"Like I said, I'm just a mercenary."

Looking into Xiaoyu's eyes, Chen Chen answered seriously.

Xiaoyu also looked at him with scrutinizing eyes, as if trying to find a trace of hesitation, shrinkage, or dodge on his face.

but no.

The two were facing each other tit for tat, evenly matched, until the doctor doing the rounds knocked on the door at the right time and walked in, and the confrontation between the two ended.

Xiaoyu supported his body, stretched out his hand to let the doctor measure his heart rate and blood pressure, and answered the doctor's questions cooperatively, as if Chen Chen on the side did not exist.

But while she was communicating with the doctor, she said in an unintentional way:

"We can neither admit nor deny, right?"


This sentence immediately silenced Chen Chenqian.

It seems unremarkable, and it is even closely related to the content they are communicating now, but in fact, the purpose of Xiaoyu saying this sentence is not at all the "right" at the end, but the classic first half of the sentence. Lines.

We can neither confirm nor deny, this can really be regarded as a classic saying of the CIA.

This quote comes from the K-129 incident decades ago, and has since become almost the CIA’s benchmark attitude toward so-called “deep operations.”

At this time, when Xiaoyu said this, it was like Captain America saying "Hail Hydra".

Of course she didn't want to reveal Chen Chen's identity with this sentence. She just wanted to judge whether he might be connected with one of her biggest enemies through Chen Chen's micro-expression changes in a moment.

Cautious, alert, unexpected, and never miss any opportunity.

This is really the quality that an intelligence officer active on the covert front should possess.


However, Chen Chen does have nothing to do with the CIA.

Therefore, he did not need to hide his expression, but put his disgust directly on his face

Seeing his expression, Xiaoyu blinked helplessly.

"Okay, now we have to add one more condition."

"You are not from us, not from them, and most likely not from over there."

"I really don't understand. This is not a matter of classification."

"You are just a local and have never had any contact with us, but"

At this point, the little fish stopped.

She knew that there was actually no need to say the next words.

Because the overall situation has been decided, and the "dealing plan" for the man in front of him has also been finalized.

After confirming that no information beyond the limit was leaked from his own hands, the connection between this sunken ship and his own matter was basically over.

Perhaps, there will be further exchanges in the future, but that will definitely not be a continuation of this matter.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyu said:

"We already have a preliminary plan regarding your commission."

"After comprehensive evaluation of various factors and considering the cost you paid, it is 1.16 million US dollars, of which 500,000 US dollars is an additional reward."

"How about it, do you think it's reasonable?"

Chen Chen couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

The amount is quite large. The original task of escorting Jiya was only 500,000 US dollars.

The thing that left him speechless was the round number. Should I say that you are rigorous, or that you are picky and fussy?

"1.16 million US dollars, I want cash."

"You don't have an account?"

"You can't find out anything even if I have an account. Let's just treat this as a transaction, and treat what you think is just a coincidence."

Speaking of this, Xiaoyu finally gave up the temptation completely.

"Oh well."

"From now on, I am the informant and you are the mercenary. We will not talk about anything other than that. How about a deal?"

"make a deal!"

Chen Chen stretched out his hand to Xiaoyu, who touched him with his left hand, and a brief agreement was reached between the two.

"So what's next? Am I safe here?"

Xiaoyu asked.

"I think it's safe. Your only threat now comes from the Pamang camp, but they are too far away and the possibility of launching an attack is very low."

"Unless they plan to hire a mercenary group, it can be said that none of the mercenary groups around here can fight."

"Lion Corps, from the Wa State."

Xiaoyu interrupted.

"The Lion Corps is now called the Dongfeng Corps."

"?So you changed your name?"

"It's not a name change, it's a reorganization."

"Okay. Jingdong has a mercenary group called Shadow. It is a foreign mercenary group. The main body is a small defense company in the United States. It is said to be connected to MPRI and is very powerful."

Xiaoyu added.

This is not classified information, just a piece of "information."

"First of all, I don't think a mercenary group with such a name can be that strong."

"Secondly, I have learned about Shadow Defense. A mercenary group with less than 20 people is more like bounty hunters than mercenaries. They only do tasks that look high-end but are actually very simple, such as rescue. , anti-kidnapping and the like, it’s impossible to get involved in things like ours.”

"Because not everyone can get involved in what I do."

"Finally, after two hours, you will be transferred to Mengka. In Mengka, even if MPRI comes in person, it will be useless."

