I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 200 If you can solve it with guns, don’t go to the negotiation table

After cleaning the battlefield, Chen Chen quickly began to arrange the evacuation of personnel.

This time they captured a total of 45 people. According to the confessions of key prisoners, the standing armed force of this trading house was 115 people.

In other words, they killed a full 70 people in a fire.

Compared with the "big wins" they had achieved in the past, this number was not that shocking, but from the perspective of the person involved, it was actually terrifying enough.

After all, the entire attack lasted less than five minutes, with an average of 14 per minute and one per 4 seconds.

What is this efficiency called?

Of course, the vast majority of the kills were done during the final stage of Laofajia Trading Company's retreat. At that time, it was no longer considered a battle, it was just mowing grass. It is normal for the killing efficiency to increase significantly.

If Laofajia Trading Company's fighting will is stronger, the Dongfeng Corps can even achieve a higher battle loss ratio.

Unfortunately, after more than half of the casualties, the morale of the entire Laofajia Trading Company quickly collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This may be their luck, but it is Chen Chen's trouble.

Because he didn't know how to deal with these prisoners.

It is not possible to take them with you. Although the forces in Banglong are complicated and the control of the Burmese army is relatively weak, the police camp and security brigade are not vegetarians.

The team of a hundred people is small now because the scene caused by the Dongfeng Corps is too big and they dare not rush forward blindly when the situation is unknown. But what about ten or twenty minutes later?

If bitten, there will inevitably be another fight.

This is not what Chen Chen wants to see.

So, after thinking for a moment, Chen Chen made a decisive decision.

He asked the remaining people to identify the main leaders, and a total of 6 people were selected, plus a corpse.

Among the six people, they included the man who took out Bai Yingneng's body, and the man who hung up the walkie-talkie and knew he was the commander without even having to identify him.

As for the rest, they were all driven into the city after surrendering their guns.


It's not that they can't be killed in one go, it's mainly because "without a mask", the Warrior Vehicle is too conspicuous.

Reputation is still very important. If you want to stand firm among various forces, you must at least be decent in form.

Wearing a mask, no matter how nonsense you say it, you still have room for mediation; without wearing a mask, once the killing of prisoners after the war is actually done, it will become a stain that is difficult to clean away.

Bai Suocheng is going to die anyway, so at worst it can be settled later.

After everything was dealt with, Chen Chen immediately led his people to retreat.

He did not return to Huoke, but went straight to Bonning Village, preparing to clear out the last remaining people who might exist there and then receive a wave of loot.

It took the convoy less than 10 minutes to arrive at Bangning Village, and this farm-like stronghold that seemed somewhat "quiet and peaceful" a few hours ago has now been completely razed to the ground.

White Dog is leading people to search and warn. After all, their manpower is insufficient, and the progress is not very fast.

However, after the main force led by Chen Chen joined in, the cleaning work became easier.

Shock grenades, grenades, smoke grenades

The use of throwing objects in small-scale buildings was achieved by Li Gang to the extreme. He found the best balance between "resource saving" and "offensive efficiency".

The four teams moved quickly, with gunshots and explosions ringing out continuously. It took less than 10 minutes for all buildings and underground fortifications to be cleared.

Chen Chen did not participate in the clearance. After establishing the alert, he began interrogating the captives without stopping.

Six people knelt in a row. Chen Chen stood in front of them, holding FN57 in his hand, and asked them:

"Is the body Bai Yingneng's?"

"Yes! It's Bai Yingneng!"

"Yes, he is Bai Zuocheng's son."

"Yes, sir."

A total of five people answered in order, but their attitudes were quite positive.


FN57 gunshots rang out, and Chen Chen shot and killed the man who didn't speak without hesitation.


That's the commander.

Even though his status seems to be high, it is precisely this "status" that makes him the best monkey in the world.

The remaining five people stared at the man's body lying on the ground in stunned silence. They never expected that Chen Chen's actions would be so decisive and resolute, without even leaving a trace of leeway.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen continued to ask:

"Who is this person? The one who died?"

