I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 180 Living to meet people

"How many people are there in total?"

Looking at the surrendered enemy troops who had just put down their weapons and reached the open space near the command post with their hands raised in the same direction, Chen Chen asked.

"There are less than 200 people left, and they are all here."

"We probably didn't kill that many people. There must be at least six or seven hundred people who escaped."

"They probably won't come back. The commander is dead, so there's no reason for them to risk their lives anymore."

"We really won. We actually won?!"

Peng Deren's voice was hoarse, and he felt as if he had just experienced a wild dream.

More than 20 people defeated Xiao Qian's support troops and captured more than 200 people?

What kind of achievement is this? Is it really possible for this kind of achievement to appear in the history of war?

Although our side does have the advantage of heavy firepower, if we let ourselves take command, I am afraid that we will not be able to achieve such an effect anyway.

No, it’s not that I can’t achieve this effect, it’s that I don’t even dare to try it.

But now, looking at the dense crowd squatting on the ground, Peng Deren felt a sense of unreality that he could not dispel at all.

"What's the next step?"

he asked.

"Look at yourself. Recruitment is absolutely impossible. This is Lao Burma's army. It is impossible for them to join the Allied Forces."

"So, the best way is to control it."

"Don't let down your guard. The reason they surrendered is because they thought we still had a large force. Now that we know we only have a few people, chaos will break out again soon."

"Think carefully about how to suppress them."

"This is your business. What I should do has been done."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Peng Deren immediately nodded and replied:

"I know I know."

"Actually, there's no need to worry too much. At this point, the chance of any further changes is very small."

"The most difficult step to surrender is the surrender. These soldiers have very poor fighting will and poor sense of identity and loyalty."

"As long as we make it clear to them that we do not plan to operate on them and cut off their contact with the outside world, they will be able to settle down."

"Of course, the most important thing is that we have to let them understand that staying here and waiting for the dust to settle is the best choice. If they run away blindly like the others, the boss will not let them go."

"I will contact other scattered troops as soon as possible and ask them to go to Hongyan for support."

"With such a big victory, I should be able to gather a lot of people."

Sure enough, the people who know northern Myanmar best are the locals in northern Myanmar.

What seemed like a troublesome issue to Chen Chen was not worth mentioning to Peng Deren.

Because he knows the quality of the soldiers of these so-called "Myanmar Mountain Brigade" better than anyone else, and he also knows what the best solution is under the current situation.

It is not about arbitrarily "killing them all" to avoid future troubles, nor is it necessary to spend too much time on killing people to establish power, but to rely on the weaknesses of this team and seize the opportunity of changes in the situation to seek the most powerful " control”.

I have to say that he is still somewhat talented in this area.


Of course, if he didn't have talent, he wouldn't have been able to gather hundreds of people to cover the Peng family's evacuation and even establish a base in Hongyan after Bai Suocheng completely rebelled and took away almost all the troops.

"Then leave it to you."

Chen Chen said.

"Remember the conditions you promised us, and I will remind you on time."

"Of course, if those conditions aren't met, you know."

Hearing this, Peng Deren couldn't help but shudder.

Can't get cashed out?

I was afraid that I would lose my mind and go crazy so I didn’t fulfill it!

He can kill the border camp, but can't he kill himself?

Either kill him now, or never think of becoming his enemy!

There is no doubt that the latter is the choice that maximizes benefits.

Money is not a problem at all. The Peng family has been in business for many years, and they can get away with tens of millions of dollars, not to mention millions of dollars.

But even tens of millions of dollars can be said to be nothing in front of this so-called "Dongfeng Corps".

Because they represent a "power" that is unique in this land.

Thinking of this, Peng Deren quickly said:

"I will arrange the transfer as soon as possible. There may be a certain delay."

"But it won't be a penny less! This operation achieved additional goals, and to show my sincerity, I will pay an additional $1 million."

"Sir Chen, I really appreciate your help. I hope to have more opportunities to express this."

Peng Deren's words were very artistic, and Chen Chen immediately understood what he meant.

Oh, to put it bluntly, don’t you just want more support?

The abacus is working loudly, but you don’t look in the mirror and see who you are?

Oh, Bai Suocheng is not a good person, your Peng family is?

