I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 228 Sharpening Minions

In 8 hours, no matter how hard Jingdong's Shadow Corps headquarters was besieged, they should have known that their Banglong branch had been destroyed.

They may no longer have external power that can be directly mobilized and used, but it is still easy to grasp the "death news" of their own team members based on the existing intelligence network.

And since it has been determined that all the team members were killed, it is a routine operation to retrieve the bodies.

The only thing that surprised Chen Chen was that they did not use Myanmar as an intermediary, but directly approached He Bangxiong.

From this point of view, the other party's intelligence system is more complete and deeper than I thought.

Envy is just one word, and Chen Chen is tired of saying it.

Intelligence is different from equipment and training. You really need to invest a huge amount of money to play it well, or you need to change your thinking and get the key figures in a region, using these key figures as nodes. Establish an intelligence network.


No wonder the Shadow Corps always did things that were not very profitable and difficult in Chen Chen's opinion. The idea of ​​​​cooperating with other people's plans was different from his own.

They are not for the apparent benefits of the mission, they are to serve as outposts to lay the foundation for the subsequent entry of MPRI.

Damn, to put it this way, their layout is not as simple as I thought.

They may be good in terms of combat effectiveness, but in terms of business operations, they really can't be compared to any second-rate mercenary group.

Because, from the beginning, they were rushing to control the market of this entire land.

However, it is a bit too early to consider this now. With no one in hand, it is already quite difficult to maintain a combat team. As for the intelligence network, it is better to push it back.

The most important issue at the moment is to continue to deal with the "corpse" matter first.

So, he decisively asked:

"What conditions did the other party propose?"

"No, they didn't mention any conditions, they just wanted to have sex for free."

He Bangxiong's tone was somewhat mocking, and then he continued:

"To be honest, it is a basic rule to return the bodies of fallen soldiers. Let you send them to Mengbin, and then I will send them back."

"I said that even if I work as an errand runner, it's impossible to get nothing, right? What do you think they said? They said that I can pay the toll."

"I'm surprised. The Shadow Corps has also been a mercenary group here for so many years. Why don't they understand any rules?"

Hearing his words, Chen Chen laughed and replied:

"It's not that they don't understand the rules, they know the rules too well."

"This reaction is normal and proves that those we killed were really their people."

"The pension budget is only so small. If it is used to exchange for corpses, the amount of money going to the families and beneficiaries will have to be reduced. This matter ultimately depends on the feedback from the families."

"After all, the body consignment insurance will cover the cost of flying the body, but will not cover the cost of buying the body back from us."

"Ah? Is that so?"

He Bangxiong asked blankly.

In his opinion, the matter of "fallen leaves returning to their roots" is still quite important. His subordinates have also dealt with some incidents where soldiers were killed in action. The minimum requirement of the families is basically to send the bodies back.

"Not all of them, but most of them."

Chen Chen nodded and continued:

"Regular PMC companies basically have to buy corpse transportation insurance, and as long as they die, they will 100% report the insurance, but in fact, it is not certain whether the corpse is transported."

"Over in Africa, small airlines will cooperate with PMC Group to defraud insurance companies. They will transport two pieces of clothing back and treat them as human remains. Everyone will share in the difference."

"Dark enough."

He Bangxiong clicked his tongue, paused and asked:

"That means that there is really no way to trade with them, so we can only give it to them for free?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Chen Chen smiled.

"This time, our confrontation with them is not just caused by the 'mission conflict' between mercenaries. There are more things in it that they don't want people to know."

"To sum up, it can basically be explained that their people died in Banglong."

"But what if he died in other places? For example, Bada Brown, Banjiao Laozhai, Ban Lao, Yingpan, etc."

"Tell him, if he doesn't give him enough, I will find a way to throw the body over and ask him if he is afraid."


He Bangxiong was immediately shocked.

After sighing for several seconds, he finally said:

"Brother, your hands are really dirty. If he really doesn't give it to you, will you really throw it over?"

"I not only threw them over, I also put on their equipment, hung up their identification tags, and personally helped them call the police."

Chen Chen said this very firmly, but in fact, it was impossible for him to do this.

Because if you really do this, no one can bear the consequences of uncertainty. Not to mention the Shadow Corps, Guokang, who has just calmed down, will be turned upside down, and even the Wa State may be affected.

