I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 107 Reaching Cooperation

(The serial numbers of the following chapters are wrong, I can't change them, and it won't affect reading)

After arriving at Jingdong, Chen Chen did not continue to Mengbin. Instead, he camped and rested on the spot with the Lion Corps.

In fact, as a "super veteran mercenary group", the Lion Corps has very mature operations throughout northern Myanmar. Even if Jingdong does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Wa State, they can still find a trustworthy foothold.

This is a temple called Waqiongkan, which is a bad name among Buddhist temples. Let alone this place, when Chen Chen went to Thailand to participate in joint operations in his previous life, he saw a lot of people with such names. temple.

Of course, the more ordinary it is, the safer it is as a foothold.

In particular, the location of this temple is in Xitaping Park on the southwest side of Jingdong. A few hundred meters to the east is the NH4 highway. It can be said that it is fully occupied in terms of concealment and evacuation convenience.

I really don’t know how they found such resources.

Or in other words, if such resources can be found, the foundation of the Lion Corps may be much deeper than I expected.

It is impossible to join them, it is self-defeating.

But what if they were allowed to join the Dongfeng Corps?

Hey hey hey.

A strange smile appeared on Chen Chen's face. Bai Gou, who had just got out of the car, looked at him doubtfully and asked:

"what happened to you?"

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"I think of happy things."

".You are being targeted by the 7th Brigade. As far as I'm concerned, you won't survive for a few days. Their attack will not be just once. They will find you soon and kill you in the most brutal way."

"And you can actually think of happy things?"

"What's wrong, did you buy insurance against being shot?"

".You should be polite, I am your employer."

Chen Chen said with a straight face.

"That's not the case anymore. The mission is over."

Bai Gou looked indifferent, pointed at the equipment moved from the car and said:

"Let's divide the equipment. After dividing the equipment, we will talk about the rest."

"No, let's talk about the future first."

Chen Chen sat down on the chair in front of the temple, then patted his side and said:

"Come, sit and chat."

Bai Gou was stunned for a moment, then sat over with a suspicious look on his face.

Yes, he really wanted to hug the Dongfeng Corps before.

But looking at the current performance of this sunken ship, why does it feel like something is wrong?

He wanted to speak, but before the words came to his lips, Chen Chen said first:

"The money for the last mission has been paid. It can be said that we have cooperated very happily."

"You also made money, and a lot of it."

"Now, I have a new task here. Are you interested? The reward is very generous."

"Of course, who would have trouble with money?"

White Dog answered without hesitation.

"Just be interested. The total reward for the mission is 200,000 U.S. dollars. The mission cycle is about a week. These are the 12 people needed."

"How's it going? Can you pick it up?"

Chen Chen's price was actually based on the operating costs he had on hand.

At the beginning, he still had about 320,000 operating costs left in his hands, plus 100,000 of the 530,000 sent by Zhu Qisheng from the 756 Brigade, adding up to a total of 420,000.

The Lion Corps' protection mission has already given away 100,000 yuan, and together with the 120,000 yuan for the interception mission, he only has these 200,000 yuan in hand.

Of course he won't touch his own money casually - the company has company rules, who has ever seen someone fill out public accounts out of his own pocket at every turn?

This is neither reasonable nor conducive to the later development of the Corps.

As for the $500,000 that Jackal has not paid yet. To be honest, considering the total price of the equipment he wants, and calculating based on 50% of the operating costs, it would be good to be able to pay it.

Of course, 200,000 US dollars is already a large number, and it is impossible for White Dog not to be interested.

"If you can take it, you can definitely take it, but you have to tell me what the mission is first."

White Dog replied.

"Attack the 7th Brigade camp in Mengkha."


Bai Gou was silent. After a long time, he uttered one word:



Chen Chen was overjoyed.

"Fuck you! 200,000 US dollars, 12 people, attacking the Mengka camp? Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

"Don't you know how many people there are in the 7th Brigade? 2,000 people!"

"Even considering that some of them are not stationed in Mengka, there are still at least about 1,500 people! They have artillery!"

"Moreover, in addition to these 1,500 people, there are about 300 private soldiers, known as the special operations brigade. One of the 200-person guard companies is even more elite. It will not be easy to defeat them alone. Do you want to defeat them all at once? "

"Are you possessed by the God of War, or are you possessed by the indestructible Asura body?"

"Stop it, I can't fight."

"It's not a head-on confrontation, it's not a positional battle!"

