I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 218 The background gradually expands

After the predators arrived, the entire battle could not be said to be one-sided, but it should be said to have ended abruptly.

In the face of heavy firepower at close range, any tactics and techniques have lost their meaning.

The mysterious team that had no time to evacuate was blocked in the yard, and then became the ghosts of Bao Qi's gun at an alarming speed.

Chen Chen didn't care about collecting the trophies at all, but quickly broke into the yard, and under the cover of Bao Qi, began to inspect all the corpses, and pulled off the masks on the faces of all the corpses.

What really surprised him was that all the members of this team had white faces!

It's over now.

An uncontrollable thought flashed through Chen Chen's mind:

Damn it, I'm not going to kill the people from CIASAD (CIA Special Operations Division), right? ? ?

If this is the case, then things are very serious.

Chen Chen knew that at this time in 2010, a legend related to seals had been circulated on the Internet. It said that in 2003, the United States and Myanmar organized a major operation and clashed with the Myanmar side, losing an entire team. squad.

Of course, this legend cannot be true, because 2003 was the time when the United States imposed the most severe sanctions on Myanmar. How could seals appear in Myanmar at this time?

But now, he may really become the protagonist of the legend.

Looking at the SCAR and HK416 with light sights here, looking at the standard dragon scale armor they were wearing, and looking at their faces that were completely pale and like A4 paper, Chen Chen really felt confused.

Of course, this cannot be a "real SEAL", but it is really possible that this is a SAD seconded from the SEALs to participate in special paramilitary operations.

It is no exaggeration to say that the moment he saw the faces of these people, Chen Chen's hair exploded in his helmet.

He didn't expect that he just wanted to arrest someone for interrogation, how could he get into such a big thing? ?

What on earth did Zhao Jingyi do?

In other words, what exactly was Huamei Commercial Bank involved in?

Without any time to think about it, Chen Chen quickly arranged for subsequent arrests. Fortunately, the violent gunshots made Zhao Jingyi dare not act rashly. When Chen Chen and his team found him, he was hiding in the room shivering. He even thought that the Dongfeng Corps was here to rescue him.

This saved Chen Chen a lot of trouble. He coaxed Zhao Jingyi out of the room. When Zhao Jingyi looked at the white bodies on the ground, he immediately fell to the Dongfeng Corps without any bottom line.

Extremely cooperative, extremely obedient, without any hesitation or resistance.

After getting on the Predator and picking up Shortfoot, the group of people ran all the way and fled along the Qingshui River-Gunong Highway.

This is really not an exaggeration at all, because Chen Chen knows that if the people he kills are really people from SAD, then large-scale retaliation will come soon.

But what he couldn't figure out was how could SAD appear here, and how could it target a small Jingyi business?

Do they have no one under their command?

Isn't 2010 just at the starting point of their restart of the IMET (International Military Training) project?

Logically speaking, when the Burmese military government was on the verge of stepping down, the CIA should have already found a good person.

To put it bluntly, even if they don’t have anyone available for the time being, don’t the remnants of 101 and LAVY in Kachin still have a lot of “American loyalists”? Can't they do this kind of work?

If they take another ten million steps back, even if all these options are no longer available, they can still mobilize the Shadow Corps through MPRI to do it. They should not end it themselves at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen finally calmed down a little.

It can't be SAD, right?

If you think about it carefully, if it is SAD, with their combat qualities, it is impossible not to set up any fire observation posts when performing such arrest missions, but only use one driver to take on the responsibility of fire observation.

This approach is really more like some arrogant mercenaries.

He let out a long breath, and the sense of crisis that was overwhelming him just now dissipated a little.

The most urgent task is to figure out what the situation is now.

So, he turned to Zhao Jingyi, who was still shaking, and asked:

"Do you know who wants to kill you? Think about it carefully and don't look down on me!"

"Look at those people who died at your door, and look at the equipment they were wearing. This is definitely not something you can handle!"

"You will be lenient if you confess, do you understand? You are just a second-hand dealer who sells smuggled cars, don't take your own life for granted!"

Hearing his words, a trace of surprise flashed across Zhao Jingyi's fearful face, but soon, this surprise turned into some kind of special surprise.

He cried bitterly and said:

"ZF! I confess! I confess!"

"I really didn't do anything bad, I just dumped the smuggling truck!"

"Just sentence me. I didn't do anything. I didn't expect them to be so cruel!"

"My people are all dead. Those are my brothers. Nothing happened to them! They don't deserve to die!"

"I really"

"Don't talk nonsense to me!"

Chen Chen slapped Zhao Jingyi on the face, and then continued to ask:

"Who are they? What did you do?!"

Zhao Jingyi was stunned by the powerful and heavy slap, but he soon realized the seriousness of the problem, so he stopped talking nonsense and said bluntly:

"They are from Bangningzhuang! They are from Kachin!"

"They came to me before and asked me to trick Xu You's daughter into coming here. I helped them trick her into coming here. I didn't expect them to be so cruel and just killed her!"

