I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 244 You are the tiger

"The matter of the Shadow Corps is not easy to deal with."

Mengka, in the living room of the villa, Shi Dakai sat opposite Chen Chen and said slightly "worriedly".

He has already read the latest intelligence sent back by Sang Ye. The intelligence information shows that the recent activities of the Shadow Corps have dropped to the lowest point. They seem to have made up their mind to lurk in the most low-key way and survive this time. Jingdong crisis.

The most obvious symptom of this trend is that no one has come in or out of the "office" of the Shadow Corps for a long time, and in those locations where it was known that the Shadow Corps mercenaries often appeared, they could not be seen.

Sang Ye has actually lost control of the target. Although he is still trying and groping, it is indeed unlikely to reconnect the broken line.

All he could do was to follow Chen Chen's instructions and get as much information as possible about the "allies" of the Shadow Corps.

For example, the businesses they cooperate with, the military officers they often interact with, even the restaurants they often order from, and the logistics and express delivery companies they use.

In Shi Dakai's view, this is actually just a useless effort of "doing it is better than not doing it".

It is actually extremely difficult for the Dongfeng Corps to complete the beheading of the Shadow Corps, especially to destroy its core command center.

The difficulty lies not in "fighting" itself, but in "not finding people."

After hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded helplessly.

He opened his mouth and said:

"There is no way around it. The opponents are not stupid. They know exactly what is the safest way to play in the current situation."

"Now that all the lights in Shan State have been turned off, those who hide in the darkness have a huge advantage."

"After all, what we are doing with them is just monitoring them, not infiltrating them. Sangye can do this and judge whether their activities are abnormal, which is actually very good."

Shi Dakai nodded slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked:

"Would the situation be better if we sent Jiang He there from the beginning?"

"It's impossible. No matter how strong Jiang He is, he can't complete the infiltration of the Shadow Corps in such a short period of time - even if it is infiltration, it can only involve some peripheral departments."

"Essentially, it doesn't change our situation."


Shi Dakai sighed softly, then asked again:

"What about those corpses? Is there anything else we can do? For example, if we take the initiative to send the corpses back?"

"They won't take the bait. This time is too sensitive and everyone is frightened."

"Then there's absolutely nothing we can do? Then how on earth are we going to execute the beheading?"

Chen Chen leaned on the sofa, spread his hands and said:

"There's actually no way."

"What we fight in a war is not only equipment, but more importantly, information."

"What we lack most now is actually information."

"I proposed the beheading plan not because I was sure it could be done, but because we had to do it under the current circumstances."

"But whether there is a chance is another matter."

"To be honest, I don't think the other side will give it a chance - they may launch a beheading operation against the 7th Brigade or the 756th Brigade like us, but even if we can use the trick to kill their peripheral combat groups, we will still hurt them. It doesn’t reach their foundation.”

"On the contrary, it may make them more vigilant and completely destroy the slightest chance."

"Then we can just wait and see if any new opportunities arise?"

"Yes, we can only wait."

As soon as Chen Chen's words came out, Shi Dakai fell silent.

He thought about it and couldn't find any flaws in the Shadow Corps, nor could he think of a way to force them to show up.

"I should have stopped fighting Banglong before."

he said thoughtfully.

"How could we expect this? When we played Banglong, we didn't know that the Wa State would play such a big game so soon."

"People cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, and they must learn to accept changes in things."

Chen Chen's expression was calm and his tone was very relaxed, as if the "difficulty" in front of him was not worth mentioning.

Looking at Chen Chen's expression, Shi Dakai suddenly felt that something in his heart had changed.

In fact, he has always been a pessimist. There is absolutely no need to doubt this.

As a pessimist, the most typical characteristic is not "pessimism" itself, but the so-called "desire for control."

He hopes to control everything in his own hands, and hopes that everything will proceed according to his own wishes. If there is a possibility of risk in something, then he will eliminate the source of the risk at all costs.

This is contradictory, because the solutions he chooses to “eliminate risks” tend to appear very radical.

