
Bai Gou stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence, trembling all over.

Even though it was several hundred meters away, the small assault boat was almost capsized by the big waves.

This was the first time he had seen such a huge explosion, and he could not imagine what the speedboats at the center of the explosion had gone through.


Maybe there is no time to experience anything because they have been blown away.

It was the first time in my life to sail to heaven on a boat, and it was also the last time.

Four of the 12 armed cargo ships were overturned. Their formation was not in chaos at all, but simply finished.

There is no way for the people on the ship to survive. Under such high temperatures and such a wide explosion range, a single cloud bomb is just a little brother.

The assault boat moved forward and picked up Chen Chen, who surfaced more than 400 meters away from the center of the explosion. When he saw Chen Chen for the first time, Bai Gou rushed forward.

"Captain! Damn it! I want to learn this!"

"Pull me up!"

Chen Chen's body armor was soaked in the river water and sunk horribly.

He was really exhausted. He swam more than a hundred meters without any floating objects. He even dived in the water to avoid the explosion and narrowly escaped drowning in the water.


If that were the case, it would probably turn into a joke from hell.

The leader of the Dongfeng Corps who killed the biggest drug dealer in the Golden Triangle drowned.

It sounds ridiculous no matter how you sound.

Grasping Bai Gou's hand, Chen Chen climbed onto the boat with difficulty, and then immediately ordered:

"Big Bird, sail the boat and rush over!"

In fact, without him having to say anything, Big Bird had already begun to speed up.

A distance of more than four hundred meters was not a problem for an assault boat moving at full speed. When they passed the central area of ​​the explosion, Bai Gou truly felt how lethal the explosion was. How big.

There were corpses floating everywhere on the river, several armed cargo ships were burning, and the oil tanker had been completely blown to pieces, and not even a shadow could be found.

Occasionally, the wailing sound from the tilting cargo ship can be heard, which is extremely harsh in the silent night.

Even White Dog, who has experienced countless lives and deaths on the battlefield, can't help but feel a little numb at this moment.

Is this a real war?

What I had experienced before was really just a small fight.

In a matter of seconds, hundreds of lives were wiped out.

The person who made this plan was calmly taking off his boots in the cabin and pouring out the water inside.

The life and death of these people seemed to have nothing to do with him, and he showed a completely indifferent attitude.

On the battlefield, human lives are like numbers.

Bai Gou suddenly became aware of this.

He walked to Chen Chen again and said:

"They were all destroyed by the explosion. Don't tell me, these people are quite miserable."

Chen Chen didn't even raise his head and replied:

"The people who are killed by the drugs they sell every year are even worse. All I can say is that they deserve it."

Bai Gou nodded silently and wanted to say something, but Chen Chen continued.

"A gentleman can't bear to see a person alive and can't bear to eat his flesh when he hears his voice. This is normal human nature."

"But when expressing human nature, we must also clearly distinguish the target."

"If the other side were just ordinary soldiers in the warlord's armed forces, then I might mourn with you."

"But these people are drug dealers. You have humanity for them. Does he have humanity for you?"


Bai Gou answered decisively and immediately added:

"I'm not sympathizing with them, nor am I mourning them. Absolutely not. I'm just expressing my appreciation for the power of weapons."

"That's good."

Chen Chen nodded slightly. After a few seconds of pause, he suddenly said:

"Sympathy applied to the wrong target is the greatest cruelty to innocent people."


White Dog replied firmly.

At this moment, he had a new understanding of his captain.

Able to kill but not indiscriminately, calm but not cold-blooded.

Be good.

What kind of virtue did he cultivate in his previous life to find such a good officer in this life?

How could he be a mercenary?

He is a warlord - bah, a warlord is worthy of him?

"Hey hey hey hey"

Bai Gou suddenly laughed. Chen Chen looked at him inexplicably and asked:

"why are you laughing?"

"I think of happy things."

".???Don't imitate me."

Chen Chen rolled his eyes and ignored him.

At this time, the assault boat had completely crossed the blockade organized by Nuokang and continued northward from Sanfu. The river was open.

There were still many peepers around, but no ship dared to come forward.

After all, this razor-sharp knife cannot be blocked by any of them.

"It's going to be a smooth road ahead."

