Bao Xiaomei's words were implicitly suggestive, but Chen Chen didn't pick up on her words at all.

He simply threw out a few follow-up battle plans and brought Bao Xiaomei back to the category of "official business."

Regardless of whether Bao Xiaomei wanted it or not, in short, a consensus was finally reached on this matter.

Now that a consensus has been reached, both parties have to determine the schedule and start working.

Bao Xiaomei immediately left for Meng Yang to arrange the "invitation" to Xu You, while Chen Chen turned around and started preparing an assault plan against the drug dealers in the reservoir, as well as a subsequent series of larger-scale attack plans.

However, before officially starting to do this, Chen Chen must first find a way to ensure the safety of the entire Dongfeng Corps, especially the "formal" safety.

Therefore, he still called Peng Deren and asked him to turn the incident at Jingyi Commercial Bank into a "tragedy in which both the security guard and the attacker were harmed."

Although it was a little late, Peng Deren had regained control of Kokang. Now that he had the military power and the administrative district in hand, he could basically do whatever he said. Soon, a group of foreign mercenaries was reported on the TV news News that the team tried to attack Qingshuihe Trading Company, but was resisted by heavy machine guns and was killed along with the security personnel inside the trading bank.

Not only Kokang, but also the entire northern Myanmar paid attention to this news.

After the news was broadcast, in Banglong, in the command room of the Shadow Corps branch, the man named Red Blood Cell's eyes almost exploded.

".Peng Deren, is he fucking kidding me?"

"MPRI's elite assault team was completely wiped out by a security guard from a trading company?"

"This is a team of four seals and two deltas!"

"Where does he think this is?? This is northern fucking Myanmar! The assault team went to fight Jingyi Trading Company, not fucking Poly Technology!!"

"How can those mercenaries who are paid to stand guard have such fighting power?! How could this be done by the security guards of the trading company?"

"He really took us for fools Peng Deren."

"Damn, I really want to kill his whole family!"

After hearing his words, the adjutant on the side showed a slightly nervous look on his face.

He coughed and said:

"Captain, don't be too impulsive."

"This is obviously just a cover-up. In fact, we don't need to go to the scene to see who did this, right?"

"The scouts have returned information. There are traces of using thermite grenades and M67 grenades at the scene, and SVD shell casings were also found in the enemy sniper's lurking location."

"The most important thing is that the only team member who was directly killed was killed by HK416."

"The only one with HK416 in northern Myanmar is the Dongfeng Corps."

"I know it's them! I don't need you to remind me!"

Red Blood Cell waved his hands angrily, and then continued:

"The issue I am most concerned about now is how to report to the headquarters!"

"This commando group was originally used to launch the IMET plan, but as soon as they arrived in northern Myanmar, they were completely wiped out."

"It's not like the entire army was wiped out."

The adjutant interrupted the red blood cells and warned carefully:

"Their commander is still here in Jingdong."

"That's no different from the total annihilation of the army? It might even be worse, right?"

Red Blood Cell's head was about to explode. He could already foresee the scene where the headquarters would be furious, interrogate him severely, and finally deduct a large bonus.

Yes, he doesn't really care about the life and death of those former special forces members. All he cares about is his wallet.

However, the adjutant's next words gave him a feeling of enlightenment.

"Captain, you are wrong."

"This team has never really had contact with us from the time they arrived in northern Myanmar to now."

"They just arrogantly took away the information in our hands, then tried to hunt easily, and were eventually bitten to death by the prey."

"What does this have to do with us? In any case, it was their command failure."

"I think that's actually a good thing."

"MPRI will definitely send people over. They must send people over to recover their loss in reputation."

"And the next batch of people who come over won't be so unruly, right?"

Red Blood Cells suddenly understood.

"You mean we can control them?"

"Yes, negative cases like this are perfect for us to take advantage of."

"Seizing this opportunity, we can strive for greater benefits for the headquarters and the Shadow Corps."

"I think the boss will not refuse"

Red Blood Cell's eyes gradually lit up.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke:

"Get the boss's phone number for me and I'll talk to him."

"Also, we need to develop a detailed plan."

"A plan against the Dongfeng Corps."

"No, we can't be anxious about this. They are a very strong mercenary group. They are very, very strong. If they rush forward unprepared, they will only cause us irreparable losses."

"One month, give us one month to prepare."

"Then, after the new IMET team arrives, we launch the attack again."

"Before that, keep an eye on Huamei Trading Company and get rid of everything that needs to be dealt with!"


The adjutant nodded, but then asked:

"Did I understand the meaning of 'dispose of' correctly?"

"No! It's just what you think it means!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

That night, a small-scale battle broke out near the Huamei Commercial Bank in the main urban area of ​​Mengyang.

Compared with the conflict between the Dongfeng Corps and the No. 1 IMET Group, the intensity of this battle was not high and the casualties were not large. After one of the parties broke into the building, the battle quickly ended in a one-sided trend.

However, what this masked assault team did not expect was that they did not find their target in Huamei Commercial Bank at all.

All the active targets had been slaughtered, but when they compared them one by one according to the photos and characteristic information in their hands, they found that the most critical "number one person" they were looking for had long since disappeared. .

This is unusual, even impossible.

Because, just the night before, the team members responsible for monitoring and tracking reported that there was nothing abnormal about the target personnel's activities.

In just one night, he woke up?

Not only did he wake up, but he even arranged everything and even took away his family?

Huamei Commercial Bank may have such ability, but it definitely does not have the ability to achieve this level of success in such a short period of time.

Someone must be helping them.

In other words, it is a force.

Wa State.

After this piece of information was confirmed, the mercenaries involved in the encirclement and suppression decisively withdrew.

Return without success.

For them, action is a failure.

But on the other hand, for the Dongfeng Corps, the operation to "achieve the goal without using force for the first time" has been successful.

Because, Xu You, the boss of Huamei Trading Company, was sitting in front of Chen Chen.

He was just sent here an hour ago. At this time, he still didn't know the identity of the man in front of him, let alone the legendary "Dongfeng Corps".

He thought this was just a mercenary arranged by Bao Xiaomei to come over to help him.

Seeing Xu You's calm and even arrogant expression, Chen Chen shook his head.

He slapped FN57 on the table and then said:

"Next, whatever I ask, you answer."

"I'm not like other people."

"I brought you here today to save your life."

"But I can kill you at any time."

"If you don't believe it, then I have to ask you to go and ask Bai Suocheng, Ming Xuechang, Liu Zhengxiang, and Nuokang in person."

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