I can't be that stupid to do something like this that harms others and does not benefit myself.


However, I must let the other party know that I have this idea of ​​overturning the table.

Only when you act crazy enough will your enemy hope you will calm down. This is a very simple and very useful tactic in negotiations.

"I understand, brother, what conditions do you want to put forward?"

He Bangxiong finally understood Chen Chen's thoughts, but he did not raise any objections - even the "threat" Chen Chen said was actually detrimental to him.

He was really determined to tie himself to the Dongfeng Corps. He had already taken the first step when shelling the Burmese military checkpoint at Jingdong, and now he could only go all the way to the dark side.

Chen Chen was quite satisfied with his performance. After thinking for a while, he answered:

"Let them withdraw from Jingdong and stop operating in Pubei in the future."

"Isn't this possible?"

He Bangxiong continued to ask doubtfully:

"Is it more reliable to order some equipment or something? How could they withdraw from Pubei just because of a few corpses? If you can flip the table, they can't."

"The worst case scenario is that we all break up and no one can think about it."

"Of course it's impossible."

Chen Chen replied:

"In fact, they wouldn't give us anything we asked them for."

"We are currently in a state of confrontation. Have you ever seen two armies confront each other, and before the fighting begins, one side starts paying tribute and asking for peace?"

"We all have to talk, but no one can come up with the outcome."

"What I want is just the process of talking about it - the corpse is a starting point, just like washing powder in a test tube. No one really cares what's inside, but everyone must at least talk about it."

"I understand, delay."

He Bangxiong suddenly said.

"That's right, stall for time and let me do everything I need to do, and they can continue to prepare."

"When everyone feels that the time is right, the negotiation table will be closed and the fight will begin."

"Okay, then I'll help you hold it off! Brother, don't worry and prepare."

He Bangxiong said firmly:

"Don't worry, I've surrounded Jingdong tightly. It won't be that easy for them to get past."

"That's hard work!"

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the phone was hung up.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, and his heart that had been hanging around finally relaxed a little.

Now that things have reached this point, the future trend is actually quite clear.

The Shadow Corps did not want to start a fight right away, because they knew that with their current strength, they were actually not enough to fight against the Dongfeng Corps.

In addition, their newly strengthened coaching staff was wiped out, the Banglong branch, which was an important base for contacting Kachin, was destroyed, and a large part of the intelligence network was disconnected. The strength of this mercenary group has dropped to the bottom.

If you do it blindly, you can only throw all the little wealth you have managed to manage into the water.

There is only talk, and only the opportunity of talk can be exchanged for "waiting" time.

When MPRI realizes the seriousness of the problem and begins to increase manpower on a large scale to Pubei, the time will be ripe.

Suddenly, the situation became delicate.

The two tigers lurking in Pubei are sharpening their claws. Their eyes are fixed on each other, and they let out several warning roars from time to time. A life-and-death battle is about to break out.


But when will the fight begin?

Perhaps, this is a question that no one can come to a conclusion on.

There is only one thing that can be done:

Use the shortest possible time to sharpen your claws.

The problem of the Banglong branch was properly handled, and Chen Chen didn't waste any time on it, but took the time to get some sleep.

When he got up, Bai Gou had already bought the freezer and hid the body in the freezer according to his instructions.

This thing is an important bargaining chip, and there is really no way to simply dispose of it in a short time.

Looking at the packed freezer, Chen Chen couldn't help but shake his head and asked:

"Can't you buy a few more freezers? Do you have to stuff them into one?"

Bai Gou spread his hands innocently and replied:

"One is enough, it's so big. Any more will waste electricity. By the way, do you really want to put this thing at home? It's too disgusting."

"What can we do? Throwing a few white bodies on the border has completely different effects than throwing a handful of ashes on the border."

"Maybe this way, let's transport the body to Menglang Temple - sneak it there and ask the abbot to hide it for us."

"no problem."

Bai Gou nodded immediately.

This is indeed a good idea, after all, but from the perspective of hiding corpses, Menglang Temple is indeed a place that is difficult to suspect.

The final finishing work was completed, and soon, Chen Chen also received feedback from He Bangxiong.

