"Where's the artillery battery? Where's my artillery battery?!"

"Contact them! Why did the rocket launcher stop?!"

"Those people have run away, we have to continue chasing!"

"Get Angcuo, what the hell is he doing?!"

In the temporary command post in Taman Village, Wei Huairen shouted hysterically, while his adjutant stood aside tremblingly and answered:

"We just lost contact with the artillery battery and they were under attack."

"Angcuo. He said there weren't many people."

"There should be no problem. The artillery company has more than a hundred people and four light machine guns. The rebels have at least fifty or sixty people in the west. Based on the number, the number of people who attacked the artillery camp is only a dozen at most."

"These dozen people can't make any waves. Their purpose is only to harass."

"They are supposed to buy time for the rebels who want to escape north, but this is meaningless at all. We can definitely catch up with them."

"I guess it won't be long before we can get in touch again. Ang Cuo should be having sex right now."

Hearing the adjutant's words, Wei Huairen breathed a sigh of relief.

Also, there were only a dozen people on the Allied side, how could they possibly make any noise?

Even if they can create short-term chaos, the surrounding Shanshan troops will quickly support them and then pin them all to death.

This is just their dying struggle. No matter from any angle, I shouldn't worry.


However, on the other hand, Peng Deren is really capable of fighting.

In this situation where he was surrounded by thousands of people, he was still able to devise such a sophisticated strategy!

On one side, they fled with large troops, while on the other side, they left small groups behind to harass them.

If his tactics are successful, he might actually be able to escape this time!

Unfortunately, his number was so small that it was impossible to use "tactics" to make up for the gap in numbers and firepower.

If their number was not one hundred, but five hundred - or even just two hundred, I'm afraid the fight on our side wouldn't be so smooth.

This person really should die early!

There is no need to worry about family relationships or "power checks and balances". As long as it is one's enemy, he must die!

Thinking of this, Wei Huairen let out a long sigh.

After all, the eldest brother is old. He may have forgotten how he conquered the world, and thought that he could get everything by relying solely on political means.

But in fact, in this land, if you want to become big and achieve something, you have to fight!

Without military power, what would you fight for and seize?

This border defense camp must be firmly in our hands.

Ang Tingling must die, and Peng Deren must die too.

Wei Huairen's expression became a little cold, he paused for a moment, and then he ordered:

"Order the fifth company to move closer to me."

"Since they have deployed a team, there can't be only one."

"The number is wrong. I suspect that they may launch an attack on our command post."

"The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. We must be prepared for sneak attacks."

"Keep them out and let them know what it means"

However, he didn't have time to finish his words.

Just when he was about to blurt out the last word, a sudden scream interrupted him.

Wei Huairen paused in confusion, and subconsciously walked out of the house. Then, a scene that he was extremely familiar with but had never seen from such an angle suddenly appeared in front of him.

Rain of fire pouring down the sky.

Wei Huairen's eyes were about to burst.

"damn it!!"

"My rocket launcher!!"

"Three hundred meters away! No. 1, rush in quickly and throw smoke bombs!"

"No. 3, occupy the commanding heights, look for sniper positions, and move positions at any time. Don't get caught!"

"No. 2, No. 5, cover No. 3, be alert at all times!"

"No. 6, attack with me, Group 2 will follow!"

Outside Taman Village, Chen Chen quickly issued his last order.

Just now, after completing the first round of rocket launches, he left a team to continue the subsequent launches, and then led the entire Dongfeng Corps to launch an assault on Taman Village.

The rocket launcher, or artillery position, was only 1 kilometer away from the Taman Village headquarters. The terrain was flat and even connected by country roads. It only took them about 5 minutes to complete the advance.

When they arrived at the outskirts of Taman Village, Taman Village had completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The company staying here had no time to react. They gathered together because of Wei Huairen's wrong order, and inexplicably maximized their casualties.

This also led to the fact that after a round of rocket attacks, the entire headquarters was almost wiped out in one fell swoop.

There were no more than 70 people left standing, and of these 70 people, at least half were still running away desperately.

All defenses had collapsed and retreat became the only option.

The 13-man team led by Chen Chen was like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep. Even the Allied soldiers whose combat effectiveness was frighteningly low began to shoot and kill the enemy.

Li Gang has already thrown smoke bombs. In actual combat, his understanding of throwing objects has made a qualitative leap. But this time, when the number of throwing objects is limited and the range that needs to be blocked is too wide, He suddenly realized the truth just like Shi Dakai during the battle in Nayong Village.


Of course, this kind of enlightenment is actually not that mysterious.

He just quickly observed the battlefield situation, and then threw a vital smoke bomb at several particularly critical "traffic points".

The entire battlefield was instantly divided, and all enemy crossfire was instantly broken.

The Dongfeng Corps was not affected at all. With the help of thermal imaging cameras, even if there were interference from flames and heat sources everywhere, they could still easily penetrate the thick smoke and find traces of the enemy.

Chen Chen, Li Bang and Bai Gou gathered together and formed a combat team according to the principle of three-three.

As the main shooter, Chen Chen switches to burst mode with his HK416 in his hand, and every short burst he fires will surely kill an enemy!

From the beginning of the assault to the time when the three entered the center of Manta Village, the time did not exceed 3 minutes.

But in just these three minutes, no less than 10 enemies fell in front of them.

At the same time, Shi Dakai, who stayed behind them, also fired frequently. The .50 bullets penetrated the fragile bunkers in the village again and again, blasting huge bloody holes in the bodies of the enemies behind the bunkers.

The enemies in Manta Village completely collapsed, and their last will to resist was completely shattered. At this moment, Bao Qi's call suddenly came from Chen Chen's earphones.

"Wei Huairen is still at the command post in the center of the village, he hasn't escaped yet!"

"There are three enemies, we can see from our position"


Before Bao Qi finished speaking, the gunfire of M82A1 rang out again.

Then came the second shot and the third shot.

Chen Chen suddenly felt a strong sense of security in his heart, because he knew that Shi Dakai's shots were aimed at Wei Huairen's command post!

The combat effectiveness of my team has been fully demonstrated.

After the intelligence became clear, Shi Dakai automatically chose the most reasonable, safest and most efficient method without even requiring his own instructions!

Nonsense, if you can see it directly, why not shoot it to death! ?

This is true cooperation! This is the real grasp of fighter opportunities!

He did not hesitate and continued to move towards the command post according to Bao Qi's direction. When they arrived, two broken bodies had fallen behind the wall of the small courtyard of the command post.

There is no Wei Huairen.

"Shock bomb!"

Chen Chen gave a brief order, and Li Bang fired a shock bomb without hesitation. Then, the three of them rushed directly into the small building almost to the rhythm of the shock bomb explosion.

At this time, Chen Chen finally saw the big hole on the side of the wall.

Behind the big hole was Wei Huairen who fell to the ground but was still struggling.

"You will stand till the end."


Chen Chen's HK416 opened fire without hesitation, and he did not give Wei Huairen a chance to leave his last words.



After searching the house, Li Gang and Bai Gou answered one after another, while Chen Chen walked to the table in the house and picked up the microphone of the radio that was still hearing calls from other troops.

He let out a breath and then said:

"Wei Huairen has been killed by me."

"All the guardsmen were killed."

"Everyone, put down your weapons immediately."

"Otherwise, I will beat you to death."

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