Chen Chen quickly explained.

"What I need is uninterrupted harassment, night battle harassment, to create evacuation opportunities for our assault team - to put it bluntly, you are only responsible for cover."

"Of course, it's possible that it could turn into a tug-of-war, but with your equipment and combat power, wouldn't you be able to fight and retreat at the same time?"

"...We can't fight that. The risk is too high. The risk of the entire army being annihilated is at least greater than 50%."

"I'll add money."

Chen Chen finally relaxed and said.

"How much more?"

These words stopped Chen Chen.

How much to add?

If that doesn't work, I'll just owe Jackal the money for his equipment.

After all, after killing the Chen family, that's when the real fruit will be picked. What does hundreds of thousands of dollars mean? If Chaisili really wanted to make money, he could probably make millions in a year or two.

Thinking of this, he decisively said:


".Is it so flexible? Deal!"

"Willing to serve Mr. Wreck!"

Damn it, overpaid.

Chen Chen sighed, but he couldn't say he regretted it.

Again, if you kill the Chen family, there will be plenty of money to be made.

Another point, if the Lion Corps can survive this time, it will be much easier to win them over.

If you spend thousands of gold to buy horse bones, you will never lose money.

So he reached out to the white dog.

Of course, Bai Gou reached out his hand to hold it without hesitation, and then asked eagerly:

"How to pay?"

"I will pay US$200,000 first, and Chaisili will pay the rest after completing the task."

"Is Chaisili your subsidiary company? If you need equipment, equipment, and money, then just be obedient. It's not my business."

"What is the mission goal?"

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"It's unclear at the moment, but it's basically just harassment and delaying. We have to wait until the intelligence is in place before we can arrange a detailed combat plan."

"I will give you a briefing at that time and discuss it in detail according to the briefing."

"Understood, reasonable."

Bai Gou nodded and stood up from the chair.

"Let's pick out the equipment first. After that, we will start sharing intelligence. We also have some information about Chen Yimin, which should be of use."

This time, he did not say "divide", but "pick", which shows that there has been a significant change in attitude.

"no problem."

Chen Chen also stood up and walked to Li Gang who was moving PF89 aside.

"No need to move, the Lion Corps will move with us."

“Look around and see if there’s anything useful—huh?!”

Chen Nian saw the MPSAA-12 with drums thrown on the ground at a glance, and couldn't help but be surprised:

"Damn it, can Chen Yimin still get such a good thing?"

Obviously, this was prepared by the Fourth Platoon of the Guard Company in order to fight the Dongfeng Corps at the Satina Hotel, because they even equipped this shotgun with FRAG-12 high-explosive shells.

The parameters of this kind of ammunition are very complicated, but a simple understanding is that it can penetrate the wall and explode, and can be fired directly through the door, bypassing the most dangerous penetration and deployment link in CQB.

It seems that Chen Yimin is really familiar with the Dongfeng Corps' combat methods. But it's useless no matter how familiar he is. This thing belongs to him now.

Chen Chen threw the gun to the Li Gang and then said:

"This is an automatic shotgun. Your 97-2 can be thrown away."

The overall performance of AA-12 is much better than that of 97-2. The so-called big, heavy and ugly evaluation does not need to be considered at all. If we want to talk about the only shortcoming, it may be that the rear-seat continuous firing mode causes some low The chamber pressure ammunition cannot achieve continuous firing.

But this is northern Myanmar. Who would use riot control bombs if nothing happens? Not to mention impractical big flowers like dragon breath bombs, Chen Chen would never buy them in his life.

I wanted to upgrade some equipment for the Li Gang before, but I didn’t expect that the transportation captain would personally deliver it to my door.

Chen Yimin, good brother, I will burn more paper for you in the future.

After taking away the AA-12, Chen Chen looked around and found no other useful equipment. However, this team of more than 30 people had 8 night vision devices, which was considered very good among the northern Burmese warlords and even the elite private soldiers. Very high equipment rate.


This can just make up for the lack of night vision equipment of the Lion Corps.

Although there are a lot of them, they really can't have it for everyone - even after half of them are dead, the equipment rate is less than 50%.

So, Chen Chen generously gave them the night vision goggles with a wave of his hand, which made Bai Gou feel a little ashamed.

Look, what is atmosphere?

The most expensive thing is given away!

I still have to learn more in the future.