However, this is not contradictory.

Because no matter how radical the plan is, it is essentially caused by the pessimism that cannot be erased.

For a long time, he felt that he was very similar to Chen Chen, the commander who led him along the way.

Both the way he acted and the direction he judged things were surprisingly consistent, which made him think that Chen Chen was also a pessimist.

But today, he suddenly discovered that this was not the case.

Chen Chen is just cautious, downright cautious.

But he is not pessimistic. He is able to accept his "loss of control" very smoothly, and is extremely confident that he can get things back on track under any out-of-control conditions.

This seems to be the real mentality you should have when facing difficulties.

Do I need to be so pessimistic?

Isn't it true that the Dongfeng Corps' repeated successes are not enough to give me basic confidence in this team?

In an instant, Shi Dakai suddenly became enlightened.

Yes, there is no need to be so anxious at all.

What's there to be anxious about? We can't deal with the Shadow Corps, so can they deal with us?

Isn't the "stalemate period" that Chen Chen exchanged for several corpses not over yet?

Eliminating all superficial interference factors, the essence of the matter has not changed at all!

So, really just wait.

Waiting patiently is one of the most critical aspects of a hunt.

Shi Dakai felt that the haze in his heart dissipated instantly, and even his thoughts became clear.

His mind was racing, and after a moment, he came to a conclusion he had never imagined before.

"We don't actually want to destroy the Shadow Corps - we do want to physically destroy them, but in fact, destroying them is not our fundamental purpose."

"Our purpose is to declare our dominance over this territory and use their destruction to deter the forces behind the Shadow Corps who want to get involved."

"So... we have to fight the Shadow Corps, but not necessarily just them."

"If you attack it, you will save it. This is the thinking of the coalition forces, and this is our thinking as well."

"I know what you're waiting for."

Chen Chen looked at Shi Dakai slightly surprised and said:

"tell me the story?"

Shi Dakai took a deep breath and replied:

"You are waiting for a split within Jingdong. You have to put pressure on them from the outside and force the allies of the Shadow Corps to defect."

"I finally know why you want to get involved in the Wa State's 'big event' of seizing Jingdong."

"Your target is not the Shadow Corps at all. To put it bluntly, it's still Wen Bang, it's the CIA."

"That's it. You have no intention of fighting with them in the ring."

"You are borrowing the power of the coalition forces. You are still the fox who pretends to be the tiger. However, everyone thinks that the coalition forces are the fox and you are the tiger."

"You just have to tell the financial backers behind them that if they dare to play their cards, you dare to flip the table."

"Brother Chen, you are really my brother!"

This time, Chen Chen was really surprised.

He didn't expect that Shi Dakai could actually understand this.

This was indeed something he had planned for a long time, but in fact, Shi Dakai really guessed his intention before

Only small fish.

This is why Xiaoyu repeatedly told him, "This is not your business."

What Xiaoyu meant was not that "it's not your business to seize Jingdong", but "it's not your business to overturn the table."

It is the same reason why Xiaoyu repeatedly emphasizes that "you can only use but not dominate".

Chen Chen promised Xiaoyu, and he did it.

However, he always believed that when it was time to lift the table, he had to lift it.

It's normal for Xiaoyu to have concerns. After all, the style of flipping the table is too obvious.

But in the final analysis, she still left a "green light."

That is, turn the Dongfeng Corps into an offshore company.

If Chen Chen really flips the table, then after the incident is over, Dongfeng PMC can no longer be Pubei PMC, but an international PMC group.

Only in this way can the harmless rabbit really pass the blame for the unruly "bad thing" of "turning the table over" to other forces.

Because as Chen Chen said, internationalization means "loss of control" and "decoupling".

The main line of everything has actually been clear for a long time, but Chen Chen didn't mention it to anyone.

But now, Shi Dakai thought of it himself.

And, he thought of more.

"So, Xiaoyu has reached a consensus?"

"No, she doesn't want us to pretend to be tigers."

