The situation took a turn for the worse. Although he said he was fine, just a few minutes after getting in the car, Xiaoyu fell into a coma.

Chen Chen did not expect that the biggest threat to Xiaoyu's life was not external enemies, but her own injuries.

It seems that what she said in an understatement, "I got beaten after a substitution," was actually not that simple at all.

Thinking of what she said about "two broken ribs", Chen Chen immediately felt extremely uneasy in his heart.

Her behavior was not the "internal bleeding" she mentioned at all.

It is almost identical to tension pneumothorax!

This is arguably one of the most serious consequences that can occur after a "broken rib."

The broken rib punctures the lung, triggering an alveolar "leak" where air enters the pleural space and is unable to escape. The accumulated air exerts pressure on the pleural space, causing much of the affected lung to collapse.

Pain and blood loss are minor, but more seriously, this pressure can displace the heart and large blood vessels, affecting the function of the heart and lungs, leading to severe breathing difficulties, circulatory failure and even death.

Chen Chen frowned.

If that were true, he might have to give Xiaoyu some hell.

A needle must be used to pierce the chest of the small fish and urgently release the air in the pleural cavity to relieve pressure and restore normal heart and lung function.

The operation was very difficult and would cause tremendous pain without anesthesia, but he had no choice.

Chen Chen took a deep breath, helped Xiaoyu up to a sitting position, quickly took off her body armor, and then put his ear close to her back, trying to judge the severity of the pneumothorax through her breathing sound.

He was very nervous because he was really afraid that the first real "comrade" he met in northern Myanmar would die in front of him.


Fortunately, after listening to her for a while, Chen Chen found that her situation was better than expected.

The breath sounds were faint but still clear.

This shows that her lungs were indeed punctured, but perhaps because of her relatively good physical condition, or perhaps because the wound was relatively small, the closed pneumothorax had not yet developed into a tension pneumothorax, and her lungs were still working normally.

Just like Xiaoyu said, he won't die for the time being.

The current coma is most likely a composite reaction caused by multiple reasons including severe malnutrition, physical exhaustion, etc.

But that doesn't mean it's not a big problem.

Because the length of this "temporary" is calculated in hours!

Chen Chen frowned. He knew very well that if Xiaoyu's symptoms were allowed to continue to develop without timely treatment, it might not be possible to save her life even if she was sent back to the north if it was delayed for a while.

To solve her problem without leaving her in dangerous Tachileik, she had to be evacuated to Mengbin as soon as possible so that doctors could assess whether to perform thoracotomy or perform professional chest aspiration as soon as possible.

Time is life, and at this moment, it is really reflected incisively and vividly.

Chen Chen did not hesitate. He chose the route decisively. The principle of choosing the route was to avoid all conflicts and avoid all unnecessary interference.

There is no need to go to Xiaotianyuan Village for the time being. Let Lao Zhu be stationed there for defense and wait for subsequent reception.

The pursuit team will return to Mengbin first with the captured loot!

The convoy turned and drove onto the Tangyi-Tachilei Highway. After passing through a small road, Chen Chen bypassed the most likely location for an ambush and drove directly onto the NH4 highway.

The performance of the Predator was squeezed to the limit. On a flat road, the car reached a speed of 90 kilometers per hour.

For such a heavy-duty mine-protected and anti-ambush vehicle, this speed may not occur many times in its long life.

Fortunately, the team did not encounter any accidents.

Chen Chen meticulously controlled every turn and every road choice, avoiding all checkpoints controlled by the Burmese army.

It took less than 3 hours for the team to arrive near Jingdong.

At this time, Xiaoyu also woke up from his coma.

She subconsciously turned over, and the severe pain in her chest and lungs almost distorted her face. She coughed several times, and Xiaoyu spit out a mouthful of blood.

Gang Li handed over a piece of gauze, Xiaoyu wiped his mouth casually and asked:

"Where are we going now?"

"Jingdong, we go directly from Jingdong to Mengbin. This is the fastest route."

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment after hearing Chen Chen's answer.

"Aren't you going to Xiaotianyuan Village? Didn't you say you were going to receive the spoils?"

Chen Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"You're about to fucking die, do you know that? At least you have a severe pneumothorax, why do you care about the trophies?"