Not to mention that there is no one behind Chen Chen, even if there is someone, the Peng family will never have the chance to board the ship again.

So, he simply did not answer Peng Deren's question, but went straight to the temporary command post in the center of Taman Village.

There were countless pairs of eyes around him staring at his movements. The defeated soldiers who were suppressed on the ground never imagined that when they put down their weapons and walked to Taman Village to surrender, they faced less than 20 enemies.

How did these twenty people defeat themselves?

They couldn't figure it out, so they simply stopped thinking about it.

Now they are really just like Peng Deren said, they just hope that things can end soon and let themselves return to the old street and Lashio.

They watched Chen Chen walk into the room, with a hint of unspeakable fear in their eyes.

Compared to this man, Commander Peng Deren, who was once famous in Kokang, seemed extremely weak.

Squatting in front of Wei Huairen's body and looking at Peng Deren who was following step by step, Chen Chen spoke again:

"Wei Huairen is dead, and Wei Chaoren will never let it go."

"The situation now is very complicated."

"On one side, Ang Tingling disappeared and the border camp was defeated; on the other side, Wei Huairen was killed, and the balance of power among the four major families was broken."

"The undercurrent of boldness will become stronger than ever before, and the attitudes of all parties towards Ming Xuechang will become even more unpredictable."

"Tell me about your plan. If I think there's no chance of it coming to fruition, it's better to retreat now and let's go our separate ways."

"no need!"

Peng Deren immediately spoke and replied:

"Sir Chen, it's exactly what you said. The current situation is very complicated."

"But the complexity of the situation does not mean that it is not good for us. On the contrary, the more complicated the situation is and the muddy the water, the greater the security we have."

"The Wei family is the only family in the coup army that wants to confirm its control of the military. Unlike the militias of other families, what they control is the official armed force recognized by Myanmar."

"But now, this weapon has just come into their hands. It has not been heated yet, and there is already very little left."

"This also means that the real backer of the Wei family, Suo Minwu, will face tremendous pressure."

"He must find a way to recover the losses as much as possible, and the way to recover the losses is to take these prisoners back."

"At the same time, Aung Ting Ling's faction will also be aware of the problem - from the moment Wei Huairen launches an attack by any means, the mountain struggle on the Burmese side has been on the table, and Aung Ting Ling's situation has become more dangerous."

"So, they have to resolve this issue as soon as possible to avoid more uncertainty."

"To sum up, although the two factions of the Burmese army have opposing interests and different demands, for us, they will definitely reach an agreement on the matter of Ming Xuechang."

"This is our chance. Ming Xuechang will definitely be pulled out and sacrificed!"

"There may still be some twists and turns in this process, but we are not far from the result."

Hearing Peng Deren's words, Chen Chen nodded slightly.

Indeed, his analysis of the situation was as accurate as ever.

But the question is, what exactly does he mean by twists and turns?

"Let's get straight to the point."

Chen Chen opened his mouth and said:

“What else do we need to do to finally achieve this outcome?”

"Kill Wei Chaoren, or continue to attack the people in Ang Tingling's faction?"


Peng Deren shook his head and replied:

"Right now, all parties are still hesitating. We need to give them a sufficient impetus, and if we want them to make up their minds, they cannot settle for Ming Xuechang."

"Ming Xuechang will rebel."

"How could he be against it? He is not a fool. For him, the best way now is to do nothing and wait for a while?"

Chen Chen suddenly woke up.

Wrong, Peng Deren could analyze such a situation, let alone Ming Xuechang.

The moment Ang Tingling was captured and the border defense battalion led by Wei Huairen failed to attack, he knew he was going to die.

And since he was going to die, all he had to do was fight to the death.

His nerves must be highly tense, and even the slightest disturbance will cause him to have a huge reaction.

What we have to do is to use this reaction.

If you don’t want to rebel, I’ll help you rebel!

However, such a conspiracy cannot be achieved by force.

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Chen asked.

"too easy."

"We will hire a group of mercenaries outside Kokang in the name of Ming Xuechang to protect his safety - once external forces are introduced, the situation will become very delicate."

"At the same time, we will release news saying, 'According to insiders, the bombing of the police station is related to the Myanmar military.'"

"We have been targeting Bai Socheng and Ming Xuechang before, but now we suddenly start targeting Myanmar. Isn't it obvious?"

