I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 260 Abundant Martial Arts

After determining the follow-up direction, Chen Chen sent He Bupa and Bao Xiaomei away and sat in the command room, knocking on the table unconsciously while thinking about the follow-up battle plan.

In fact, if the Dongfeng Corps directly participates, the strike against the Mengxiu Burmese Army is still quite simple, because technically, the Dongfeng Corps can still comprehensively crush the Burmese Army.

Just a trick of artillery reconnaissance + indirect bombardment can give the 7th Brigade an absolute firepower advantage. Coupled with helicopter air strikes under limited conditions, although it is unlikely to directly wipe out all the Burmese troops in a position, it can still After gaining a local advantage, it is not difficult for the 7th Brigade to cooperate with the charge and seize the point.

The most important issue now is to conduct reconnaissance on the Myanmar Army's positions, clarify the opponent's detailed deployment, determine its firepower and personnel configuration, find out the weak points of the position, and finally determine the attack plan.


What's funny is that over at Mengxiu, the 7th Brigade has been confronting the Burmese Army for a month, but they haven't even completed this most basic step, forcing the Dongfeng Corps to do it themselves.

Fortunately, the reconnaissance capabilities of the Dongfeng Corps have now reached a very high level. All kinds of reconnaissance equipment are complete, and the quality of the personnel has also been greatly improved. It is not difficult to achieve the goal.

Chen Chen planned to arrange for Bao Qi and Lin He to bring a fire reconnaissance team to Mengxiu for reconnaissance, while he himself would stay in Mengka to complete the handover with He Bupa and understand all aspects of the 2nd Regiment of the 7th Brigade. situation in order to intervene in the command of this team.

That's right, just step in, not take over.

In fact, there is no doubt that Chen Chen has no actual combat experience in commanding large corps in combat.

Because in his previous life, he was a "special operations team member" and most of his missions were "special operations". Even in the largest operation, the total number of combatants he commanded was less than 40.

Therefore, he will not be so arrogant that he will directly take over the command of the 600-man team. Instead, he plans to put forward specific coordination requirements to He Bupa after understanding the specific situation, and let him cooperate with the Dongfeng Corps. Complete subsequent combat operations.

Compared with the "direct command" that Hebupa expected, this plan is safer and more realistic.

After all, "the general knows his troops" is the most basic requirement. If you can't even do this, are you going to command a hammer?

There are 6 companies in a regiment. If you ask the 1st company to fight north, and they are shot by machine guns, they will collapse and retreat. Who are you going to reason with?

Commanding a large corps to fight just sounds great, but the reality is that no matter how talented you are and how excellent your commanding ability is, you will still lose the battle that should be defeated before the commander and the combat team complete the integration.

Under the current circumstances, neither party can afford the cost of trial and error, so strategic radicalization must not penetrate down to tactics.

Being conservative, cautious and walking on thin ice is the key to victory.

The direction was basically clear, and Chen Chen immediately summoned the members of the core group of the Dongfeng Corps to complete a briefing on the combat plan.

After that, the reconnaissance team set off immediately, and Chen Chen took out his phone and called Xiaoyu directly.

He must synchronize his plan with Xiaoyu. This is a very simple principle - you can fight in any way you want between mercenaries; but when it comes to official forces, you must at least communicate with her.

This is why, before assisting the 7th Brigade in attacking and launching an air assault to open the can, Chen Chen wanted to tell Xiaoyu his plan, but when he was chasing the Shadow Corps, nothing happened with Xiaoyu from the beginning to the end. Any contact.

Because the goals are different, the impacts are also completely different.

The call was quickly connected. Xiaoyu didn't seem to expect that Chen Chen would call her at this time, and there was some confusion in his tone.

"Shipwreck? What happened?"

"We are prepared to participate in the attack against the Myanmar Army in Mong Sau. We must defend the Mong Sau defense line and win bargaining chips for northern Shan State."

Hearing this, Xiaoyu was silent for half a minute. Chen Chen realized that she might be transferring the line to "the person who needed to hear this call", so he didn't rush her.

After a long time, Xiaoyu finally asked:

"Why? Did the Wa refuse to participate?"

"Yes, all parties have now agreed to use the Wa State as the last trump card. If they participate now, the coalition will lose the initiative in ZZ, and the whole matter can easily be completely dragged into the category of pure armed conflict. It would be very disadvantageous for us to go.”

"I am not going to help any party strive for any interests, nor do I intend to promote anything, but a stable environment is too important to us."

