I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 112 Super Double! Get rich overnight!

(White dog is always written as white wolf, right? He has his own ideas)

The distribution of benefits related to the Seventh Brigade was carried out immediately, and the results came out in less than two days.

He Bupa became the brigade commander. The position of regimental commander originally set up for Chen Shenhe was cancelled, and the establishment was dispersed and merged into other battalions. Chen Jiashu's position of security brigade and battalion commander went to He Honglie, and the position of the management committee went to He Chenggong. .

In fact, He Bupa's family is in a sense the same clan as the He family of the 756th Brigade in Southern Shan State. However, even in the history of the previous life, the two families were out of ideas. In this life, Of course, under Chen Chen's unintentional push, He Buppa's slogan when he came to power was to "unify Shan State." This was undoubtedly in the interest of all parties and became his capital for coming to power.

However, Chen Chen is not in the mood to care about these things, because this large-scale change of power has nothing to do with him yet, and it is impossible for him to gain direct benefits from it.

However, this does not mean that his gains end here, because with the joint efforts of Jackal and Peng Xucheng, he got a chance to share the spoils.

Search your home!

Things that originally belonged to the Seventh Brigade's industries, trade routes, troops, and funds cannot be touched, but any physical things taken from the Chen family's home, including cash, all belong to him!

If he wants, even the house can be his!

This is what Jackal means when he says, "Will you still be short of money in the future?"

After getting the news, Chen Chen could be said to be gearing up and couldn't wait.

You know, the Chen family has been operating in Northern Shan State and Monkha for more than 20 years. During these 20 years, they opened casinos, engaged in trade, collected security taxes, grabbed mines, and developed real estate.

As long as there is an industry that makes money, they have a monopoly!

Although most of the funds are managed in special accounts and are not within his scope, even so, Chen Chen believes that their residence has definitely accumulated enough wealth!

They are not Wanhenai bandits who are so poor that they even buy low-end Rolex watches. They are warlords who are extremely rich!

Not to mention him, even Bai Gou was excited about this.


Yes, he knew that this was the prey captured by the Dongfeng Corps, and the newcomers who had just joined were actually not qualified to share it.

But so what? We are all a family anyway, and the money is with Dad. If he is in a good mood in the future, can he not miss a few?

A drop of oil leaking from the gaps between your fingers is enough for you to eat and drink!

Therefore, he was particularly enthusiastic about this matter. It happened that Bao Qi and Shi Dakai's injuries had improved, so he responded to Chen Chen's instructions and spent half a day to Mengbin to take them back to Mengka, He was sent to Chuancheng Hospital and brought back the team who stayed there.

At this point, a total of 25 people from the Dongfeng Corps have arrived in Mengka, forming a team with considerable deterrence.

Of course, there is no need to talk about the rumors that spread in Mengka City because of their arrival.

Why did the legendary Shura Corps turn out to be the Lion Corps? Why did the Zen Master bless Shura's lions? Why did the Dongfeng Corps turn out to be a hidden gem planted by the He family? Why did the leader of the group called Sunken Ship actually turn out to be the Burmese special forces? Instructor and so on.

No matter what, the current situation of the Dongfeng Corps is that they have a large number of people and super strong combat power, and no one dares to fight;

With a good reputation and a strong background, no one wants to fight.

What stands out is a safety.

So, they only have one thing left:

Everything is ready and ready to make a fortune!

On the last day of December, just as the New Year was approaching, Chen Chen led a team, 23 people from the Dongfeng Corps, and Peng Xucheng, who was sent to accompany the current brigade commander, rushed to the first point, which was Chen Shenhe's residence, and began to search the home. action.

What they held in their hands was the double execution order from the Public Security Brigade and the Management Committee. No one dared to stop them as they were speeding along. Chen Shenhe's family members had already known their fate, so they waited until the Dongfeng Corps arrived. By the time, all of them were already standing at the door waiting.

There are 19 people in total, 7 men and 12 women. The men are basically either servants or bodyguards, and none of the women are older than middle-aged.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chen couldn't help but ask Peng Xucheng:

"Chen Shenhe doesn't have any family?"

Peng Xucheng laughed and replied:

"Gifts to others must of course be packed before being given. Since Brigadier He wants to give gifts, how could he not arrange for someone to do it right?"

"Don't worry, those who are directly related have been dealt with. The rest are basically people who have little to do with him and are unlikely to seek revenge for him."

"You can keep them all if you want."

"Of course, if you don't want it, just give it to me and I'll take care of it."