"With a two-pronged approach, at least one of Ming Xuechang and Myanmar will be unable to hold back."

"But before that, we have to solve one of the most critical issues."

"Wei Chaoren's revenge."

Chen Chen said.

"That's right."

Peng Deren breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and continued:

"If mobilizing the border battalion to 'rescue' Ang Tingling is a public matter, then avenging his brother is a private matter."

"We have more than 200 prisoners in our hands, and we can't let them go."

"We can only think of ways to defend and hold on until Ming Xuechang is sacrificed."

"We need the assistance of the Dongfeng Corps, so I'm afraid you have to stay."

"We don't need to stay."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"Wei Chaoren is not as cautious as Ming Xuechang. He is active at the Henry Hotel all year round."

"Let's go directly to Kokang and see if we have a chance to kill him."

At the same time, in a private room of Henry Hotel.

Opposite Wei Chaoren sat So Myint Wu and Nyuk Chin, two real-power tasks in the Burmese army. The expressions on everyone's faces were definitely not good-looking.

Especially Wei Chaoren, after contacting the defeated troops and learning that his brother had most likely been killed by the so-called allied army, his pain and anger could no longer be suppressed.

Looking at the instigator of this operation, Suo Minwu, who had vowed to him that "as long as Peng Deren is killed, the border camp will be yours from now on", he was extremely resentful, but he did not dare to show his resentment.

Therefore, he could only vent his emotions on their common enemy.

"I must kill Peng Deren, no matter what the cost, whether you want to participate or not."

"Two generals, the next step is my own business. No matter how you try to persuade me, I will not change my attitude."

"Peng Deren must die, even Jesus can't save him!"

"As for the secretary-general's affairs, I'm sorry, I can't control that much."

Hearing his words, Suo Minwu couldn't help but frowned.

He glanced at Newchin subconsciously, and then spoke to persuade:

"Boss Wei, don't be impulsive!"

"The situation is still unclear. Even if you want to take any action, at least you have to wait until our troops come back!"

"I have taken over the command, and the company commanders have regrouped and are heading towards Lao Cai."

"They don't have many cars, so the movement may be a little slower. But at least, most of the people are back."

"This shows that the situation is probably not as bad as you think, and the Allies are most likely just bluffing."

"How could Wei Huairen be killed so easily? Is it rare for someone to claim that the enemy commander is dead on the battlefield?"

Wei Chaoren was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that what Suo Minwu said was indeed a very logical speculation.

That's right, no matter what, there are only more than a hundred Allied forces. According to the previous battle reports, these more than a hundred people were driven away. How could they have the energy to raid their brother's headquarters? How could they do that? Incredibly, he took down the headquarters and killed the supreme commander?

Yes, there is no truth in what the defeated soldiers say.

They will inevitably exaggerate the enemy's strength and the friendly forces' battle losses in order to evade their responsibilities.

What about dozens of people crossing the river, what about attacking artillery positions, what about 20 people marching straight into the headquarters?

Fuck, do you really think Peng Deren is from the north? Don’t I still know what qualities he has?

You might as well just say that Peng Deren has a machine gun in one hand and can kill you all like Rambo in First Blood!

Compared to 20 people killing 1,000 people, this sounds more convincing!

Thinking of this, Wei Chaoren finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There must be something wrong somewhere.

According to the soldiers, their communications were interrupted for a long time, which seemed to be a sign of electronic interference.

Perhaps, Peng Deren mastered this new technical method from somewhere, and then used this method to invade the communication channel of the border defense battalion and published false news that "the commander died in battle", directly sending these mindless border guards to The battalion soldiers were frightened.

Yes, this is logical.

After all, even if his brother was really beaten and couldn't run away, he would still find a way to ask for help from him.

But he didn't, which meant that he either didn't need reinforcements, or he couldn't send a signal for reinforcements.

Either way, it's better than the current rumors

Wei Chaoren calmed down, nodded slightly and replied:

"I see."

"Then let's wait for those defeated troops to come back."

"But I'll only wait 24 hours."

"If I can't get any useful information from those defeated soldiers, I will go to Hongyan myself."

"That's my brother after all. He wants to be seen alive, but he wants to be seen dead!"

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