I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 247 Retreating Machine Gun

Again, the strategy can be rough, but the tactics must be detailed, and they must be extremely detailed.

Based on the general judgment that "the Burmese army must send away the Shadow Corps", Chen Chen arranged a series of pre-war preparations in the following time.

First, the four team members lurking in Jingdong City regained their identities and became active. With the only four hours during the martial law period, they spent three days exploring most possible evacuation routes.

The air route was originally excluded first, but after careful consideration, Chen Chen listed the "civil aviation evacuation" as the most likely route to be implemented.

The reason is simple. Jingdong has an airport and civil aviation, and there are planes stranded at the airport at the moment.

The two sides are fighting for this reason. Closing the civil airport is an inevitable strategy, and it has actually been implemented for several months. However, you can never conclude that Myanmar will not be able to send away the Shadow Corps in the name of "evacuating overseas Chinese." things.

Once this plan is implemented, what awaits the Dongfeng Corps will be an extremely complex combat situation.

It's a rat-proof weapon. If the other party gets mixed up with other civilians who need to be evacuated, then it really won't work even if they fight, or even if they don't fight.

Therefore, intelligence work must be done at the front. In case the other party makes a move to mobilize civil aviation, plans must be made in advance to intercept the Shadow Corps outside the airport.

This work is very complex and requires experience and talent, because it already involves a high degree of military confidentiality. Even with the help of Xiaoyu, it is impossible to obtain accurate information within the "timeliness" required by the Dongfeng Corps. information.

Therefore, in order to ensure the saturation of surveillance, Chen Chen did not hesitate to get Jiang He from Bao Xiaomei and sent him to Jingdong.

The process is quite tortuous, but the more tortuous it is, the more it shows that Jiang He is really a good expert in intelligence.

He created his own identity as a traveling monk, relying on his experience of learning Buddhism after his daughter's death and his native Thai language.

He prepared the ultimatum, pretending to be a pure monk who didn't care about the outside world at all, devoted himself to practicing hard, and had no awareness of the so-called war situation. He just swaggered through the three defense zones, directly entered Jingdong, and settled in a building he "The temple where I once stayed."

Wat Chung Kham Buddhist Temple.

In fact, he had a bad time settling down, and all his "memories" of this Buddhist temple came from the white dog.

Because this Buddhist temple was once one of the footholds of the Lion Corps!

Yes, he really organized and dispatched all available information resources in a very short period of time and gathered them into a tenacious main line.

This kind of ability is really impossible to achieve if you don't have some talent.

After entering Jingdong, Jiang He quickly started his work.

Unlike Bao Qi and Sang Ye who stared at the airport and oil depots, he stared at buses, hotel laundry rooms and housekeeping companies.

Needless to say, buses are the target of "personnel transportation".

The hotel laundry room is used to find the specific location of the stranded crew members.

There were only a few high-end hotels in Jingdong. It took him almost no effort to find the residence of the crew members, and then bribed the staff of the laundry room to let her notify him whenever she saw uniforms being washed.

The reason is simple. Before the crew gets on the plane, their uniforms must be washed and ironed.

The third one targets male crew members - this is an extension of the second surveillance.

The crew members of the two stranded planes were equally divided between men and women. They had been staying in Jingdong for several months and could not endure the loneliness.

The "maid service" provided by the so-called "housekeeping company" is an unspoken rule that cannot be stated openly.

By keeping an eye on them, you can get more "first-hand information."

Of course, in addition to these three main lines, he also made a series of actions to obtain information for cross-verification.

When this series of strategies reached Chen Chen, even the well-informed man felt astonished.

Because Jiang He has really taken the field of open source intelligence to the extreme.

With his set of punches, the granularity of the information is not inferior to some closed-source intelligence obtained at high risk.

Because of his arrival, the Dongfeng Corps' monitoring of civil aviation evacuation routes formed a closed loop, and monitoring of other aspects was naturally returned to the hands of Bao Qi and others.

Because the land and water routes are narrow and short, and the number of people evacuated at a time is limited, it is basically impossible to involve the problem of rat traps. As long as you grasp the commanding heights and keep an eye on several docks and paths, you can basically respond in time.

