Night had fallen completely, and the streets behind him were ablaze.

Even without looking, Chen Chen knew how fierce the fighting would be on that narrow street.

There are only 20 people left in the Dongfeng Corps. With sufficient firepower and the cover of the smoke-generating truck that is fortunately still working, they can still sustain it for a long time. Even after the helicopter rushes back to support, they may be able to turn defeat into victory. Beautiful record.

However, the price they have to pay will inevitably be heavy.

Because the street has turned into a real meat grinder, there have even been white phosphorus mortar shells falling on the street.

With every passing second, the danger they face continues to rise.

Therefore, Chen Chen gave the left-behind people a choice.

If they cannot sink, they can retreat into the building, give up intercepting the enemy, and wait for the support of large forces.

He has only one request. If he wants to give up the interception, he must notify himself as soon as possible to avoid uncontrollable enemy situations in his beheading operation.


However, 5 minutes had passed. Cheng Lei had already piloted the helicopter back to the battlefield. Chen Chen's group 1 had successfully passed the enemy's defense line and arrived near the Golden Buddha Temple.

But from beginning to end, Chen Chen did not receive any news of the Dongfeng Corps retreating.

Maybe they had a good fight?

Chen Shen couldn't think too much. All he could do was to speed up as much as possible and try his best to find Zhao Jialiang's hiding place.


In fact, this task is not complicated at all.

Because after climbing to the top of the mountain where the Dajin Buddhist Temple is located, Chen Chen suddenly discovered that the Buddhist temple had completely changed its appearance.

The monk's residence in front of the Buddhist temple has been completely turned into a military camp, but it is well camouflaged. Whether it is reconnaissance from the air or from down the mountain, it is difficult to detect anything unusual.

Only when you get close enough will you find that the so-called "monks" are wearing body armor.

And the tables where the Buddha statues were supposed to be enshrined were equipped with machine guns.

However, there are very few private soldiers of the 505th Brigade still here.

It was obvious that Zhao Jialiang had run away. The moment the armored company launched the assault, he had already run away!

Chen Chen failed to stop him after all, but this did not mean that the other defenders in the Golden Buddha Temple could escape.

Now, the beheading team no longer had heavy weapons in their hands, but with the cover of night, the remaining dozen defenders were quickly dealt with like chopping melons and vegetables. And with the confession of the last survivor, Chen Chen also For the first time, key information about Zhao Jialiang's whereabouts was obtained.

He had indeed been in the city before, but had now fled west.

No one knew where he was going, but Chen Chen could guess it.

Zhao Jialiang must leave the city, and based on the nearest border crossing point that can be quickly reached by the road on the west side, he will most likely have to cross the border at the Litaohan Bridge.

15 minutes had passed and he had probably reached the outskirts of Tachileik.

It's too late to chase him now.

Chen Chen's brows furrowed tightly. He quickly changed the magazine and sighed deeply.

In fact, this battle has not been chaotic at all until now.

One party makes a move, the other receives the move, and then a new move comes out.

Every move is a collision of tactics and firepower.

It should have ended step by step like this, but the problem is... the speed at which it all happened was too fast!

The battle that should have been fought in days or even weeks was compressed into 12 hours, so that both the coalition and the 505th Brigade were in a state of complete deformation and out of control in terms of tactical execution.

The traffic arteries that were supposed to be surrounded were not, the martial law that was supposed to be organized was not organized, and the Dongfeng Corps assault group that was supposed to be a mobile group to observe movements and cameras to support the beheadings was forced to become the main force of the attack.

And the result of all this finally boils down to one thing, that is, Zhao Jialiang ran away.

Moreover, there is a possibility of not being able to catch up.

There was no way Chen Shen could move the helicopter away at this time, which would put the assault team stuck on the road directly into a desperate situation.

Therefore, he could only ask Bao to use drones to monitor the west of the city, and then ask the assault boats to continue patrolling and monitoring the Rock River.

However, no trace of Zhao Jialiang's escape was found in these two reconnaissance directions.

There is no room for regrets on the battlefield as long as personnel are in charge and Tianming is at peace. All Chen Chen can do now is to return to the battlefield as soon as possible and end this high-intensity conflict as soon as possible.

The result is the same. After this battle, Zhao Jialiang's main armor company will be completely destroyed, and the defenders in the city will have no need to resist.

Looking at the helicopter raining fire from the sky in the distance, Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheng Lei has been fighting like crazy, this "Firebird" has turned into a real Firebird.

The overall situation has been decided.


However, I always feel like something is wrong.

If Zhao Jialiang wanted to run away in the end, why didn't he take command from the beginning in Thailand?

What is the difference between him staying on the Bagan side and staying on the Thai side?


The third regiment has rebelled, and the senior officers under him can be said to have uneasy feelings.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for him to go to Thailand, because once he goes, his entire command system will be completely destroyed.

Of course, the situation now is different.

He has given up resistance and can go to Thailand.

But at this point, can Thailand still accept him?

Chen Chen originally had no time to consider ZZ's mediation that Bao Xiaomei was working behind, but now, he suddenly discovered that in the end of the war, it was ZZ who played the decisive role.