The white dog followed Chen Chen again. At this time, the pursuers were already frightened, and others did not dare to approach. Their situation was much safer, and he, the deputy commander, also had time to rest.

"It may not be a smooth journey, Nuo Kang may go crazy."

"Him? You mean he will still chase you?"

"Of course I will chase him. How can he give up so easily? This man is a madman, and he often does not care about the cost."

"We still have to remain on guard - but the good news is that our ammunition is suddenly relatively abundant again."


Ammo is not wasted on rushing cards, and can be used later on chasing soldiers.

"But according to what you said, from now on, we and Nuokang will really be in a fight to the death."

He and I are the same.

Chen Chen said silently in his heart.

In fact, he has a fight-to-die attitude towards all the drug dealers here.

He is not strong enough now, but if he really develops into a hegemon in the future, he will not hesitate to attack everywhere and kill all these people.

It’s not about some lofty, idealistic ambition, it’s just about revenge.

Because he has seen too many evil deeds committed by these drug dealers against his comrades.

The brigade he was in was okay. After all, it was a combat unit. The conflict happened in an instant, and there was no difference between life and death.

But those investigators and intelligence agents who belong to another system are really not so lucky.

The most cruel punishments imaginable to man were once inflicted on them.

Death is even a blessing for them.

In his last life, when he dreamed back at midnight, Chen Chen would often dream about the bloody information. This had become a kind of PTSD, so that every time he thought about it, he would be particularly eager for weapons and smoke.


I just killed so many people, so don't be afraid.

Catch up and send more.

Well, it's best to send some elites over, or come over yourself.

I still have 400 rounds of 23mm artillery shells, waiting to be stuffed into your mouth.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and walked into the cockpit of the assault boat.

He quietly wiped the water-soaked HK416, waiting for the next battle that was destined to come.

At the same time, inside the 505th Brigade headquarters.

Zhao Jialiang stared at the adjutant in shock and asked in horror:

"What are you talking about? All two hundred people in Nuokang are gone?"

"What happened? They dropped a nuclear bomb on the Mekong River?!"

Looking at his expression, a bitter smile appeared on the adjutant's face.

"It's not like dropping a nuclear bomb, but it's close."

"They found a fully loaded oil tanker in Wanbang, then rushed to Nuokang's defense line and detonated it."

"The technique was very clever. It was not simply blowing up the oil tank. It was first thrown with directional explosives and then detonated with some kind of incendiary bomb."

"This can be seen from the environment of the explosion site - the impact in the center is very strong, but the periphery is mainly burning and killing."

"Not all two hundred people are dead, but almost all of them are dead."

"Nuokang sent a group leader there, but they haven't fished it out yet. We all suspect that it may have been blown to pieces."

".What is Nuokang's reaction now?"

"I don't know, I can't get in touch, I might have gone crazy."

Hearing this, Zhao Jialiang let out a deep breath.

200 people were gone in an instant.

He originally thought that with the combat effectiveness of that combat team, even if these two hundred people couldn't stop them, they could at least seriously slow down their escape.

He originally thought that if the battle reached the most difficult and stalemate moment, he would have a chance to persuade them to surrender and convince them to leave the ship and escape.

He originally thought that the pursuers he arranged would arrive quickly and crush them with powerful firepower.

But none of this happened.

The line of defense that he thought was almost impeccable was shattered by the other party's slap.

Simply and neatly, do it at your fingertips.

Is this a conspiracy?

There is no conspiracy in the world that can blow everything up.

Is that a tactic?


Zhao Jialiang clenched his fists and found that his whole body was numb.

This is a natural reaction after experiencing a huge shock, and I am afraid it will take a lot of time to digest such numbness.

After so many years of fighting, this is the first time this feeling has occurred.

It shouldn't just be called fear, it should be called horror.

Who is he?

Originally, I thought they were people sent by the 756th Brigade, but now it seems that the 756th Brigade is also worthy? !

Such combat effectiveness, such tactical height, such technical level.

What dragon crosses the river? !

After a long silence, Zhao Jialiang finally released his fist.

He asked with some hesitation and doubt:

"Tell me, is there a possibility that the other party's target is actually Nuokang, and we are just the accomplices?"

".It looks like it is indeed possible."

The adjutant nodded slightly and continued:

"There is a possibility that the other party has no intention of doing anything to the 505th Brigade, but we happen to be related to Nuokang."

