I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 286 Integrating into the environment

Street fighting in urban defense warfare and street fighting in urban security warfare are both street fighting, but the intensity is completely different.

The former mainly relies on a large number of barricades and solid bunkers for defense. The defender will deploy heavy troops at key points, establish control zones, control traffic arteries, and block the attacker's advancement.

However, in public security and street fighting, the defenders often rely only on existing buildings, deploying few troops in each building and consuming the attackers' troops through guerrilla attacks and harassment.

If we want to talk about the biggest difference between the two, it can be summed up in one sentence, that is, the intensity of the battle.

In urban defensive street battles, because it involves the struggle for key containment points, the fighting intensity will be frighteningly high. Sometimes the two sides will even invest hundreds or even thousands of troops in a narrow street, turning the speed of the meat grinder to the maximum, and grinding it to the maximum speed. Use fast speed to achieve the highest exchange ratio, forcing one of the parties to surrender.

A typical example of this kind of battle is the Second Battle of Fallujah fought by the United States.

In that battle, within 5 days, the US military mobilized 12,000 people to organize an attack on about 3,000 defenders in the city, relying on a large number of heavy weapons and armored units to clear them. However, in the end, it still paid the price of more than 600 casualties. From this, we can see the astonishing intensity of the city defense battle.

But in contrast, the pace of public security and street fighting is much slower.

There is no need to talk about the battle cases in other areas, just talk about the actions of the Allied forces attacking Lao Cai in the previous life.

There were also about 12,000 people fighting against 3,000 defenders in the city. This security street battle lasted for 60 days. The total casualties on both sides were not even a hundred. Advancement, encroachment, surrender, and reorganization, this is the real security war situation in Pubei.

At the beginning, what Chen Chen wanted to fight in Tachilei was actually a high-intensity city defense battle.

The reason is simple. With only 3,000 men in hand, he cannot advance slowly and control area by area like the Allied Forces.

Only by forcing the opponent to engage in a decisive battle at key points can the Dongfeng Corps' assault group's advantages in firepower, equipment, and technology be brought into full play, so as to hit more with less and destroy the opponent's effective forces on a large scale.

The battle at Stadium Level 1 is a successful attempt at this idea.

But unfortunately, Zhao Jialiang saw through Chen Chen's plan and responded quickly.

He directly ordered his troops to enter the stage of public security warfare. Under such circumstances, the Dongfeng Corps could not play its decisive role. As a last resort, Chen Chen had to change his thinking.

All coalition forces were stationed on the spot, occupying the captured barricades and construction works, and entered into a brief confrontation period with the 505th Brigade.

Level 1 has been defeated. Under the cover of smoke, the coalition forces have completed their maneuvers along the Tachileik Highway. At this time, the coalition forces occupied a 1.5-kilometer-long east-west road from the stadium to Chaussan Hospital and occupied the area along the road. A construction area about two hundred meters deep.

The territory is not big enough, but it is enough for temporary stability.

We must first stabilize, slow down the attack rhythm, reduce the rate of casualties, and reorganize the morale of the military!

Chen Chen led the commando team to quickly maneuver within the "temporary green zone" to help establish defense lines in all areas that were not yet stable.

This commando team is like a battlefield vigilante. Wherever they go, the firefight will stop instantly.

The intensity gradually decreased, and the urban defense war eventually turned into a public security war.

It took two hours, but the temporary green zone was finally completely settled. Coupled with Chen Chen, the de facto "supreme commander" who took the lead, the morale of the remaining 2,700 coalition forces was finally stabilized.

However, this is only a temporary measure.

Next, Chen Chen still has to quickly gain advantage and achieve results to break the morale of the 505th Brigade.

Otherwise, if the stalemate continues at the "60-day" level, the coalition forces, whose supplies will be basically cut off, will eventually die!

Then, it’s time to put the “exclamation mark” next.

"Administrative units, ports, bridges, power plants, water plants, hospitals. There are a total of 32 targets, and we must win them one by one."

"Both sides are now unable to control key traffic points, and the entire Tachilek is unimpeded. This situation is most conducive to us exerting our mobility."

"We are going to engage in a small-scale leapfrog tactic in Tachileik, using the breakthrough capabilities of armored units and the air superiority of helicopters to bypass the dense, complex, and large-scale firepower network in the city and directly capture key targets."

"With this goal in mind, safe delivery becomes our first priority."

"The two armored personnel carriers are our priority protection targets. We need to transport ordinary militiamen from the coalition to key points and let them take control."

"If the enemy wants to compete with us for control, that's playing into their own agenda."

"Now, everyone is getting ready, the first target is Xiaosang Hospital!"


The order was given and everyone took action again.

