"Let's go first! No matter what the situation is, we'll get out of Mengka first!"

Sitting in the back seat of the Warrior, Chen Chen anxiously said to Li Bang. After hearing his words, Li Bang increased the accelerator without hesitation and sped away in the direction of Nanluo Bridge.

It only took two minutes for the warriors to cross the Nanluo Bridge. Fortunately, they did not encounter any obstruction.

But Chen Chen would never think that this meant that this attack had nothing to do with the 7th Brigade or Chen Yimin.

Maybe, they just haven't had time to set up defenses on Nanluo Bridge.

Starting from this explosion, the situation has completely changed. No matter what reasons Chen Yimin finds later to cover up the truth and explain that "this attack was just an accident", the conflict between the Dongfeng Corps and the 7th Brigade has been forced to Put it on the table.

Because this explosion occurred in Mengka City.

A city called Mengka where you can't even fire a gun except under special circumstances!

And now, even IEDs have appeared. Isn’t this enough to explain the problem?

As the Warrior car sped along, Chen Chen watched the road behind him warily and never put down HK416.

At this time, he was highly nervous, because he knew that the 7th Brigade who reacted would probably break the pot, no longer care about the interests of various forces here, and completely blockade the entire Mengka.

If that's the case, there's no need to think about escaping. Just find a way to get into the jungle and fight a guerrilla fight with them.

It's really unlucky.

The 7th Brigade is worthy of being a team fought in the flames of war. Let’s not talk about the quality of ordinary soldiers. At least Chen Yimin is definitely worthy of his current status!

The attack is ruthless, the action is determined, and the prediction is accurate.

If anyone says that the warlords in northern Myanmar are a bunch of brainless idiots, Chen Chen will be the first to say no!

Being targeted by such an opponent is much more stressful than the Lion Corps.

Chen frowned silently and let out a slight sigh.

This sigh was both helpless and regretful.

Unfortunately, the current Dongfeng Corps is really too weak. In peacetime, it is okay, and it can move between several forces to find food.

But once we enter an extraordinary period and are targeted by the really big forces, it will be really difficult to find a way to survive.

As for regrets, there is only one reason.

I still kill too slowly!

The wind starts at the end of Qingping, and the waves form between gentle waves. In fact, before the conflict between the two parties completely broke out, I had captured many details that hinted at the final outcome of both parties.

For example, after Chen Jiashu killed Wan Henai, he expressed his concern through Peng Xucheng, but he did not take the initiative to contact him;

For example, Chen Yimin once treated himself as a subordinate, but he fell into the arms of Chai Sili;

For another example, Chen Shenhe hinted that he wanted the Dongfeng Corps to integrate into their ranks and let them participate in the operation against Wanxi Camp, but he refused without hesitation.

All of this clearly hints at the different paths of the two sides.

But he was always lucky, thinking that he could get a better position with his own abilities.

In reality?

Fight for nothing!

Life and death is the only outcome!

The warlords in northern Myanmar are more terrifying than I imagined.

Have a long memory!

Chen silently kept the lesson in mind, and at the same time promised himself that if he continued to cooperate with warlords in the future, he must make his own value completely surpass theirs and make himself the leader of everything!


While he was thinking this, the Warrior Vehicle finally passed Yongfuzhai and drove out of the core control area of ​​the 7th Brigade.

For the time being, it's safe.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said to Li Bang:

"Drive to Dabang, we'll rest there!"

Dabang is located between Mengka and Jingdong, and actually falls under the jurisdiction of Jingdong. Although its geographical location is not dangerous, its "geographic location" is quite sensitive.

Because this is one of the dividing points between Northern Shan State and Southern Shan State.

No matter how brave you, Chen Yimin, are, you don't dare to send a large force to fight here, right?

If you have the ability, come and have a try with SSA-S and see if the 756th Brigade can give you two big mouths!

"Understood. It's about 20 kilometers and will arrive in 15 minutes."

Li Bang opened his mouth to answer, and Lin He, who was sitting in the passenger seat, interrupted:

"I know where to cross the river. There are not many families left in Dabang. We can rest near Wanlong."

"Wan Nong? Where?"

