I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 269 The largest artillery group

This series of actions by Peng Xucheng really caught Chen Chenshi off guard. He did think that Peng Xucheng would make some big moves as a sign of his investment, but he really didn't expect that Peng Xucheng would make such a big move.

Good guy, you haven't officially received the establishment yet, and you've started to learn the work style within the establishment?

Progress, too much progress.

Once this was done, the so-called sanctions issued by the 505th Brigade and Myanmar suddenly became useless paper.

Nonsense, if you sanction me, it will make business difficult at best.

Against the Dongfeng Corps at this juncture, they really dare to kill people!

For a time, except for the trade route from Tachileik to Kengtung which was still blocked, the economic vitality of Northern Shan State was restored again.

Even He Bupa and He Bangxiong didn't expect that this problem could be solved in this way. After confirming the internal stability, they were stunned.

Because they knew that although Chen Chen's actions looked rough, they were actually rough but subtle.


He did not directly confront Myanmar. You sanction yours and I buy mine. Is there a conflict?

No conflict!

Even if they settle accounts after the fall, when it comes to the final negotiations, Lao Burma will not be able to make a fuss about this matter.

As for Zhao Jialiang?

Well, a dead man, there is no need to think too much about him

Of course, they have confidence in the Dongfeng Corps, but that doesn't mean everyone has confidence.

Among those who have no faith, there is a small fish.

As soon as the matter of Wanfeng Group was settled, Xiaoyu got a call.

After Chen Chen answered the phone, Xiaoyu's first words were:

"You really want to be Shang Yang of Pubei Province? Do you have to follow any rules?"

This sentence confused Chen Chenqian. After being stunned for a long time, he answered:

"The problem is not my doing, it's Peng Xucheng's doing!"

"You dare to say that Peng Xucheng did what he did without your influence?"

".Really do not have."

Chen Chen sighed helplessly and continued:

"We must solve the problem of Wanfeng Group. If they don't want to be our friends, they will inevitably become our enemies."

"Instead of waiting for them to actually cause trouble and then deal with it, it is better to nip the danger in the bud."

"To be honest, I just wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Who would have thought that Peng Xucheng would kill all the monkeys?"

After hearing his words, Xiaoyu on the opposite side was also speechless.

You say you blame him, how can you blame him?

He didn't do anything bad. In a sense, it was in his own interests to completely break the monopoly order of Wanfeng Group and clean up all the sins of Wanfeng Group.

But you said you don’t blame him

His way of acting is really too radical.

In four days, more than 400 people died in Wanfeng Group's profit network. This is not a war!

Not to mention placed in Pubei, even if placed in other more turbulent places, it would still be quite explosive.

And more importantly, Wanfeng Group is a very influential group in Pubei and even Southeast Asia. As soon as this incident came out, the entire public opinion had to pay attention.

Now, some people in the West already suspect that Pubei is engaging in genocide and anti-humanitarian massacre.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, Dongfeng Corps certainly cannot hide it. The reputation of this organization, including Chen Chen, has also been declining, and it has even gained many scary nicknames.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyu said:

"Wreck, do you know what the Western media calls you now?"

"what is it call?"

Chen Chen asked doubtfully.

"Pubei Meat Grinder! Mengka Butcher! Asia's Ntaganziwa!"

"Do you know how troublesome these names are for you? You may never be able to wash off the marks on your body for the rest of your life!"

Chen Chen scratched his head and didn't know what to answer for a moment.

To be honest, the first two abstract "nicknames" were fine, but he never expected that someone would associate him with Ntaganziwa.

Are you kidding me? The people I killed were all people with guns, not unarmed civilians, okay?

At this moment, he really felt the trouble.

If I am really labeled as such, how can I clear my name in the future?

As a result, his attitude became serious.

He asked:

"Then what should we do now? I have no plans to do anything extraordinary!"

"What else can we do? Stabilize the situation as soon as possible!"

Xiaoyu's tone was a bit unkind, but of course, this "unkindness" was more of a kind of "anger".

Chen Chen heard her complaint, so he softened his tone and said:

"The situation will definitely be stabilized, and Wanfeng Group will not have any major troubles again."

"Peng Xucheng has helped me deprive Wanfeng Group of its armed rights. From now on, this group has been completely separated in terms of business and force."

"It's not that easy for them to cause trouble. In the future, we won't have to talk with the barrel of a gun, but will be more tit-for-tat at the negotiation table."

"It better be this way."

Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief. After a moment of pause, he suddenly asked again:

"You purchased a batch of rain-increasing rockets from us. The quantity is large. What are you planning to do?"

