I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 226 The most powerful answer

Red Blood Cell felt like he was going crazy.

One's own defense is complete, vigilant, and standardized. In theory, under such a standardized defense, no matter what method the enemy launches an attack, they will inevitably fall under the intensive crossfire deployed by themselves.

The mercenaries they hired themselves have been fully strengthened. Now they have in their hands not only assault rifles that are almost useless in urban defense warfare, but also RPGs, grenades and heavy machine guns!

He even went so far as to equip some of his teams with night vision goggles - the thermal imaging kind!

However, all these arrangements lost their effect in the opponent's equally professional and standardized offense.

A round of mortar bombing directly disrupted the support between various defensive strongholds. The mortars extending from east to west happened to be stuck at the key point of our own OODA (decision-making cycle, this term will be used from now on), and will prepare The mobile support troops along the line pressed back into the building.

This is an extremely precise time difference control. The long-range artillery fire gave the enemy's assault groups nearly a minute to attack. In theory, this minute is nothing at all, because the east side area they invaded is also There are close to 40 of our own defenders!

But the problem is that the opponent's speed is really too fast. After contact, they did not follow some layman's arrangements to seize the point. Instead, like a real special forces, they first used smoke bombs to divide the battlefield. Then he used throwing objects to quickly clear the easiest low-level targets. In this minute, he quickly cleared the perimeter of the entire building area.

Then, they had enough time to launch an attack on the building targets. Under the cover of shock bombs and smoke bombs, their own defenders were almost unable to form any effective resistance.

After all, these mercenaries are just mercenaries. They were all frightened by the roar of the 120-caliber mortars. On the radio, there was even a mercenary captain asking himself whether the border guard battalion was coming.

Are you kidding me? Can the border defense battalion have such quality?

Their ability to use mortars was already at their limit. How could they still operate the extended artillery fire tactic? ?

And the most important thing is that after the artillery fire extended to the middle area, it was directly locked in this area and stopped moving.

Two 120-gun rounds blew up the two main buildings into powder. In the overpressure area, several mercenaries received their lunch boxes with bleeding mouths and noses.

The originally stable defense was broken at this moment, and the decision-making cycle that he had finally organized was cut off again.

In another minute, the opponent's assault team successfully occupied the building position, and immediately after, two heavy machine gun firepower points began to suppress the central area.

Fast, too fast.

At this moment, Red Blood Cell realized deeply that the enemy on the opposite side was really a professional team.

It was definitely not a coincidence that they defeated the IMET team, but because they did have the ability to fight a stalemate!


But of course, this does not mean that our side has been defeated.

The advantage is still in his own hands. As long as he can survive the most difficult time, wait until the large forces in the central area reorganize and move forward to support according to the tactics he has set long ago, he will be able to gradually regain the position.


At this moment, the red blood cells saw an astonishing sight.

The streets that separated the East District and the Central District were completely exploded.

A wall of fire rose from the ground, as if a mage in a fantasy movie had cast a spell.

At this moment, Red Blood Cell really thought he was fighting Gandalf.

Because the wall of fire appeared too abruptly and too unbelievably.

His eyes widened, and he wanted to issue a new order, but he stopped talking.

What the hell? ! !

Are you a white-robed wizard who came back from training somewhere? ! ——

No, it's the sewer.

Pinch? Studying in the Middle East!

What wrath of God! ?

Can't fight anymore.

This thought flashed through Red Blood Cell's mind, and then turned into a rational judgment.

He completely guessed what the opponent was going to do next - vehicles would enter, suppress fire, and gradually encroach.

The morale on your side will soon be shattered, and there will be no point in holding on any longer.

So, he decisively ordered:

"Blow up all information and supplies and prepare to retreat!"

At this time, Chen Chen had already invaded the last building and completed the clearing of Area 1.

Sporadic gunshots are still ringing out, this is the final shot and cleanup.

The vehicle still needs 1 minute to arrive, and the speed of the entire assault team is faster than expected.

Reports from each team came through the earphones. A total of two people were injured. One of them was hit in the knee by a stray bullet, and the other had his goggles shattered and his cheekbone scratched by a grenade fragment.

Only one person was reduced in combat strength, and he was still able to fight after being hit by a grenade.

The situation was really good. Chen Chen took the time to arrange all the firepower points. For him, now he only had to wait for the vehicle to arrive and the flames to extinguish, and the battle would be over.

However, what he did not expect was that at this critical point in time, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in an inconspicuous building in the center area of ​​No. 2 and the branch building of the Shadow Corps.


No, not an explosion, but a deflagration.

In the same instant, he also guessed the opponent's commander's intention.

He can't fight anymore, he wants to run away!

Oh shit.

He is really professional and runs so decisively!

The wall of fire has just been ignited, and the balance of power has not yet been broken. He has already made the safest and most profitable decision!

Can't let him run away

After thinking for a moment, Chen Chen ordered:

"Stop the warriors and plunderers and set up defenses on the main road to the west of Banglong!"

"Two F150s continue to enter the city and execute fire suppression as originally planned!"

"Groups 2 and 3 attack area 2, Sangye, No. 5, Banjiao, fill in for support!"

"No. 1, White Dog, join me and prepare to pursue!"


A reply came immediately from the earphones, and at this moment, feedback came from Shi Dakai again.

"There are three cars heading west and north out of the city! Two on the north side!"

"Warrior and Marauder intercept, you are faster than them!"


The team is once again told to get going. According to the routines of certain Hollywood movies, what should be going on at this time is a tense and exciting car chase scene.


But this is not the case.

The Marauder and the Warrior were faster than the three enemy vehicles for a full thirty seconds and were blocked on the road out of the city. Even if there was only one driver, they still had enough time to switch to the weapon operating position. Then, 04 and The M2 heavy machine gun stopped all three vehicles leaving the city without any reason.

A cut-to-piece interception.

"There's no one in the car! Only the driver!"


Chen Chen frowned, knowing that this was just a test.

How could the other party be stupid enough to use a vehicle to escape?

As soon as you take off your clothes and head into the city, it's the best way to hide it!

We can't let them run away like this.

He opened his mouth and said:

"The opponent's command center has been destroyed! Fire coverage will destroy their morale!"

"Up the flares!"

"Turn on the lights in the whole city!"

"Any target active outside will be killed!"

Can the special forces successfully evacuate under siege?

In history, countless failed evacuation operations have given the answer, that is, no.

In fact, the five members of the Banglong branch of the Shadow Corps have once again verified this answer with their experiences.

The collapse of the command center caused all the mercenaries to quickly disperse. As the Dongfeng Corps' remote support troops joined the battlefield, the city fell completely under Chen Chen's control.

Flares were fired one after another, and under strong psychological pressure, the five-man group of the Shadow Corps was finally exposed to the sight of the Dongfeng Corps' high observation post.

Then, taking advantage of the high mobility of the vehicle, five people were blocked in a private house.

At this time, there is no point in running anymore.

They made a move that was absolutely inconsistent with who they were.

Taking hostages.

They know very well that the Dongfeng Corps cannot cause unnecessary civilian casualties. This is the bottom line.

Therefore, they confidently proposed a deal to the Dongfeng Corps.

However, they miscalculated a bit.

That is.

How many civilians could there be in this small town that makes a living on drugs and is now one of the largest illegal arms distribution centers? What percentage of them are there? Are they so lucky that they can really catch a family of civilians?

Shi Dakai, who was high up, used Recon to scan the entire house, and saw that there were no hidden chemical materials in the backyard of the house.

So, the only answer to him was a cloud explosion bomb.

When the dust settled, the small town fell into silence once again.

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