The Shadow Corps did not agree to the conditions proposed by Chen Chen, and did not even raise the possibility of "exchanging equipment for corpses."

What they insist on is still "reimbursement of travel expenses, plus some compensation that complies with the rules."

Chen Chen showed great anger at the plan they proposed, and used He Bangxiong's words on the phone to angrily accuse the Shadow Corps of being ignorant, inhumane, and unscrupulous.

Moreover, he also threatened that if the problem is not properly resolved, the Dongfeng Corps will have to use the most drastic measures. He asked the Shadow Corps to recognize the situation clearly and not to say that it was unforeseen.

Similarly, the Shadow Corps also accused the Dongfeng Corps of disregarding international rules, basic human rights, no humanitarian spirit, perverse behavior, and full of hegemonism. It will surely be condemned by all people of insight in Pubei.

The verbal exchanges started like this. As a prelude to war, such mutual attacks seemed more or less childish.

However, only the two parties who are actually involved in it know how dangerous the crisis is hidden behind these seemingly ridiculous conversations.

"What's next? What do we need to do?"

Bai Gou asked.

Chen Chen frowned and hesitated for a moment, then replied:

"Actually, I really want a period of stable development, but this kind of 'stability' seems a bit too luxurious in Pubei."

"We have to go to Mengyang and solve the company's problems."

"Similarly, I must fulfill the agreement with Bao Xiaomei, because that is the basis for us to establish business routes and develop the company under their protection."

"Their mission has been delayed for too long. It would be really rude to delay it any longer."


Bai Gou nodded slightly, and then asked:

"Start with the Mengyang Reservoir first? I remember this is just a simple annihilation mission. It shouldn't be too strenuous, right?"

"It's really effortless."

Chen Chen scratched his head and replied:

"Theoretically, just arrange a team to go there. We still have the last 120 mortar shells, which can be used here."

"But I still have to go. This is the 'attitude expression' Bao Xiaomei wants."

"Okay, I'll take Xu You with me to settle the company's affairs and let everyone know who is behind him."

"In this way, future development will be much smoother."

"I understand, then I'll get ready right away?"


Chen Chen nodded decisively, then turned and left the room where the freezer was temporarily placed.

There was so much to do, and he wasn't going to waste even a minute.

After chatting with Bai Gou, he immediately called Bao Xiaomei and got all the information he needed from her.

But what he didn't expect was that on the eve of his decision to launch an operation against the Mengyang Reservoir, Bao Xiaomei gave him a completely unplanned message.

"There are a total of 21 drug dealers in the Mengyang Reservoir base, but among these 21 drug dealers, one is an undercover agent."

"He will cooperate with your actions and provide you with all kinds of support."

"You must act quickly, otherwise, he may be at risk of being exposed, which will also affect the rationality of our actions."

"So this is your original purpose, right?"

Chen Chen interrupted Bao Xiaomei without hesitation, already feeling a little angry in his heart.

What Bao Xiaomei did was absolutely against the rules. It was impossible for her to know about the existence of the undercover agent just now.

In other words, she hid for several months and concealed her true purpose. It was not until the Dongfeng Corps was sure that they were going to take action that she revealed her intentions clearly.

No wonder she takes this matter so seriously.

If it were another mercenary group, perhaps they wouldn't have much objection to such behavior.

After all, in the eyes of those people, establishing a stronghold is nothing more than stacking people up and charging forward with guns.

But, for the Dongfeng Corps, no.

Because the preparation work of the Dongfeng Corps is done in advance, if there is a major deviation in the intelligence, it means that the entire operation plan is likely to have to be re-planned!

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Bao Xiaomei's reliability rating in Chen Chen's heart dropped several levels. What is funny is that Bao Xiaomei was unaware of this and even tried to defend herself.

"We just received the news. Originally this was just an annihilation operation, but because an undercover agent appeared, the situation became complicated."

"We have to keep the undercover safe, him."

"Whose undercover is he?"

Chen Chen interrupted Bao Xiaomei again, and the latter hesitated for a moment before answering:

"It's one of our own."

"Mr. Chen, I definitely didn't mean to hide it intentionally. This is also for his safety."

"He can't get out, you have to get him out."

"If we can do this well, we will all benefit!"

"Moreover, this matter is related to the Shadow Corps you are dealing with!"

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