"Once the Mengxiu is lost, this stable environment will no longer exist, and we will also lose the barrier we finally built."

"So, I had to make this choice."

Chen Chen's answer was unreserved, because he knew very well that even if he didn't say these words himself, the Bao family in Wa State would definitely use various channels to "report" them.

And sure enough, after hearing his explanation, Xiaoyu didn't show any surprise.

She just said "hmm" and then said:


"Is it possible that you don't want to participate directly? I mean, Connor can command the Burmese army, and you can also command the 7th Brigade, right?"

"To be honest, I don't have the ability."

Chen Chen said helplessly.

He knew very well that the plan proposed by Xiaoyu was of course the best plan.

If the Dongfeng Corps stayed out of the matter, relied on advanced command, and used the limited few hundred men of the 7th Brigade to hold the Mengxiu defense line, then all the problems that he and Xiaoyu were worried about would no longer be a problem.

But the problem is, no matter how strong a person's ability is, there is a limit, right?

To be honest, Chen Chen felt that even if Man Guangzhi came to do this job, let alone himself, he might not be able to do it well.

In Chen Chen's opinion, Xiaoyu's suggestion really has a bit of a "layman" meaning.——

However, what he didn't expect was that Xiaoyu's next words made him freeze in place.

she says:

"I don't mean for you to directly command the 7th Brigade to fight."

"You don't command a large army, you only command Hebupa's private soldiers."

"This group of people far exceeds other ordinary militias in terms of organization and combat effectiveness, and their equipment has also been strengthened."

"600 people can't defeat 1,000 people, but 200 people can't defeat them?"

Damn it, genius.

Chen Chen was stunned. This suggestion seemed nonsensical, but if you think about it carefully, it was really a genius idea!

Yes, if there are too many people, the difficulty of command will rise sharply, and the final result will be disordered command and a complete collapse.

But what if there are only two hundred people?

Even with Chen Chen's ability, he can control it easily, and he can control it very well.

Although the number of people is insufficient, the losses will definitely be huge, but so what? This is He Bupa's army. No matter how great the loss is, he will bear it himself!

Chen Chen really felt like he was enlightened. He couldn't help but sigh and said:

"Otherwise, it has to be you. I can try!"

Xiaoyu on the opposite side was obviously relieved and asked in a slightly teasing tone:

"No way, you, the leader, didn't even think of this plan?"

". After hanging around in Pubei for too long, my mind has been fixed."

"Then I'll try it first. Of course, if it still doesn't work, we'll have to do it."

"Okay, as a last resort."

Xiaoyu pondered for a moment and continued:

"But once the Dongfeng Corps joins the war, your identity issue must be resolved."

"Do you have any idea?"

"We will establish a legal company in Indonesia and solidify our status as overseas mercenaries."

"Who will do it?"

"Bao Xiaomei."

After the words fell, Xiaoyu fell silent again.

After several seconds, she said:

"Oh~Miss Bao~"

".Don't be so weird. I ask you to do it. Can you do it?"

"Indeed, I can't do it. I warned you not to get too close to her. You should use your own discretion!"

Chen Chen sighed helplessly. To be honest, if there were other choices, he would definitely not choose Bao Xiaomei.

But the problem now is that it is impossible for the North to intervene to solve the "identity" problem for itself. Even if it wants to solve it, it will have to mobilize many additional relationships and set up complex reporting levels.

Because at this point in time, the North's overseas deployment has not yet been "systematized", and some work is still in a rather wild and primitive stage.

So what do you think?

The first aircraft carrier has not yet been launched, and even if you want to do many things, it is not that easy to do.

On the contrary, Bao Xiaomei and the others already have a foundation in Indonesia because of their business connections. It would be much more convenient and concealed for them to do it.

Xiaoyu obviously knew this, so she didn't raise any objection. At most, she could only say something disgusting about Chen Chen.

Therefore, Chen Chen didn't bother to talk to her and just replied:

"I know. And I want to make it clear that I am cooperating with the Bao family, not Bao Xiaomei. She is just a spokesperson!"

"Yes, I understand."


Chen Shenmai waited for Xiaoyu to answer and hung up the phone with a bang.

At this time, I felt a little heavy because "the trump card was about to be revealed", but I suddenly relaxed.

He walked out of the room, walked to the swimming pool behind the villa, and leaned on the lounge chair to soak up the sun.


But at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from his ears.

The sound of a helicopter's propeller turning.

At this moment, Chen Chen's hair stood on end.

He knew that his helicopter would never start at this time, and a helicopter appeared over Mengka.