Chen Chen asked.

"It's a small village with more than a dozen families. It's in a mountain valley and very secluded."

"Is it far from Da Bang?"

"Two kilometers, there is a way to get there!"

"Then go to Wanong!"

Chen Chen made a decisive decision and did not doubt anyone he used. At this time, he was more willing to trust Lin He's judgment.

Ten minutes later, under the guidance of Lin He, the Warrior vehicle crossed the river beach and drove onto a road that Chen Chen considered "almost non-existent". Then, it drove again along this dirt road covered with weeds. After 10 minutes, the isolated village in Linhekou appeared in front of Chen Chen.

The few people did not enter the village, but parked their cars in a hidden place, and then camped beside the cars to rest.

While the other two were setting up camp and bunkers, Chen Chen climbed up the hillside, took out his satellite phone and called Chen Yimin's number.

The phone rang a dozen times before it was connected. Chen Chen didn't show off, but said bluntly:

"Brigadier Chen, we were attacked in Mengka today. It was a remote-controlled bomb."

"I want to know who wants to make trouble with us and why."

"You should know the situation, right? So... can you tell me?"

Chen Yimin on the other end of the phone had almost no hesitation or hesitation. The moment Chen Chen finished speaking, he shouted angrily:

"I just heard about it too!"

"These people are really lawless! How dare you do such a thing in my territory!"

"Sink, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

"You go back to Mengka first and come directly to the military camp. The 7th Brigade will ensure your safety!"

"The situation is very chaotic now. You also know that someone must be behind Shenhe's death. They are probably the same people as those who attacked you!"

"We must join forces to find them out!"

His voice was so sincere, so firm, and so calm.

For a moment, Chen Chen almost believed what he said.

What if it was really an accident? What if I really think too much?


However, such thoughts did not last for more than half a second.

Because his intuition discovered the loopholes in Chen Yimin's words earlier than his sensibility.

"Return to Mengka"?

How the hell did you know I'm no longer in Mengka? ?

Okay, real deal.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and said calmly:

"Brigadier Chen, I have arrived at Jingdong."

"I don't dare to go back to Mengka. Let's wait until the situation becomes more stable."

"I hope the matter on your side can be resolved as soon as possible, which will be good for both of us."

After hearing Chen Chen's answer, Chen Yimin was silent for a moment.

Then, he answered:

"No problem, tell me where you are in Jingdong, and I'll see if there are any acquaintances I can send over to protect you."

"I'm near the airport, at the Satina Hotel."

"Okay, I'll find someone to come over and wait for me."

With a snap, the phone was hung up, and a sarcastic smile appeared on Chen Chen's face.

You are a thousand-year-old fox, and you are still playing chat with me here?

He shook his head and continued to call Jackal.

At this time, there was no need for him to hide anymore.

"The Seventh Brigade is going to kill us, and I'm already hiding."

Chen Chen said without any foreshadowing.

".I guessed it, but I didn't guess they would do it now."

"Don't come to Mengka for the time being. If you need any equipment, I will arrange for someone to send it to Jingdong. You can find time to pick it up yourself."

“Remember, don’t tell anyone the location, nor the time to pick up the goods!”

This is the difference between allies and enemies.

Even if they can trust each other, Jackal will never try to obtain Chen Chen's current position.

"Understood. If you contact us again if you have any equipment issues, almost all my previous plans will be cancelled, and the equipment will also need to be changed."

"I just want to confirm one thing. Jiya has been delivered. Has our equipment sharing right taken effect?"


The Jackal answered immediately, but then added:

"But we can only provide equipment, everything else depends on you."

"If you're not sure, run away first!"

"Once the Southern Shan State is in chaos, your chances will increase. It won't be too late to fight back and return to Monkha at that time!"

"Remember, there is hope only when you are alive!"

"Leave me alone."

Chen Chen replied.

"You're on horseback. Hang up. Call me before 6 p.m. and I'll arrange the equipment deployment. It can be delivered before 0 p.m."

"Remember, don't die, you are very useful!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chen returned to the Warriors car.

At this time, Lin He had already led the Li Gang to quickly set up a hidden camp.