"Planning to modify it. What, you want to modify it for us and then send it over?"

"?? You don't want me to give you a pole and you just climb up. I also help you modify it. Why don't you just let me change it to a larger one that can be guided for you?"

".That's not necessary. I was just joking. Is there any problem?"

Chen Chensheng was afraid that Xiaoyu would say, "The purchase volume is too large to pass the review." In that case, all his subsequent battle plans would be ruined.

But unexpectedly, Xiaoyu didn't mention the censorship at all, but said:

"You guys will definitely not be able to use this thing if you pull it over. It must be modified."

"On behalf of some departments, I am here to make two requests for you. First, you should control the scope of the modification yourself and do not create anything outside the convention."

"Second, pay attention to safety. Try to stay away from highly dangerous jobs."


Chen Chen nodded subconsciously, and then asked curiously:

"Why do you want me to stay away?"

".Blow you up, you big fool."

The little fish on the other end of the phone was thinking secretly in his heart.

She could hardly help but roll her eyes, but in the end, she suppressed her emotions and said calmly:

"Compared to the first one, the second one is actually more important."

"Now is the most critical moment in Pubei, and you must not let anything go wrong."

"Don't underestimate the modification work. The technical requirements are not high, but the process requirements are very high. If the control is not good and a series of explosions are caused, something big will happen."

"It's okay to blow up some equipment. If something happens to you or your people, all the foundations we laid before will be wiped out. Do you understand?"

"Understood, I will spread things out to reduce the risk as much as possible."

"Are the principles and procedures clear?"


Chen Chen answered decisively, and Xiaoyu didn't ask any more questions.

The principle of rain-increasing bullets is indeed not too complicated. If Chen Chen couldn't even understand this, he wouldn't be where he is now.

"That's it, we won't get into the specifics."

"Anyway, I still say the same thing, just hold it back!"

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Chen Chen shook his head and walked out of the room. At this moment, Xu You pushed in the door and brought him good news.

"The first batch of rain-enhancing bombs has arrived, together with the launcher. Boss, do you want to go and take a look?"


Chen Chen perked up, and when he walked out of the room, what he saw was a "thin"-looking multiple rocket launcher.

The biggest feature of the BL-1A rain-increasing rocket is its simple structure and low cost.

How simple is its structure?

In a word, the operating instructions for the 63-fire gun state that "it can be launched without relying on a launcher." However, the BL-1A does not actually have a launcher at all.

Because its launcher is a large steel box, with parallel and symmetrical holes drilled in the front and rear, and then connected with steel bars between the two holes to form a launch rail.

It is impossible to have any accuracy. Anyway, at the beginning of the design, it only had one functional requirement:

It can fly into the sky stably and explode.

Under this kind of thinking, all unnecessary things are completely abandoned, and the "minimalist" style is fully demonstrated in it.

Other core members of the Dongfeng Corps also ran out to watch the fun. Bai Gou walked up and touched the rocket launcher on the launcher, and asked:

"How much does this thing cost per shot?"

Everyone looked at Xu You, and Xu You coughed and said:

"The price we finally negotiated was 2,200 RMB per shot, and the launcher was all included."

"Converted to U.S. dollars, it's less than $300."

"300 US dollars?! Damn, are you kidding me? 63 rockets cost close to 5,000 US dollars per round!"

Bai Gou was stunned. Just now, he thought this thing was too crude and didn't look like a "weapon" at all, but now...


What kind of bike do you want?

At this price, even if it exploded in my hands, I would still feel that the way I lit the fire was wrong!

"How many hairs did you buy in total?"

Bai Gou continued to ask.

"The current purchase is for 11,000 rounds. We originally only wanted to buy 10,000 rounds, but they offered to buy 1,000 more launchers for free. I think it's quite a deal."

"How many launchers were given?"

"40 units--what, isn't it a good deal?"

".It's also a good deal."

Chen Chen said leisurely.

In fact, he knew that the cost of the BL-1A rocket launcher was only about 200 yuan - 200 RMB!

40 launchers cost a total of 8,000 yuan.

But for this 8,000 yuan, Xu You spent an extra 300,000 US dollars. There is really no one else who can do this business.

Of course, having said that, the launcher is simple and crude, but with the guarantee of the industrial capabilities in the north, the accuracy is still very, very high.

If you don’t buy this thing, Pubei really won’t be able to build it.

So all in all, this is a mutually beneficial deal, and there is nothing to fault.