Chen Chen replied seriously.

"Okay. Do you think it's possible for Pamang Camp to cooperate with Myanmar?"

"Unless Lao Mian is crazy."

Chen Chen said without hesitation.

"That's no problem. What are the details of the transfer?"

Xiaoyu asked.

"I'll lift you into the car and take you from the Dabang route to Monkha. You can't do strenuous activities yet, but you are basically able to move, so I suggest you try to get out of bed and walk around first to get used to it."

"no problem."

While talking, Xiaoyu called the doctor and pulled out the rehydration needle on his right hand.

In fact, lung repair surgery is not a big operation. After the dangerous period is over, recovery is very fast, and the impact of small incisions on mobility is relatively controllable.

At least for now, without making any big moves, her actions are basically the same as those of a normal person.


Except that the balled up left hand looks a little weird and funny.

"The condition is not bad, much better than when it first came out."

Xiaoyu said with satisfaction.

"Nonsense, you were already dying."

"You should take up self-rescue courses for combat injuries when you go back and establish a correct understanding of your physical condition. Otherwise, it will easily cause friendly forces to misjudge their priorities and your death will be in vain."

"That's right."

Xiaoyu did not refute, but continued:

"Actually, what's more serious is that it may drag down the team. The smaller the team, the more susceptible it is to the impact. But this isn't something you should be concerned about, right?"

With a sly smile on her face, Chen Chen chuckled and replied:

"What do you care about me?"

"Oh, it's urgent. When will we leave?"

Xiaoyu didn't hesitate any longer, and Chen Chen just pretended that she hadn't asked.

"You can do it now. The situation in Mengbin is quite chaotic. We should leave as soon as possible."

"Then let's go, don't delay!"

Xiaoyu answered decisively.

Therefore, all members of the assault team immediately assembled. After replenishing a batch of basic ammunition through He Bangxiong, the convoy drove towards the small road in Dabang and went straight to Mengka.

The trip went very smoothly, and Xiaoyu was quiet all the way until she saw Dongfeng's villa, the canal that had been dug and completed, and the first fleet of ships carrying loot parked in the dock that had just arrived near Xiaotianyuan Village. When the Jianglong assault boat returned, the expression on his face changed slightly.

Everything actually started because of this ship.

When Laos wanted to buy this ship, its actual purpose was to combat Nuokang's waterborne drug trafficking armed forces.

And now, the ship has completed its mission in a strange way.

Nuokang died, and it returned to the hands of "one of our own".

Xiaoyu didn't dare to take a big breath. After getting off the car, Chen Chen immediately pushed the prepared wheelchair to her. After sitting in the wheelchair, she said with some emotion:

"Leaving this ship to you is probably a kind of destination."

Chen Mo nodded silently and did not reply.

Beside them, the jackal and the white dog had already started shouting and directing the movement of the loot.

Although it was already past 12 o'clock in the evening, everyone still followed the old tradition of the Dongfeng Corps and placed all the loot in the open space in front of the villa.

Don’t delay what you need to do, especially when it comes to sharing rewards after the war.

"Get rich! Shipwreck, we're getting rich!"

Jackal said excitedly.

"Can you find something to hold down the scattered cash? A gust of wind will come over later, and you won't have anywhere to cry."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, who cares about that little bit! Do you know how much cash we seized? All of Nuokang's cash properties are probably here!"

"There is very little money in his bank account, most of which are cash transactions. Hey, guess how much?"

Chen Chen thought for a moment and replied:

"Around 12 million US dollars?"

"Almost! 12.6 million US dollars! This is cash!"

"I never imagined that he, a drug dealer, would have so much cash!"

In fact, there is nothing surprising about this. At this time in 2010, underground banks in the northern province of Fu had not yet expanded their business, and USDT had not been issued. Money laundering was still a very technically difficult strategy that was not used unless necessary.

Storing cash is very common, and it is even more common for drug dealers to store cash. If Nuokang hadn't spent most of his funds on equipment and goods, he would have even more money.

More than 12 million US dollars may sound exaggerated, but in the sinful and distorted financial market of the entire Golden Triangle, it really is not that big a number.

Therefore, Chen Chen was not necessarily very excited.

After all, for this operation, he paid 3 million US dollars in equipment costs alone!

