I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 276 Made the headlines

"The entire Pubei area - no, the entire Pudong area has been reduced to a pot of porridge."

"Wars are going on everywhere, including Mengxiu, Tachili, Jingdong, and now even Wanhai, Dangyang, and Mengsa are fighting."

“It’s not just Shan State, the Kachin are also fighting, the Karen are also fighting, Kokang is not fighting, but they are ready to make a move.”

"The Wa State has not entered the scene yet and is still preparing its troops. It is estimated that they will have to wait for the final touches before making the Dinghai Shenzhen."

"It is estimated that Lao Burma will soon be unable to bear it. If they continue to fight like this, the peaceful order they have finally established in Pubei will completely collapse."

"They are also unlucky this term. The general election has just ended, and the internal interests have not been distributed yet. If the Wa State directly comes to them, not only Pubei, but the entire Bagan will be in chaos."

"I heard that there was another internal fight in the 505th Brigade. The issue between the first and second regiments was not solved well, and the third and fourth regiments started fighting."

"With their fight, the order of the Golden Triangle collapsed."

"Jackal said that there are new signs in Thailand, and Laos also wants to take the opportunity to pull out the nails."

"The Pamang camp is also a big grievance. The equipment that was finally transported in to the 505th Brigade was only used by their own people to fight against their own people."

"I can't understand, I really can't understand."

"How do you think things got to this point? Fight against the Shadow Corps, against Jingdong, against their own strength. No matter how hard we fight, it shouldn't be so chaotic."

"If we continue like this, we won't really have a big problem."

Mengka, Shi Dakai sat opposite Chen Chen in the Dongfeng Corps villa, lamenting the chaos of the current situation.

His sigh was not unreasonable. In fact, his words were quite mild.

In the past few days, the Dongfeng Corps' raid on Dachile was like lighting a detonator. After the detonator exploded, it directly detonated the big powder keg in Pubei, causing the entire Pubei to burst into flames.

As Shi Dakai said, the entire Pubei has been turned into a pot of porridge.

Not only Shan State, but also all other local armed forces want to take advantage of this chaotic situation to reap benefits and get a share of the pie from Lao Myanmar.

Under such circumstances, the largest armed conflict in the world broke out in 2010.

Rough statistics show that in just a few days, the total number of armed personnel participating in the war has exceeded 30,000, and the number of residents affected has long exceeded one million.

And what’s even more exaggerated is that this 30,000-strong team is not just a “paper number” like Iraq or Afghanistan, they are really fighting seriously!

This is very scary. Looking at the wars around the world in recent years, the only one that can reach this scale in a short period of time is Georgia in 2008.

Therefore, no wonder Shi Dakai would sigh, because he had clearly felt that the matter was beyond his understanding.

Yes, he is a somewhat special mercenary, but no matter what, he is just a mercenary.

He wanted to do a lot of things, even made bold statements, and he had a goal in mind that he couldn't just talk to others about.

However, the time he wants to achieve this goal must be calculated in ten or twenty years.

But now, why do you feel like the general cleaning has already begun? !

What’s going on in Pubei now is a bit like a beggar’s version of World War!

The trigger for World War II back then was Germany's assault on Poland. Now the trigger for the Second Pubei War is the Dongfeng Corps' assault on Tachilek?

What kind of history is repeating itself?

Thinking of this, Shi Dakai couldn't help but sigh again, and looking at his expression, Chen Chen shook his head gently, and then replied:

"You, sometimes you still look at things too superficially."

"Don't look at the current situation from the perspective of a mercenary. You have to look at it from the perspective of a real soldier."

"Yes, fighting is very lively in Pubei now, and there are many wars in various places."

"But the problem is, the intensity of these wars is actually not very high."

"It's nothing more than the militiamen attacking, the Burmese army putting up a symbolic resistance, and then giving up their position."

"You call this a war? I think it's more like children playing house. It's still at the stage where you push me and I push you. It's still a thousand miles away from actually doing it."

"So all in all, those things actually have nothing to do with us."

"What we have to do is focus on the two goals in front of us."

"That is, Jingdong, Tachili."

"Only when we achieve these two goals can our mission be completely completed."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Shi Dakai's frown finally relaxed slightly.

Since Chen Chen said there was no problem, then it must be no problem.

As he said, the fighting in other areas is just lively now, and it has not directly interfered with the actions of the Northern Shan Federation Army. In that case, just don't even look at it!

The thinking becomes clear.

So, he asked again:

"Then what is our next phase of the battle plan? Tachilei is fighting among themselves, should we take this opportunity to take down Tachilei?"

"Of course not."

Chen Chen immediately shook his head and then said:

“The reason why internal problems are internal problems is because they have not encountered external threats.”

"It's good that we exposed their contradictions and provoked a fight between them with a raid, but if we continue to fight, it will help them 'reinforce the fortress.'"

"The truly effective strategy is to take advantage of their internal fighting to capture Jingdong."

"As long as we get this important town, Tachilei will be ours sooner or later."

"So the plans for the next phase are clear."

"To sum it up, it's nothing more than two sentences."

"First, continue to build rocket launchers."

"Second, hit the rocket launchers on the heads of the Burmese troops and force them to hide in the city."

"Forcing them into the city? Are we going to fight urban warfare?"

Shi Dakai looked at Chen Chen in confusion, while Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"No, how can we fight urban warfare?"

"I just want to borrow the power of the people of Jingdong."

"I believe that the people of Jingdong can distinguish right from wrong and have the courage to resist."


Shi Dakai breathed a sigh of relief and didn't ask any more questions.

He is actually a smart man, so he can naturally figure out what Chen Chen wants to do.

Compared to a strong attack, this is indeed the best way to capture Jingdong.

In fact, if you seize the opportunity well, you can capture Jingdong without any blood.

Because the Burmese army here has been out of touch with their superiors for too long, their military morale has long been turbulent, and their will to fight has been extremely weak.

If only I could give them a reason to ride down the slope.

They must be falling fast.

As a result, the strategy plan for Jingdong was decided. After briefly discussing the specific implementation measures, Chen Chen arranged the tasks one by one.

Although he no longer involved actual "combat", he still carefully planned all actions and tried to be foolproof.

All members of the core group of the Dongfeng Corps took over the tasks in turn and were ready to enter the specific execution process.

In the conference room, everyone was discussing the specific details intensely, but at this moment, Chen Chen's cell phone suddenly rang.

It's Xiaoyu's phone number.

Chen Chen picked up the phone. Before he could speak, Xiaoyu said in a serious tone:

"Look at the New York Times, the headlines."

With a bang, the phone was hung up.

Chen Chen looked at his phone in confusion, and then opened the New York Times homepage on his computer in confusion.

And when he looked at the big headline on the web page, his whole body went numb.

Because he saw his own photo.

The main title of the photo is "Mercenary, Warlord, or War Lord".

And the subtitle is

"Shipwreck: The real eye of the storm in Pubei".

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