"However, there are a few girls who are pretty good. According to the news, they just arrived and haven't had time to use them yet."

"No, I'll take them all away after searching the house."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation, then asked again:

"Does he have a safe, a secret room or something like that? Does he have passwords and everything?"

"We have them all, waiting for you to search."

"Then get rid of these people now."

"You really don't want to pick a few girls?"

Peng Xucheng was a little surprised. These people were also part of the "gift".

In fact, as he said, some of these women are quite good, good-looking, clean, not broken, and reliable. If it were him, he might stay.

After all, some things are inevitable, and it is better to be at home than outside.

However, Chen Chen's performance remained firm.

"We will not keep anything with unstable factors. Now that we finally have some territory and some power, we have to find a way to stabilize it as soon as possible."

"When have women not been there? There is no rush at this moment, and there is no rush at this place."


Peng Xucheng waved his hand, and the Mugui mercenaries he brought immediately stepped forward and took away all 19 people.

Chen Chen doesn't care what the fate of these people is.

Yes, in a sense, they are pathetic too.

If he didn't keep them, the ending would have been much more miserable in the hands of Mu Gui.

But the question is, why should I keep them? Why should I spend money and energy on them?

There are always people who aim high after they have just gained some knowledge, want to save the common people, and want to control everything, but they have not considered that every step that deviates from the route on the way to the top may become a setback before the summit. last step.

If you are just one step away, you will lose everything.

Therefore, we must be cautious and cautious, walking on thin ice.

When you really reach the top, you can do whatever you like!

Therefore, Chen Chen watched indifferently as Mu Gui led the man away, and listened indifferently to several gunshots in the distance, completely indifferent.

The admiration on Bai Gou's face could not be hidden. He looked at Chen Chen with eager eyes.

Damn it, what is a hero?

What's the point of having a woman? Being able to hold back from getting a woman when it's easiest to get her is your skill!

Although he felt it was a pity to waste these women, but so what?

If you follow a captain like this and become bigger and stronger in the future, there will be fewer women? !

I have been wandering for half my life, only regretting that I have never met my master, and now I finally catch up!

He ran up to Chen Chen and asked:

"Captain, have we started searching?"


Chen Chen gave an order and everyone rushed in.

And he himself was at the end, silently observing everyone's actions.

Since a newcomer was involved in the house raid this time, he must have his own reasons.

If you can't resist such a small temptation, you deserve to be kicked out of the team with three swords and six holes.——

But fortunately, he was very satisfied with the newcomer's performance.

After all, they are the last backbone of the Lion Corps, and everyone behaves extremely "professionally".

The valuable things were quickly placed on the open space at Chen Chen's feet and roughly arranged according to their value.

Different types are divided into piles, one for weapons, one for cash, and another for other valuables.

It took a full three hours to search the three-story villa with nearly 20 rooms, including the cellar and secret rooms. The 21 team members lined up and put down their guns one by one and took out their pockets to show their innocence. .

The white dog stepped forward and slapped everyone symbolically. Chen Chen didn't stop him, but he didn't raise his demands either.

Finally it’s time to open the treasure chest, the most exciting part!

Chen Chen ordered everyone to take a break and walked to the trophies piled up like a mountain.

The first thing he looked at was the pile of weapons and equipment, and the first thing that caught his eye were several pieces of body armor.

Among them, there are two most valuable ones.

Very conspicuous and very classic two pieces.

A Dragon Scale Armor made by Pinnacle Armor and an IBA Interceptor made by Crye Precision.

The so-called dragon scale armor is basically a type of body armor that has the highest appearance rate in various old and American military action movies. The reason why it is called dragon scale armor is because of its special design.

This kind of bulletproof vest adopts a soft design. Its basic structure is to weave many small circular special ceramic bulletproof tiles or titanium alloy sheets into a new type of bulletproof fiber to form a protective armor similar to fish scales.

Because this structure is similar to the metal chain mail worn by medieval warriors, it was given the classic name "dragon scale armor".

In fact, its protection level has always been in a state of quantum superposition. In civilian tests, this thing was so powerful that even SVDK could not penetrate it; but in tests by the old American military, 5.56 Nato bullets could easily penetrate it.

However, if you put aside this protective controversy, this SOV-2000 Dragon Scale Armor still plays an irreplaceable role in the Dongfeng Corps.


Although it is not very light, it is very flexible and comfortable to wear. It is very suitable for snipers and scouts. If Lin He can grow up quickly, this thing can be his exclusive equipment.


As for the interceptor, there isn't much controversy.

