I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 117 Officially evolved into squad combat!

"So you took advantage of her negligence and got her $100,000 for nothing?"

Early the next morning, in Chaisili's camp, Jackal looked at Chen Chen with a gossipy expression and asked.

"What do you mean by playing tricks on her! What do you mean by picking up 100,000 yuan for nothing! We are really going to carry out the mission, and there are still risks, okay!"

"But all she wants is you."

Jackal was serious.

".Stop fucking making puns for me here. It's really annoying."

"But I'm telling the truth, aren't I?"

"She wants you to go to Mengyang and take this opportunity to cause a crack in the relationship between you and the 7th Brigade. Then she will start secretly and use various means to seduce you and possess you."

The word Jackal used was "seduce", and in a sense, he was right, because it also means "seduce with benefits".

But paired with his intriguing expression, it was obvious what he really wanted to express.

Chen Chen's eyes almost rolled to the sky, and he warned again:

"I told you, your puns are not funny at all. If you do this again, please be careful and I won't be polite!"

"But I think it's funny."

The jackal replied innocently.

"It's okay, just go and have some fun."

"You're like the kind of elementary school student who just learned English - you didn't learn English by watching Modern Family, right?"

"how do you know?"

Jackal was shocked. He only started watching this American drama in November last year. During this period, he really learned a lot of bad jokes.

"I knew it. Forget it, I don't want to talk to you about this. Let's talk about business."

Chen Chen waved his hand and continued:

"I will detach a team of 10 people to carry out this interception mission in Mengyang, but before going, I will first launch a round of assault training - completed in the form of confrontation training."

"If you are interested, you can also participate in our training. You will not be charged this time."

"When you say you won't charge me, I feel very flustered."

Jackal answered silently.

"I really won't charge you any money this time. Do I look like the kind of person who plucking my hair after a wild goose passes by?"

"So what do you want? I don't believe you gave me the course for free."

"I want you to cooperate with us in training because we are short-staffed."

Upon hearing this, Jackal's eyes instantly lit up.

"Are you going to start infantry squad platoon tactical training? Basic ground tactics?"

"Yes, to be precise, it is a small unit tactic in the field."

"Oh oh oh oh! Upgraded version!"

The jackal immediately became cheerful.

In fact, light infantry small unit tactics are divided into many different types. Take MARSOC (US Marine Corps Special Operations Command) as an example. Their small unit tactics include basic ground tactics, amphibious operations, special reconnaissance, direct action and so on.

The so-called direct action basically refers to close combat tactics based on CQB.

In the eyes of many people, the scenario that best fits the understanding of special operations is basically:

A special operations team airborne in a helicopter, smashed the glass and rushed into the building. The sniper accurately killed the enemy from 300 meters away. The commando shouted the command and threw grenades to clean up everywhere.

But in fact, this is only the content of CQB, and CQB is the smallest part of the entire special operations system with a proportion of actual combat.

In a real battlefield environment, most of the time, the most mainstream battle scenario faced by a light infantry team is still walking on a jungle trail or a road in the wild. A bullet flies out of nowhere, and then all the bullets are fired. People started throwing smoke bombs and firing collectively in one direction for no apparent reason.

The kill rate is impressive, the efficiency is impressive, and of course, the resource waste rate is even more impressive.

In order to avoid this situation from happening, systematic small unit tactics in the field came into being.

Each country has a specialized training method for this, but due to differences in actual combat experience, high-level tactical levels, and equipment and training capabilities, the small unit tactics developed by each country are different.

There is no doubt that China and the United States have done the best in this regard.

One is the undisputed king of light infantry, and the other is the pioneer of modern warfare. It is difficult for you to evaluate which of the two armies has better tactics.


But in fact, Chen Chen had no intention of evaluating it at all.

Because he understands it all and wants it all!

Only by learning from each other's strengths can we become the strongest!

Seeing Jackal's excited expression, Chen Chen continued:

"This training is a bit special - I need to start the confrontation first, and then find the weaknesses of the mercenaries of the Dongfeng Corps, or the former Lion Corps, during the confrontation, and then conduct targeted training based on the weaknesses."