Chen Chen sighed and continued:

"But if we are determined to impersonate, she will handle it for us."


Shi Dakai nodded slowly and continued:

"So it's right to use mulberry leaves instead of Jiang He, because Jiang He is really not needed."

"We don't need to have too detailed information anyway, so Sang Ye's level is enough - his security is even higher."

"No wonder you asked Sang Ye to collect the 'ally information' of the Shadow Corps. This is what you are waiting for."

Having said this, Shi Dakai scratched his head and asked with some confusion:

"So what is the signal? Are you really waiting for them to execute the beheading?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded solemnly and replied:

"We must allow the decapitation to occur because such an operation cannot be accomplished by the Shadow Corps alone."

"They must need equipment, funds, and intelligence support."

"And this support is provided by their allies."

"To put it bluntly, we are not going to catch them."

"We asked them to attack He Bangxiong. Whenever they attack, we will attack."

"The difference is that they want to behead people, and we want to liquidate them."

"It's not necessarily a beheading."

Shi Dakai said thoughtfully:

“Liquidation, amputation, and making people pigs, it’s not them that gets rid of them, it’s their influence.”

The communication between Shi Dakai and Chen Chen did not reach the ears of the third person, not because of distrust, but because Chen Chen felt that such an overly complicated "conspiracy" was not necessary to occupy other people's time.

Mercenaries, why do you have to work so hard on yourself?

Just fight in an honest and conscientious area.

As for the high-difficulty, high-IQ confrontation?

Just leave it to Chen Chen himself.


However, there may be one more choice in the future, and that is Shi Dakai.

His growth rate is really fast. From the most cowardly and useless person in the team more than a year ago, he has evolved into the most likely second-in-command of the Dongfeng Corps.

Chen Chen was quite satisfied with this, so he simply made clear the plan to Shi Dakai and authorized him to carry out the subsequent specific task arrangements.

This was a test, and Shi Dakai did not disappoint Chen Chen.

The plan he made was almost exactly the same as what Chen Chen had envisioned.

He first notified He Bangxiong to strengthen internal security, and asked him to immediately arrange a substitute and hide himself to conduct remote control.

This is to avoid He Bangxiong's misfortune in the Shadow Corps' beheading operation, and also to allow the beheading operation to "go smoothly."

Secondly, he decided to strengthen the mulberry leaves.

With the help of a night feint attack by the 756 Brigade, he arranged for Bao Qi, Banjia, and Yang Shu to sneak into Jingdong, and with Sang Ye's support, they lurked smoothly, forming a four-man combat team.

Although this team does not have sufficient weapons and equipment, and the four of them can only make up two submachine guns and two pistols, Bao Qi has been taught by Chen Chenzhen in making certain things, and Shi Dakai fully believes that he can use the limited resources. conditions to complete some subsequent relatively difficult goals.

Thirdly, he used the intelligence that Sang Ye had obtained to make a list in advance and formulated a series of combat plans, ready to be implemented when the time was right.

Finally, he asked Chen Chen to contact Bao Xiaomei, He Bangxiong, He Bupa and others, and began to organize public opinion propaganda to pave the way for some later actions that may "seem unreasonable".

At this point, all preparations have been completed.

All the Dongfeng Corps has to do is wait.

On the fifth day after the 756th Brigade and the 7th Brigade completed the defense of Wanpai and Palau, cut off Jingdong's external communication path, and completely completed the siege, the first wave of "counterattack" by the Shadow Corps arrived as scheduled.

The 756th Brigade command post was attacked, and He Bangxiong was rumored to be dead. Later, the real him stepped forward and commanded a relatively large-scale "revenge war", announcing his existence to all forces and disclosing the identity of the attacker.

Shadow Corps.

At this moment, all conditions are ripe.

Shi Dakai received Chen Chen's instructions, and the Dongfeng Corps began to move.

There is a long list of names on the list, and according to Shi Dakai's plan, all these names will be crossed out within one day.

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