"He is a security consultant sent by the Shadow Corps. He has been here for more than three months. He is responsible for security and personnel training. I have nothing to do with him!"

The man who dragged out Bai Yingneng's body immediately answered, and others immediately echoed.

It's the Shadow Corps again.

From the first time this mercenary group appeared in Xiaoyu's mouth to now, its presence has been continuously strengthening. Although the direction of strengthening is a bit strange, it does not exceed the normal range that can be understood.

As Chen Chen learned before, they have always done this kind of work that looks very high-end but is actually very difficult. Since there is a representative office in Banglong, it is not difficult to provide security services to the largest arms dealer in Banglong. Not surprisingly.

Especially when Laofajia Trading Company is still connected to the Kachin, that is, indirectly connected to the CIA, there is nothing surprising.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not pursue it too much, but continued to ask about things related to Bai Suocheng.

"Why is Bai Yingneng here? Isn't his property in the old street?"

"Boss Bai Bai Yingneng has always been involved in Laofajia Trading Company! However, Ming Xuechang was mainly in charge before. He only invested as the boss behind the scenes and was not very involved in the operation."

"After Ming Xuechang died, he stepped forward to take charge of things. In the past few days - he had indeed been in Laojie before!"

"Who are you?"

"I am Bai Yingneng's adjutant, and I have been following him for a long time!"

The adjutant answered impatiently, as if he had no psychological burden at all about killing the commander.

But yes, if people like them really have any "loyalty" thoughts, then they are in trouble

Once the identity is determined, the main contradiction is grasped.

Next, Chen Chen's interrogation went smoothly.

As the interrogation continued and as he asked questions one after another that "should definitely not be asked by mercenaries," the expressions of the five people kneeling on the ground became more and more horrifying.

Coupled with the Warrior parked aside and watching eagerly, the adjutant who was the first to react even started to tremble.

But the funny thing is, he was shaking not because of fear, but because of excitement.

This can be seen from his increasingly excited expression, extremely positive attitude, and excited tone.

In the end, he even started to actively throw out information. Chen Chen originally thought about killing two more people to put some pressure on him, but in the end he found that this was completely unnecessary.

"Bai Suocheng's main focus now is on suppressing bandits, but the progress is not going well!"

"Peng Deren suddenly became able to fight a lot. More than 2,000 people from the border guard camp and police camp went to attack Hongyan, but they just couldn't surround Peng Deren. More than 200 people were beaten to death, and dozens of them were killed!"

"And I heard that Peng Deren's team has gathered again. They are all militiamen. They don't know if they are going to attack Laojie, but it looks like this!"

"By the way, Bai Suocheng will definitely take revenge on Bai Yingneng, but he still doesn't know that Bai Yingneng is dead. I think he can use this as a bargaining chip!"

"I can help you. Really, I know Bai Yingneng very well. Even if he doesn't show up from beginning to end, I can make Bai Suocheng think that his son is still alive."

"This is very beneficial to you. This is an important bargaining chip. You can trade with him, trade with the Burmese army, trade with Liu Guoxi, or you can use this to defraud Bai Suocheng!"

"How about it, sir? As long as I live, there's a lot I can do!"

Very good proposal.

In a sense, this may be considered the best entry point for Chen Chen to seize that narrow window period.

With the help of this corpse that is both dead and alive, Chen Chen can really write a lot of articles.

But the problem is, this seems a bit too complicated.

It was so complicated that once this plan was activated, I would have to have an extremely in-depth exchange of interests with the various forces here.

And once this exchange of interests begins, it is impossible to stop.

The original decision to leave Hongyan and the Allied Forces was to avoid this situation, so now, why did he step into the mud again?

As a mercenary group, it would be better to play less political tricks.

There is no need to put problems on the negotiation table that can be solved with artillery shells.

Can't we just fight?

The Allies are already creating opportunities for themselves, and I don't believe how long Bai Zuosheng can hold on!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen nodded with a smile and said:

"thanks for your cooperation."

Then, he gave Bai Gou a look, and the latter stepped forward with understanding.

Gunshots rang out and the villains fell to death.

Those ordinary soldiers may be able to survive temporarily, but the "leadership" of Laofajia Trading Company must die.