Apart from these, there was nothing to distinguish about other equipment. Everyone dispersed to rest. Chen Chen and Bai Gou went to discuss the details of the intelligence. More than an hour later, Chen Chen received a call from Jackal.

The time was eight o'clock in the evening, and the equipment he wanted was ready.

"I got the Type 63 107 rocket launcher from the 756th Brigade. It has 12 rounds of high-explosive armor-breaking rounds and 12 rounds of phosphorus-aluminum incendiary rounds. The total price is 150,000 US dollars."

"PF89 is being transported from Mae Sot to Keng Tung. It has two launchers and six cloudburst bombs. The total price is US$140,000."

"A lot of high explosives, including detonators and some C4, $20,000."

"I don't have a glider. I found a double paramotor and went to the gliding club in Jingdong to get it. The total price is 10,000 U.S. dollars."

"I've prepared all the other messy things you want, ten thousand dollars."

"The total here is 330,000, I deducted it from your commission."

"No more high explosives and balloons."

“I bought everything and can’t return it.”

Hearing this, Chen Chen coughed and said:

"Uh, let's just owe it first."

"I have to pay the Lion Corps first."

".Are you sure you want to attack the military camp?"

"Night attack."

"Then let's take a gamble. If you live, you can find a way to pay. If you die, your inheritance will belong to me."

"no problem."

After a few sentences, Chen Chen reached a consensus with Jackal and got the specific location for the equipment handover.

The next step is to wait for Lin He to send back specific information and formulate a battle plan.

At the same time, in Mengka City.

As planned from the beginning, Lin He had sold a few mute chickens he had brought here, with a bunch of herbs left in his bag, and was walking aimlessly on the street with a monkey in his hand. .

The curfew time was coming soon, and he could indeed find a hotel to stay immediately at this time, because he had enough cash in hand to deal with emergencies given to him by Chen Chen.

But he didn't do this because he knew that such a choice was completely inconsistent with his image as a poor hunter who resold wild goods.

According to past practice, he should have just found a corner that could protect him from the rain and huddled up overnight, but now that there was a curfew, he could no longer do that.

He could not leave Mengka City, nor could he leave the range where the 7th Brigade's radio communications could be heard, but he must have a reasonable reason to stay here.

And this reason must be given by the Seventh Brigade.

Otherwise, once the boss becomes suspicious, you will be in danger.

After walking around the corner of the street, Lin He accidentally appeared in front of the patrolling soldiers. Not surprisingly, he was chased away and scolded by the soldiers.

His face was full of panic and fear, which was not entirely a disguise.

The gun in the opponent's hand is already loaded. If there is any doubt, they will immediately pull the trigger and shoot themselves on the spot.

This is gambling your life, how can you not be afraid?

But to be afraid is to die.

He kept in mind the words the captain taught him, apologized to the soldier repeatedly and promised to leave and check into the hotel immediately. After the other party let him go, he turned around and went into a pheasant restaurant on the roadside that he had long been optimistic about.

The laughter of soldiers came from behind, but Lin He remained unmoved.


Yes, the Pheasant Store will also provide accommodation services. This is the news he just found out during the day.

Compared to a hotel, although there are many people here, the advantage is that there is no interference from the management committee, and safety is greatly guaranteed.

The business of this pheasant shop was not good. For only 60 RMB, he got a room that was completely isolated from the outside world. In this room, he took out the listening phone he had just received. According to the Thai The method handed over began to monitor messy radio signals.

The method was simple, but the trial and error process was boring. For a whole night, he sat in the dark, constantly adjusting the knobs and recording the intermittent and fragmented sounds he heard from the headphones.

".Twelfth connecting class, to Nanluo Bridge"

". Pay attention to the lights and turn them on."

".Changing of the guard near Kuka"

".Blocked Zone."

“.5 kilometers is enough”

"Is there any action? Mengku Camp. Lao Burma"

".Guard Company and Leading Team."

". Watch the city hall. Pay attention to Battalion Commander Chen. Safety."

Time passed by, and his monitoring lasted for a full 12 hours.

After a night of monitoring, he passed all this information to Chen Chen who was far away in Jingdong.

A few hours later, his hidden phone rang.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Chen's decisive and resolute voice came.

"The intelligence is basically clear and a battle plan is being formulated."

"On the 5th, stay in Mengkha and continue to monitor the movements of the 7th Brigade and the Burmese Army in the Mengku Camp, and continue to pass on intelligence."

"be safe."

"We expect to choose the right time to launch an attack in 36 hours!"

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