Then it must be for yourself!

"Hidden! Hidden!! Everyone evacuate the villa!"

Chen Chen jumped up from the recliner, reached out and picked up the SCAR-H from his side, turned around and ran towards the door, completely ignoring the other people who were still in a daze.

The sound of the propellers became louder and louder. Chen Chen searched the entire sky and finally found a helicopter in the distance.

At this time, the helicopter was less than two kilometers away from him.


Some people always think that helicopters are very loud, so they can be easily detected on the battlefield even without relying on radar.

But if that's the case, what's the point of a helicopter airborne assault?

In fact, the sound propagation range of a large military helicopter that has been processed for noise reduction does not exceed 3 kilometers when flying at low altitude. When flying at full speed, the distance of three kilometers is only 30 to 40 seconds at most!

This also takes into account the reaction speed of the ground personnel and the time it takes to find the enemy!

To discover is to destroy.

When you see it or hear it, it means you are not far from death.

Chen Chen's body couldn't help but tremble. He raised his gun and aimed at the helicopter, but its figure flashed past and it was impossible to capture it.

And in that sudden glance, Chen Chen suddenly saw an aerial bomb hanging on the lower pylon of the helicopter.

20 seconds, this is the last chance to escape.

But there were other people in the villa, and there were even family members of the Eastern Corps around.

There is no time to organize their evacuation. If this aerial bomb is thrown down, the entire Dongfeng Corps will definitely be wiped out!

Beat it down.

It must be beaten down.

Javelin, Needle-1, 4 portable missiles, have a chance to destroy this helicopter.

Chen Chen turned around and ran towards the villa, but just as he was sprinting at full speed, he heard several strange sounds in his ears.



Chen Chen looked up in shock. Two smoke pillars were already heading in the direction of the helicopter.

He looked back and saw that it was Cheng Lei and his group who were holding missiles.

Bao Qi also carried a javelin in his hand. He had already taken aim and was about to pull the trigger.

But Cheng Lei yelled at him and told him to stop shooting.

At the same time, a large number of interference bombs were thrown from the helicopter flying in mid-air, and the two missiles that flew past lost their target instantly.

Whether it's the Javelin or the Needle-1, they are all infrared guided!

Can't fight at all.

Fortunately, the two missiles frightened the helicopter pilot, and he began to perform lateral evasive maneuvers. Chen Chen did not hesitate any more. He rushed to the dock next to the swimming pool and jumped onto the Jianglong assault boat.

The Li Gang had already loaded the twin anti-aircraft guns. Chen Chen jumped into the cockpit, pushed the accelerator, and the assault boat suddenly sprang out!

"Bang bang bang——"

The 23mm anti-aircraft gun sprayed out flames. Bao Qi received Cheng Lei's guidance and fired another javelin into the sky.

He was interrupted again, but then, the pin-1 in the hand of the co-pilot Zhang Qian also took action.

Just pass by!

The helicopter made an emergency stop to avoid the incoming missile, and the nose machine gun fired fiercely. The helicopter could reach a distance of nearly 1 kilometer. Even the 12.7mm heavy machine gun was really a bit weak.


However, the 12.7mm is unable to meet the needs, but the 23mm is like a duck in water.

Type 85 23mm anti-aircraft gun, an absolute killer of low-altitude targets.

Before that, it had been used as a large-caliber machine gun because there were no air targets.

So much so that everyone has forgotten that this anti-aircraft gun, which is copied from the ZU-23-2, was actually used in the Afghan war!

The range is 2.5 kilometers and the shooting height is 1.5 kilometers.

Perfect coverage of that helicopter in the sky.

It was still trying to continue its advance, but what greeted it was a storm of shells.

Other firepower points also opened fire, including light machine guns, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, and even other recoilless rifles.

For a time, artillery shells were flying in the sky above Mengka.

The helicopter was strangely suppressed in the air.

Chen Chen felt a little stupid.

Holy shit.

Don't any of you think about running away? !

That's a fucking helicopter! A helicopter carrying aerial bombs!

However, it was too late to say anything.

The situation developed so fast that the assault boat that Chen Chen drove out had not yet stabilized. With one 40-fire shot, it collided with the helicopter of the epic Universiade that hit the air while it was traveling.


In fact, it’s not really a stroke of luck. After all, in just 30 seconds, the 40 shots fired have already reached 20.

Is it time for Meng to wear a hair cover?


The helicopter burst into flames and spun downward.

As the smoke filled the air, Chen Chen couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

What does he call having abundant martial virtue? !

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