"To put it bluntly, your condition can last up to 10 hours. If something unexpected happens midway, I will have to cut your chest open and ventilate it without anesthesia."

"Don't you have any anti-blow training? Why don't you give priority to protecting such an important part of your chest?"

"Brother, my hands are cuffed behind my back."

Xiaoyu spat out a mouthful of blood, and her hair soaked in cold sweat stuck to her face, making her bloodless face look extremely horrifying.

Her body had begun to become hypothermic, a classic first sign of circulatory collapse shock.

There was no way to transfuse blood or perform any on-site first aid, because blind operations might make her die faster when the burden on her heart was severely increased.

All she could do was wait until her chest really couldn't hold it anymore, then open her chest and deflate it.

Chen Chen glanced at her through the rearview mirror and continued:

"I will teach you a trick. Without using your hands to block, you can use chest breathing to expand your lungs as much as possible. The alveoli will provide elasticity and cushioning for the bones to avoid breakage to the greatest extent."

"Even if it is really broken, the probability of alveolar damage will be greatly reduced."

".What kind of evil martial arts."

"Bajiquan, you know a hammer. Stop talking and lie down. Every time you say another word, your life will be lost by one minute."

Chen Chen didn't want to talk to Xiaoyu anymore, and Xiaoyu slowly leaned back on the seat.

Bai Gou and Li Bang on the side immediately moved out of the way and helped her body lie flat on the ground.

Her breathing began to become rapid, and her condition deteriorated rapidly. It was most likely that her previous struggle at the Regina Hotel aggravated the injury.

Looking at her rising and falling chest, Li Bang said as if asking for help:

"Captain, what should I do?"

"You drive!"

Chen Chen stepped on the brakes without hesitation, and then quickly changed positions with Li Gang.

He straddled Xiaoyu and tore off the clothes on her chest. Then he lay down and carefully pressed the skin on her chest.

Without X-rays, the location of alveolar air leakage can only be determined by the elasticity of the chest and lungs.

Generally speaking, pneumothorax puncture is performed from the upper part, but in some special cases, the air may accumulate in the lower part due to chest adhesions.

Chen Chen must confirm, because this is a detail that cannot be made wrong.

Xiaoyu didn't pay attention to his actions at all, but suddenly said in a daze:

"Wreck, find me a gun. I saw an armed checkpoint before."

Chen Chen paused for a moment, then used alcohol to disinfect the needle, and then began to wipe the fish's skin with alcohol.

While wiping, he replied:

"There is an MP5-K that you can use first. You can only handle this now. But your body armor is level two, which is better than nothing. I don't recommend that you directly join the battle."

"If a fight really breaks out, just find a place to hide."

The body armor that Xiaoyu took off was taken off the body of Regina's drug dealer. It is not at the same level as the body armor worn by the Dongfeng Corps. Not to mention the machine gun bullets flying randomly in high-intensity conflicts, even the most ordinary ones. The Bayi bars can be penetrated at will.


But of course, Chen Chen was not arguing with her about the allocation of tactical positions at all. He just wanted to maintain communication with Xiaoyu to prevent her from passing out.

"Okay, I will hide myself."

Xiaoyu answered with difficulty, and then continued to ask:

"What's the route now? To Xiaotianyuan Village?"

Xiaoyu's thinking has fallen into chaos, and the insufficient pumping of blood by the heart has begun to affect the blood delivery to the brain.

She couldn't remember what she said or what others answered. In a state of brain hypoxia, her thinking ability was reduced to the limit.

In a sense, her words and actions are even controlled by instinct.

If this state lasts for more than 10 minutes, she will inevitably enter a state of circulatory failure.

At that time, there will be no way to save him!

Chen Chen's hand holding the needle was extremely steady. He gave Jackal and Bai Gou a look. They immediately understood what he meant and stepped forward to hold Xiaoyu's shoulders and arms.

And he continued to answer:

"Go to Mengbin, not Xiaotianyuan Village. There is nothing in Xiaotianyuan Village that can save your life."

"Shut your mouth, I'm going to give you an injection."

Hearing his words, Xiaoyu blinked.

Chen Chen took a deep breath, and positioned the needle at the mid-clavicle line in the upper part of the chest, carefully avoiding the ribs and arteries, and then pushed it in slowly.