It is impossible for Zhao Jialiang to go to Thailand, because he will have to come back eventually.

Only on this land can he continue to survive.

And risking helicopter patrols and attacks by assault boats carrying heavy firepower on the water to go out of the city and go to his "territory", how could this be something he could do? !

He must still be in town.

But now the problem comes again.

Now the whole city of Tachileik is at war, and there is not a single moving vehicle on the streets.

If there is indeed a convoy movement, it will be quite eye-catching, and will be quickly reported to He Bangxiong's headquarters in the rear, and finally fed back to Chen Chen as a reference for the Dongfeng Corps' decision-making.

This is why Cheng Lei discovered it immediately as soon as the armored vehicle drove out of the Golden Buddha Temple.

There was no new situation reported from the rear. Doesn’t that mean that no vehicles left the Golden Buddha Temple?

Zhao Jialiang was either on foot or in an armored vehicle.

The former is impossible, the latter.

"No. 2, lower the height of the drone and conduct low-altitude reconnaissance with the Golden Buddha Temple as the center!"

"Zhao Jialiang was running on foot. He must not be far away. He is very close to here!"


Bao Qi answered immediately, and in less than a minute, the latest information had been transmitted.

"Regina Casino Hotel! Golf course!"

"The straight-line distance is two kilometers! There is a large number of people moving! It is conservatively estimated that there are more than 40 people!"

"They are in the bushes, moving towards Tachileik Central Hospital!"

"Got a gun? Got a weapon?"

After hearing this series of familiar place names, Chen Chen couldn't wait to ask.

"Everyone has a gun and is armed!"

"Can the heavy artillery be touched?"

"I may not be able to hit 19 kilometers. I can try."

"Then fight!"

Chen Chen spoke decisively:

"You have two minutes, hurry up!"


The radio returned to silence. Chen Chen stood on the high point of the Golden Buddha Temple and used his telescope to inspect the golf course in the distance.

But unfortunately, from his perspective, there were too many obstacles blocking his view, and he couldn't see anything at all.

So, he ran to the pagoda of the Golden Buddha Temple, used a gun to force away the monks who tried to stop him, and climbed directly to the top of the pagoda.

Standing here, he finally saw the team playing on the golf course.

Their speed was not very fast - in pursuit of concealment, they took all the paths between the trees on the golf course.

In these tens of seconds, they didn't get very far at all.

I can't do anything myself, everything must be handed over to the team members who have been trained by myself.

On the south side, the battle on the street of Ike Nightclub is coming to an end. Without sufficient anti-aircraft firepower, no one can withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of helicopters equipped with 108 rocket launchers.

Even if you are 69, you can only wait quietly for the fate of being opened.

At the same time, the supporting infantry mobilized by He Bangxiong had also arrived. They shouted slogans that were not too neat but loud enough that even Chen Chen could vaguely hear them from where he was now.

"Put down your weapons and don't kill."

"Zhao Jialiang ran away, brother, stop fighting."

“We are all fellow countrymen, and we are all our own people.”

And with the support of such slogans, they really did not encounter too many obstacles.

Someone fired a few shots tentatively, but they quickly figured it out - the ones still fighting were Zhao Jialiang's private soldiers, and they could really get a fucking benefit by using their own strength. What can you get?

As a result, the support battalion quickly rushed to the battlefield, and under their impact, Zhao Jialiang's last elite private soldiers were finally submerged in the torrent.

The fighting gradually subsided, and the helicopter raised its altitude again and reported to Chen Chenhui:

"The ship is sinking. The Firebird has completed its scheduled combat mission. Does it need support?"

"Grand Golden Buddha Temple, come pick me up."


After a brief exchange, Chen Chen once again set his sights on the golf course.

Two minutes had passed and the team had reached the edge of the golf course.

As long as they cross another railing, they can enter the street and disappear into the houses.

But it was too late.

The falcons at high altitude have already stared at them, and the heavy artillery 19 kilometers away has also been aimed at them.

Chen Chen looked at the sky to the northeast. At this moment, a faint fire flashed in the dark night.

Immediately afterwards, artillery shells roared in!


Several 155mm howitzers landed on the edge of the golf course.

The green was directly blown to the ground, and the bodies of those on the green were gone!

Hole in one!

Half an hour later, the fighting in Tachileik subsided again.

In the golf course of Regina Hotel, Chen Chen cleared away the last remaining armed men.

Still a familiar place, still a familiar explosion.

Only this time, the explosion's yield had increased more than ten times.

With the help of "live mouth", Chen Chen finally identified Zhao Jialiang, who was killed in the bombing.

It was indeed him.

From the gold watch on his hand that was broken off more than ten seconds away, his identity can be basically confirmed.

This time, Chen Chen did not shoot the prisoners again.

He just asked people to take the prisoners down, and then called He Bangxiong at the rear.

"Send a team to the Regina Hotel."

"Yes, Zhao Jialiang is dead."

"I need to establish a line of defense and spread the news quickly."


"If a body bag doesn't work, bring a big plastic bag."

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