Because they still have unpaid blood debts.

After cleaning up the prisoners, Chen Chen threw Bai Yingneng's body with them and buried them all in a pit.

This is quite ironic. In life, he was an unattainable "powerful person", but after death, he was just turned into a pile of mud with no distinction between you and me.

The smell of blood and excrement was a bit pungent. Chen Chen covered his nose and frowned and walked away. At this time, the Li Gang who was responsible for searching for the loot had also returned and took Chen Chen to the center that had not been bombed. Underground warehouse, ready to receive loot.

Bangningzhuang Trading Company has a lot of American equipment, especially throwing objects. The Dongfeng Corps has added a wave of grenades and smoke bombs.

Among them, there are six boxes of the most representative MK2 and M67 grenades of the US military. There are also dozens of AN/M14 thermite grenades that are relatively rare outside the active military. Even the M15 white phosphorus grenade, which has long been eliminated, Chen Chendu found 4 pieces.

White phosphorus grenades were basically banned after World War II because they were too "cruel". What can be found now are basically old antiques passed down from nowhere.

Judging from the situation, these grenades should not be "bulk supplies" flowing out of Kachin, but just the personal collection of the person in charge here.

However, Chen Chen had no interest in this stuff at all.

So many years have passed, who knows if this thing will explode in my hands?

Therefore, he didn't care about the four white phosphorus grenades at all, but looked directly at the mortar next to him.

M120 heavy mortar.

The Army's third-class model, not the fourth-class M327.

The maximum shooting range is 7200 meters, and the shortest shooting distance is only 450 meters.

Using 120mm XM1101 high-explosive artillery shells, the maximum killing radius is 24 meters.

What is this concept?

There was a classic killing case of 120mm mortars. In 1994, there was an artillery attack in Sarajevo. Just one 120mm mortar shell killed 68 people and injured 144 people in the market.

Of course, the explosion occurred in a densely populated area, but even this was enough to illustrate the terrifying nature of the 120mm mortar.

More importantly, this thing only weighs more than 600 kilograms. Even the most rubbish Hilux can pull a cannon and 4 rounds of ammunition and run very fast. After upgrading to a pickup truck with a larger load, the maneuverability is only will be stronger.

Chen Chen's eyes lit up. This thing could be said to completely make up for their lack of heavy firepower.


Of course, it is definitely still impossible to solve problems such as "Banglong Pavlov".

However, if we can get some PGMM II ammunition in the future, instead of the current ordinary M933 ammunition.

That would be great fun.

Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction and signaled to drive away a pickup truck that had not been blown up and take away the cannon and all six shells.

Li Gang immediately led people to carry out the operation, while Chen Chen walked around the warehouse, as if to see if there was any useful equipment that had been missed by Li Gang and others.

However, after looking around, there really wasn't much of value - after fighting for such a long time, they had more or less established a basic understanding of the equipment.

Even if he didn't know what model it was, he could still tell whether it was useful or not. But just when he left the warehouse in disappointment, Gang Li ran back in carrying something dark.

With excitement on his face, he said to Chen Chen:

"Captain, I found something good!"

Chen Chen took a quick look and saw that it was really a damn good thing!

MM1 rotating grenade launcher.

This thing is an old antique. Its development can be traced back to the World War II period in the 1930s. However, thanks to its stability and power, since its official birth in 1970, it has not been completely replaced by the more advanced M32 until now. .

The fire coverage that a 12-round bomb nest can provide is extremely terrifying - especially for an individual soldier.

The governor used this grenade launcher in The Terminator. The scene where he bombed the police car can be said to be a classic in film history.

In the Dongfeng Corps, no one is more suitable for this equipment than Li Gang.

So, Chen Chen nodded and said:

"Keep it and look around to see if there are any special ammunition."

"Find some high-explosive bombs and smoke bombs."

"Quickly, we have to evacuate quickly, security brigade"

However, before he could finish his words, a white dog's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Captain, someone is coming!"

“Two cars, not many people!”

Chen Chen looked stern, and then immediately ordered:

"Prepare for battle!"

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