Thick, heavy, strong protection, stable, standard heavy-duty hard body armor, absolutely undisputed Level 4 standard.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Shenhe bought a complete set, including neck and crotch protectors, SAPI inserts, knee pads, and a special carrying belt. It is a set of equipment that has been truly tested on the battlefield.

Accept this too!

Although the Armor Express level 4 armor currently used by the Dongfeng Corps is sufficient, it is better than nothing!

Chen Chen put the body armor aside with satisfaction and continued to look at other equipment.

There are a lot of pistols, not many of which are worth looking at, but like body armor, there is one that is particularly tempting.

FN-57! Five-seven IOM type!

Double-action structure, adjustable rear sight, M1913 accessory rail, 20-round magazine, low recoil, uses 5.7×28mm bullets, has strong armor-piercing ability, and is known as the body armor killer.

And judging from the bullets on the side, what Chen Shenhe bought was the SS190AP high-performance armor-piercing bullet produced by Fiocchi Munizioni. It can be said that it has full lethality and is very suitable for use as a close-range self-defense weapon in northern Myanmar.

This is also collected!

Chen Chen didn't hesitate. He threw away the M1911 and the holster on his waist, and tied the FN-57 on it.

Feeling comfortable.

The remaining long guns are mediocre, and the most useful ones are just two M24s.

This is quite ironic. It can be seen that Chen Shenhe liked M24 very much and even collected two of them. Unexpectedly, he also died with his favorite gun in the end.

It can be regarded as benevolence and benevolence.

After looking at the equipment, Chen Chen continued to look at the second pile of valuables.

Jadeite, watches, various types of jewelry, gold, car keys, bags. However, the overall volume is really small, and there are no elegant hobbies such as famous paintings. It seems that Chen Shenhe’s thoughts are really not here. His most valuable collection is women.

Chen Chen rummaged around and picked out all the jadeite items, planning to keep them at home while the others could be packaged and sold.

I don’t know about other things, but the gold is estimated to weigh more than 2,000 grams. Based on the current gold price, it is worth a little over 100,000 US dollars.

Next, the most important part comes.

Count the money!

Three people, Chen Chen, Bai Gou and Peng Xucheng, counted the U.S. dollars and RMB. After counting for 10 minutes, they roughly calculated the amount, which was close to 3 million.

Dollars! It’s US dollars!

What is a wave of fat?

This is a wave of fat! !

Chen Chen even felt like he was dreaming. After all, a few nights ago, he was arguing with Jackal over 100,000 US dollars, but now, 3 million US dollars plus various valuables that can be sold are worth close to 4 million. .

How to spend all the money? ——

No, four million is still not enough, mainly because there are too many people, and the equipment they will buy in the future will be too expensive.

Each person has a set of level 4 armor to kill Xiao 600,000. Later, they need to buy night vision goggles, guns, and heavy firepower.

Damn Chen Shenhe, why don’t you leave the money at home?

The current environment is so bad. Can't you buy more gold and save more cash?

In that case, wouldn’t it all belong to me?


That's not right. If the value was really too high, He Bupa wouldn't give it to him.

Forget it, forget it, people's hearts are not enough, let's take it slow.

Chen Chen shook his sore wrist and stood up, instructing others to put the things not for sale back to their original places. The things that should be sold were cleared out and asked to be taken away by Peng Xucheng.

That's right, he also wants this place. After inventorying the things, it's time to move in.

The money went into the safe in the secret room, changed the password that only Chen Chen knew, and left four people to guard it. The group set off again to the residences of Chen Yimin and Chen Jiashu.

The same process is repeated, but the gains are much smaller.

Chen Yimin is a serious military tycoon. He has low personal pursuits and has no habit of hoarding weapons. He has less cash and valuables. The only noteworthy item he copied is a piece of clear-bottomed glass jadeite. It was a "nothing" card, but it was really unlucky, so Chen Chen simply gave it to Peng Xucheng and asked him to sell it.

Chen Jiashu was a little better, and he even made some $500,000, which is not considered a failure.

It took a whole day to finally finish searching the whole house.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, the valuables were counted at Wanfeng Group, and the money was settled through Citibank. If you need it, you can go directly to Jingdong to pick it up.

The total amount was 1.6 million US dollars. Wanfeng Group did not cheat Chen Chen, but it also did not give much premium.

Coupled with the 500,000 US dollars invested by Jackal, the Dongfeng Corps' funds instantly reached the level of 5 million US dollars.

Get rich!

Got rich overnight!

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