"So, I have to be grouped with your people."

"But they would think it's unfair that we have half as many people as they do."

"How about it, do you want to challenge it?"

"you still need to ask?!"

Jackal answered without hesitation, and then added:

"Half is too much, I think a third is enough."

"There are 20 people on the opposite side and 7 of us, how about that?"

7 people is exactly the configuration of the 7-man infantry squad that has appeared in the PLA.

The four main shooters are equipped with assault rifles, two additional grenades, a light machine gun, a 120mm rocket launcher, and a precision shooter or sniper.

The rocket launcher can be removed and replaced with a grenadier.

It's not impossible

"Okay, then seven people - they must use the same level of equipment."

"By the way, do you have enough training equipment? Infantry squad and platoon confrontation training cannot be completed with paintball guns alone."

Chen Chen asked.

"We have a new batch of laser exercise systems - you know, the warlords here also need exercise training. This thing is very easy to sell."

"In addition, we also provide director services to ensure that the exercise can go smoothly."

"Then there's no problem!"

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Through this detail, we can indeed see the difference between Chaisili and other forces in northern Myanmar.

They really focus on the "training" of personnel and are not so inclined to hone their skills in actual combat.

Because their people are really expensive.

This may become a small hidden danger for them, but the problem is not that big.

After everything was settled, Chen Chen asked:

"Then start now?"

"Start now!"

A few minutes later, all members of the Dongfeng Corps who were training at Chaisili Camp were quickly summoned together.

Chen Chen divided everyone into two groups according to the predetermined plan. The 20 people led by White Dog were in one group, Chen Chen led the group himself, and the Li Gang, Jackal, and 4 Chaisili members were in the other group.

The director team is in place, training equipment is distributed, and combat scenario scenarios are communicated. Each side has one hour to prepare for the war and conduct tactical deployment.

Chen Chen led the team to temporarily leave the venue, while Bai Gou, who stayed in place, fell into confusion.

20 people fighting 7 people is still a head-on fight. Is there really any need to fight in this situation?

Yes, I have indeed been defeated by the Dongfeng Corps, and I have truly felt their power, but it is obvious that that power is based on the premise that the equipment gap is not obvious and the opponent can effectively use the jungle environment. ah!

Even the final battle seemed to be a fair hedge on the wild ground, but because the Dongfeng Corps discovered the deployment of the Lion Corps in advance, they had an advantage in terms of combat timing.

Not to mention the smoke grenades they threw around as if they were free, the thermal imaging camera that could penetrate smoke grenades, and the only anti-material sniper rifle on the entire battlefield.

This series of factors formed the basis for their victory.

The strength of the Dongfeng Corps lies in the fact that the shipwreck can grasp all the details, accumulate the elements that bring advantages, and condense them into an unstoppable and overwhelming combat power.

But now, they have completely abandoned this advantage and directly leveled the equipment and intelligence levels of both sides.

There are no bells and whistles, just simple attack and defense.

What tricks can this play? ?

Do you really want to rely on so-called "tactics" to win?

Then I'm leaning against the trench, with 20 people and three light machine guns set up. How do you fight?

How inexplicable!

The team members on the side were equally confused. A mercenary codenamed Sang Ye walked up to Bai Gou and asked with some confusion:

"Captain, what are they going to do? Is this training really necessary?"

Bai Gou sighed, shook his head and replied:

"First of all, you have to call me captain, not regiment leader. We only have one regiment leader now, and that is Sunken Ship."

"Secondly, I don't know what they are going to do. Theoretically, there is no need to fight this kind of battle."

"However, the leader must have his reasons for this arrangement. Let's check it out first."

Hearing his words, Sang Ye couldn't help but frown.

After a moment of silence, he continued to ask:

"Captain of the regiment, tell me, Captain of the Shipwreck Captain, is he a little too crazy?"

"He defeated us, and then killed the Chen family. Are you feeling a little distracted now?"

"I feel that he is now at a stage where he overestimates his own fighting power - we were like this in the past."