In addition to the commissions and pensions that must be paid to Mu Gui and Chaisili, and considering the basic principles of distribution of spoils, the amount that can reach him is actually only about 7 million?

Including other valuables, excluding equipment, the net profit is about more than 9 million US dollars, is that much?

For ordinary people, it’s frightening.

But for a mercenary group, especially a mercenary group in northern Myanmar, it is only the price of a few new pieces of equipment.

But it’s still a lot of money, so don’t ask for too much!

Chen Chen comforted himself and walked to the pile of trophies. This time, the most eye-catching ones were the two cannons.

An M56 105 mountain grenade and an AH-2 camel-mounted 155 mm caliber howitzer.

Needless to say, the former is one of the most commonly used types of artillery in light infantry tactics. It was developed in the 1950s and is still used by dozens of countries until now.

The structure of this gun is extremely simple and can be directly dismantled into 11 parts. It can be quickly maneuvered by a man on back and a horse. It is a common weapon in plateau warfare and mountain warfare.

However, convenience does not mean how powerful it is in combat. In fact, it is a "balanced" weapon designed in the post-war background.

There are no particularly outstanding advantages, but there are also no major shortcomings. If we want to talk about the advantages, there is only one word: stability.

This nature makes it difficult to play the role of "defeating the enemy", so that in this place that is extremely sensitive to artillery, warlords will allow some special partners to possess M56 guns.

Chen Chen still remembers someone saying that Jiaroja, who was defeated by the Dongfeng Corps, had an M56, but it didn't play any role at all.


However, this is just the M56, the AH-2 is completely different.

52 times the diameter, with a range of 30 kilometers, you can use rocket-extended range bombs, and the artillery shells can use air-explosion fuses, combined with anti-personnel explosive grenades, one shell can cover most of a football field!

This kind of thing should never appear in Nuokang's hands, but he just got it, which shows how far his business had reached before his death.

His origins are nothing more than two, Pakistan and Africa.

Even if Pakistan’s selling points MK19 and M56 are given to him, how dare he sell the AH-2?

Chen Chen's first reaction was shock, but when he thought about it carefully, he found it illogical.

It's probably not from Pakistan. It's most likely from a certain country in Africa.

However, no matter where it comes from, this cannon will definitely not be retained. If it does not blow up, it can only be sold to a trustworthy team.

To whom can it be sold?

Chen Chen frowned in thought, and at that moment, Xiaoyu slowly came to him in a wheelchair.

"Don't know what to do?"

she asked.

"Yes, 105 is fine, but I really don't know what to do with this AH-2. How about selling it to you?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Xiaoyu pursed his lips and replied:

"AH-2 is just PLL01. It has no recycling value at all. They are all antiques."

"That's not an old thing, okay? It's hard to make a living in northern Myanmar. Why, are you starting to look down on 155 pomegranates now?"

Chen Chen asked angrily.

"We have better ones. Who said you were just a mercenary?"

".Go and play aside. Don't come to tease me."

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly and turned around to look at other trophies.

In addition to cash, gold, jewelry and a large amount of equipment, what was seized from Nuokang was really mediocre - the other 10 night vision devices that were originally hoped to be collected from the Viper Team also failed. At the beginning of the battle, they compared Everyone runs fast

Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little disappointed - it couldn't be said to be disappointing, it should be said to be regretful.

He waved to others to sort out their equipment. Peng Xucheng, who came over after smelling the smell, recovered a large number of guns and weapons they didn't want as usual, and the rest were temporarily put there to be processed.

The exciting money-sharing session didn't last long, as Mugui and Chaisili's commissions were settled on the spot.

Mugui's side was relatively troublesome, and it took some time for both parties to communicate.

There were no casualties in Chaisili, only some equipment was lost, so they went directly to the company for reimbursement. They took the commission and bonus and left. It was very simple.

After everything was taken care of, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw the AH-2 dragged from the ship to the door of the villa.

It's too late to take a look. Why don't you give it a try first? ——

Forget it, once this cannon is fired, it is estimated that not only the 7th Brigade, but the entire Northern Shan State will jump up.

Just when he was struggling with how to play with this cannon, Xiaoyu appeared next to him again.

"Do you want to keep this cannon?"

"In no mood."

Chen Chen answered decisively.

"It's impossible to keep it unless someone approves it."

"It is impossible to decree by decree"

Xiaoyu smiled and continued:

"But there is another way."

"Do you want to listen? I should repay you for saving my life?"

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