"I really didn't expect the matter to be so serious. I thought it was over. I thought they were just stealing business!"

"Who knew they would kill me too!"

"ZF, I really confess, I don't know anything else except this!"

"I don't even know why they want to tie up Xu You's daughter!"

Bangningzhuang, Kachin.

Chen Chen had already anticipated this.

In fact, he had already sensed the seriousness of the matter when Huamei Trading Company and Jingyi Trading Company were involved in the business of Bangning Village, and this was why he was fully prepared.

Now it seems that my cautious behavior really saved my life.

"Who are you in contact with in Bangning Village? Give me a name!"

"I only know that the person who contacted me is named Suonai. He was the one who introduced me to the previous business. But he is dead now. He was killed in a bombing in Bangning Village just a few days ago."

"I thought it was Xu You's revenge. I also thought it was good for them to bite dogs. I really didn't expect it."

"What kind of business was that order before?!"

Chen Chen spoke again.

"A smuggling car! It's just a smuggling car! There's really nothing else!"

"Then why did Xu You want to kill your middleman? Who is the middleman? Is it related to Suonai?"

"It doesn't matter! That person is the broker I found. It has nothing to do with anyone. It's just bad luck that he died. He must have said something wrong!"

"That's what Xu You is like. He's guilty of a lot of crimes, but I'm just a small character. I..."

"Shut up."

Chen Chen said coldly and looked away from Zhao Jingyi.

There is no doubt that this man is a real bit player.

He didn't know why he was selected by those in Bangning Village to participate in Bangning Village's revenge against Huamei Commercial Bank.

After the revenge was over and Bangningzhuang was "happily" destroyed by them, the Kachin side may have realized the possibility of this matter being exposed, so they immediately planned to erase all traces at any cost.

This makes sense.

After all, when he first visited Bonning Village, he had already anticipated that the problem might expand.

But no matter what, I would never have thought that the problem would expand in this direction!

Chen Chen took a deep breath and quickly went through the current situation in his mind.

The logic is clear, and the events on the surface are connected.

However, several questions remain unresolved.

First, the relationship between Bangning Village and Huamei Commercial Bank was originally a cooperative relationship. Why did it suddenly turn into confrontation?

Second, there is no conflict of interest between Bangning Village and Huamei Commercial Bank. Why did they insist on targeting Xu You’s daughter? What was the purpose of such a kidnapping?

Third, how closely related is Kachin to this matter, or is this really just Bangningzhuang’s own business competition?

Fourth, and most importantly, where did these elites come from?

Looking at the weapons that had just been seized at his feet, Chen Chen couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

After a long time, he suddenly turned to Zhao Jingyi and asked:

"How did you know that Xu You's daughter was dead?"

"That Yan Zi, Yan Zi was found by me. I saw the video they took. I actually didn't say she was dead. I just said I thought she was dead. That's what I told everyone!"

"I said I wished she was dead, I didn't say I knew she was dead!"

"But you show that you know."

Chen Chen spoke coldly, cursing an idiot in his heart.

I have to say that this Zhao Jingyi really fits his stereotype of some low-ranking gangsters in the north.

Arrogant, arrogant, thinks he is smart, and speaks unabashedly.

He brags everywhere and makes harsh words everywhere, thinking that he is really a person.

It's okay to do some unsavory things in normal times, but when it comes to kidnapping, you actually dare to talk nonsense?

It is very possible that the reason why he ended up like this was not just because he "participated" in this incident, but because he "showed knowledge."

Damn it, you really can’t save it.

However, you can't kill him yet.

The situation is becoming increasingly unclear. It is better to have an informed person alive than a corpse that cannot speak.

So, Chen Chen gave Li Bang a look, and the latter did not hesitate and knocked Zhao Jingyi out from behind with the butt of his rifle.

I have to say that Li Gang is already very skilled at this job, as if he had practiced it specially.

The predators were still running wildly, and the situation was urgent. Bao Qi once again stepped on the heavy armored vehicle at a speed of 80 kilometers.

After arriving at Gunnong, the car turned around, bypassed the main urban area of ​​Gunong, followed the path across the Nu River, and drove along the side of Banglong once again to the vicinity of Huoke, hiding in the temporary camp used last time.

At this time, Chen Chen finally had some time to breathe, and using this time, Chen Chen made a call that he considered crucial.

There is no doubt that it is for Xiaoyu.

He could only go to the other party for help, because the development of the matter was beyond the scope that the Dongfeng Corps could easily control.

This is not about giving in, this is about sizing up the situation and surviving in the face of death.

The signal of the satellite phone was not very good. It took Chen Chen two minutes to search for satellites. When he finally heard Xiaoyu's voice on the other end of the phone, his hands were already sweating.

"Hello? Shipwreck?"

"it's me."

Chen Chen paused for a moment, then asked:

"Have you arrived in Mongla?"

"No, didn't you say you would leave tomorrow?"

