."

Chen Yimin analyzed.

His conclusion accurately hit Chen Chen's actual process, except that he had to replace "teammate response" with "remote control attack".


Chen Jiashu nodded slightly.

"Then this matter is almost uncontroversial. In addition, he refused to accept the investigation mission. No matter what, he has now become the most suspected character besides the 756th Brigade."

"Do you want to kill him? Anyway, there are many suspects killed, and he is not the only one missing."

"Kill him!"

Chen Yimin said without hesitation.

"It doesn't matter if he is the murderer or not, as long as he is a suspect."

"We would rather kill him by mistake than let him go. This is for our own safety."

"He has no foundation here. If he dies, he will die."

"The only thing I regret now is that I let him die too slowly. I was blinded by his 'value'. In fact, if I think about it carefully, there is really no need for people like him to live."

"Notify him, be prepared, find a reasonable reason, and kill him!"

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