With three routes blocked, the last and most hidden route remains, which is to disperse and break out.

Yes, the Burmese army wants to send away the Shadow Corps, but this "sending away" is just an abstract concept, not a real sending away.

Therefore, it is still possible for the Shadow Corps to disperse and evacuate in groups of one to two skirmishers.

However, they can disperse and withdraw from Jingtong, but they cannot disperse all the way out of Myanmar, because they are not locals in Myanmar. Even if they are familiar with the terrain, if they cannot act in a unified manner, the risk of exposure will only increase as time goes by. will decrease.

Chen Chen judged that they must set up a meeting point, and the distance between this meeting point and Jingdong must not be too far.

That would be easy.

They are all taught by the same master, and they can only work on pictures. Can I not think of all the gathering points you can think of?

Chen Chen drew 50 possible assembly points around Jingdong based on the defense situation of both sides, surrounding traffic conditions, terrain, and hydrology. Then he asked He Bangxiong to separate 50 militiamen and deploy them at these Sit back and wait at the assembly point.

He didn't expect these people to be able to hold off the Shadow Corps, not even for a second.

Because, as long as they see traces of the Shadow Corps gathering, the Mi-171Sh of the Dongfeng Corps will pounce on their heads from Mengbin within 20 minutes.

How far can they go in the jungle in 20 minutes?

Not everyone is Lin He, it's only three to four hundred meters at most.

If we really lose him at that time, the worst thing we can do is implement the Li Gang's plan and hang some gasoline cans and throw them down.

All arrangements were in place, and taking advantage of the situation in Jingdong to further shrink and worsen, Chen Chen seized the time and began special rappelling training for members of the Dongfeng Corps.

Because this time we are really going to hit the air.

He no longer specifically selected the core group for training, but instead eliminated several people from the core group from the beginning.

White dogs have mild fear of heights, which has little impact, but is difficult to correct in the short term and will be eliminated directly.

Shi Dakai, along with Yang Shu, was one of the most stable snipers in the team. He simply didn't get off the plane.

Lin He's technical level is basically up to standard, but he lacks battlefield experience and his "fear of bullets" has not been completely overcome, so he really can't rappel.

After one round of selection, the Dongfeng Corps selected 6 people, including Chen Chen, to enter the actual rappelling training session. After the training started, another person was eliminated because of his excessive size.

Because according to Chen Chen's scenario, in extreme cases they would be like those people in Brazil rappelling through the jungle. They would be thinner, more flexible and easier to maneuver.

After the people were selected, the five-man rappelling team entered into almost endless training. The training was so intense that Chen Chen could only dream about the sound of helicopters chugging.

According to the standard rappelling training guide, a team must undergo at least three months of training before they can master rappelling proficiently. However, Chen Chen didn’t have that much time, so he used a fire drill from a northern fire department at the beginning. The team's classic ideas are listed as lesson plans.

Practice rappelling from buildings first, and then get on the helicopter directly when conditions are ripe.

The two are so similar that even the Mi-171 helicopter is exactly the same. Judging from the training results, there is a reason why this idea can be used in lesson plans.

On the last day of training, when Chen Chen led the team to slide down the Mi-171sh quickly, all members of the Dongfeng Corps were stunned by their smooth movements.

This made Chen Chen feel a little proud - hey, who said people can't practice it?

Isn’t this something you have practiced?

I don’t require to be at the top, in a high-intensity and highly motivating environment, why can’t I practice at an average level?

Looking at the white dog standing on the ground and sighing, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel funny.

He crossed his arms to signal the helicopter to land, then turned to White Dog and asked:

"What, you want to try it too?"

Bai Gou was stunned for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"Forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities to practice in the future. This time it's a battle, so I won't hold you back."

"But the rappelling is really cool. This is one of the most representative scenes of 'Special Operations' in the eyes of me and many people."

"That must be handsome."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and continued:

"All tactics that can truly form combat effectiveness are very cool. In fact, they don't need to be so exaggerated. If one day, we have the opportunity to overlook a real peak light infantry showdown from a height, you will find that those tactics are The impact is much stronger than that of a helicopter rappelling."