There was a hint of confusion in Xiaoyu's voice. Before Chen Chen could answer, she continued to ask:

"What, have you caught someone? Has the situation changed?"


Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh again - this was the most and most intensive time he had sighed in a while.

"problem occurs?"

Xiaoyu was keenly aware of his emotions, and his tone became serious.

"Something happened."

Chen Chen replied helplessly.

"How big is it?"

"It's hard to say how big it is. But I have two pieces of news here. Which one do you want to hear first?"

".Which one is the good news?"

“There’s no good news, it’s all bad news, big and small.”

".Then let's talk about them one by one, starting with the big ones!"


Chen Chen paused for a few seconds, and then said:

"The kidnapping case of Huamei Commercial Bank is not that simple. It seems to be a business competition, but it involves Bangningzhuang and Kachin. Judging from the method, it is likely to be related to the Wenbeng organization."

"I suspect that the Kachin's tentacles in northern Myanmar are not limited to Banglong. There are also traces of their infiltration in the Wa State and even other places."

".It's as expected. It's okay. It's still controllable."

Xiaoyu was obviously relieved, and his tone became relaxed again.

"This is a normal thing. Sometimes it seems like a small thing, but there are big things hidden behind it."

"Or to put it bluntly, there are actually no small things in northern Myanmar."

"Haven't you heard that?"

"'Those individual, special, and unique events are just extremely superficial flashes of some huge systems.' This sentence is very suitable to describe northern Myanmar."

There was comfort in Xiaoyu's words, but Chen Chen really didn't feel that he was comforted.

He just hummed and then continued:

"There's another news."

"you say."

"Don't be so nervous. Why are you even nervous? It's just a Kachin, shouldn't it?"

"Or are you worried about their revenge?"

"Don't worry, they"

"No. I think I beat the SAD people to death."


Silence is tonight's Huo Ke, and Mengka.

The silence lasted so long that Chen Chen even thought there was something wrong with the signal. When he doubtfully took off the satellite phone to check, Xiaoyu's voice, which he tried hard to suppress but was still a bit shocked, came from the receiver.

"Tell me again, who did you beat to death?"

"SAD, CIA Special Operations Division."

".How did you know it was them?"

"They all have new guns, MK17 and HK416, and they are also wearing dragon scale armor."

".Are they all white?"

"They're all white."

".I told you yesterday what to do to at least make us prepared."

"I can't help it. They want to kill people and silence them. I want to stop them."

"By the time I saw their guns clearly, it was already too late."

"How many were killed?"


Chen Chen answered somewhat hesitantly, but to his surprise, after saying this answer, the Xiaoyu opposite him immediately relaxed.

"You scared the fuck out of me."

Xiaoyu made a rare expletive, and then continued to ask:

"Six people are a team? How is the coordination?"

"It's definitely a mature team with high synergy."

"Then it'll be fine."

Xiaoyu breathed a long sigh of relief and said:

"Six people can't be SAD, they don't have such a high star quota this year." (Note 1)

"Seals are not the only ones who can get MK17. At the end of last year, SOCOM announced that it would cancel the SCAR purchase plan. FNH was not convinced and sent a batch of guns to MPRI for battlefield testing." (Note 2)

"The vast majority of these guns are in the hands of MPRI's elite frontline teams and are mainly deployed in the Middle East. The purpose is to test the reliability of the gas piston control system in sandy and dusty environments."

"Do you have one of their guns? Take the upper and lower receivers apart and check for the typical signs of sand and dust wear."

Chen Chen immediately grabbed a SCAR, and he didn't even need to take it apart. Under the light, he could already see obvious damage to the paint surface.

Those tiny, granular scratches are really obviously caused by sand and dust wear.

"There are obvious traces."

He spoke.

"That's MPRI."

"Based on your previous judgment, what the red blood cells are talking about is probably referring to this."

"This should be MPRI's, um, coaching staff."

"It's really unlucky. I just arrived in northern Myanmar and before the show battle was over, I was defeated by you."

After hearing Xiaoyu's words, Chen Chen finally felt relieved.

"That's great. It seems like this time it's not bad luck, but good luck."

"It's good for your size! SAD is not easy to deal with, but you think MPRI is easy to deal with? Do you think the person you killed was not a seal? They just took off the sign!"

"That's better than SAD."

Chen Chen said quibly.

"Forget it, you're lucky, at least you picked up the sign."

“If you’re hitting someone wearing a sign, really no one can help you.”

"That's it, hang up, I want to sleep!"

".Can you still sleep?"

"Why can't you sleep? The fight between two mercenary groups is none of our business. Go to sleep! Good night!"

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Chen Chen put away the phone with a vicious smile on his face.

Damn it, after all this, it still gets blamed on the Shadow Corps.

What an idiot!

Scared your dad to death! ——

Note 1: The CIA will hang stars on the wall of honor after someone dies.

Note 2: FNH, the company that produces MK17; SOCOM, the US Special Operations Command, the administrative superior of the SEALs.

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