Xiaoyu frowned immediately, but the severe pain seemed to wake her up a little.

She opened her mouth and asked:

"How did Sang Kang die?"

"We chased him to the vicinity of the Mekong River's Wangnan Phuoc Channel, where we ambushed him and killed him."

"10 versus 300, you Haibao will never learn tactics."

Chen Chen's hand steadily pulled the piston of the needle tube. After making sure that what was drawn out was blood foam mixed with air and not blood, he directly pulled out the piston and allowed the needle tube to connect to Xiaoyu's chest cavity.

Under the huge pressure, gas and blood foam sprayed directly on Chen Chen's face. He raised his hand to wipe it off casually, and then immediately covered the upper edge of the syringe with gauze.

The pressure in the chest dropped suddenly, and in just a few seconds, Xiaoyu's face regained a trace of color.

It looks like a flashback.

She lowered her head, looked at the syringe inserted in her chest, and then continued:

"First of all, I am an informant, Thai-Chinese."

"Secondly, why is Sang Kang chasing you?"

"Because we blew up his fleet, a big explosion."

".How big is it?"

Xiaoyu's breathing became rapid again, but this was completely different from the previous shortness of breath caused by tension pneumothorax, but due to air leakage caused by damage to the chest and lungs.

"The oil tanker exploded, destroying more than a dozen ships and causing over a hundred casualties - but they were all drug traffickers."


Xiaoyu closed her eyes and her hands kept shaking.

She really didn't have the energy to speak anymore.

In just a few seconds, she fell into coma again.

Chen Chen calmly reached out and touched her carotid artery, silently counting for 30 seconds, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that her heartbeat returned to a basically normal level.

Life was temporarily saved.

However, he only saved his life when a tension pneumothorax broke out.

The danger is far from over. Chest wall penetration is not a life-saving method, but a temporary solution.

Because open pneumothorax is no less dangerous than tension pneumothorax!

If tension pneumothorax is a slow accumulation and sudden explosion, then open pneumothorax is a complete chronic suffocation.

It can delay death, but it cannot eliminate it.

"Pleural patch."

Chen Chen reached out to Li Bang, who immediately tore open the patch in the first aid kit and handed it to him. Chen Chen pressed Xiaoyu's chest slightly, squeezed out the excess air in the chest, then pulled out the needle and quickly removed the pleural patch. Posted it.

He placed his hand on Xiaoyu's chest, feeling the rise and fall of the latter's chest.

It's still weak, but at least it's within the normal range.

He knew this wasn't the end.

Before reaching Mengbin, the deflation and sealing operations will continue to cycle.

Until the hospital can give her professional treatment.

Chen Chen quickly glanced out the car window, and then said to Bai Gou:

"Contact He Bangxiong and ask him to negotiate with the Myanmar side and let us pass."

"Tell him that no matter whether it can be done or not, he must inform me as soon as possible. I must have a backup plan."

"Jackal, you have had contact with the Burmese army. Try to contact them and see if you can talk to them."

"We have a lot of cash, and if money can buy a road, then spend it."

"Right now, keeping this woman alive is our first priority."

"As long as she lives, all of us will not only get rich!"


Jackal and White Dog answered immediately, and at this time, the convoy had completely entered the Jingdong area.

Less than 10 kilometers away from the city, the Myanmar military's control has become increasingly tight. There are checkpoints one after another, and the convoy finally cannot escape.

The marauders stopped not far from the checkpoint, and the Burmese army swarmed up, aiming their heavy machine guns at this exaggeratedly well-equipped convoy.

Xiaoyu was awakened by a series of shouts, and she saw the people around her getting out of the car one by one.

She realized that things had changed, or rather, that there was an ongoing crisis.

So, she pushed herself up and sat up, reached for the body armor on the ground and put it on her body.

Then, she found the MP5-K mentioned in her vague memory and held it in her hand with difficulty.

She had no intention of getting out of the car, because even when her consciousness was almost completely lost, she knew clearly that if she appeared on the battlefield now, she would be a pure burden and flaw.

She just wanted to be as useful as possible.

However, she soon fainted again.

The last thing she saw before her vision went completely black was a face with a mask.

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