"Then why are they robbing our ship? This is wrong! They are just coming for us!"

Zhao Jialiang shook his head and suddenly woke up again.

"No matter what, they still pose no threat to the 505th Brigade."

"The number is too small and the equipment is too poor - we cannot be intimidated by this kind of battle example."

"But let's withdraw the pursuers first."

"After observing the situation clearly, make a plan."

"As for the deal with Nuokang, forget about the delay."

"Understood. So, do you want to continue to push forward the matter in Qingmori?"

"Yes, of course."

Zhao Jialiang replied without hesitation:

"Gotta make more money! Upgrade your equipment!"

"This is already the case, why not do it to the end!"

"I don't believe it. Could he still hit me on the head?"

While Zhao Jialiang was worried about the follow-up plan, a "talk" related to the situation in northern Myanmar was also underway in Mengkha and Vientiane Hotels.

Peng Xucheng, Jackal, He Bupa, and Bao Xiaomei sat together, drinking tea and discussing the incredible information they had just obtained.

".So Sunken Ship took 9 people, killed the 505th Brigade, robbed their assault boat, and then killed dozens of Nuokang people, but there have been no casualties yet?"

"Are you sure of the authenticity of the information? To be honest, this sounds like a complete fantasy."

The speaker was Bao Xiaomei. Her face still had delicate makeup, but at this moment, the other three people in the box had no intention of observing her beauty. Instead, they each looked at the beauty of He Bupa in front of them. The latest information compiled by the adjutant.

After hearing her words, Jackal replied without raising his head:

"Wreck never makes fun of me. It is what he says. There will never be any water mixed in, and there is no possibility of exaggeration."

"On the contrary, out of caution, he is likely to underestimate the results."

"Now he told us that he only killed a few dozen people. I suspect that this number must at least double to a hundred people, or even close to two hundred people, to be considered consistent with the logic of the entire intelligence."

"The explosion on the Mekong River alone could not have killed only a few dozen people."

"Wreck. Now he has confirmed his nickname."

“It’s not your own ship that sinks, it’s someone else’s ship that sinks!”

Having said this, Jackal couldn't help but feel a little funny. Before anyone else could answer, he continued:

"The 756th Brigade was probably shocked this time. He was obviously just asked to get evidence, but he turned the entire Tachileik upside down."

"One infiltration mission turned into a clearance mission. It's a simple and effective strategy."

"If you ask me, just let Sin Ship go and kill Zhao Jialiang. If you pay more, he might actually be able to do it."

As soon as these words came out, the other three people present couldn't help but nod.


Although this was just a joke, anywhere else it would have been laughed off.

But when it comes to the Dongfeng Corps, it seems so reasonable.

But of course, they just talk about it casually and don't actually implement it.

After all, Zhao Jialiang is not Chen Yimin. It is still not that easy to kill him.

This topic was lightly ignored. After thinking for a moment, Bao Xiaomei continued:

"If the situation develops to this point, there will be no suspense about the 505th Brigade, or the unrest in Tachileik."

"The shipwreck has caused such a big noise, Zhao Jialiang has been put on fire."

"No matter what, he has no choice but to fight to the end and continue the mocao business to expand his military strength."

"Otherwise, he won't be able to compensate for Nuokang's losses. He will have to fight Nuokang first before the matter with the 756th Brigade is settled."

"It just doesn't make sense for him and he can't be that stupid."

"In other words, the chaos in southern Shan State can actually be determined at this moment."

"That's right."

He Bupa nodded in agreement, and then said:

"That means our cooperation can begin immediately?"

"I think so."

Bao Xiaomei answered calmly. She slightly smoothed her hair that was floating in front of her forehead. After hesitating for a moment, she made a rare promise:

"As soon as the fighting in southern Shan State begins, you can launch your planned operations."

"The Wa State will lend a helping hand - but you must confirm that the Dongfeng Corps must not be used in the first wave of battles."

"What we need is chaos, but if the Dongfeng Corps intervenes, I doubt that they will get stronger and stronger in a short period of time, and then quickly end the chaos."

"This is not the result we want. This is not the result I want."


He Bupa nodded sincerely. He looked at Bao Xiaomei opposite, and then he was surprised to find that there seemed to be something different in the other person's eyes.

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