But this time, it wasn't just the commandos of the Dongfeng Corps who joined the battlefield.

Following He Bangxiong's guidance, Chen Chen selected 20 people from the elite private soldiers of the 756 Brigade and put them on armored vehicles.

Each of these soldiers wears heavy body armor. If you look at the equipment alone, they are already the elite among the elite.

However, after all, they are not a team like the Dongfeng Corps that has experienced hundreds of battles. After a round of hard fighting, all of them already felt instinctive fear.

This fear is reflected in their nervous expressions and tense muscles.

"do not be afraid!"

Chen Chen shouted to everyone in the car:

"You are well-equipped and well-trained. They are just militiamen who have been shooting targets a few times."

"Don't dodge the bullets. They can't hit you at all. Even if they hit you, they won't be able to kill you!"

"We have all seen the effects of bulletproof vests. Even heavy machine guns may not be able to penetrate them!"

"Just follow me and rush up. You don't have to think about anything!"


"Understood, sir!"

Confused responses came, but Chen Chen didn't say much, but simply closed the car door with a bang, then immediately got in the car and rushed out according to the planned route.

In fact, even at this time, he was still nervous.

After all, what they were about to attack was Xiaosang Hospital, which had the most intense enemy firepower.

"Firebird, pay attention to the road conditions and indicate the route."

Chen Chen said.

"Understood, the road is clear, you can move on."

"Keep going, the smoke truck will follow."

"Understood, I can see you. The target is 400 meters ahead."

As the smoke continued to spread, the visibility on the entire street had dropped to the minimum. Chen Chen held the HK416 tightly in his hand, ready to get out of the car and take cover at any time.

The barricade of Xiaosang Hospital was completely shrouded in smoke. Chen Chen looked through the observation window with a thermal imaging camera, but did not find any moving targets in the smoke.

"No active target found, Firebird, reporting situation."

"No active target found, over."


Chen Chen felt more and more nervous - in urban street fighting, you are not afraid of many enemies, but you are afraid of not being able to see anyone!

Only by discovering the enemy in advance can we use heavy firepower to suppress it in advance.

If you cannot establish a visual field advantage, the probability of being ambushed will greatly increase!

Chen Chen could clearly feel that the threat level was rising, but he had no choice. The convoy could not stop. If it parked on an urban road, the entire convoy would never be able to drive away again.

So, he decisively ordered:

"Firebird, machine gun suppression."

"The vehicle assaults forward, quickly forming a fire support point, and the assault team seizes the barricade!"


In an instant, gunfire exploded, and the entire barricade was covered by intensive firepower.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, shells were hit by bullets, and violent explosions occurred.

Subsequently, the speed of the entire convoy suddenly increased. In just half a minute, the convoy had crossed a distance of nearly 400 meters and arrived in front of Xiaosang Hospital.

But from beginning to end, not a single bullet was fired from the entire barricade.

And when Chen Chenzhen led the team to get off the bus near the barricade and climb into the fortress to check the situation, the expression on his face could almost be described as "dumbfounded."

A large number of heavy weapons were abandoned and ammunition piled up in mountains. These ammunition should have been shot out of the gun barrel with high temperature, but in fact, the defenders here gave up completely without any hesitation.

They were so determined not to collide head-on with the Dongfeng Corps that they even threw away their heavy equipment and went straight into the hospital building!

What kind of strategy is this?

Even if we have to use skirmishers to fight in the streets, we can't fight like you, right?

Chen Chen suddenly realized that he had overestimated the militiamen of the 505th Brigade.

That’s right, the previous heavy casualties were just an extension of the city’s defensive battle, and were just the last flashback after the passion of both sides. But after they established a green zone and proactively slowed down the offensive rhythm, the defenders of the 505th Brigade finally came to their senses. .

Everyone is afraid of death. If you stick to the fortress, you will definitely die.

Yes, you can kill the enemy, but the enemy can also kill you.

With a salary of two thousand yuan a month, you are going to risk your life with them?

It's better to retreat into the building. If they really want to fight, then fight them defensively in a confined space. When heavy weapons cannot be used, it's hard to say who will take advantage.

But if the enemy doesn't fight, then why do we need to go out?

In an instant, the entire battlefield situation became extremely strange.

Chen Chen, on the other hand, keenly captured this strange change.

So, he immediately ordered:

"The defense team organized a defense on the spot, and a group of guns were pointed at the hospital. Be careful not to take the initiative to attack!"

"Just block them in and don't let them come out."

"Second group, pay attention to enemy activities on the streets. As long as anyone approaches, shoot and kill!"


At this moment, even the private soldiers of the 756th Brigade regained some confidence.