In this aspect of experience, there is really no one in the Dongfeng Corps who can compare with him.

It was still early at this time, so there was no need to light a fire. The three of them sat together, and Chen Chen said with a serious expression:

"The situation has changed. The other party is more ruthless than we expected. It can even be said that they are almost as ruthless as us."

"We haven't been completely exposed yet. Chen Yimin should have treated us as suspects, and their principle happens to be that they would rather kill by mistake than release by mistake."

"So, this means that their current defense against us is top-notch, and our original investigation plan must be abandoned."

"Close investigation cannot be carried out at all. As long as we appear in Mengka, we will definitely be targeted."

"Therefore, there is a high probability that we will complete the assassination of the Chen family without any support from the latest intelligence."

"Based on this premise, we must be prepared for the assassination to fail, because the difficulty of this mission will be unprecedented."

"There is no intelligence advantage, no troop advantage, not even equipment advantage."

The more he talked, the more Chen Chen's heart sank.

is it hard?

It’s really difficult!

In fact, after humans entered the era of hot weapons, the difficulty of decapitation operations continued to increase.

There are only a handful of actions that can be truly considered successful, and even fewer that can be regarded as outstanding combat examples.

Among them, the most typical examples include the "Operation Neptune Spear" carried out by the United States against the Walkers, the SAS's "Harvest" operation in Raqqa, Syria, and the top-secret operation against Dudayev jointly carried out by the Maozi GRU and the FSB.

But without exception, in these operations, the attackers achieved success under the condition of comprehensive crushing of equipment, intelligence and combat systems.

The only well-documented decapitation operation that achieved astonishing results despite being completely disadvantaged by many factors dates back more than 50 years.

That is, the surprise attack on the White Tigers.

In that operation, 13 scouts attacked the enemy's ace unit headquarters at night like a cheat, annihilated more than 200 enemies, killed more than 70 officers, and in the end even escaped intact. It can be called a A miracle in the history of hot weapon warfare.


But here comes the question, why is it a miracle?

Of course it’s because of its non-replicability.

Chen Chen's face became a little ugly. He really needed a similar miracle, but he couldn't get it.

At this moment, Lin He suddenly said:

"We could go scouting - I mean, I could go scouting."


Chen Chen frowned and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he suddenly realized that this seemed to be the only chance!

Lin He had just joined the Dongfeng Corps, and no one in Mengka City had even seen him. Let him go for reconnaissance without any risk of being exposed!

The only question is, does he know what reconnaissance is all about?

Thinking of this, he asked:

"Do you know what to do?"

"I know."

Lin He nodded firmly and then said:

"Observe the range where the prey appears and figure out where it will stay and what route it will follow."

"At the same time, you also have to choose the right location to hunt, such as where to place a trap to dig a trap, what angle to shoot from, and where to crouch for concealment."

"The most important thing is to watch the escape route. If the prey goes crazy, there must be a way to escape."

Hearing Lin He's words, Chen Chen's eyes lit up.


Reconnaissance in hunting is really not that different from reconnaissance in assassination operations.

Isn't one's own target essentially another form of prey?

Although Lin He has not undergone systematic training, the concealment of his identity, coupled with the experience he has developed in hunting, should be more than enough to complete a close-in camouflage reconnaissance!

Damn it, you know I didn’t recruit this guy in vain!

Chen Chen became energetic. He looked at Lin He and continued to ask:

"Do you know where to stay in Mengka? I mean, you can't act like a homeless person with nothing to do. You have to give yourself a purpose."

"No problem. I've been to Mengka many times to sell things. I know the owner of the business."

"I can go to Wanong later to collect some skins, or simply collect some game meat, and then take it to Mengka to sell."

"I can probably stay in Mengka for three days - if there is no result in three days, then I will come back."


Chen Chen nodded slightly, and then asked:

"Do you know what the target looks like?"

"have no idea."

Lin He shook his head honestly, but before Chen Chen could be disappointed, he spoke again:

"But I can find them! As long as you tell me their general characteristics!"

"People like them are different from ordinary people. I can recognize him without seeing his face!"

I will update the remaining chapters a little later today, probably around 4pm.

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