Therefore, Chen Chen said no more, but immediately pulled the launcher to an open area and conducted a live ammunition test.


Of course, he did not shoot towards the sky, but leveled the launcher and pointed it at the uninhabited barren mountain in the distance.

The distance was nearly one kilometer, and eight rounds were fired.


The rockets emitted a buzz that was completely different from the 63 fire, and sounded like a large flying monkey.

However, whether it is in terms of range or flight stability, this thing cannot be compared to the Sky Monkey.

At a distance of 1 kilometer, 8 rockets were scattered within a diameter of nearly 100 meters.

This accuracy cannot be said to be good, it should be said to be unsatisfactory.

There is no hope for high-precision strikes, but what if rockets clear the ground?

Not just enough, but enough!

"This thing is so powerful."

Seeing the thin smoke produced by the explosion of silver iodide in the distance, Bai Gou, who had been watching, couldn't help but speak.

"Isn't that very powerful? Although it is a rain-increasing rocket, it also has military potential."

"To be honest, the positioning of this thing has always been very vague. It feels like it has taken advantage of some kind of loophole."

Shi Dakai, who was standing next to him, replied thoughtfully, and then asked Chen Chen emotionally:

"Captain, I heard that your meteorological department in the north has a lot of weapons and even a lot of anti-aircraft guns. Is that true?"

That's so real, so real that it makes people feel fake.

Chen Chen couldn't help but complain in his heart.

In fact, the weather bureau in the north has a long tradition of engaging in weapons.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the north faced military pressure from the United States and the Soviet Union, and the air defense pressure was even more alarming.

Therefore, since that era, the north has attached great importance to the construction of air defense systems, and in a very short period of time established a "trinity" territorial air defense system, that is, the trinity of civil air defense, key area air defense, and field air defense.

Therefore, in that era, "Civil Air Defense" signs were posted in the basements of many cities. At the same time, militia anti-aircraft artillery units were deployed near major factories, mines, and key facilities. These militia anti-aircraft artillery units held competitions and training camps every year. Target training is also required to maintain the gunner's proficiency.

However, with the development of the times, more advanced air defense missiles have replaced anti-aircraft guns as the main air defense force. So how to deal with these anti-aircraft guns deployed in civilian facilities?

They were simply handed over to the meteorological bureaus of each county, and they were renamed "weather modification anti-aircraft guns", or "human shadow anti-aircraft guns" for short.

If you go to the weather bureau of any county, you can basically see several to a dozen Type 55 37mm single-barreled anti-aircraft guns, or Type 65 37mm double-barreled anti-aircraft guns.

Expanding across the country, the number of anti-aircraft guns alone exceeds 10,000!

If gathered together, this would be the largest anti-aircraft artillery group in the world.

Of course, the Weather Bureau doesn't just have anti-aircraft guns.

Under the inheritance of "excellent tradition", rocket launchers have also begun to enter the meteorological equipment sequence.

The most exaggerated thing among them was probably the Condor 400 rocket that Chen Chen had seen in his previous life.

Although this thing is called a rocket,...

It can hang hair, change tracks, and even has terminal penetration functions.

rocket missile?

That's reasonable. A rocket with a range of 2,000 kilometers is called a rocket.

But having said that, you won’t be able to export this stuff in the future, right?

If that were the case, it would be a lot of fun

Chen Chen was keenly aware of Shi Dakai's thoughts, but he really couldn't answer this question.

So, he just coughed and said casually, "That's probably true" and brushed it off.

Shi Dakai didn't worry too much. Of course he knew what Chen Chen was worried about.

Thus, this test work was successfully completed.

After cleaning up everything, Chen Chen called He Bangxiong and He Bupa and asked them to start arranging the renovation work.

Both of these two people had run arsenals and were very familiar with the process. Chen Chen basically didn't need to explain too much, and a series of tasks were quickly arranged.

But what Chen Chen actually did was just emphasize three key points for them.

First, the charge weight must be consistent with the original charge weight. The center of gravity of the rocket must not be changed casually, which will affect the aerodynamic performance.

Second, safety isolation work must be done during the charging process, so that even if something goes wrong or an accident occurs, all equipment will not be lost.

Third, rockets with different charges should be distinguished, labeled, and classified according to functionality.

Both of them knew the importance of Chen Chen's three points, and they repeatedly assured on the phone that there would be absolutely no problems.

But Chen Chen knows that guarantees are useless. The specific results can only be seen in the finished product.

However, based on the efficiency of the two civilian armed forces using guns to force him out, he probably won't have to wait long.

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