"The layout of every firepower point, every alternate cover, every insertion and maneuver, sometimes it is as precise as a piece of construction machinery."

"Forget it, don't talk about this."

"Are you ready for the equipment I asked you to prepare?"


Bai Gou quickly replied:

"Two RPDs, with shortened barrels, are fed from backpack magazines. Each has 600 rounds. I have tested them. The accuracy is very poor, but the suppression power and flexibility are really amazing."

"Moreover, it has a strong continuous shooting capability. I personally feel that it can make up for the lack of range suppression of the PKM we are currently using."

"That's good."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, in some film and television dramas, whether it is cutting the barrel of a gun or rubbing the bullet by hand, it can be regarded as a typical mistake made by ignorant screenwriters.

Needless to say, the latter may even cause the bullet to fly sideways due to the rifling twist problem after rubbing the bullet by hand, while the former will greatly reduce the accuracy of the firearm, even to the point where it is impossible to aim at all.


However, everything is not absolute.

Some seemingly outrageous operations can sometimes find a suitable scene for them.

For example, the "jungle confrontation" between the Dongfeng Corps and the Shadow Corps is very likely to occur.

The two corps cannot be said to be evenly matched, because the Dongfeng Corps' individual combat capabilities are actually weaker than the truly professional Shadow Corps.

Under such circumstances, it would be impossible for the Dongfeng Corps to use the same tactics of penetration, interception, and surprise attack as they did against the border defense camp at Hongyan.

The most likely scenario is a "dogfight" in which they test each other under the cover of a helicopter, make brief contact and then quickly break away.

In this case, the Dongfeng Corps' needs for mobility and firepower density are particularly critical.

In the jungle, the effectiveness of explosive weapons is greatly reduced. Therefore, to increase the firepower intensity of the Dongfeng Corps, the only way is to rely on machine guns.

A machine gun that is light, powerful, and capable of continuous fire suppression for a long time.

Withdraw the machine gun.

In other words, the truncated RPD is used as a retreat machine gun.

The so-called retreat machine gun concept refers to the machine gun that plays the role of fire suppression in central stripping tactics. The most typical representatives are the M249 from the United States and the M23 hatch machine gun system from the Vietnam War.

The M249 is a new gadget. The entire Dongfeng Corps only got one before, and its firepower is obviously insufficient. The M23 has long been eliminated, and that gadget is also a lot heavier. In fact, it is not that easy to use.

There is only one retreat machine gun that has been truly proven on the battlefield and can produce astonishing effects, and that is the RPD with a cut-off barrel and no crosshair.

The firepower of this thing is so fierce that you can hold the trigger until you finish firing a magazine. The suppressive power is so strong that the United States even grabbed its own MACV-SOG (Note) back then.

Although it is only an emergency product, under the current circumstances, it is really suitable for use by the Dongfeng Corps.

Once this thing is done, Chen Chen's confidence will increase a lot when he faces the Shadow Corps.

He cast an admiring look at Bai Gou again and said:

"You have been doing well recently and have made great progress."

The white dog chuckled and replied:

"I learned it all from the group leader - we still have time in these two days, and I'm going to check the equipment again."

"If there is anything else that needs to be added, it's still too late."


Chen Chen nodded slightly and said:

"Let's do it. As long as we can defeat the Shadow Corps this time, we can really rest for a while."

At the same time, inside Jingdong City.

In a small, inconspicuous house, Connor had organized all his personal equipment.

Two days later, he will withdraw from Kengtung and Myanmar in accordance with the joint requirements of Myanmar and MPRI.

Without a doubt, this was one of the worst defeats of his career.

But during the whole process of returning, he felt that his defeat at the hands of that team was not unfair.

I am not the only one who lost. Eisenhower also lost. What do I have to be ashamed of?

No matter what, if you ask me to withdraw, then I will withdraw.

However, the retreat process is destined to be impossible to go smoothly.

Those people will not let go of their team, they will definitely catch up.

And as long as the two sides meet, it is destined to be a life-and-death struggle.

But, fortunately, I am already prepared for such a battle.——

MACV-SOG: Military Assistance Command Vietnam-Research and Observation Group

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