"And once this state occurs, it is easy to suffer losses in the mission."

"Do you want to remind him? I mean, we can't just join the Dongfeng Corps and have a big defeat in the next mission, right?"

"Stop giving me the crow's mouth!"

Bai Gou cursed in displeasure, but after thinking for a moment, he continued:

"Perhaps this is what he arranged on purpose? This is a training session to test his true strength."

"No matter what, as long as we can defeat him in this training, it will be good for us and him."

"So, don't worry so much, just fight with all your strength."

"Everyone gathered together and formed five combat groups according to the four-by-four system. They were arranged in a linear formation around the position to form a tight defensive circle."

"Attention, make full use of the trench's corner advantage to form a crossfire point and block the enemy's advance route!"


Sang Ye answered immediately, and then the 20-person team immediately took action in a familiar way and quickly completed the deployment of the defense line.

On the other hand, Chen Chen was in no rush to take action.

He gathered the other six people around him, and then began to explain his combat ideas and combat implementation strategies.

"First of all, let me tell you something. According to the current exercise scenario, what we are facing is a battle to attack the position. The goal is to eliminate all enemy forces and complete the occupation of the target point."

"In terms of numbers, we are at a big disadvantage, and this means that in subsequent attacks, our fault tolerance rate is much lower than theirs."

"Therefore, you must listen carefully to every word I say next, and keep everything in mind."

"If someone deviates from my plan or disobeys my command in the next attack, then I will cancel his participation in all subsequent courses, do you understand?"


This is indeed a very serious threat. You must know that Chen Chen's record is obvious to all these people.

Just watching but not letting them go to class is really more uncomfortable than killing them.

Everyone gasped, especially Jackal.

He didn't even dare to answer the conversation, he just stared at Chen Chen with bright eyes, waiting for his instructions.

Chen Chen didn't look at him, and just continued talking:

"The first is the battle formation. Considering that the opposite defense line is shallow and does not have the ability to form sufficient crossfire, then this time our attack is organized in a standard offensive formation that meets the impact."

"We will adopt a horizontal formation, with 10 meters between individual soldiers. The grenadier and automatic rifleman are in the front, two grenade riflemen and light machine gunners are in the middle, and the precision shooter and commander are in the back."

"Among them, I am a precision shooter as well as a commander, so I have an additional precision shooter, Jackal."

As he spoke, Chen Chen wrote and drew on the combat planning board, marked the formation of the entire team, and assigned positions to all combatants.

It was clear at a glance, and it only took a few seconds for everyone to remember their positions and understand their tasks.

After Chen Chen confirmed this, he continued.

"The formation is determined, then we will discuss the specific combat implementation process."

"Since the scene is completely realistic, we must organize the attack completely according to real actual combat."

"150 meters is the predetermined impact starting distance. After arriving at the position, the grenadier throws smoke grenades for cover and marks the distance."

"30 meters is the full impact distance. After reaching this distance, the grenadiers and grenade riflemen begin to throw explosives with all their strength to suppress the opponent's firepower, while the others stay at a distance of 50 meters to output firepower."

"If we encounter strong fire resistance from the opponent, we will seize the target using F\u0026amp;M (firepower \u0026 maneuver). The rear precision shooter, an automatic rifleman and the grenadier will form the first group to assume the responsibility of the maneuver group, and the remaining Personnel assume fire cover team responsibilities”

One sentence after another, Chen Chen made a plan for this exercise according to the standard team implementation process. Only 10 minutes passed.

Immediately afterwards, they spent another 50 minutes for a quick drill and a simple run-in within the 7-man group.

Everything was ready, and the director team, who had been temporarily invited by Jackal to make a guest appearance, announced that the exercise had begun.

The 7-member "Blue Army" group, which specializes in teaching children, entered the predetermined battle position and prepared to start the exercise.

No one can guarantee what the outcome of this seemingly disparate exercise will be, but Jackal, who is extremely familiar with Chen Chen, knows that the 20 so-called "powerful mercenaries" on the opposite side may be in danger.

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