They saw that they were afraid of death, but the enemy was more afraid of death than they were.

As long as you don't take the initiative to shoot, no one will have trouble with you.

Even if we don’t shoot each other when we meet, we are still good fellows!

The Dongfeng Corps' combat plan changed again. Chen Chen led the armored vehicle team to turn back, picked up a new batch of private soldiers nearby, and began to rush to the next stronghold.

From now on, they must truly stay away from the Green Zone and go to the "hinterland" of the enemy-occupied area, the Royal Hospital of Tachileik.

The operation went smoothly. Chen Chen's convoy didn't even fire a single shot. The team just crossed a distance of several hundred meters and arrived near the Royal Hospital.

Almost the same barricade, almost the same plot.

But this time, at the hospital gate opposite the barricade, there were several 505 Brigade militiamen squatting or lying on their stomachs holding the Bayi Ban in their hands.

"The Firebird has found the target and has taken aim. Do you want to fire?"

Cheng Lei in the air was the one who had the clearest grasp of the situation, and after passing the first stronghold, he already understood the current situation.

It was precisely for this reason that he did not shoot blindly, but carefully waited for Chen Chen's order.

After hearing his words, Chen Chen frowned and thought for a moment.

Then he made an extremely risky move.


He opened the door and got out of the car.

At this moment, the tension between the two sides reached its peak.

Using the cover of the car body, Chen Chen looked at the people at the door.

Then, he slowly turned around and pointed the gun at the empty sky.

"Bang bang bang——"

The defenders of the Royal Hospital understood this and they also raised their guns and fired into the air.

For a moment, the entire Royal Hospital was as lively as if it was a Chinese New Year, but in fact, the only excitement was the sound of gunshots!

After three rounds of firing, the fight here is considered over.

The defenders withdrew into the hospital, while the Dongfeng Corps took over the defense area outside the hospital.

The firepower point quickly changed hands, and just as Chen Chen was busy directing everyone to seize the machine gun position in the building opposite and establish control of the entire block, a scene happened that completely confused him.

A plastic bag was thrown out of the hospital gate.

At that moment, Chen Chen almost ordered the helicopter to start fire cleaning, and even ignored the civilians in the building.

But soon, the private soldiers of the 756th Brigade stepped forward and picked up the plastic bag as if they were accustomed to it.

And inside, there are two cigarettes.

Chen Chen was really dumbfounded. For nearly two years, he fought in Pubei from left to right and fought numerous battles, large and small.

He always thought that he had integrated into the environment.

But it was only now that he realized that he was still far from integrating into the environment.

Oh shit.

The plan was wrong from the start.

What kind of meat grinder, what kind of large-scale street fighting, what kind of last-ditch battle? !

They're all fucking bullshit!

What we should really do is to establish a starting position close enough as we are doing now, and then eat away at it step by step, dissolving the opponent's will to fight step by step!

My thoughts are clearer.

Everything that follows is step-by-step action.

There may be conflicts.

However, it is basically impossible to kill people on a large scale.

At this time, Zhao Jialiang in the headquarters was completely dumbfounded.

The purpose of ordering the skirmishers to block the attack was to deal with the ferocious offensive momentum of the Dongfeng Corps, and to prevent the heavy firepower and core assault team of the Dongfeng Corps from finding their way to the north and being constantly consumed by his own guerrilla firepower.

This was originally a perfect strategy, and even from the perspective of a tactical game in a battle, it could be considered a quite exciting response.

However, this strategy has an extremely fatal flaw, that is, both sides of the battle must "want to fight."

According to his original speculation, the coalition forces must want to fight.

Because they couldn't really take over the city without clearing out the Tachilei defenders.

And as long as the coalition forces want to fight, their own militiamen will have to fight.

Because they have no way to retreat, this is their home and the foundation for their survival.

But he never expected that the Dongfeng Corps, a notoriously murderous team, would one day put down its butcher knife and learn to "fight" in the most common way on this land!

Didn't you agree to punch the old master to death?

What's the situation now?

Zhao Jialiang's face was as dark as water. He looked at Zhao Youming beside him and said:

"This can't go on like this."

"They are encroaching on our territory step by step. If they really occupy all the key strongholds, this city will be theirs without having to fight!"

"If you are famous, you will lead the team yourself."

"Pull the entire armored company out and fight them hard!"

"Their core is the Dongfeng Corps, that Chen Chen!"

"Surround them, no matter the cost!"

"They are surrounded, and the coalition forces must rescue them. As long as they move, we can start fighting again!"

"We have to make the situation chaotic. If it's not chaotic, we won't have to fight."

"Set fire in the city! Use white phosphorous bombs!"

"Remember, they can only set the fire!"

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